Jojo Golden Wind

Finished Phantom Blood, Battle Tendency, Stardust Crusaders, and now I'm getting started on Golden Wind.

So what's the deal with his stand? He can give life to objects in the form of animals/plants?

It seems everyone's (humanoid) stand by default can MUDAMUDAMUDA now

Attached: e6b.jpg (826x462, 94K)

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>skipping parts

Part 3 & 4 are definitely tough to watch with the repetitive monster of the week. I personally skipped like 10 episodes and just put the rest on 2x speed until the boss fight in part 4. Other than that Jojo is a spectacular show and I really recommend it to anyone wanting a good story to laugh at and be intrigued with at the same time.

Horrible viewing practices. Yare yare.

>So what's the deal with his stand?
Oh user, you have noo idea...

>Part 3 & 4 are definitely tough to watch with the repetitive monster of the week
But 5 is even worse in that regard, villain of the week in whatever italian location they just reached over and over again.

watch part 4 .

>Skipping the best (animated) part

Asspull: THE STAND

>Part 4
>best part

Even in the manga, part 4 is a heap of trash you have to wade through until it starts going in balls deep with Kira. Before that it's the blandest and least inspired Jojo by fucking far.


How is part 5 worse than 3 when it comes to the villain of the week formula?
If you ask me, I think they are exactly the same, except part 5 is 10 times shorter

Not gonna lie to you, during at least the first 5 or 6 chapters, Giorno's powers keep changing a lot. But after it gets estabilized, yeah, his power is to turn non living matter into living matter. He kinda pushes the boundaries of that power a lot, but everything after his fight with Bruno kinda makes sense, it's not more outlandish that the ways Josuke uses Crazy Diamond. He learns to heal, by creating new living tissue and body parts, and he can detect the presence of living beings, presumably because he can determine which things GE can affect. While the antibody move is called bullshit, living beings naturally create, or try to create, antibodies for viruses, so you can see it as a natural process enabled by Giorno

>Not liking the SoL
Some of chapters/Episodes were dry like the first fight, but overall it was pretty fun.

Opps I did finish Diamond is Unbreakable as well

>watch part 4

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cuz it's comfy

>supremely comfy
>actually emotional moments (Oku's dad and Shigechi)
>easily the best villain
>coolest stands overall

only downside being Jotaro acts like a retard some of the time, and I personally dislike Rohan

Attached: shigechi is best boy.png (1257x827, 1.87M)

Say sike right now

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I find Part 4's setting and characters to be some of the weaker in the series, except for Kira. Everything about the guy saves Part 4, putting it above 1-3. The cast and fights of Parts 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are all better, and I remember locations a lot more in them too. Morioh is just an average Japanese town with wacky people within, and the fights are really weak until about halfway through.

>weaker in the series
What? Koichi, Okuyasu and Rohan are one of the best side characters in all of Jojo and Moriah is hands down the most easy to remember location

don't watch it, read it

i should add, if you're watching, that it has the best OP songs for each part

what the fuck is wrong with you

Attached: mad jotaro.png (417x455, 489K)

>best anything

>Koichi, Okuyasu