Which quint(s) does Raiha support?
p.s. Every quint is great and waifu tier.
Which quint(s) does Raiha support?
p.s. Every quint is great and waifu tier.
Other urls found in this thread:
5 and/or 4
Raiha woke to Negi's meta works.
Raiha'd pick Itsuki over the others in almost all cases, Yotsuba only if Itsuki has no interest in Fuutarou. The other three only if both Itsuki and Yotsuba don't feel anything for her big brother.
BBC meme is a bad meme.
However, Nino's the quint most likely to have lesbian sex with another quint or have a 3some with F and another quint.
5toubun no hanayome is the official romanization.
Probably with miku then
>Nino teach me how to make creampies
She likes Itsuki and Yotsuba, but will always supports Nino because Fuutarou chose her...
Miku will probably have all her holes filled
Maybe les, but I think Nino pretty down for 5 too in a 3way.
Feels like she's the type to attack 4 but get the tables turned on her tho.
I feel Raiha likes Yotsuba & Raiha, but it seems that Yotsuba is more active in being with Raiha whereas Raiha is more active in trying to interact with Itsuki.
Doesn't seem like Raiha knows that lolikano is within the quints.
>5 patties
Stop these shitty generals. Scans when?
5 for 5.
Sadly even 5 it's not truly really enough to fill the 5.
>will always supports Nino
Delusion? I don't think Raiha has even had any interactions with Nino.
how many chapters will this manga have?
428, obviously.
Probably around 50-70 chapters? That's about how much time it took to get though the time they currently have left in school factoring in that time will be more dense as the series hits it's peak arc.
>428 chapters
Then Ichicute guaranteed to win. The longer the series goes the better her odds
>404 at page 8
what did they mean by this
Probably Nino because they're both a shit.
Evens > Odds
>Maison ikkoku
> muh Ichicute
> muh Nishino
> muh comeback
> muh best looking
> muh parallel
> muh red herring
> muh panels
> spamming images
> war with Mikufags
> muh popular
> muh Micute
> spamming reddit shits
> war with Ninofags
> spamming irrelevant/relevant shit
> muh our girl
> muh main girl
> muh lolikano, pity shit deserve to win
> muh rope
> lol hope lol despair
> muh 1st girl
> muh 4/5 end game
> muh main girl (like Yotsubafags)
> spamming other quints are irrelevant (just like Yotsubafags)
Waifufags are shits.
>Fuut slept with her
what a lucky guy
He slept with all of them on the 1st day of school field trip
The quint wich has the best smell on her pussy.
Why are pics of quints with Fuutaro so uncommon?
>>Mikuj slept with her
Cute couple
24 > 23
Mikuj only has Nino on his mind.
>slept with her twice and one time was in her bed
god damn
ninofag is here to ruin the thread time to leave
14 > 24 > 23
But I've been here since the start
That's cute and all but F has slept ON Ichika twice
I don't know how it works with breaks, best we can do is withstand these r*ddit threads
I would give you that point if it was in her bed for the whole night though I gotta admit that 1's tights are pretty good too
>ch96 Fuutarou ask Miku what she wants to cook for the festival
>ch97 Miku's idea caused a rift inside the class
>ch98 Miku's date with Fuutarou
Is this going to end up being another Miku arc?
i hope so
Yep. Another arc to sleep over.
commit seppuku
niku is overrated
Snake is best waifu.
>Every quint is great and waifu tier.
5 isn't. She's the kind of girl who will sink all your money.
I can't believe Nino won
It would look really odd if they didn't point with their index finger. This theory is just bad.
Nino indeed has most chance to swing on her sisters. But both Ichika and Yotsuba have more tendency to share F with other quints on the bed.
What a slut
>23 that high
>13 at the bottom
Soulless list
Best at sowing chaos and infighting
C96 Doujin Statistics. 5toubun is 9th.
I'm a Ninofag but this is like way too much of a reach. There are other things this dude could have used instead.
This guys just shotgun theories publicly.
Not all of them bad, but take it with a grain of salt. He's doing the same shit we do here but on twitter.
>muh nino paper rip PARALLEL!
Seems he likes 2/4 tho.
At least he's got good taste.
Why 1?
>2 because she's a siscon.
>4 because she's too nice and kinda into NTR.
Not sure why you say 1. 1 is a go-getter. She works for and takes what she wants.
I wasn't serious about it
How come Itsuki is the youngest if she looks the ugliest?
somebody had to be the runt
Babies are ugly
Is this even a question? Itsuki's undeniably won the Raiha bowl.
Not anymore especially with romance between F and quints. Current 1 has regressed into her pre snek state where she would help her sisters to get along with F. While 2 sometimes would still act on her impulse when she's looking at F together with other quints.
Likelihood of 3some
4 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 5
FUCK Mikuj
In the butt?
The threads have been slow, wish some shitposter would start some shit.
why would you kill them user?
Not so fast.
On a separate note, I think R5 is more friends but R4 more sisterly.
Does Raihas opinion matter? Is it ever hinted that it does?
>Fuutarou saves Nino from the crowd
>Fuutarou saves Nino from the death "twice"
>Fuutarou saves Nino from Miku's slap
>Fuutarou saves Nino from 3 slutty girls
Fuutarou always saves his wife from x dangers. Cute.
Make up your mind already, is Nino a mary sue or nah?
A plot device used to move the story along; a smug slut that turned out to be a total bitch in the end. Her fans are delusional autists who think the spamming "Ichicute" every thread will make her win. Cringe and pathetic.
A pure fapbait waifu devoid of any personality because Negi only intended her to be a side character. Alas, the tons of horny virgin otaku who are her fans latched on her like ticks who can only think with their dick, as seen by the their stupid posts in every Toubun thread. Cringe and pathetic.
A loser whorelet cuck in everyway with the least IQ among the quints; she is formerly irrelevant, but was given screentime because otherwise she is literally useless. Her fans are bipoloar retards who see "muh parallels" even in nonsensical things, as they reflect the inherent retardation of their quint. Cringe and pathetic.
A waste of ink in the manga whose comedic antics are not even funny; she and Yotsuicide are competing neck-to-neck in Darwin Awards to see who is more stupid, autistic and retarded. Her devoted cult show their true hideous nature when she gets a sliver of screentime, but immediately return to spamming threads, arguing about ahoges, and other asinine shit when she goes back to being irrelevat a few spoiler panels later. Cringe and pathetic.
UsNinobros dont take responsibility for this falseflagging retard.
>Mikufags have the best selective memory
when Mikufags says that Miku helps about Nino's comeback in her house
~>But they forget that the fight between Itsuki and Nino it's was because Miku mini drama in the first place.
She pushed Nino to leave with her bad words but she wants her to takes Fuutarou papers with her kek
Like with Ichika drama it's because of her
>pancakes shit it's also because of her
Miku is always the big culprit of all her sisters drama
It does not marry who Raiha supports as she is not the one who will be marrying the bride. But as Raiha grows up, I'm sure she will appreciate the company of Nino more compared Yotsuicide and Lardski who are literal retards.
Tl;dr Shes the 5toubun no hanayome after all.
I mean matter.
>muh meta
Delusional autist. The manga will end soon and Negi is only tying up loose ends before he show the Nino is the bride decisively.
Nino told her congrats on graduating and Raiha told her thanks
Any other autist who still likes any other quint than Nino after reading the latest chapter in the manga is a cringy retard who only thinks with their dick. With how much Negi has showed the complete superiority of Nino against all the quints and the overwhelming positive influence she is to Fuutarou, one would be dumb if you think she is not best girl and the bride.
just started reading this yesterday, is this just going to have a harem end? seems pretty obvious from the title and various hints, but the author seems to really like to bait-and-switch
Maruo proposing to Nino soon.
I'm so happy for her. She'll have stability in her life.
Not really. In reality she'll probably have little to no impact on the end game.
It's just funny that the ones she likes are the ones most likely to win.
>>Fuutarou saves Nino from the crowd
wow 2 so soft she can die from a crowd
>>Fuutarou saves Nino from the death "twice"
because getting lost = death
>>Fuutarou saves Nino from Miku's slap
also 100% fatal
>>Fuutarou saves Nino from 3 slutty girls
1000% fatal
>It's just funny that the ones she likes are the ones most likely to win
But the ones she likes are 45.
The question is, will Fuutarou go so far for the other quints? I think not because he only loves Nino amd considers the other quints as annoying problematic acquintances.
I don't want Maruo getting NTR'D by Isanari. You know Nino loves:
>old daddy types
>bad boys
>dyed hair
>boys with piercings
>CHADS and NTR guys
For me, it’s ichika
What caused Nino to become such a degenerate compared to her sisters?
>First girl, last girl, and promised girl
There's no J-story that has these girls lose let along all 3.
Patrician taste
Enjoy getting NTR'd and lied to on a daily basis.
If you think about it logically:
>mom picked a bad man
>daughters dumb as rocks
>tend to fall for bad boys or NTR looking guys
Reality is that the quints naturally dumb and slutty bimbos.
We're just blinded by the rose-y flowers of Negi's story writing.
1 best on paper.
Maybe not the best girl for F, but on paper she's the most outstanding and well rounded quint. If anything she's a bit out of F's league. Even F's classmates thought 2 was out of F's league.
>implying it's not the other way around
We all know what truly lies behind her good oneesan mask.
Leave Miku to me
For me, it's all the quints.
you'll have to fight me
Based Takeda.
Why would anyone go for Miku? Just fuck a dead fish at your local fish market.
Leave Zetsuba and despairchads to me!! I'll show them the true way of hope!!!
t. Maruo
Tell me which
>Quint that will win Fuutaro bowl
>Quint that will win Takeda bowl
Takeda doesn't win any quint, but instead gets a spinoff series where he is the MC trying to become an astronaut
Nope. At most it will be harem end as in harem wedding, but there's only 1 bride.
Fuutarou proves he's a gentleman to a princess girl.
Miku on the other hand is looking for a Pimp as the bitch she is.
Negi cannot draw lower bodies. Everyone but Itsuki looks malnourished
God, I wish a woman thats not a prostitute but works hard to pay my bills while I play Free Fire.
Spoilers will out early this week?
It's intended, Itsuki eats most of their food after all
absolutely disgusting
Fish bought on market is cleaner.
Miku will get you crabs, clams and bad experience.
>implying it wouldn't be cute as hell
Not sure if incel or just don't understand.
Google Toblerone Tunnel
Did all the miku posters and miku shit posters get banned?
2fag posts are noticeably more shitty without 3fags around to be the worst shitposters. Feels like 2fags are just shitting on Miku even with no 3fags to shitpost with. So they start flinging shit at other quints too for (you)s.
Stop it 2s. You should be better than this.
Likely either 4 or 1, we all know both 2 and 3 only serve as F's orbiters
Either none or 3. Only 3 has symbolisms and shits going on with Takeda clan.
I would say 5 for F if 5 ends up liking F.
Negi hasn't played that card yet.
Is that image a reference to the real "demon core"?
Tell me which
>Quint that will win BBC bowl
>Quint that is irrelevant for 37 chapters
Unlikely but I can see that happening. I won't completely rule 5 out of the bowl yet.
Here he goes again in a thread that's hardly that active.
Mikuj back at it again
Takeda is for Miku!
>he's having another meltdown
Take your meds
>2 looks like she's attention whoring
>5 can't stop eating
>4 once again shows her fake smile
>1 looks full of regrets
>3 is looking at her boyfriend
Yotsuba is as slut as Miku, just want to steal her sister's crush
Do we have gook spoilers yet?
once again shows her fake smile
Nah. Glimmery eyes 4 is never depressed 4.
Looks like she's give F the "DTF" eyes
>3 is looking at her boyfriend
Probably the most accurate one. 3 looking love struck.
2 has become 3
3 has become 1
1 has become 5
5 has become 4
4 has become 4
>Fatty steals Yotsuba's official sip
>2 looks at her future husband with her pure eyes.
>5 can't stop eating
>4 once again shows her fake smile
>1 looks full of regrets
>3 is looking at her fat old customers as the prostitute she is.
6 days to go user
Oh. Dang. Well, thank you user.
Either none or Nino
In terms of swimsuits:
1 is simple and nice
2 would have looked nicer if it didn't have the roses as the background
3 is very cute
4 looks good, but a darker green would have been better
5 is very cute
>Ichika touching Yotsubas hips
God fùcking damn
>5 has become 4
>longest road to Fbowl
>now getting D's
>can't tell Fuutaro anything
>negi's twitter pic, comic relief, and mascot
Literally Yotsuba now.
>4 has become 4
>Glimmery eyes 4 is never depressed 4.
Oh no....
He already gave her a sip.
It's over boys
>Glimmer eyes = not depressed
>No glimmer eyes =/= depressed
Yots tends to close her eyes when she fake smiles.
Fuut normally catches it, but missed that important one in the classroom.
More like 5 has started her despair journey.
4 never left it.
Can't Yotsuba be happy for her sisters without it being a sign of despair?
1. Everyone knows and it's accepted by most
2. No one is shaking since kisser=/=bride
But why does the bride have 11 wedding dresses?
She's not sad about Nino. She's sad that F shot her down when the shop worker said they were a couple. Then did it again when 4 suggested they get matching 428 hoodies.
Dead thread
can somebody explain to me why KnY threads are full of shitposters?
Her own happiness is at the back of her mind when she thinks of her sisters' happiness.
That's a red herring, the irl chapel has a dress rental service so it stands to reason they'd have a bunch of dresses fir the bride to try on
Maybe the issue the staff were talking about was the dress the bride wanted to wear was lost or something like that
Every quint except one is great and waifu tier*
But if the kisser is not the bride then only Miku can be the bride
Ichika too. If there is 1 quint out it would be Miku.
When will Yotsuba stop holding back?
>Maybe the issue the staff were talking about was the dress the bride wanted to wear was lost or something like that
Which quint would be so jelly she'd steal the wedding dress her sister wanted?
You mean the other 4 are the kisser?
Childhood friend never win
- Negi Haruba Twitter 2014
Because 1 is an absolute perfection who belongs in another whole tier above her sisters.
She can't break her chains.
>Childhood friend never win
>So he made his own manga to make it happen
Based Negi.
What if he made Toubun so the childhood friend wins once again like in the old days?
Nah. Ichika is fine. Just remove Miku
5Toubun was only made so that Negi could make the childhood friend lose in the most tragic way possible.
Nino is straight.
Nah, her being sistersexual makes her even better.
Where are the yuri doujins then?
When she realizes she's reached the dead and realizes in her afterlife that her ideals are a lie.
Then white ribbon NAKANO makes a wild gambit with the world and manages to come back to SW arc starts a 1v1 green ribbon Yotsuba with her unlimited swing works while yapping about putting her sister above herself is wrong and about drowning in her own ideals.
The Oregairuchads, Saekanochads and Hensukichads are laughing at us bros...
Straight forward bi for wanting to kiss Ichika
Takebayashi didn't win yet.
Blonde with ribbon seems to be going out with her childhood friend tho. She suggested that she would dance with him and she was seen walking around with a guy on christmas eve.
None of the quints are childhood friends. Yots is the "promised girl" trope.
>LN tards opinions matter
>Nino is straight.
>Then white ribbon NAKANO makes a wild gambit with the world and manages to come back to SW arc starts a 1v1 green ribbon Yotsuba with her unlimited swing works while yapping about putting her sister above herself is wrong and about drowning in her own ideals.
Also forgot the part where Itsuki tries to interfere, but NAKANO tells her to fuck off back to eating because she's a fatass like seiba.
Nino is straight.
>Which quint(s) does Raiha support?
No one. She is impartial or she wouldn't have mentioned Nino during the holidays. She is closer to Itsuki though.
After it becomes too late to change anything.
I wish Yots will do this to Fuuts!
¿Ichika would steal the dress?
That would be fucking based
She's Yotsuba not Thotsuba.
Also that pedo washboard S thot is trash. She's the worst girl in her own anime.
M senpai >= tsundere Fujoshi > Sister > Stalker Senpai > S thot
Nino, like her followers, are faggots.
>he's a sayukishitter
I'm fine as long as she's happy. I don't mind if she can't get Fuutarou, he's just a nerd with a good heart anyway. There's plenty of those out there.
Why would you intentionally root for a loser?
> I'm fine as long as she's happy.
Good mindset friend.
You like her as a character and want her to be appreciated. Isn't that enough?
Also the underdog thrill and whatnot.
>first girl
>main girl
>lowest screentime set up for last arc and last girl
>tsundere (OG kind. Not he bipolar nino kind)
Itsuki the only girl that even has a shot at challenging 4 when 4 inevitably joins the bowl and plays lolikano card.
I get it user. Itsuki can't lose since she is not in the bowl to begin with.
But I'm straight
I wonder how much Nino and Miku have practiced for Fuutarou together
>Why would you intentionally root for a loser?
Because the other girls have bigger tits.
Holy shit based Chikaposter
Girl likes to eat
Realizing that Nino would have had absolutely no issues with making out with Ichika in the nude makes her even hotter than before. Fuck, why is she so perfect?
I bet you would be totally over yotsubafags given the chance
I wonder how many people read 5's name as "I-tsu-ki" instead of "Its-ki"
are you autistic?
Nino a slut.
I thought Toubun threads have reached peak cancer, but oh boy, their current thread pretty much proved me wrong.
Fuutako x Nino lesbian doujin when?
yeah, it's probably faggots from your threads that are shitting up those threads though, so nice try
lmao. Genuinefags are the worst, and you know they didn't come from this series.
thank you proving the point
*last stardust plays*
NAKANO:that's hell you are walking into!
Don't reply to the Yahari schizo.
I'm the bone of Fuu's study.
Is Fuutako really the best name for Femtarou?
> You can't make everyone happy yotsuba
> You have to choose
Fuck you fuutarou, I choose everyone! Except me.
Fuu-chan is mine!
Drown in your own ideals
If that's what it means to make everyone happy.
Settle down, young man.
Wrong route man.
This is unlimited swing works.
Yotsuba is supposed to scream like a baka that she's not wrong while swinging wildly until NAKANO gets bored and stabbed.
Then Takinbayashi comes and wrecks what's left of the quints coming close to winning the Fuutaro bowl. Yotsuba then uses unlimited swing works to beat her. And then Itsuki destroys Fuutaro and 2+4+5 go off to London and have 3 ways?!?!?
I guess that's a pretty good end.
If Eatsuki = Artoria and Yotsuba = Emiya, who are the other quints?
Ichika = Medusa
Mikeks = Medea
Nino = Rin
When can we expect spoilers?
It was yesterday, did you miss it?
post the most pathetic ninp pictures you can find
How is everyone coping with a week without a chapter? Are your anuses all okay?
why do you fags support this generic garbage? it's just another one of these first girl wins because series that steals your money and then shits on your favorite girl
I just knew the seiyuu for Miku after 5toubun aired but holy hell she's by far the bestest among all the quint seiyuus
Miku and Nino's VAs
>it's just another one of these first girl wins
>can somebody explain to me why KnY threads are full of shitposters?
because of this files.catbox.moe
Bros they are making fun of us in the Bokuben thread.
they are right to do so
I'm pretty damn sure we have the exact same people posting in both threads.
Pointing out the truth that the story has been going nowhere lately is wrong now?
>tfw C97 doujins are being announced before C96 doujins are scanned
Fuu's cock.
Miku's cock
>waifu tier
You have to go back.
>Miku bulging from her pantyhose
>she slowly pulls them down like when she was running from Fuu
Pretty hot desu
1 actress
2 ?
3 cook
4 athlete
5 teacher
nino is the worst written quint her character is all about protagonist's dick
ring finger is the 4th finger
Yotsuba is the bride.
4 means death
Yotsuba will die
Didn't she want to open her own restaurant?
But yeah, Nino a shit.
Ichika a best
futaro will predictably and painfully ends up with Itsuki, and that makes me sad because she is the default and least interesting girl.
Bad user
You are pathetic and weak
it's gonna be some shit like
>Fuu doesn't reject any of the girls
>last chapter
>Itski confesses
>Fuu :"Yeah I love you too"
>all other girls congratulate her and pretend like it's totally fine
>fuu sorts his feelings out and confess to Itsuki who didn't have the balls to confess herself because she loves her sisters.
Either way, it's gonna be disappointing.
I just want a scene where the 3 sluts are casually observing Nino and realise that she occasionally blushes around Fuu-kun.
No chapter this week right?
Anyway what's this event? twitter.com
They have been pushing these 2 lately in tweets.
2/3 the duo pair of losers.
Sluts and losers
Nino is the bride, though. Fuu-kun's bride.
Reminder that F is a turbo gold digger and will marry the most loaded quint.
2/3 are a matching pair, they will marry each other while Itsuki marries Fuutarou.
Nah, Nino will marry Fuu-kun.
Nino will be a cook together with Miku.
Why is Miku going to cuckschool while Nino is going to uni?
>Yotsuba vibes
Poor widow
Where's the nino doujin?
Negi banned it
Make a bounty on ex
Why is someone sperging out about Nino in the oregairu thread?
It's hard no to root for Yotsuba and Miku.
Because you faggots took your autism there. Stay in your containment thread.
Who the fuck would want to root for meeku
>why does Nino live rent free in user's head
It's a mystery.
I do. Problem?
Actually it’s the other way around
I'm sure.
43 is the weakest pair. Seeing Yotsuba admit that she carried Miku because even she knew that she's too much of a doormat to do anything by herself was the cherry on top of the cake.
Too many loser flags.
4 has had a bad experience with bullying Miku. I cant imagine how it feels like when your sister gets more marks for playing video games that you mocked for for playing. And worse, it was your fucking video game
4 was projecting
her for*
I presume you are a 5fag. Calling Miku a doormat when Fatso is easily the most insufferable, incapable quint in the entire series, who can't accomplish anything outside of eating a truck of beef never gets old.
Reading comprehension you fucking clown.
>user lives in Nino's head
I fucking wish
Will Ichicute surpass Micute in the future regarding panel count?
Yeah, sure. Fatso can't bear to ask the sisters what's bothering them, so she gives the job to F in SE. She can't bear the Rena secret for months after only appearing as Rena 1 time, so she makes an appearance again and further complicates things, instead of telling F what's going on. Prepares another Rena attack in the trip, while telling Miku she can't run away from F forever, even though she exactly did that, not achieving anything, just twisting a knife in Yotsuba. And now it turns out she can't even improve academically, but aims unnecessarily high, cause she is a bootleg mother copy. Oh, and there was the time on the first field trip, where she played detective and disguised, cause she needed to test F, instead of asking Ichika straight up, if there is anything between them. Wait,there is 7GB as well, where she holed herself up in F's household, and only initiated any sort of apology, when Nino put Eba in her place. Absolutely useless character.
The hell? Miku is blue and Yots is green, you fag.
Leave your headcanons in your head.
Fear the first girl
Anyone got that collection of Fuuts and Nino having similar facial expressions? I think I can contribute.
>Can't refute any of the points, can only say headcannon and the usual first girl fear
Just as I expected
No. But I have something else.
Remember when the art wasn't shit?
Holy heck... are those...p-parallels!? Have my upvote good sir!
those Miku thighs tho
That's not what parallels mean you dumb faggot.
How are they not?
That's just similarity, or Negi reusing assets.
Parallel would be Nino's "One person out there" comment coming back to bite her 20 chapters later.
>Makes Fuutarou realizes they all already friends in SE and orchestrated Miku & Fuutarou confrontation.
>Plays along as Rena to jolts Fuutarou's memories with Yotsuba, even when she is acrophobic & gains nothing from it.
>Get a character development WITHOUT THE MC & decides to walk a thorny path of becoming a teacher because it feels good, and tries to solve her own lacking WITHOUT THE MC. At least for now.
>Not trusting Ichika's words & investigated it by herself. Maaaybe checking Fuutarou's note in the process.
>Nino herself said Itsuki is right.
Would Itsuki participate in a semen diet?
We need a break, the usual 24/7 thread clearly burnt some people out
Good thing there's a no content break this week, i'll still monitor ex for new doujin scans though
The first girl fear is real
>She asks Fuutarou to talk to the others in SE because she knows the others would just blow her off whereas Fuutarou has respect and rapport with them.
>Itsuki was going to tell him directly speedreader, then she learned that Ichika and Nino also loved Fuutarou and back-tracked. She takes on the Rena character again because she wants to indirectly help Yotsuba with Fuutarou without directly screwing over Ichika and Nino.
>"wow she's trying too hard and has aspirations that she's struggling to reach, what a shitty character" t. retard
>She didn't know who tried to kiss Fuutarou, and instead of causing a massive shitstorm by revealing that fact to the others (esp Nino) she scoped it out herself and ascertained for herself that he was a pretty decent guy. Not only was she considerate of him by not outting him to the others, she admits that she was in the wrong and warms up to him from this point on.
>Imagine being this much of a ninofag
tl;dr: try to not speedread next time
Go back.
Time skip past Miku date.
>Makes Fuutarou realizes they all already friends in SE
If you didn't notice, Nino is Negi's moral mouthpiece, while Itsuki is Negi's avatar, who has to say obvious things to F which F refuses to admit even if he knows the answer. She didn't make him realize they are friends, she wanted him to acknowledge they already are. It's not the same thing.
>and orchestrated Miku & Fuutarou confrontation.
Oh, God, nowadays something is considered orchestrating when she simply advised Miku to met F, while F did the same on his own?
>Plays along as Rena to jolts Fuutarou's memories with Yotsuba, even when she is acrophobic & gains nothing from it.
She needed to play the role to get her books from Yots the first time. All the other ocassions are her own stupidity, and inability to be clear with F. She gained nothing from it, while absolutely didn't help Yots either.
>Get a character development WITHOUT THE MC
Oh, God again. Chosing a path for yourself is character development? She makes a decision that is heavily influenced by her mother, but says it's not because of only the mother is character development? So every decision she makes by herself is character development?
>Not trusting Ichika's words
Thanks, I got reminded of her other fiasco with Ichika leaving them. Way to go make them worried for nothing when she doesn't know the details. Bootleg mother replacement.
>Nino herself said Itsuki is right.
Cool. So why didn't she go back to the apartment at least, instead of freeloading? She even met Yotsuba, but it was easier for her not to go back for absolutely no reason. VAH, what if Nino came back and she has to face her? Let's hide behind F's skirt for days.
Not yours, only mine will do!
Typical 5fag. Put Itsuki on a pedestal for every fart she makes, and maybe that let's you sleep at night.
You can't fulfill her needs. Me and my friends can.
Looks like mikufags have found another quint to shit on after yotsuba.
True true, she's a daddy's girl.
>muh mikufag stawman
ninofags are just pathetic
>far right
>"watch me end this mangaka's entire career"
Holy shit you're paranoid
God I wish that were me
Rent is perpetually free.
Keep fearing Itsuki faggot.
you retards are the reason why that retarded first girl trope even exists
What does that even mean
Reminder to avoid next chapter's threads
Fuutarou thinks they are partners, not friends before that.
Yes, giving Fuutarou second chance of recognizing Miku when she could just say who the fake itsuki is, is called orchestrating.
She wants Fuutarou to remember his past while keeping Yotsuba's secret.
Yes, developing a character is character development. What makes it good is that the MC's dick is not the reason for it.
The one that can be avoided if Ichika just says it in the first place? & she IS a bootleg mother replacement, she admits it herself. Unlike snake/daddycon/doormat/special child.
She can't go back before Nino gives in & she tried to gives Uesugi household a gift for staying.
>Can't spell FOUR without FUtaRO
>one smart but weak
>one strong but dumb
>one who kept the promise but forgot the person they promised to
>one remembered the person, but couldn't keep their promise
OTP baby
Four the cardinal number has the sound "shi" which is associated with death because it's sound being similar to the word death.
Yotsu is also for but when not used in the cardinal sense. Girl's name is Yotsuba. Not Shiba.
Yotsuba will hang
Soon will be primetime for doujin out of context crops
So Shiba Inu means death dog?
I love 24 but 25 is just as good as well
>and Miku
About that Yea Forumsnon....
I like Miku tho. She's cute.
What's the meaning of weak?
Like chemistry? Yotsuba literally the strongest quint.
1 for everyone's hate has strong sisterly moments with 3 and 4. Even a few with 2.
I root for Yotsuba more than I ever would for Miku.
>wanting the girl who does literally nothing win
yeah good luck with that one
Yeah, it's hard to imagine a satisfying miku end.
Yeah, I know. I made that trope, no need to thank me senpai
keep searching for flaws in other girls intead of looking on your fav girl for once, that's totally the right way
25 love buying underwear together
I wonder if isanari fucked itsuki while she was staying in their house
Nah. A ton of things have the "shi" sound. Just autists who make a big deal of it.
Just like how some buildings in the west don't have a 13th floor or some people will shit themselves on fri/13. But the vast majority of people give 0 shits when seeing the number 13.
>girl who does literally nothing win
She's been supporting F since 5 years ago.
Just because she's not ripping her cloths off and throwing herself at him like a thot doesn't mean she's not "doing anything".
Kek. Good one user.
5 just likes buying undies. Bought them with 4 before the trip.
Maybe because 5 eats so much she has mudbutt and has to constantly buy new undies.
every quint supports him it doesn't make Yotsu any better just because she knew him earlier
How can Mikukeks ever recover?
4 would be proud to have people like you in her fanbase oh wait
Call me when it's over so I can speedread through it
>Maruo = Kiritsugu
>dead waifu
>just wants to save people
>lives a husk of a life
>same color scheme
Based Isanari is Kotomine
Nino throws himself as much as miku, that's not fair.
>every quint supports him
Only one that comes close is Itsuki and that's without the past stuff. End of the day how much you support F isn't a determining factor on who wins.
>girl who does literally nothing
Original rebuttal was to that so you're going off topic.
>4fags shit on everything 4 stands and fights for
retarded fans
>Only one that comes close is Itsuki
>miku arc
More like 1 chapter. Also more minutes will just be miku digging her grave deeper with 2.
Negi will even out screentime and when that happens last girl won't be 2/3 but 4/5 or 1 if she drops enough.
"Last girl" or girl with the last arc wins 100% of the time.
> everything 4 stands and fights for
Out of curiosity, what's that? Making Fuuts happy?
>give the losing girls more screentime early on
>make them have the largest fanbases
>let the least developed and favorited girl win
amazing plan
>wants everyone to get along
>supports her sisters
>4fags shitpost nonstop looking for fights
you guys don't deserve her
fags shitpost nonstop
Which ones hurt your feelings user.
>impyling i would care about this generic romcom filled with tropes
it is just amusing how the whole fanbase here on Yea Forums consists of falseflagger, hypocrites and shitposter and only in this manga
I believe there's good miku friends are out there.
I won't give up.
the good miku friends left this shithole threads long time ago
Maybe I should falseflag as a good mikufag.
>"Last girl" or girl with the last arc wins 100% of the time.
I love how schizophrenic this fanbase is becoming, just a few months ago the argument was "Miku is taking to long to confess, girls like her always lose because by the time they confess MC already loves another girl"
go out with your friends it's more fun than shitposting on an user board
Nino is life.
But you are my friends.
You're cherrypicking the bad apples from the worst no content in the history of no content in 5toubun
Even golden week still has something to discuss about, there's little about 2 setup chapters that can be discussed further
>only in this manga
So the shitposters can go around claiming Mikufags are the best fanbase? Good job.
Famous quote by Bob Ross, peace be upon him
quint threads are 90% shitposting while others are max 50%
>give the losing girl more screentime early on
>make her have the largest fanbases
>let the least developed but still 2nd/3rd most favorited girl win
It was just Miku. Negi didn't even expect her to be popular (based Negi), but 11's are beta and doormats aren't threatening.
Nino was the least popular until ch50 and we don't know how popular she is now. We only suspect she's in top 3.
As for 4/5, they were 2nd/3rd despite having less screentime.
>Make trash assumptions
As expected of low IQ to also have shit taste.
ichika and miku fans are the best ones
Leading by example. Positive posters will hopefully attract more positive posters.
>cuz every post on 4c is by 1 person!
lel check out this retard
Tell that to oregairu threads on its heyday
Kaminomi on meltdown ending
Oreimo post-last episode
SnK as of 2 days ago
Kaguya and Bokuben is literally the same as us but without so much of the traffic
It's fine to criticize the state of the threads but not with wrong facts
Naive idiocy.
>cherrypicking days
quint threads are cancer 100% of the time while the others have good and bad days
Whatever. Guess I should start collecting mikus.
Oh so you don't count the spoiler/gookscans/release days of 5toubun? gotcha
It's like you've never been in a 5toubun thread bandwagoning faggot
Negi actually pretty S. You can tell he likes suffering and gets despair boners by his fanart and work as artist for that suicide manga.
Win or lose, expect more suffering for 4-chan.
The payoff is going to be amazing i tell you
There's no other author i can think of that spreads so much crumbs of hints throughout chapter ONE revealed 90 chapters later with the consistency Negi has
I don't know about brides but i trust him to get her redemption arc just right
Here. Have a rare Nino.
>Negi didn't even expect her to be popular
he didn't expect her to be that much more popular than the other, know the difference. 234 are top 3 by now while 15 are the elast popular and 5 is gonna win so thanks for confirming
not him but noice
>Negi didn't even expect her to be popular
Actual tweet
>I can say now, but the child who was the number one in the popular vote, i was deeply moved because it was the fifth in the survey of reading.
>Negi is happy that Miku is that popular
oh nonononono start the damage control!!
>because it was the fifth in the survey of reading.
I don't get this. What does the survey of reading refer to?
Between all the shared facial expressions and reactions she shares with Fuutarou and then this... is Nino basically an Uesugi already?
>Actual tweet
>still posting misinformation
Negi said he was surprised at miku's popularity in the second magazine interview.
first shot maybe?
I believe is a small poll done after the OneShot release
That's interesting. Do we know the rankings?
It makes sense to be honest
Oneshot Miku didn't garner any attention and he set out to make the early Mikus despite that
Turns out people like the girl to fall for the MC first, shocker but a neutral response from him
We only know Ichika was first and Miku last
>Negi said he was surprised at miku's popularity in the second magazine interview.
Feel free to post the quote and a link to the interview
I see. Well nino was last in the last poll, I'm sure negi is pleased with how many followers she has now.
we don't know any numbers tho could be that she's still the least popular while her fanbase is just loud
All the quints are shit.
Do you want to know why Fuutarou forgot his ring during the wedding ceremony?
>could be that she's still the least popular
No way. Just looking at the nips twitter it's clear that now Miku and Nino are the most popular quints.
Based and cunnypilled
No joke, that JC Raiha design is fucking top tier
>could be that she's still the least popular
I mean, while it's true that she "could" be. It's also true that any quint "could" be. It's highly unlikely though. Nino seems to be very popular now.
Most likey yes but until we get actual numbers it stays speculation. My guess is 32451 now
Which quint is most likely to dress as other quints as a test to see if you are cheating on her?
I don't know how to tell them apart when they do the disguise thing.
t. Fuuts
Also, 1>3>5>4>2
12 are the most likely to cheat on him and also to expect him to cheat on them
No, she's the type to joke about it but will trust him too much to do so
3 is the type to bottle her insecures up but actually acts on confirming it
1 is self explanatory
I would have said 34251 with it really being a toss up in the top 3 a few weeks ago. Miku dropping to 2nd because of 2 or 4wouldn't be surprising, but Miku dropping to 3rd would be a major upset.
But recent daki money is making me re-assess 4 not being as dominant. She's less of a 1st option waifu which is what matters in daki sales and polls where you can only pick 1 quint. 4 would win if it was a approval rating poll or a poll where you can pick 2 or 3 quints. Negi did set her up as "a nice girl who everybody likes".
Nino quints of truth
2 is the type to cheat on her bf when she gets drunk and finds some blond ikemen
24 could switch places anytime I guess. The daki sales are a bad indicator for popularity imo as some quint were popular for a long time so daki weebs might have some of them already
>2 is the type to cheat on her bf when she gets drunk and finds some blond ikemen
2 is the type to cheat on her nerd bf when she gets drunk and finds blond buff tanned badboy Uesugi Isanari CHADaddy drunk too.
Do you realize that selling out first doesn't mean jack shit? THEY DON'T KEEP THE SAME AMOUNT OF MERCH FOR EVERY QUINT
>likes blond hair
>likes bad boys
>has daddy issues
Fuutarou's dad X Nino should just be canon by now.
oh ninonononono
Yep, just like MikuxTakeda! So dreamy~
Basically my biggest reason of not wanting F2 ending. I have nothing against 2.
But all doujins after that ending will be Fuutaro getting NTR'D by 2 or his dad. Cause JAVs are already loaded with family NTR. I want to keep my quint doujins like they are now: vanilla/(harem/)missionary/creampie/preggo.
I don't know, at this point I'm afraid that Negi's gonna overshoot. There's so much buildup that even making Yotsuba the bride feels cheap.
>Takeda is blond
oh ninononono
I can see it now...
>nino marries fuuts
>ichika starts plotting
>gets nino
>drugs drunk fuutdaddy and puts wig on him
>gets video of them fucking
>dresses up as nino
>fucks drunk fuutaro
>ties him up after mindblowing sex
>shows him she's ichika and rapes him until he's nearly mind broken
>shows him video of 2 having sex with fuutdaddy
Hentai 101
How do we know that, though?
ONLY for Yotsuba i feel being JUST the bride isn't enough for her
We need an arc where Fuuts saves her from herself and her finally being her own person with genuine genkiness
If Negi manages this right you can have a satisfying non-4 ending with 4 still being by 'his side' until the end
Or just a way more satisfying 4 end.
I don't take daki sales as the official poll, but they aren't nothing either.
If you factor in them making more of one daki then I probably say they made a bit more 23 and maybe 4 extra in mind and maybe kept 5 at normal based on fan artworks, the last popularity poll, and chapters up til now?
Either way. I'd say that 3 remaining dominant and 1 dropping to last are the most likely what will happen the next official poll.
character wise takeda fits nino's tastes way more
>friends with her daddy
Stop posting Maruo
i hate all of you, if I had it all in my power, I'd stop at nothing to reduce every single one of you to mountains of skulls and rivers of blood
Spare your energies to shitpost during active hours, user
Party is currently on hold
I just can't see how Yotsuba's issues can be solved in a satisfying way, bride or not. Negi got himself in a tough spot. Gotta wait and see.
Shut up neet, you'd get a panic attack trying to ask directions.
Not that guy. Party is always on. Just less since it's off a week.
Rude. Itsuki has a healthy alvus expletation.
I can honestly see it but can't quite put the right words for it
A fullblown relapse of Zetsuba, a near broken quint relationship and anything of the tier that would make a Yotsuba go nuclear
Fuutarou confirms all his suspicions in one go and goes to confront her in any way he can until she agrees to not blame herself after a heavy bout of shouting in the park
This part would resolve the Zetsuba part once and for all AND set the trigger for her uncontrollable love for Fuutarou, different from her usual gratitude
Then you'd have the resolution of the quint's problem and Yotsuba by the end of it comes out declaring her love for Fuuts
cue Zetsutarou for maximum parallel
Love whoever made this
What's that you're eating?
Reminder that all dakis sold out, but only miku and yotsuba buttons also sold out.
To be fair it looks like high quality dakis
That fucking 4 expression my fucking dick
from all these retarded shitposting threads I kinda forgot that it's supposed to be a fun manga, thanks for the vid user
Yeah, no. None of them are the cheating type.
Really? I thought it was sort of weak unless you're into that. That disgusted look is better on Nino daki.
I want genki yots on one side and loveydovey flustered yots on the other.
Just take off from posting for about 6 days and you're golden
Meanwhile i'll direct my shitpost to the one thing actually getting content this week
5T threads are already better since mods ban sometimes (mainly the 3fags). Just ignore the and don't reply to the obvious copypastas or trolls. They'll go back to those other romcom threads full of shitposts that they come form.
>mainly the 3fags
I suspect they are 3s because they seem like the ones making the ninoBBC, bread, and copypasta posts. But there is also that nino poster that posts the long copypasta about miku being a bitch.
It's not all them, but some of the worst happen to be 2/3fags.
it's all KOfag, he's currently posting on bokuben thread about how 5toubun is going down the shitter with the exact same doomposting as in this thread
Wouldn't call that disgusted, just the 'be gentle' kind of look
Imagine if on the other side it's this
>mainly 3fags
24fags are way out of control recently
Based and Ninopilled
Remember to not eat bait friends.
that's a ninofag who delets his own post after gettinh some yous
this miku looks really really attractive
Will the winner be pregnant with quintuplets?
I liked it over the original design.
I remember reading something about, the more fanart there is, the more difficult it is for authors to come up with something original.
I wonder if negi saw this art and thought, fuck that's actually good. Too bad I can't use it.
>m-muh ninofag
sorry for exposing you fren
Just how new are you?
You should know better than giving him attention user.
nice try
>not knowing that you can't delete a post after 30 min.
>Wouldn't call that disgusted, just the 'be gentle' kind of look
Could also be just "embarrassed" as well.
Either way. It's not bad, but I think a look with more "love" would have sold better. Maybe they're saving that for future dakis when 4 actually gets some romance into her story.
>not knowing that you can report your own post
>please be gentle
When has that ever worked
Wait, you can do that? I mean, why would you do that.
don't entertain the shitposter
I know. I know, but you gotta admit the idea of of reporting your own post so you can get banned is hilarious.
>make shitpost from your phone/VPN
>get a bunch of yous
>delet shitpost within 30mins or report
>proceed to shitpost
they can't ban you if you delete the evidence, gottem
she made those for kintaro during 7GB
But don't 4ch already range ban VPNs? Unless you have a pass, that means you need to shill $20 for one. Imagine that, just for shitposting. That's impressive dedication.
> Phone
Well, I guess that could work too.
Pancakes or takoyakis, which is easier to make?
you don't even get banned for BBC post it just gets deleted
it gets deleted if you report it for extremely low quality or off topic.
Given their physical fitness levels and 4's child-like endurance it might be Fuutaro who will be asking "please be gentle" after the first few rounds.
I wonder if 4 would womanhandle fuu-chan.
God I wish. In my bed, of course.
you have good chances if you're a blond ikemen or a bad boy
Only if Fuutaro wanted it.
4 said she'll be by his side supporting him no matter what. Now that I think about it coming home to a long-haired wifeyYotsuba who's fully devoted to supporting you would be hot af.
Fuutaro would be 1 lucky dog to get a choice of bath, dinner, or Yots.
They're both easy to make, the hardest part of making takoyaki is just knowing when to flip them so that you end up with a round product.
Meanwhile for japanese pancakes they're easy too, it's just has another step of whipping some meringue to add to the base batter and remembering to use a lower temperature (140-150C°) during cooking.
Takoyaki seems easier for mass sale, less steps to make than pancakes.
Especially if you got one of those takoyaki pans
Which do you prefer making yotsubro?
That was 500th post, not 501st.
they're both good in that regard.
I made takos only once and the first time knowing when to flip was tedious so I would go with pancakes.
Nino isn't wrong about pancakes being harder to make for the class event. Especially if you want to make the nice pancakes that Japanese like in an outdoor environment where you can go from having down time to having to work fast to fill orders with fresh takoyaki. There's a reason why takoyaki are common street food and normally chosen for festival stalls.
A best
Pancakes are harder, which means they'll end up doing pancakes
Takoyakis are nice to share too.
a shit
I honestly think they should go with Takoyaki because it is easier to make and is far more feasible in their school environment.
Sharing a pancake sounds more romantic and cute though.
There's a lot of different pancakes, but they're generally not 'on the go' food, even the "pancakes" that are common in my country, ( thin evenly spread out batter in a pan, ends up looking like a round coaster, then topped up with some marmalade or pure sugar spread with a spoon before rolling it up
They're nothing like American or Japanese ones but they're still unwieldy for something like a festival where you walk around, I can see why Takoyaki is easier.
Oh. Reminds of those pancake arts. Those are pretty neat to make.
They look delicious. So thin and sweet, they're the best.
that's a crêpe, not a pancake
I wonder if pancakes go well with mustard. Then they can make a message gimmick like omurice.
We call it pancake, crepe are distinctly fan shaped and are called crepe.
Great now I want to see someone make the quintuplets into pancake art.
>fan shaped
They are fan shaped once you close them like that (for sweet stuff). When you make them they are round.
You guys are making me hungry.
Greetings from Hungary! We call it "palacsinta" and they look the same.
But you just ate, Itsuki.
I'm not a chef but the difference between pancakes and crepe is that you make crepes extra thin while you lay it thic for pancakes, right?
They use the same batter?
>43 is the weakest pair
No that's 35
Palacinka here, close enough.
They use the same ingredients (generally) but in different quantities. Pancakes have a thiccer batter and use a raising agent, crepes meanwhile have a thin batter that is spread out onto the pan in a circular motion and don't have any raising agent.
It's the difference between Italian and Chicago Pizza.
>they'll end up doing pancakes
Yes, but not for that reason.
>Chicago Pizza
You can't call that monstrosity pizza. You can't.
You lost me there.
Languages are flexible enough that you can call anything remotely similar, even if it's lasagna masquerading as pizza
>Languages are flexible enough
My heart isn't...
>lasagna masquerading as pizza
But lasagna is god's gift to mankind right next to potatoes..
Yeah but Chicago """"pizza""""" has nothing to do with either pizza nor lasagna.
Saying that is blasphemous
Here Yotsubro, cheer up.
Looks familiar enough.
Yeah, just like a kid born in Chernobyl.
smug Miku a cute
No, from most to least likely, either Fuu is forced to cast the deciding vote, Ichika arrives at the last minute and votes pancakes or Nino flip sides
Didn't Nino say they should do both on the 2nd page?
That's not really a bad idea.
After that the class does another vote that also ends up in a tie and at the end Fuutarou says he can't support one side over the other, so the class still wants to do either one or the other
Thanks. Hopefully we'll have more peaceful threads in the future.
>or Nino flip sides
That's what will happen.
Nino doujin for winter comiket announced
>stoic Femtarou x genki Yostuboy
They're the best in any circumstances.
blazer and sweatervest worn together throws me off.
usually it's just a button-up blazer as male school uniform.