Cop Craft

The new episode is up. Let's have another thread about it.

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Other urls found in this thread:!Kmxmyaab!V18qgI8M_tGgSAGOl8oSdPYQP7VC5B9KxCVpIe8O2jo

i'll teach her what porn is

Attached: Tilarna 5.png (1049x1307, 515K)

It was a shame Tilly didn't ask Cecil about sex.

She really looks alien here. Also cute teeth.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.51.251.png (1280x720, 1.27M)

Innocence gone forever.
Tilarna had been defiled by humanity's porn.

>wife Tilly
>casual shorts Tilly
>classy dress Tilly

Attached: 1449725034712.png (340x293, 87K)

I thought that scene was leading to that.

I loved how she kept reading it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.43.792.png (1280x720, 1009K)

> kei was saying that "hardcore" porn was normal
> kei said not to have a boring girlfriend

kei and cecil performed extremely degenerate and lewd sex acts with each other, confirmed

Attached: ReadingArticlesFaster.webm (1280x720, 694K)

Does she have pubes?

i imagine she has a cute soft little patch of fuzz

Am I weird for wanting to nibble her ears?

no, i want to do it too

With this kind of clothes? Nope.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.13.034.png (1280x720, 1.19M)

She keeps it nice and tidy

Wasn't it implied when she learned she and Kei were lovers?

poor car(s)

Nice to see Japan actually noticing she exists. The likes of Bubukka should jump at her.

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I don't know what they were trying to do with this effect, desu.

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At least now we know why he keeps changing cars.

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Christ she was so good this episode.

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What if Bright was made in Japan, but instead of Orcs it was lolis with swords?

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_23.21_[2019.07.08_13.33.55].jpg (3706x1080, 947K)

This is so much better than Bright. All it needs is budget. Imagine if they had El-Melloi tier money.

Why the fuck was this ignored by the likes of Netflix? It seems like exactly the type of show they want.

Is Tilarna-crashing-every-car-she-drives going to be a recurring joke?

I hope so.

Attached: 001.jpg (3698x2576, 3.1M)

mdoh should join in on this.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Cop Craft - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.16.01_[2019.08.12_23.23.42]39.jpg (1920x1080, 165K)

Thank God it was.

They were lucky, desu.

Attached: NEED FOR SPEED.webm (1280x720, 1.62M)

Yeah, thank god it got garbage budget and action scenes that look like a joke.

Is that a QUALITY Van reference?

but you can't show aliens actually committing crimes, it should be aliens unfairly blamed for crimes the natives committed. And every couple of scenes the show would stop and inform you that racism is bad.

Bright was Netflix and it was nothing like that.

That fucking bitch probably won't let Matoba fuck her in the ass

She's interested now at least. Imagine how hard she masturbated that night.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.51.741.png (1280x720, 1.33M)

>they killed the isekai sadpanda

What this needs is a good manga adaptation.

What this needs is a good anime adaptation.

What this needs is a good doujin adaptation

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I'm having each episode a strong feeling Abe is behind it
>Lots of racial discrimination accusations
>Couple eating kebab and enjoying it
>Blacks all over the place and are basically the funniest/best guys
>Alien/Immigrant Loli/elf as heroine

I can ear at each Openings abe screaming "Let the Gaijins in , they gonna bring in blonde cuties for you to breed with"

also i'm that edit guy, here, finishing it here i'm posting the file if you guys want to fiddle with it , since i'm too shitty as a drawfag to do something original and too lazy to actually buy a board and become a genuine drawfag.

user No.191889277 Out

> off by one

You'd be weird for not wanting to.

Some stitches.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.07_[2019.08.12_15.38.57].jpg (1912x2577, 1.46M)

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Why can't the writing in this show just be good?
It feels like nothing progressed since episode 1 in story or character and the only good thing is upcoming degenerate sex with Tilarna doujins

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FUCK ! almost became noticeable.
Fuck it better luck next time
Here if you guys want to improve my shitty edit or just fiddle with the faces on her!Kmxmyaab!V18qgI8M_tGgSAGOl8oSdPYQP7VC5B9KxCVpIe8O2jo

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.35_[2019.08.12_16.29.24].jpg (3358x1080, 1.23M)

> "kei i want to try out what i read earlier, please help me out"

Attached: vroom.jpg (650x365, 71K)

nice work

by me

For a moment I thought she was naked behind that cat.It almost

that's nice, but can't she go a little faster?

that's actually nice

check the last thread

It's feels like a ripoff of Lethal Weapon with Danny Glover replaced by a loli elf.

my god that booty

Attached: sweating bullets.jpg (600x600, 40K)

Attached: Cop Craft need for seed.jpg (582x1007, 46K)

>Abe is behind it
>Blacks all over the place
leave immediately

Attached: 1564498182191.jpg (870x610, 39K)

Reddit craft.

Well it is supposed to be set in California. They should have added more mexicans.

Is it legal to lolis read porn magazines?

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More like Rush Hour with Jackie Chan replaced by a loli elf.

Dude its fine she's 26 in her country

I really liked everybody's reaction in this scene.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p] 00.08.06-00.08.14.webm (1280x720, 930K)

Who's going to arrest her, the bolice?

The light novels look fun to translate, if the excerpt from the last thread is any indication. Consider me piqued.

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this episode was amazing

Ah I want a loliwife.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.20_[2019.08.12_16.58.09].jpg (1280x720, 127K)


Just wait a few years for them to make a terrible live action version of it.

Hope to see this.

wait no way, this would be legendary

he said he would do it, so lets hope he keeps his word
i'm still over the moon he liked my idea

I can't, in good faith, compare Kei to Chris Tucker.

>steal your pet
>break your car
>get cozy in your own home
How would you punish this invasive immigrant?

Are we sure Tilly isn't half dark-elf?

marry them, so they can get their citizenship

If he doesn't deliver the doujinshi you should write a proper fic.

well you have good taste, you shouldn't be surprised

A price I'm willing to pay for a legal loli elf girlfriend.

>break your second car

is that ethercore ? or just a random drawfag? even if its just sketches i'd happily pay what i would pay for a doushjin if its a anonwork made with that plot

Is the show worth picking up just for her? I've heard that the animation is powerpoint slides tier.

Post vampire hottie

Shit like that is what makes this show wonderful.

yes and at times yes but still, it's fun

Attached: [Scum] Girlish Number - 02 [BD][66E813C9].mkv_snapshot_13.35_[2019.08.12_00.23.28].png (1920x1080, 2.6M)

yeah ether said he would do it

Imagine doing coke on her buttcrack while she lies on top of that red car


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The glass broke in an obscene way so they had to mosaic it.

really surprised they didn't sneak a joke about that

Fixed it.

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Imagine how amazing anofficial Tilly nendo or scale would be

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This show is fucking great

The cutest

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.49_[2019.08.12_18.43.08].jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Mating Press

>break your pelvis

I don't imagine this shoestring budget show will get much merchandise.

best episode so far

It was me who caused this.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.07_[2019.08.12_16.13.28].png (1280x720, 728K)

>tfw no qt alien girl roommate

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv_00:06:50.452.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

It should be mandatory.

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This could be a good template for an Yea Forums banner.

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I heard they rewrite this arc to avoid school shootings parallel.

Why should nips care about burger school customs? It's probably because of kyoani.

Ponf =3

Yep and they're padding it with an anime original episode in light of the Kyoani tragedy.

School shooters with flamethrowers?

Was only me or Kei unironically acted like an actual beta this episode?

good ol' gasoline explosion

Does she ride that teddy bear on lonely nights?

He acted like a person who loves cars.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.23_[2019.08.12_17.08.03].jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Nah, he just has mild /o/utism

You now remember the Dacia Sandero episode of Top Gear.

Jesus, this is stupid. The incident was one month ago. I can even get cancelling Fire Force the same week of the tragedy and not airing other shows with similar contents for a while. But why this, now? How much longer will it be considered "direspectful" to have scenes involving fire and explostions in fictional nip stories with imaginary characters and places?

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>one of those two boxes contains her soft and cute pantus.
>at least one of those books are filled with pornography.
really makes you imagine.

Shut up James

> bem delayed for like 3 weeks
> cop craft episode 7 is "filler"
> fire forced censored
wasting time censoring anime does absolutely fuck all for the actual victims and just pisses off the casual viewers so why even fucking bother doing it

The author was friends with one of the people who died in the fire so I can see him actually agreeing to this decision.

Until we see a source, the KyoAni explanation is probably speculation and Yea Forums memeing. There's any number of possible explanations. Maybe they don't think they can do that arc justice with the screentime they have left for it, or they lack the budget for some special action scene, or the author rejected their first draft of that episode and they're running out of time to rewrite it.

This is pretty retarded and it's like asking for your show to flop.


>pro immigration/anti-racist

Ravaging her tight pussy on top of her bed!

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teaching her how to use a washing machine so she can wash the blood out of her sheets!

Would he slap her butt into submission like Luna?

Why does he want to get ride of the alien elf?

Nice ep, pretty funny

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I need a Tilly version.

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Haven't you read the threads,user? EVERYONE want to ride the alien elf.

The animation went to absolute shit during episode 3 but since then it has't been THAT bad. Not as good as the first 2 episodes, bur serviceable.

>Autotragic in the making

Attached: WomanDriving.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

Luna got 12 spanks for scratching his arms
for a brand new sport car I'll say 50 spanks, at least.

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>Insert the kye
>The car wii

A miserable little pile of secrets

Why is there so many shows this season with grumpy old man and young girl sidekick

The fanbase is growing old.

All this stuff about why volume 3 won't get adapted might be easier to understand if anyone had read those damn LNs or translated them.

>tfw when you're older than all the high school teachers

>gay cop feeling up the twink elf

i find this funnier imagining him asking to see his dick

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.38_[2019.08.12_17.06.32].png (1920x1080, 2.45M)

I feel bad for Kei over losing this.

I'm surprised there aren't more harem comedies with a teacher MC.

>even male elves exist only to be raped

I felt worse about him losing the Mini. He was more attached to it, and it was cute.

Patrician pairing next to Young onii-chan and their imoutos

I'm worried that the rest of the episodes are going to keep up this trend of looking fine until the last 5 mintues, whereupon everything falls back to stills, dodgy CGI and shots of the characters faces while all the action happens off-screen.

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Attached: tillys room nao.jpg (1280x720, 161K)

Yes. But well maintained and proper, befiting her noble status.


Get ready for next week when she tries "ice"!

Attached: cop craft high on speed.jpg (1370x720, 370K)

Second piece of decent direction in this entire millepensee catastrophe.
I bet that stage direction is in the novel, they're too incompetent to do something like this on their own.

Attached: baby don't hut me.webm (1280x720, 1.41M)

My Bolice Officer Can't Be This Cute

Attached: Cop-Craft-Anime-Visual-001-20181229.jpg (640x701, 135K)

It's fun, who cares.

Damn, so Cecil must have been a freak in bed.

Her water broke

Off by one pal

> deleted

>People actually dont understand the love between a Man and his Car

Attached: 1552718453371.png (466x546, 251K)

He babysits his own shitposts FOR FREE

It's all fun and games until you have to introduce her to your parents.

What was the first? I can remember at least a few other standout moments, like this one. The director is clearly better at comedy than action.

Attached: don't touch it.webm (1000x562, 2.65M)

>cuts dead people in pieces for a job

Jesus what would you expect? Pretty sure kei left her after been requested some nasty stuff

>first of all, let me say that she's legal.

There is no such thing as a male elf, user.

>Father, I hit the jackpot
>good job, son

based Kei

Attached: kei.png (1362x768, 1.15M)

Learn how to screenshot properly.

Reminds me of this

Attached: ikcar.jpg (1267x896, 204K)

well yeah, he did teekyuu after all

Kei hasn't ascended towards necroplay yet.

I like the cliche hardass bolice chief
I just need him to say "do it again and ill have your badge!" now

>a fucking Mini

Too lazy, ever since I got two monitors I just screenshot both screens and cut them on paint, sometimes missing a few pixels.

You've only seen the high/wood elves. Dark elves run around committing crime and stealing things like their dark human counterparts.

Why do they use so many frontal, back, side and top views of 3D vehicles? It's not as if other perspectives are more expensive to render.

Because it's the best type of pairing there is

Attached: Zashiki_v03_208.png (1096x1600, 905K)

I like this loli, I will watch for her

Is there any hope that this could get the Moon Phase treatment and all those scenes get redone for the BluRay?

this was genuinely hilarious though

Some of the vampire's soliloquy.

Knowing this show, they probably will do that eventually.


Cop Craft? More like Cunny Craft

She got her revenge.

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Only female elves with dicks.

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Looks like frosted glass? Not that a car should have that.

This is pretty much the standard now.

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Best case they were trying for some depth of field, hoping the eye would focus on Kei in the quick shot. Honestly though, probably ran out of time to properly render CG glass.

She's probably never done it before.

>Reading born

Fucking HS back at it with muh localization, it's "That's discriminatory"

Attached: crop.jpg (714x680, 200K)

Based noabro

Attached: 1565121967620.gif (512x512, 510K)

Pretty much.

And yes, Dark Elves are no exception.

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That's Funimation's doing, and the localization is fitting for a change, because the show is set in the US and based on American tropes.

Not big enough.

Attached: ;32.jpg (1216x1096, 364K)

500gb version when

hello anons I'm studying Range's art.

Attached: Wiptil.jpg (1080x1426, 337K)

This episode was hilarious. The faces Tilarna makes are amazing.


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Attached: scratch.jpg (408x199, 13K)

now i wanna see Tilly as a pin-up

Netflix shows also look bad. Anyway most Netflix Original (TM) anime get very little money from Netflix so not like it would change much.

Imagine using the whole Galaxy as a disk to store a smug Noa image.


Attached: 8 (2).png (1280x720, 584K)

Draw bussy

They'd just be overjoyed somebody married me.

The bolice are coming. Act natural.

Attached: 8 (3).png (1280x720, 771K)

Uhh, this loli was already there when I got here.

but kei is the only grumpy one
dale is completely botched so instead of dilf he's just an autist
isekai guy isn't grumpy either

>old man
Isn't Kei still in his 20s?

Chief doesn't have time for your normalfag fetishes.

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Youth ends after high school. Hasn't anime taught you anything?

Nibbling the ears of your lover is patrician.

I love Kei so much.

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Will I like this show if I like buddy cop shows?

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You're my world, Tilly...

Attached: Screenshot_20190813-004818__01__01.jpg (1080x1710, 372K)

It's basically buddy cop movie cliches + cute elf loli

LORI is a cultured series.

Why would elves watch human porn

Yes. It's basically a love letter to buddy cop shows.

Adding a cute elf loli make everything better.


Kei says it right here. They don't have photography so there's really nothing like porno as we know it over there. All they have are drawings.Basically Tilly was raised on a diet of pure 2D smut and now has to deal with gross 3D images for the first time.

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Imagine actually having sex with that butt instead of being a fucking faggot that does drugs when he has the opportunity to impregnate that anus and cuddle afterwards.

Tilly is a frog!

Are they scared of cameras?

Why do humans watch elf porn?

They also fuck like humans, but they have no industry around pornography.

They don't want their souls stolen by the humans film boxes.

So we can imagine better.

DaSs RaCiSs KeI

shes definitely little sister zoned

Attached: 580029.png (384x384, 96K)

To them it's like watching animals at the zoo have sex. They are the kindergarten class on the field trip.

>takes care of my pet when I'm not around
>occasionally cooks meals
>tries her hardest to adapt to my society and to become used to its tools (automobile)
>takes care of managing her own personal space
Honestly, I would just kiss her very tenderly.

Being a little sister doesn't save her from the dick.

>Tilly brotherzones Kei due to the suggestion from the jealous ex
All old hags need to die

JYs are into zoo porn?

>Tilly brotherzones Kei

Make her pay rent. With her body.

Tilly wasn't brotherzoning Kei she was coming to the realization that she was being sisterzoned by him

according to j7w, yes

leave it to an aspie to not get the implications


So it's just Tilly who is a prude, other nobles seem interested in human women.

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this is hilarious, the "animation" makes me think my computer exploded every time something happens

>kei trying to replace his sister with an alien
I get Kei needs some more background, but that seems out of nowhere

>Tilly will never call you "Onii-chan"

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Isn't she like a princess or someone else of high status in elfland? It makes sense that she wouldn't know anything about lewdness.
Time to give Tilly personal sex ED lessons.

In the novel that miss whatever they were talking about was the first semanian model featured.

>implying princesses don't use their servants like sex toys

>fire forced censored
>part of the ED blacked out

Drama queen?

>kei trying to replace his sister with an alien
he isn't. he's just sisterzoned Tilly because he feels it's weird to fuck a girl the same size/age than your little sister.

When does he say that?

How? Didn't he meet that wizard guy years ago during the war, when he had to at least be in his early 20s?

Magical loli isekai ottoman jedi eating kebab.

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Jesus fuck she's cute.

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Next arc, the one replaced with anime original.

>Cecil. Did you do it with Kei?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [360p]-0001.jpg (640x360, 30K)

Definitely my favorite episode

I am de law :DDD

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loli liek gyro

cute as always

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Cecil is a dude's name

>gibeme ur bag and your webonds, kei :DD
>bud it on dable, kei :DDD

based finns

Is this show going to feature giantesses?

Attached: cop craft giant finger press buildings.jpg (1920x1080, 202K)

fuck off

put your dick away

Attached: 1.png (1280x720, 548K)

>draw a pig
>call it a cat
why do they do this

Funny Craft

>mom isn't a virgin

Attached: cop craft mother.jpg (1920x1080, 184K)

just what the fuck kind of driving lessons does cecil host?

elves are noble creatures, these disguting titcows are NOT elves.

I'm not entirely clear on the timeline, if he was young as a soldier he could still be in his 20s years after the war.

Where is the sicp edit?

She's trying to kill Tilly, user.

do robots masturbate to assembly printouts?

>thought anime was going to be all about alien kidnapping + drama in the middle
>conflict ends in a few episodes
>it's just SoL / random cases now

I couldn't be more satisfied, characters are slowly developing and the whole wizard plot should just be tossed away.

Moon Phase was pretty up there though. Whole fight scenes of close up shots of random furniture.

Attached: Iam12.png (1920x1080, 2.21M)

Man, isnt it weird that elves being only 13% of the population commit 50% of the crimes? haha

>elves can produce (legal)loli girls like Tilly
>still decide to jerk it to human (and sometime elf) hag porn
What the fuck elves?

That's a justified fear. Just look at celebrities and politicians.


Where's my Cemic La?

They need Comic Kairakuten.

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She's nobility. It stands to reason the low class trash immigrating and doing porn are built differently from her in a fantasy setting.

The pussy is always pinker on the other side of the fence, user.

Female elves are tsundere/moralfags like Tilly.
Male elves as any other male have their needs and one does not not simply ignore the chance to get a cheap pussy.

Tilly in bolice uniform when?

I don't have enough fonts for this shit.

Attached: I want to do a centerfold next.png (906x1340, 417K)

Damn, these drawfags.

Attached: Good fucking cunny.jpg (789x450, 58K)

Your imagination is boundless user.

This is my favorite part of the week.

Where are people getting that one of the arcs won't get adapted?

good lord user

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.01_[2019.08.13_01.28.34].jpg (1920x1080, 576K)

Semanians, more like go home you fucking terrorists

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>you'll never get to go to one of his lectures

He keeps getting away with it.

Fuck de bolice

Alien c*nny

>ywn be this good at drawing

Attached: 1560686477682.jpg (962x972, 174K)

Alien cunny*

we all know big busty cake mage was the best girl but still
i lied, Glenn was best girl

Have hope. You should have seen the first iterations of Tilly I shat out. Not much of an improvement.

Attached: muh poledancing.png (1011x1665, 386K)


Attached: 1565133098201.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

have you ever even tried to practice drawing you lazy shit?
do you just try to sketch one image and go like "oh its bad i suck at drawing"?
sit down and draw, put in half an hour of effort into it every day.

Attached: cant believe youv done this.png (277x376, 135K)

But you can't impregnate butts.


Doujin material?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv - 0003.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

Glad you didn't see /ic/ artists from 2014-2016

Attached: tumblr_nl5usj9obK1uoo1y3o1_1280.jpg (661x1000, 329K)

Why are you so degenerate lad? What compels you to imagine Tilly utterly debasing herself?

Oh but they did.

Attached: NiceCover.png (1095x1000, 1.65M)

Is /ic/ still alive?

That's what you think.

Attached: don't think about it too hard.png (1280x720, 844K)

Artbook threads are alive for sure. Maybe LAS. I don't visit this board outside artbook threads anymore

Attached: lolibro.gif (1200x1200, 176K)

>too late to have hope

Attached: mfw.png (554x513, 237K)

even a wagecuck like me has enough time to practice. whats your excuse?

Attached: cant even name these anymore.png (517x454, 293K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv - 0010.jpg (1280x720, 141K)

You don't have to be good user. As long as you're driven forward by the sheer force of will that is IMAGINE. You can draw anything for yourself.

>some murata art

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv - 0004.jpg (1280x720, 201K)

Good eye

It's in the pile

Attached: 1565622336643.jpg (1920x1080, 1.19M)

>complain how indecent and barbarian it is
>keeps reading ti for minutes

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv - 0016.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

What would you do?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv - 0011.jpg (1280x720, 165K)

Attached: 1561379796306.jpg (500x500, 129K)

Exploitable. Unfortunately I have neither skill nor a sense of making an effort for anything.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv - 0001.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

>tfw take time out of anime watching/ Yea Forums to learn how to draw

Take her to a brothel

Why is racism an issue in this show?

I want to give her first hand experience.

This magazine looks pretty suspicious.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv - 0021.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

Why not? They need to parody black/white buddy cop shows.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv - 0009.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

is it? it seems they only make jokes about it

>whats your excuse?
I-i don't have proper software
I fucking swear, I was ready to sit down and learn to draw cute and funny pictures when the panda died. But then we had panda back and my will to improve died in the first fap.

Attached: 1537680152158.png (1280x720, 454K)

I wonder about his sexuality.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv - 0022.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

It's played out as a joke, it's not serious. Also

Attached: Cop Craft 65.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

Would you let your elf queen dress like this?

They literally explained it on the first episode, the city in which it takes place has people from all over the world, therefore possibly being the only place which is fairy-friendly.

If anything the anime doesn't portray racism as a problem, as well as crime, but as a symptom of multiculturalism, similar to Kekkai Sensen now that I think about it.

Who is Jeffrey Dahmer?

>I-i don't have proper software

paper and a pencil is software?

Attached: 1519680855035.png (416x422, 224K)

google it


maybe he doesn't have an eraser

>wrecked no less than two of Kei's cars this episode

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv - 0030.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

I want her to poop on Kei's car.
Is this a strange fetish?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv - 0032.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

>Too lazy
Retards really love that excuse for some reason. No, user. It's not laziness, you're just a short named piece of trash. Please stop existing.

Attached: Namelets.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Anime needs more old men shows so we can self-insert.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Maou-sama, Retry! - 06 [720p].mkv - 0012.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

Attached: mspaint.jpg (701x548, 81K)

>you will never look at porn this way ever again

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv - 0019.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv - 0020.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

i mean im 26 but i still feel more aligned to ojii sans than anyone else

do not bully

Attached: 1558394553945.jpg (1920x1080, 190K)

yeah, the world is cruel, struggle builds strength, suffering builds wisdom

Is it just me or is this show is basically a shadowrun module?

We need but "porn" replaced with the c-word

Someone spoonfeed me. Is this murata?
Shadow Run didn't invent Urban Fantasy. But I don't know of any other good settings with Elves and Guns, so I'll give it to you.

she's the alpha in the relationship so she can do whatever she wants

Attached: 1565665472563e.jpg (720x405, 23K)

no, face not round enough and a bit sloppy.


Attached: MANAMI NOOOOOOOO.jpg (640x360, 91K)


Attached: 000000.gif (445x636, 116K)

Cecil > Tilly. Oh, it is UNDISPUTED. You definitely want a more mature woman.

someone replace their faces with cecil and tilly's faces

Holy shit, Tsudaken was great in this episode

what does it mean when she invited him into her room?

>space elves are quick to recognize lewdness

Now this is what I'm here for. Where's the other drawfag?

Kei's choice seems like the most reasonable option, really.

I wonder who could be behind this post.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.06_[2019.07.29_20.55.25].jpg (1920x1080, 144K)

Tilly is a kuso chuujin with no respect for cars. What is the cure for such disorders?

Tilly in a flight suit when? Holding a goat plushie is optional.

That's so hot.

Well he is Japanese

Strange thing.

Attached: who killed captain alex.jpg (656x480, 87K)

Proper driving school attendance. Naked and using cars with strange dildo equipped seats.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv - 0027.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

What kind of porn would you show Tilly?

Impregnation porn. Over and over until it starts seeping into her unconscious.

Comic L.O.

Hopefully we get doujins of her this winter.

>this is the face of a hardcore freak in bed
Fucking diamonds.

>it's another best girl


Speaking of, the september issue is out and oh boy that first story in it is fantastic.

realistically both are quite bad

Attached: 1539304889738.jpg (541x471, 65K)

She is full adult and has no idea about any sexual stuff.
So she has huge, thick bush. But it is light in color, so it doesn't look so overwhelming.

Are you even watching the show??

>26 years old
>still don't know shit about sex
>draw a pussy on her forehead every morning

Attached: 1565655815398.jpg (1280x720, 166K)

Tilly looks best in her at-home look
change my mind

Attached: BBC.66989987.webm (1024x576, 1.92M)

tilly is annoying and cecil is just a generic woman

The show's animation's quality was pretty bad last episode but damn Kei and Till were so darn entertaining.

years old
In their years. Not that being 18 makes it any better.

Show is carried by its great characters and dialogue. If it had great animation too it'd be an amazing show.

I wonder what the age of consent is in semaniland

It'd be a perfect show if this had animation quality like PriPri

let me guess, white woman goes to japan to spread her cancerous ideology


>So she has huge, thick bush
i don't think she has a big bush
hell, her armpits are not even hairy

webm related

Attached: xxx.webm (1280x720, 136K)

He was talking about his own boner. Fags don't get off to their own boners otherwise they would never leave the house, it's like people with a butt fetish don't get off to their own butts for example.

the doujin that the amazing user is supposedly drawing

I'm surprised no one does this yet, it's perfect with her eyes.

Attached: Tillywh.png (1562x889, 810K)

need more blush

I feel like she's verbally berating me for the small amount of semen.

Maybe elves don't have armpit hair?

she's just a literal nobody
To sum up, Japan already told to the UN several times to fuck off regarding to that topic

>got banned for posting a screenshot of that african movie with that bolice sign
Dumb Yea Forums bolice, at least they're too retarded to find all the loli threads.

Dumb UK cunt, why is she so angry?
Source on that first one where the censorship kicks in only after a few frames?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 06 [720p].mkv - 0026.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

makes me curious why the bbc is not censoring those huge tits and nipples

they are not muricans

she looks very upset

fuck me how did I forget that

Attached: Tillyslut.png (1570x881, 809K)

Shes the definition of a tomboy.

Attached: hnghhhhhhh.jpg (1488x939, 60K)

and here's before version

Attached: Tillybefore.png (1578x887, 822K)

>this triggers the pedos

Attached: this kills the pedos.png (843x456, 555K)

Looks sunburned.

It only triggers endless discussions about whether it's the right translation.

>812 super fast
The fuck?

not with that attitude user

oh yeah here's a template

Attached: Template.png (1565x877, 791K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 04 [720p].mkv - 0003.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

>Higashiyama Show
Good taste.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 04 [720p].mkv - 0012.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

>first day on earth
>already has earth hooker clothes

anyone got the source so i can hear what the fuck is that old hag saying?

Add a little shadow under her right arm

Elf living in America, dressing like an American, who woulda thunk.
Honestly though shes become increasingly more lax as the series goes on, but hey that was a major plot point at the start of the story.

Congratulations you played yourself !

I thought it was like a birthmark

Attached: 1559986737003.jpg (1648x1216, 466K)

Japan will clean it up by 2020 watch

Attached: 1565625322859.jpg (1402x816, 404K)

RIP Matoba's car.

Young grumpy men too

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.46_[2019.08.03_09.31.42].jpg (1920x1080, 1006K)

Attached: [Erai-raws] Cop Craft - 06 [720p]11649.webm (1280x720, 758K)

Fucking saved

Attached: 1564454894251.png (198x198, 75K)


Why did Matoba and Cecil break up when it looks like Cecil still loves him? Was he the one who ended the relationship?

Not a novel fag but the don't seem to close to me, just that their relationship didnt end in tatters and due to work they got over their differences. Like cecil has pointed out hes a nice guy but has his quirks.

BL with men that look like this

Attached: cop.png (640x358, 225K)


>learning how to drive a car
When's she going to get instruction on how to use a cellphone or a computer?

imagine seeing Tilly's search history

I would make it mandatory
>Declare war on elves and defeat them
>Officially make queen dressing in a very revealing clothes on public a part of the peace treaty
>Secretly hit her with a dick-growing curse
>Watch in delight how she descends into exhibitionism and desperately tries to hide her boner in something that just a little more than a fancy bikini everytime she performs her official duties.

Every retard can do that.

But that's forbidden.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 04 [720p].mkv - 0014.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

Excellent work.

Attached: 1565677697400.jpg (929x864, 156K)

striped panties are justice


>why do doreany have round ears

She already said she knows how to use a phone, fuck she even called him when the hotel kicked her out.

Seeing as this show is a low-key redpill about the consequences of forced diversity and it has a loli, Netflix wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. I'm pretty sure VEG only got the greenlight because of the courier that wears heels for whatever reason.

>tfw that phone is probably filled with porn now

>forced diversity
You seem lost, is a few doors down.
Never come back.

>Not snorting coke off her crack, having her snort coke off your dick, then impregnating all her holes
Coke makes you horny as fuck, user.

Attached: 1445972800063.jpg (622x521, 63K)

Directing could use some work, but considering what its source is, much of its probably intentional. Personally the first 3 episodes urked me till I realized it was doing it on purpose to set up the plot and setting, after that cgi(quality van aside) its been fine. The fight scenes could use more work though, but considering the authors more of a military nut, the heavy lean on guns doesn't surprise me either.

>how to pronounce policeman


>What does ex mean

It's sad that the animation is so reduced you can barely follow the action.
Why even produce this show if you can't afford to animate it properly.
Is anime finally dying?

You're whiteknighting a streaming service on Yea Forums, r/anime sounds more like your home.

Attached: 20190722222848116.jpg (1600x1143, 793K)

>why do doreany men's trousers create a small hill in the morning

Anime is in a phase of oversaturation, too many shows per season and only so many people willing to work in a low pay industry. I imagine there will be a correction especially after the isekai meme fizzles out.

>she is like his imouto

>>isekai meme fizzles out.
>age of the mobage anime adaptations begin
It's going to happen, I can smell it

That's why she's working hard to be his equal

Its called age of blurays fix everything, cgi/computer animated shortcuts, and the average japanese deadline.

As for anime, animes been dying for awhile now, personally only reason semi obscure stuff like this got animated is thanks to the isekai boom(which this predates by about 8 years.)
Personally the isekai boom is saving what little unpolished gems we have left and breathing air into unfinished adaptations left and right because holy fuck man, theres barely anything else out there at the moment.

Any user know if the books are finished or just haitus, looks like shoji releases these every year or two on the side. but its been 3 years since the last book was released.

I fucking cried with laughter about seven separate times, no exaggeration. Thanks Shoji Gatoh and everyone else making this awesome little show. Your love and devotion shines through the shoestring animation budget every time.

Attached: 1563317555738.jpg (1496x1152, 812K)

Attached: the ass is fat.jpg (180x185, 5K)

The reason Cecil broke up with Key is because he's a massive siscon. Tilly is in the best bosition to put his boliceman benis in her bussy and make it go bew bew.

Learn to doodle while watching repetitive shows or shitposting.
If you've ever wanted to be able to say you've seen all of Detective Conan but couldn't justify the time, now's your chance.

One literally came out this month.

This started years agao user every other season we get mobage garbage. This goes back as far as retarded dragons, gran blue already got that adaptation and azur lanes is later this year. The fuck if there are any other mobages left out there worth adapting after that.

How is babby formed?

Glad to see this isnt dead yet then. At least this will breath some life back into it then. I heard the books are unlikely to be licensed but this shows so American I don't know why they wouldn't let it go to somebody after this.

Yea Forums would implode from the explosion of barely-repressed homolust that would bring on. I know my eyes about fell out of my head when I saw this was part of his C96 clear file set.

Attached: 040030767505-5p.jpg (800x1128, 1.3M)

or maybe Cecil's bussy its broken

How much government regulation is in the anime industry?

She knows about sex, she just didn't react well to the idea of her parents having had it.

Twitter comment says the release of book 7 was meant for august 21st but its been deleayed with an apology, so probably september then. Looks like this is book 7's cover though.

Attached: EBN15IlUwAE1Ww8.jpg (586x852, 180K)

Did someone say Sneed?

Attached: 909[1].jpg (680x382, 71K)

Isn't tily some sort of noble, surely she could just buy kei a new car.
I thought that's what the ending was leading into.

Probably no quality control whatsoever and assuming nothing theyre airing on the network is breaking any laws, anything goes I guess?

This should be the car he gets user, its been in the OP since the start.

Yet me guess, it will end up being totaled as well.

I honestly think it might be more interesting if the mc wasn't an 18 year old loli

She offered him to ride her that night

It's decent enough that you'll power through the terrible animation.

>quality control
Oh yes, these government bureaucrats sure know more about anime than the actual fans and should therefore be allowed to regulate the industry.

dunno I dont read moon but I think 3 cars is enough.

Dying? Poorly animated action scenes have been pretty standard for 50 years. Granted this is worse than most, but it's far from the worst.
We get mobage adaptations all the time, and they're often good. With no real way to follow whatever excuse for a story the game has they basically just make an anime original. Which is why "based on a mobage" is almost identical to "mixed media anime/mobage/etc".


Bear in mind it's set in a burger colony.

Why would there be any beyond normal broadcast regulations? And even then I expect the informal network standards are far more relevant and strict.

The literal nice boat didn't tip you off.
They said some of the narration that episode was censored.
There was an entire scene where a good minute was spent on a single frame.

Not OP, but bluraaaaays. Yeah I know sucks for the fans though.

Right before the thread dies.

Attached: PRAYBOY CENTERFORD.png (935x1871, 621K)

What software do you use?

Oh my

Fuck I'm too tired, I read "One literally came out his mouth."


Proper spanking.

If fans were able to regulate the industry, Kadogawa wouldn't exist right now

Man screw broadcast standards, the vampires lack of nipples was distractingly stupid.

Why would you want a garbage adaptation just for "muh weeb purity?" That shit doesn't exist anymore and there are plenty of terrible adaptations that have no western influence.

Fucking nice

Still better than bureaucrats

>freeloads off kei
>lies about his allergy for a whole month
>breaks his car
>breaks his second car
>and still wants to be treated seriously
Why are women such selfish creatures?


More like Hustrer.

Hes a tsundere nice guy (possibly siscon) which fate conveniently dumped a little sister esq coworker, thats actually fairly reliable despite her quirks literally on his step. Especially in his line of work.
Not to mention hes a bit of a jaded loaner.

I dont see romance happening anytime soon if it all but theres definitely something going on here.

>Any user know if the books are finished or just haitus, looks like shoji releases these every year or two on the side. but its been 3 years since the last book was released.
It's episodic buddy cop, it could actually be milked forever.
See also: Dirty Pair getting a novel after over a decade.

Please universe, I need this doujinshi now.

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had myself an episode of kek kraft at this one

Attached: 1562727555496.jpg (300x666, 114K)

>the pantsu

ebin :DDD

Fugg :DDD

>tfw no tilly wife

you can tell this show is set in US since it has so many niggers.

Attached: 1562556590966.jpg (1920x1080, 194K)

Jesus, /pol/faggots are getting sadder and sadder all the time.

Last for DA CHEEF

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