Boku no Hero Academia

Quirk Regulation, yay or nay?
Lets see how many of you are yellow-bellied.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>People should be free to use quirks in any way that doesn't break the law.
Sry dude, people will break it eventually.

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Why is the government allowed to use quirks while the common citizenry are not? Quirk regulation is nothing more than a tool of the elites to defang the population and make them servile, amicable to being farmed of their productivity. With the asymmetrical threat of violence between the state and the people, any attempt by the people to seek redress by the government will be swiftly and brutally dealt with.

Wouldn't that happen regardless of what the government tells them to do? "No quirks ever or you get punished" and "Quirks within the confines of the law or you get punished" make no difference to villains. This is about the freedom of law abiding citizens.

They're clearly allowed to use quirks, you see civvies using them regularly. They're just not allowed to use them on others. It's like you're allowed to use knives, but using them on others is against the law.

Quirk regulation was passed while AfO was running Japan, This is HIS law.

imagine how bad things would be if everyone (even children) would be allowed to carry guns anywhere. one bad day and you could become a murderer. this is why this law is shit and should never become a thing.
fuck redestro.

What if the guns are part of you and they affect your personality?

Imagine sex with a mutie

a quirk erasing bullet would fix the problem

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With quirks you have people with such differences in abilities that enforcement without discrimination is impossible without a blanket ban. At least with guns, people are on a roughly level playing field.
This is assuming you even have the means to enforce any laws on people with the most powerful quirks.

Quirk Regulation a fruitless endeavor because it doesn't go the full distance.
Quirks like Twice or Decay have the possibility of causing tremendous damage, you could topple entire nations with Twice's ability alone, eventually there's going be even more dangerous quirks than these, so if the powers that be were truly commited to keeping peace they would isolate people with dangerous quirks from birth and indoctrinate them to serve the state, or at the very least condition them to respect human life and order as much as possible. As it is right now they're just prohibiting citizens with weaker quirks to utilize them how they want while not having any real institutions in place go give this issue the attention is deserves. They would rather bet everything on retarded ideas like Almight's concept of being a pillar of justice, what is really needed is a gargantuan agency that categorizes every single quirk user and keeps a constant watch on them. It'd be very opressive and break several civil rights, but the MHA world doesn't have the luxury to worry about these things. They're not dealing with some thugs armed with knives and pistols, eventually there's going to be a kid with the power to cause a nuclear explosion, the existance of quirks demands complete vigilance.

Controlling quirks is more retarded than controlling guns. Everyone has a quirk, some more broken than others. How are you going to regulate a quirk that effects something with a touch?

The endgame should be no quirks.

since japan is no longer u.s. territory in mha what other nations wouldn't survive the first quirkocalypse

>People will break the law
Oh god, might as well give up on society then.

I love Mt. Lady!

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I'm so glad this guy lost everything.

Why was Overhaul such a shit character bros?

You're gonna have to regulate my dick from fucking just about every girl in this anime.

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He hurt best girl

These options are the same thing.

The absolutely comical thing about ReDestro's philosophy is that on a -meta- level his ideas about the society based on quirk power is how the fucking manga is structured in the first place - low-mid tier quirks are the background characters, and the story mostly focuses on the overpowered ones like OfA, Overhaul, Permeation etc.

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Yay. Make it like a drivers license. It's proof that you have shown to have control over your quirk usage and acknowledge general rules set by society that ensures that you don't harm others or yourself. It also serves as a way to register quirks. Then let them use their quirks.

Muties are always using theirs anyway.

Nah, it should be like legal age.
After a certain age it is assumed that you have the maturity and capability to properly use your quirk. You file a registration for your quirk along with all your other info (partly as that by that age you would most likely know much more about the quirk) and have free reign to use it in public and attaining professions based around it.

Because Hori used a cheapass way to ensure everybody sees him as a villain. "Hey, how about I make him abuse an cute loli?" Why not make him shoot kittens, while you're at it? BTW, same kind of emotional shortcut as he used to make Shigaraki's past tragic. These storytelling shortcuts, while pretty effective at evoking strong feelings, will also make you recoil, as it's so overt that you feel insulted by the author trying to push your buttons in such a blunt way.

Predict the shitposts for season 4


More Pedo shit with Eri

And nice digits satan

What it there to predict, Satan? It either boils down to "me no like, its poopy" or some rabid spammer.

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>pedo shit
is this reddit?

Yes, this is reddit.

Loli is the filter.

>is this reddit?
yes, how new are you?

Because all of his calm, calculating and ruthless demeanor ended up being a bunch of bullshit. He ended up being someone utterly irrational and pathetic. Putting his own adoptive father in a coma so he can make up for him and the Yakuza? I still can't wrap my head around that, it's fucking ridiculous. Overhaul ended up as just some psycho who happened to be in the Yakuza.

How about this system?

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Quirk regulation is a lost cause, it should be replaced with a simple registration and more education about quirks and the consequences of selfish use these abilities.

His quirk made him that way.

From episode 1 to 8
>Tranny killer pasta
>Mirio is a faggot
>His touch felt so kind
From 8 to 15
>I want to fuck Toga
>Toga nigger-killer
>Togatwice cute and canon
>TogaDeku cute and canon
>Chadrio should be MC
>O MY 20%
>Jobchako falling.webm
>O MY 100%
>KINO Sakugaposting
From 15 to 25
>O MY POWER OF LO- They didn't deserve this bros...
>XXXX did nothing wrong
>I want to fuck Mandalay


>Putting his own adoptive father in a coma so he can make up for him and the Yakuza?
He considered himself the son of Yazuka organization as a whole, so he felt the need to get rid of anyone who was in its way, old boss included. Psychotic indeed, but not entirely baseless.

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Mirieriposting will start as soon as Mirio tells her he'll be her hero.

The worldbuilding in bnha is UTTER SHIT that's being made up as it goes along which makes these new groups of villains feel like filler as they seem to pop out of nowhere into sudden relevancy because of how little we know about the world AND HOW LITTLE THEY MATTERED before.

We don't even know how hero society was formed exactly. All we know is apparently there were too many people running around who used their newly found powers to do bad things so some other people stepped up and took matters into their hands. Then TA - DA!! that's how hero society came into being like wtf?? There's way too many things skipped there for the series to act like this is some sort of logical progression of things, very POOR EXECUTION in worldbuilding.

It doesn't even make sense because if you're saying that the situation was solved as a result of people taking matters into their hands instead of relying on the gov't then hero society is like the EXACT opposite of that. So how the fuck does that work and how the fuck can they even enforce the "you can't use your quirk" thing or even know what exact quirk people have if they just lie about it?

>I want to fuck Mandalay
The poster we need but don't deserve.

This is why Vigilantes is better.

it's fine user, hori doesn't understand economics or crime rates or anything that's relevant to worldbuilding. if he did do any worldbuilding it wouldn't be good, so we'll have to pretend the totalitarian state of mha lacks complete self awareness as it is merely the mirror of its creator

Sorry forgot
>Cuckrio on suicide watch
After pic related and apple

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And don't forget the stage dance. Deku's dancing made her smile while Mirio was irrelevant.

How many episodes will they waste on the filler concert?

5 but it will have Deku vs Gentle so It'll be fine

More on the school stuff the better. Gentle was the worst part of that arc.

Daily reminder that all you have to do to solve early childhood trauma and trauma induced developmental disabilities in the world of MHA is dance, and smile. Ergo, they're all mutants.

Yeah it was bullshit but it shat on Mirio's character so I'm ok with that.


I dreamed that I was Aizawa's student and he was trying to molest me

Why does Hori love shitting on Mirio so much?

The moment he dooms a character to irrelevancy in larger plot arcs they become fodder for trash jokes and other things nobody cares about. Since he's not the only shafted character Hori's probably stocking them up so they can get killed off for woo drama.

Perhaps you could define exactly what you mean by 'shit character'. Your objections to him may not be obvious.

Speaking generally, though, OH had several disturbing aspects. He was a violent sociopath, with few loyalties and no code of ethics. He was good at manipulating others but had severe blind spots, such as not realizing killing Magne would make the LoV his implacable foes and that any cooperation would be a prelude for betrayal. His twin obsessions with making the Yakuza strong again and destroying quirks, while they gave him tremendous drive, also restricted his actions and vision. And he kept underestimating the forces against him and overestimating his abilities. All these contributed to his absolute defeat.

Triple eight Satan.

i wonder if alien rapehorseslug is enjoying armless oh in whatever alley it trapped him in

But Mirio still has to get his quirk back.

Yeah. Like I said, trash jokes.

But she's still recovering, Deku just made her happy for the first time in her life

Deku was off stage when she let go of overhaul's ghost.

Eri recovering is more unrealistic than superpowers.

A kid that suffered that much shouldn't smile over a dumb concert. That is the worst writing Hori has come up with to date.

>the guy who can literally regulate quirks is the one who put the law into place
Figures. Can't stop the powerful. Still doesn't explain why All Might was able to defeat AfO and put him down for a decade. All Might must have used up all the wishing energy that was stockpiled. Deku doesn't even know it because it's so much more powerful than anything he's used to, but recently we're starting to see quirks match up in power despite All Might being much stronger in his prime.

Can I skip overhaul's arc ? this shit's boring af

If only Horikoshi had some kind of school setting where he could teach the background and history of the world in class and to the audience on a regular basis. Oh wait, he does, but he doesn't fucking use it. How come the editor doesn't point out some of that shit to him? We're well beyond the "no need to flesh things out in detail until we know if the manga can survive" stage. You already got the 2nd movie in the works an a spinoff to boot. Build your fucking world already, Hori!

Overhaul has one of the best arcs to date. The Villain Alliance before was trash and Overhaul redeems the baddies with his Yakuza.

>inb4 one of the ghosts is a villain holding Deku back from the inside and is trying/will break free

Skip to the part where he fights Mirio. From that point on is the only worthwhile part of the whole arc and I plan to sit out next anime season until it gets to that point.


That and the JT arc have some awful fucking writing, even for Hori standards. I don’t know what he was thinking when he came up with the dialogue for those arcs.

The issue is that BnHa is built more from an allegorical stand point. Speculation isnt what hes interested in and if done wrong could just end up running his allegory.

His editor used to work on a romcom manga before BnHA. This is his first battle shonen which is why things are all over the place.

That the world doesn't turn by militarized quirks & human deterrents is a major oversight. BAKA for Hori thinking leaders wouldn't shove powerful quirks into their militaries from D1. Normal capeshit problems though.

Stop shitting up my thread, Satan.

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>asking this when we're just talking about Overhaul/S4
What a great timing.

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Hori not making Eri and Kota meet gives me little to no hope for anything related to Eri, i just know it will be shit writing.

>not shigariki meeting eri
It's like a horrible merger of lost story opportunities and wasted potential, antikino or something.

Eri would have been a great asset to the LoV, it's like Horikoshi hates good ideas.

No, you fool, and satan. That's Horikoshi's Quirk. It's Antikino!

I remember how everyone thought Toga and Twice would kidnap Eri by Toga using Deku's blood to trick Eri.
Good times.

Hori keeps letting me down

His quirk triggers when you read things he's made.

If only they did, it would have saved us from the Cultural Festival

What interesting thing can you even do with Eri? She's not even an compelling victim because she's been reduced to moeblob shit.

Her only purpose to stand and look cute to boost manga sales.
That's it.

Give her quirk to Shigaraki and kill her off

She's not popular at all

It's not about popularity. It's about adding a cute factor that is pleasing to the eyes of readers. Think of her as a background pet kitten character.

No, by using AIZAWA's blood. Remember?

>Normal capeshit problems
>One of the biggest capeshit cliches is "THE ARMY WANTS A SUPERSOLDIER"
That being said it makes sense that BnHA a world that's rife with red tape to keep Quirks in check would have some international legislation saying "No human WMDs please"

>Japan totally has human WMDs. -2300's President of the United Americanized States

Yeah but I want my supersoldiers.

Hori getting in the way of me and my supersoldiers can fuck right the hell off. At least doctor drop the baby knows what real progress looks like.

She's not even pleasing to see and she's never in the background, whenever she shows up she's in the spotlight. Eri was a mistake.

ochaco is cool

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Can the doctor really reproduce the quirk bullets without Eri? If he needs Eri...

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I mean, imagine All Might in the army.
Or Re-Destro
Not to mention allowing it totally incentivizes a bunch of unethical practices. Endeavor set up his own little eugenics project alone, imagine if the government wanted in on that? Or Nomus?
All this ontop of the fact that world at large is so scared shitless by the fact there's no standardized human anymore, just imagine any variable can happen on the battlefield.
Sorry dude, you're reading the wrong story.

If he gets Eri he can make a companion for John

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I can't stand Eri because how stupid the whole situation with her is
>killed her dad
>got tortured for years
>body full of scars
>told she was cursed and only destined to kill others
>didn't even known what smiling was
And what is her personality? What are the remains of her trauma? "She's just shy and cute XD"
It is some of the worst shit I've read.

I like how you didn't even explain why its stupid just list some shit and expect us to agree with you

About dat.
If other countries see Japan getting ravaged by Nomu's and don't pursue an intervention I'm gonna call bullshit on this world.

Terrorist-made human weapons should, no matter how the world is or isn't set up, get a lot of foreign attention for your country. Or the state information control is more aggressive than what's been shown.

I agree. Eri a SHIT

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This unironically. There's nothing interesting about Eri. She's just a cute little kid who was made to tug at people's heartstrings.

>BNHA version of the Tuskegee Syphilis experiment
>BNHA version of Unit 731
>BNHA version of Operation Northwoods
>BNHA version of the Waco Siege
>BNHA version of Ruby Ridge

she should have PTSD and regular panic attacks, night terrors, and she should be under professional supervision in a mental institution not fucking UA.
What do we get instead? Babysitting and Aizawa of all people taking care of her.
You might like shit, but I don't. I'd expect more from Hori.

That's not a bounce that's a friggin slam.

Same. I expected nothing and I got less.

Using quirks freely so long as you don't impose on someone else's freedom should be under freedom of expression because one's inborn ability is part of one's identity therefore it should not be regulated

And it sucks because her past gives her the potential to be a very interesting character who can give insight on shit like death and the meaning of life and how she sees the world as a survivor of heavy abuse but no, she's just cute teheee.

Wow very American thank you aaaaand

See I would agree with you if we didn't already get that shitty festival arc to give her a smile. Its' not like Eri was ever mentally disturbed anyway. We see how she acted during the Yakuza arc.

Predict the next filler arc that Hori's gonna shit out.

Eri's birthday party

A reporter showing heroes fixing the city the revs and shigariki busted with cameos of characters Hori forgot about.

And that is even shittier, how could a festival make her that happy?
>was ever mentally disturbed
She literally didn't known how to smile. She was mentally disturbed, but not in a harmful ways for others but for herself.

Is being unable to smile or know how really a sign of mental problems? Sounds like shit you made up.

Do you even realize what you're asking?

What do you mean?

Not being able to understand a human concept like happiness due to all the trauma she had to endure is an obvious sign of mental issues.
Now the biggest issue here is how a dumb concert was the cure for that. What an awful character.

user do you know how to smile?

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This is why its hard to take any of you retards seriously. You make the most inane arguments that don't even make sense.

kek user you have legitimate autism. Have you talked to your doctor?

How does that not make any sense to you? Why can't you accept Eri is a horribly written character?

To be honest, does Hori even know how babies work? newborn Eri would've been laughing at some point, in some way, somehow. You can just stare at a baby and it will start laughing, it has nothing to do with happiness, it's a reaction.

Dumb Erifag

>Can't actually present a valid argument
>Why can't you accept that Eri is a horribly written character

Its not that hard user

Eri is 6 years old retard

Its not that hard to accept Eri is a horribly written character user

>can't even understand what the user said in his post

When you can't prove why someone is horribly written then you might have well not even bothered to speak to begin with

>can't even understand a simple fucking manga for kids
This is why you retards are laughable. How the hell would Eri even remember her infancy?

Tell me why you think Eri is a good character when all the potentially interesting suffering has been reduced to "I'm shy" and "I'll d-do my best!"

I just explained why she's horribly written but your dumbass won't acknowledge it

Tell me why you think Eri is a bad character without sounding like a complete braindead retard

>I just explained why she's horribly written
You didn't. Next,

It can still happen. She just has to get more of his blood.

she's a moeblob who's one dimensional and uninteresting despite her terrible past Hori has managed to make her one of the worst written characters I've ever seen.
Now explain to me how she's a good character.

Best Girl.

Bow to your Alien Queen.

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Thank fuck you're not a writer
>Good times.
Yeah it was good seeing you retards get btfo every week with your stupid suggestions

>Eri is going to get kidnapped by the league
>Eri is going to bring back Nighteye
>Eri is going to get Mirio his quir back

Good times indeed.

>she's a moeblob
Failed from the first sentence,

you're not even attempting to tell me how she's well written, because she isn't.
She's just there so you can drool over the poor loli who's cute and will never do anything of importance by herself, since she's only there to be a plot device.

Would you like Grap more if he were a pervy yet cute shortstack waifu?

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>ask to make a point without sounding like a retard
>failed two times in a row

>years of trauma have been healed because of the power of music
Defend this.

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I suspect AfO never anticipated someone of All Might's overwhelming power and popularity who knew what was really going on and started dismantling his empire faster than he could react. It is also possible Nana, despite AfO's dismissal of her, laid enough hurt on his organization and/or him personally in their final battle, AfO couldn't bring his full weight to bear on All Might until it was too late.

That can be said of any character and it would most likely make them better.
Hard yes.

You're the autistic faggot who doesn't even understand how humans work and therefore thinks Eri is well written
Go talk to a doctor you lunatic.

Super-loud, crowded, overwhelming environments not only do NOT heal trauma, they cause breakdowns and episodes

>years of trauma have been healed because of the power of music
Imagine being this retarded
And that's three

t. Not a doctor but an overweight neckbeard on the internet

me? I'm not the one avoiding questions like some disgusting street rat. Explain why Eri is well written, but you won't because you can't you dumb faggot.

When has Eri shown any sign of her trauma holding her back after the concert? She's all 'I'll try my best" and more stuttering moe shit, she was healed because of some music kek.

Is Eri a well written character?

>Explain why Eri is well written
After you do this

Good to see you don't read the manga

I asked first faggot, now tell me
How is she well written?

I do and better than you it seems.

Where's the "you're a faggot" option?

You don't considering you haven't gotten a single thing right


Why did I expect anything different

Up your ass

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well, come and get it then :^)

I do enjoy femneta and would impregnate her if asked to do so but I love Mineta for what he is
If femneta were to exist, I'd want her to be his twin or some girl that just so happened to look like him and was pervier than him to the point where he got uncomfortable when she tried to do something to him

If you think a kid like Eri smiling over some dumb concert is good writing then you're beyond help and possibly a severe autist.

She only appeared twice after the cultural festival, once for a few panels pro hero arc and at the end of the joint training arc, and nothing about does occasions tell us she's fully healed

Consider the problems. Could you send someone like Ibara out with orders to kill? Aoyama out to risk his life? What if you drafted Overhaul or Shiggy and their response to being told what to do was "No, YOU do what *I* tell you to do. Or else." There are probably special forces units in the government with those who have powers and the right temperament and mindset for such. But I doubt we're going to get told much about them. They'd be secret.

Pure projection. Sorry your uncle ass raped you as a kid.

Imagine being visibly quirkless in public

>An abused kid learning how to have fun for a day is bad writing
Really hits home for you, doesn't it user

you think a knife analogy would be good enough to make her less scared of the quirk that almost killed deku?

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Like Midoriya?

Monoma being the traitor I think has something to it.
Even Eri, who killed her own parents and suffered at the hands of Overhaul, is afraid of him.
Mirio, whose intellect and perceptiveness is matched only by his skill at making jokes, has tried to furtively warn others about him.

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All this back and forth about Eri makes me suspect the hatefag, who baits people just to get responses from them, isn't gone after all.

Too bad. I was hoping he'd gotten sane enough to stop.

Said kid explicitly said she didn't even know how to smile.
Years of abuse rendered her like that but a concert is enough to make her get rid of overhaul's "ghost"? Yeah, keep eating that shit up.

You dodn't suspecet them bu they're are reuslt.

She was only afraid of him because of Mirio.

So how many of you can't smile, hm?

>One smile = no longer having any problems
Good to know I've been talking to a retatd

I don't know if it counts as well written but as I read the Yakuza arc I didn't want to see her get hurt, I think she serves her purpose as a hostage well enough? She's pretty bland but at least she's not annoying so I wasn't rooting the villains, but tbqh half the reason for that is just a general dislike of seeing children suffering or being hurt.
I guess she could've been more than that but that would've provoked complaints about Hori wasting time. Kota has a more distinct personality and he's directly tied to Muscular and nobody gave a shit about him either way. Imo the most lacking part was Overhaul who people actually had some expectations for.
It's not great, hell it's not even really good but rescuing some kid is basic capeshit and it still works good enough. As it is I'm glad enough they didn't waste any more time on her.

Eri just happens to be Hori's worst creation.

Well unless this is better than the other discussiins about the same shit of the characterfag or cuck or whatever they said only for bother

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Oh, where are the visible problems? Here?

But she still have issuies or i don't see the same manga like you

That is because she's a cute helpless moeblob. Basic tearjerker shit.
and it is a problem because Kota didn't suffer as much as her yet he's more interesting and even more rounded as a character who appreciated heroes after a dramatic scene with Deku defeating his parent's murderer. It came to full circle in a meaningful way.
Here, Eri is learning trough vapid shit like festivals and knife analogies, it sucks ass.


Would Bakugo's bullying be more tolerated if he was a girl?

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Monoma turning out to be the traitor after loudly and visibly antagonizing everyone would be the dumbest reveal in shounen history.

>all might punches a hole through him
>hole recloses itself in .5 seconds
>starts laughing as all might and other heroes launch a desperate barrage of insane attacks not caring about how much damage to the ruined city they do at this point
>as the heroes collapse from exhaustion, he uses his super stretchy tongue to grab them all up and fling them miles away from the battlefield
>he strides over to All Might and forces him to kneel

You know the objective and absolute answer to this question is yes, so why ask it?

So she's well written. Glad we've decided it.

Who in bnha is well-written, again?

Will we ever get something as metal as High-End Hood?

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Thank you for showing how much of a retard you are.

People with issues don't to be protrayed like that 24/7, like depressed people can smile and go out, hell at the end of the JT arc eri felt sad about not being able to help, that ties into Overhaul always calling her a burden, it's retarded to rule out the possibility of Eri having a breakdown if she ever see's a villain again

Without question
>"Ew, that deku guy is such a total creep. He'd probably be a rapist if he had a quirk. Bakugo is such a strong female character I see myself in her. Honestly, Bakugo should just explode Deku's balls or something he deserves it desu."

Ew I just fucking realized thats his bare muscle tissue exposed

Why didn't Hori make Eri and Kota meet again? It is bullshit! Imagine the bonding and the interesting conversations they could have had together. It would have helped her become her own character tbqh, it was a wasted opportunity

Unironically liked him more than any other villain in mha. Aside from Moonfish

>six anons think Eri is well written
can anyone tell me why?

To subvert your expectation

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My dick would tolerate it

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>so retarded he thinks I'm an erifag
holy shit


Is it worth it tho?

Totally not, but no one told Hori about that

the sheer state of people that think eri is well written

deku has boobs!

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Deku's mom.

>Knife analogies
I don't remember that, but I'll take your word for it. You're not wrong, but the payoff for Kota's character arc still wasn't that great, it has everything needed to make it good, but it just wasn't, at least not for me.
I don't know, everything about Eri in the Yakuza arc is just good enough, it comes full circle as well with her realizing that she's not some demon kid whose powers only bring misery to others.
Even playing devil's advocate I can't defend the festival though, that page with Mirio saying "look master, she's smiling!" is a serious candidate for worst page in MHA. I would've done things differently, make Eri into some gloomy kid that grows into a depressed goth chick, like have her be really morbid around the rest of the cast, I think that could've been fun when the rest of the cast is so cheerful.

indeed, bunch of retards that don't even know how to read.

Bakugou, his insecure obsession with strength is close enough to reality to mimic the vast majority of readership and enthrall them.

The problem that the yakuza only gave her the resolve to be saved. Learning about her quirk comes later and trough stupid shit.
If she was a gloomy kid that would have made her interesting but no, we can't have that. She's "uwu cute and trying her best!"
BTW, here's the knife thing

That makes Hori a bad writer.

Hello America.

The samefag is intense this thread

Attached: twicegang.png (1075x1300, 1.2M)

Yeah, I think it is impossible for six anons to think Eri is well written. It is clearly a samefag.

>a serious candidate for worst page in MHA
As much as I get your point, just no. There are so much better competitors at this, even from this arc

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Eri cute

Why is it so apparent that autistic people hate those scenes?

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Because retards like you love them. Hori could shit in your mouth and you'd go 'itadakimasu"

And Hori could sneeze and you're have an autistic spasm and say that the manga has turned to shit

first manga?

>STILL no chapter
That's a big yikes from me. Boku no AXED

>blaming the manga for a shitty translation

For me it's because didn't feel like it was earned, there's this big on the nose symbolism about how eri's released from Overhaul's shackles as the scary shadow disperses around her, if you decide to have a big sappy or cathartic emotional moment as the payoff for your arc then I feel it needs to be earned. I don't think a concert accomplishes that. Kota's character arc ended with Deku's arms being beat to shit, it was so bad that he didn't even want to use them for a good time.
I can't blame Hori though, that shit almost always works, people eat it up, because when it works it's really good and leaves an impression on readers forever, people still talk about how good Goku transforming into a super saiyan was, I think that's because of how much it took to get there.
Eri got two of these moments, one in the Yakuza arc, a moment that I thought was okayish and then in the festival, which just felt really desperate. Hori could barely wait to start the healing arc for Eri, he rushed through it just to give us this flaccid and emotionally flat moment.

Which is worse: Culture Festival or JT arc?

Thank you for your worthless opinion

you're welcome

Samefag Erifag

>prohabition ever working
>especially with superhuman abilities
LMFAO cmon now

So is ReDestro just already fucked or what?

Very well put user, I feel the same.
Also, don't mind the desperate erifag. He can't even tell us why she's well written or argue why your opinion is "worthless".

> only two months to see yakuzahaters get BTFO

No need to samefag retard

Wish this arc would end I’m tired of the gimp “awakening” his power

calm down rabid erifag, not everyone is a samefag like you.

This, so much this.

No need to samefag

user is right, no need to get mad.

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Don't be rude, I don't agree with his opinion but that's not a way to communicate

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You think the concert was a good catharsis for Eri? Why?

I like the way you shut down people's arguments and opinions. Never change.

Have sex

>For me it's because didn't feel like it was earned,
How? Its the culmination to her arc and the beginning of her healing process they managed to save someone internally and externally. The series have always dealt with the importance of parenthood and cultivation of the mindset of children at a young age considering that the LoV are all victims of shitty childhoods, its very much possible that Eri would have ended up like Shiggy had she remained with Overhaul and her first genuine smile was her first step to her road to recovery. I know this is worthless since you cucks don't want to actually argue or prove a point because you want to shitpost but its hard to believe so many stupid people who hate this manga actively reads it.

How? by repeating the same shit over and over like an autistic child and not actually providing any argument? Reminds me of hunterlets.

Ironically yes. That user has no self-awareness so watching him sperg out and repeat 'retard this and retard that' while pissing everyone else in the thread off is pretty entertaining.

Attached: shut the fuck up for a second.jpg (401x229, 23K)

What does that have to do with what the user said you braindead moron?

Thanks for proving my point.

early spoilers tomorrow for sure. i bet my virginity on it

This is retarded and you're a little bitch.

>yfw Kimestu is now suffering from mainstream cringe along side MHA

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What point? That you're a retard?

Read slower

Thats because Destros philosophy is pretty natural. The strong control the weak and get the spotlight.

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What choices did Eri herself make? Everyone else made efforts to rescue her, sure, but what did she herself decide? If she made no choices, you could put an item in her place and the meaning would've been intact.

You read that user's post slower.

I don't hate MHA but I can't speak for anybody else. If this is the culmination to her arc then it feels mighty weak, this kid went through a lot and this is where the healing starts? What if Hori saved Overhaul and didn't sacrifice him just to give Shiggy a cool moment, she could've been kept out of the story for a while, he eventually returns, but this time she actively opposses him after Aizawa helps her in learning how to use her quirk. There could've been a heartful moment of Eri realizing her deep appreciation for her surrogate father, a moment that would've had a lot more heart to it than seeing a concert for the first time. And by reintroducing her into the story this way she could've been shown with a more interesting personality this time, maybe pick up on some of Deku, Mirio and Aizawa's mannerisms.
The seriousness of Eri's situation deserved a better resolution than some mundane concert.

Given he somehow despite at latest 5 years ago discovering someone with Super Regeneration had so far atleast 2 Nomus using it and one with slightly lesser regeneration i wouldn´t be surprised if he got some jolly quirk farm or something at the ready.

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>What choices did Eri herself make?
The climax of the arc was her taking action for herself.
>this kid went through a lot and this is where the healing starts?
She's only 6 years old. You would have a point if she was in her teens or an adult but that point is that she's young enough to mend the pain.


This is why you're not a writer user

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I'm not an expert in psychology so I don't really want to judge this kind of things, but since you insist...
I honestly think it's fine, it's not like her entire trauma is gone (pic related), she was just finally able to have some geniune fun for once in her life.
Should her situation be worse? Maybe, maybe not...She's just a child like is pointing out and I'd say that this kind of things easily vary with each individuals.
As for her mental state, she was seeking for help since the start of the Yakuza arc, and she did get it when she was on the brink of giving up. So I would assume for a little kid that being relaxed around the saviors who risked their life for her makes enough sense.

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Freedom of quirks, all the way.
The idea of restricting quirks is stupid because quirks are parts of people's bodies that can't be removed unless you have magic loli bullets or are AfO. If someone just says "fuck it" and decides to commit a crime with their quirk on the spot, there's no way to stop them ahead of time because you don't need a background check for a quirk. You're just born with it.
Yes, people can commit crimes with quirks, but crimes are already illegal. If someone uses their quirk to murder someone, put them in prison for murder, not for using their quirk.
More importantly, people are driven to use their quirks. Toga went crazy because her body was telling her to drink blood, but there was no outlet for that desire. She ended up becoming a violent, murderous criminal because of a law in place to stop criminals.
So not only is there no reason to restrict people's natural bodily functions, it's also not moral or logistically viable.

She tried to escape one time before the raid started.
She decided to go back to Overhaul and try to bargain with him, to save Deku.

Both of these decisions changed the shape and outcomes of the arc.

I'm not sure how conscious the decision was when she "awakens" her quirk, but it was an action that indicated Mirio's impact on her and her new conviction to be saved.

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You're literally not allowed to use your quirk in public without a license. If you can fly, you have to walk. It's stupid.

Are we on for a new cute boy era?

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I think all Eri needs to do is be cute

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This is why government figures like Hilary Clinton woman and the police commissioner are going to be endgame antagonists.

Reminder that the CRC was right and we need to purge the Muties before they give into their nature.

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that's good, i love cute boys, especially deku

In that regard Redestros completely right, the regulations even have before been called way outdated as many use their quirk in little ways anyway and trying to regulate all of that is much more messy than establishing guidelines for certain quirk types (for example, fly not high enough that you could get in the ways of planes and obvious stuff like that.)

what would be their quirks?

Get fukt klansman

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They don't need powerful quirks, they got the police and government on their side.

Tanjiro is cuter!

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not all muties are baddies

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I liked him, but he didn't live to his own hype, he had to job thematically to Shigaraki (I don't care that he lost, that much was obvious, but Shigaraki was suppossed to come off as the better, most villainy villain, and because he was a whiny Joker wannabe at that point, Overhaul has to be made into a bitch)

You could replace Eri with a non-sentient cube of flesh with her quirk and the impact she had on the story would be exactly the same. Actually, if Eri was just a meat cube the story would be better for it since Hori wouldn't have an excuse to drag his already molasses speed pacing even slower on inane shit like a concert to instantly heal years of trauma and introducing a smalltime villain that got dispatched as soon as he appeared.

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i want to peg bakugou's bakubutt

The fact Eri is a child makes all of this even more stupid. She's six yet she behaves like an adult but sometimes like a toddler, she's a mess.

The sad thing is that femineta would likely be a stinky slob

People say that's the case, but in the first chapter we see kids unleashing their quirks in the classroom, I don't know how strict the restrictions are. Gentleman used his quirk to do heroism and he got sued by the guy that got hurt, but didn't got jail time.

Schizo bitches need not to reply

Anyone got any Ibaras?

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>when his quirk bullets still live on
This is technically a win for Overhaul.

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RL history has proven that it is better to regulate a product or ability instead of making it illegal. Making something illegal would just cause cops to deal with more issues on top of their already impossible load. It doesn't help that with more people jailed, the more tax money we will waste.

Kirishima should've been the MC

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you're very mean

Dude people are gonna steal there's no point in making it illegal




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Tell me why the fuck you don't like Katsuki

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So basically like Index.

In that guys defense, he wasnt fully born like that, but actually mutated.

I do though. Kacchan is a bottom bitch, fuck the fandom for making Deku the bitch out of the two. A bunch of goddamn self inserters.

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stop looking at her with sinful eyes

>knee-high boots
She chose this

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Her purity is perfection

Do you guys like Jiro? I see alot of people talk about Momo Toga and Frog Girl alot even Mina but not much Jiro?

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whats wrong with them? would you rather her go around with bare feet?

Appreciating her beauty is fine as long as I don't touch her and tarnish her beauty.

That's a man.

Yes. That would exemplify her purity even more.

Jirou is a cute girl

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I would suck her dick.

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i like ibara because she's christian

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yeah but he's rotting in jail and not profitting of them, and the yakuza is history

Specially if the product is something you're born with. Obviously some restrictions are needed so Bakugou doesn't just blow everybody's faces without consequence, but absolute prohibition is ridiculous and impossible to really enforce.

pretty af

Eri is six but she's got reasoning beyond her age, this isn't a good argument.
Eri should be traumatized and gloomy and sad but she isn't.

What's Index system? I've never seen it.

Ugly deku.

the word you're looking for is 'cute'

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Oh no! They all have boobs!

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>closeted lesbian

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this is cute, get with the program

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I don't find when artists draw Deku looking like a girl cute.

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>enlarges thumbnail

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it's not looking like a girl, it's just being cute, boys can be cute too

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that's a fucking alien

>MC Hammer pants
Get that shit back in the 80s where it belongs.

I support you 100%, user. We've been told she's suffered all her life and the resolution to her stalemate selfworth comes out of a concert. It is very bad and a lot of wasted potential. Like, I wish she and kota could have met and interact like regular children do, that would have been very meaningful and a good start for her introduction to a normal life, but Hori just doesn't seem to understand how damaged his own character should be and the actions that could help her become both an interesting and believable character.

so much culture

>Deku being haunted by a cute ghost!

Attached: 1560859266999.jpg (800x1000, 181K)

We already had this conversation before. He's already cute in canon although bottomdekufags love girlifying Deku. What the fuck even is your pic related, absolutely disgusting.

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deku is plain in canon you dumb dekufag

I want to kiss her butt!

ok sorry

>Still doesn't explain why All Might was able to defeat AfO and put him down for a decade.
Wasn't All Might the only one who was able to use OfA's strength to its full potential because he was built like a fucking giant brick house?

same desu.

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lmao i love when people seethe about this series

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Who do you think Eri prefers? Deku or Mirio?

i want to kiss deku's butt!

What does she smell like?

I want to kiss your butt!

Nothing except a slight hint of Ammonia.

lewd but cute

>deku is plain in canon
I know, but I find his mannerisms and chubby cheeks cute.



Yes he was a sociopath, indifferent to the suffering of others. What do you think actual organized crime bosses are? They will happily abuse others and keep a holier than thou attitude because they stick to their "code". They take you in as family but use you for personal gain without hesitation. Of course he was a hypocrite, he doesn't practise what he preaches like Stain. He is against quirks unless they suit him, he is loyal to his "family" until they stand in his way.
Calm, calculating and ruthless people are CEOs, not politicians or gansters obsessed with attention.



i love his cheeks so much

Do people seriously hold the Phantom Troupe as some sort of shining example of a shounen Villain group?
I've watched the anime and really enjoyed the chimera ant arc, but the phantom troupe seriously fell flat for me.

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i really want to hug deku

>catholic figure and the beast
based Hori soiling the church

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Why? It's not the least bit important to the characters or the story. The story is set on Earth. Quirks are just an allegory for power and the villains are variations of real world philosophies and various abuses of power. Stain is a terrorist, ReDestro is a politician, Chisaki is a Yakuza. They are not sea monsters or mythical islands, why would you need extensive world building to make them fit into the story?

>why would you need extensive world building to make them fit into the story?
Because it would go a long way to making every single character's motivations a lot clearer. Sure they might not necessarily need it but it certainly won't do any harm either.

Why are you crying in kimetsu threads?

kek what happened?

this ought to be good

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He's a series warfag

Yes, that's a cute Deku alright

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Oh wow Hori is his god and religion. He is so pathetic that literally worships a mediocre kid's series.
KEK this is too funny. Thanks for the link user.

He's cute

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He's the worst fanboy I've ever seen, any real criticism is a personal insult to him.

Christ that's a yikes.

deku is the cutest ever and i love him so much

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>dekufags are all friend with the schizo
Imagine my surprise

Funny how any mention of other series sets him off and he constantly cries about serieswarfags tainting his precious bnha threads yet he's the biggest serieswarfag Yea Forumsermin himself constantly shitting up threads of other series.
What a fucking disgusting subhuman.


imagine the leg-lock.

It takes up the limited space a manga has to move the plot forward. Which character motivation is unclear to you?

almost all of them? Apart from the characters that get the spotlight almost all the time, what do we even know of the other heroes and prospective heroes? Why does Shouji want to become a hero? Why did Present Mic? Or Snipe? Midnight?

Guess the context of this panel

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This honestly. Even All Might's motivations are vacuous. "I want to become a symbol of peace"? Why? What stake does he have?

Actually, what I'm thinking as I look at her is "This girl needs at least a gallon of sunscreen or as pale as she is, she's going to BURN!!"

Although it's possible she's a practicing photosysthesist.

You've missed quite a few threads.

How would you fix Mirio?

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Sweet Woodruff.

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I kind of like this...

>O MY POWER OF LO- They didn't deserve this bros...
I can't wait for this


Actually, taking into account what Nana said about early All Might, we've got a pretty good idea of his motivations. Although not why he has them. Back before OfA, he looked at the Hero Society of his day, and saw it was failing. Criminals were running rampant, people were scared, police and heroes overwhelmed. And he concluded what was needed was a linchpin, someone who would give 100% all the time and make it work. As fanatical as Stain, but in the other direction. And fortunately he, a quirkless nobody, somehow knew the one person who could give him a quirk that would enable HIM to be that linchpin, the Symbol of Peace. And since getting OfA, both in gratitude and being true to his ideals, he's done so.

i like it too, momo looks very cool and fashionable


shiggy cute

Does somebody need to have a specific motivation to be a superhero? There are 3 main reasons.
1. They want to have a positive impact on society and help people out but don't care for the spotlight. We knew Shouji wants to do good and has no interesst in material posessions as his room is almost empty, and he doesn't seem interested in fame.
2. They want the fame and glory associated with being a hero. That does not mean they can't be good people of course. We know Presenter Mic is one of these people because he has a radioshow and always seeks out the spotlight.
3. The athletes, these are the people who want more than anything to be the best like Enji and Bakugo
Why does it matter where on the spectrum Snipe falls when he is just a background character with two lines of dialogue.
All Might is special because he the best of both 1 and 2. He wants fame but only to be a symbol for people to strive for. All Might is just a character he plays because he wants to do good.

then Hori should have made him just a power hungry asshole. Overhaul already wanted to restore the Yakuza to it's former self, an organization with a lot of influence over the country and an actual seat of power, yet Hori added that bullshit about repaying his boss and made Overhaul seem like a madman that didn't make any sense.

Both Eri and OH are terrible characters.

>Hori goes full madman and have Ibara sit on top of Beast.

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No, that is perfectly in character, he is both sociopathic and arrogant. He is sociopathic enough to not understand why he can't have his way and arrogant enough to think he knows what is best for the organization and his father. He doesn't understand why the boss would not want to torture a girl or overthrow society for moral reasons, he just assumes the boss is either afraid or doesn't think it would work so he puts him in a coma so he can do it himself as thanks.

literally me

Only two more days until paintfag is right again

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>compress without his other arm
immaculate attention to detail

Paintfag has gotten so much shit right I'm pretty certain now that he's Hori or his editor incognito.

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He hasn't gotten anything right

If it isn't a loli I'm not interested.

I meant to pick all of them...

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maximize realism for peak boner. curvaceous booty with c-d breasts.

That would too OP. What's the catch?

Donut steel tier

Shut up shitty paintfag, go to bed

>niggers loving A over T
>non-patricians preferring planks over hucows

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>liking fatasses
Expect a togafag to have shit taste

flat + huge hips, thighs and ass are patrician

You get straddled by thighs and sat on by ass. Titties do none of the above.

Keep seething

if the girl leans forward you can be pressed by thighs, ass AND titties

7 _Quirks_
Maybe more

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>This weeks WSJ TOC thread has started
Spoilers soon boys

He’s literally The Guy

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Fuck you guys seriously

Literally everything you said is already inferred about the world. Hori doesn’t need to give you idiots specific ass spoon fed statistics about the world because it’s a COPY of our own. Look at the discussion we have in this thread? We pieced together these ideas because what he has given us suffices. The hero society is a product of quirk regulation. Quirks needed to be regulated because of people being too selfish with the use of their quirks. Done. It’s that simple

I agree to a degree, but it's obviously not a copy of ours since it went through some shit that apparently set humanity back for some time.
But yeah, wanting to know exactly how Hero Society was formed is missing the forest for the trees.

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Why is he so much better than Dekushit?

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Any MC is

It always makes me laugh that he's the only one who ever posts his own work, that must be embarrassing

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I think having hope for this manga is even more embarrassing

All the talented drawfags left for series that aren't doomed to fail

Shpo, Archvermin, Kendoufag and many others would probably disagree with you

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He said talented.


Talent doesn't exist

Alright, that got me

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>readers are obsessed with strength

On what fucking planet? Readers if anything avoid strength like the plague and find others ways to be superior, like knowing completely useless information.

user...she's 5

Yet she behaves even more maturely than most of the female cast, including adults.

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One Piece is so damn ugly

At least they have stories that go places


And best selling manga


Jirou is the best

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the lack of international intervention at all is a point but it doesnt really bother me
except in the case of the first movie where america literally does nothing to help i-island when it's an s-tier place of interest, but its a movie so who cares

>Black Clover is still better

Endeavor’s gonna give him soba?

What killed the hype?

>Paintfag has gotten so much shit right
Haha, What?

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See you can totally infer this (and I agree with you) but this should be more clearly stated. All Might is one of the most important characters in the entire story, and this Manga is pushing 200+ chapters at this point.

Lack of deku

Shit writing.

Barney-level dialogue

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Worst characters of the series by far. Getting rid of them would improve the manga tenfold.

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>only 14 posts in the span of three hours

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Monthly check up to see if these threads still suck.

Yup. Carry on.

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What happened to the thread?

Everyone moved on to Kimetsu threads.

>First it was HxHfags
>Then it was Cloverfags
>Now it's Kimetsufags
Fuck's sake

retard, it's all the same shitposters

Rather than guess the context, I'll make a few observations about the Todoroki household. Endeavor lives there. So does Shoto, who for most of the series has hated him and is still resentful, although curious about the changes he's going through. Fuyumi, who appears a bit fearful of Endeavor, lives there too. Natsuo is apparently off seeing his girlfriend a lot, but still seems to be living in the house. And is full of rage towards his father. It's a big house (actually a compound), but it's full of emotion, and not good ones.

I hope they have cleaners come in and do the work around the place and it's not all on Fuyumi.

Plus who gives a shit? Faster threads means worse threads.

>Spoilers should be posted today
good job outing yourself as a total newfag
lurk more

People dont care about the manga anymore, its funny how a shitty arc like JT never had dead threads like these, yet the so called amazing arc is boring af

This plus any people moved on to KnY since it's the newest hyped series.

I want a rockstar punk wife to pump my semen into.

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It's pretty telling how even the autist who calls every poster a retard and can't stop sucking Hori's shit covered dick is busy posting in Kimetsu threads rather than the threads of his favorite manga.
Who knew Kimetsu was the one to kill BnHA

>People dont care about the manga anymore,
You guys sure do love being wrong all the time
Thanks for the laugh. Anyways Jump was on break last week and no anime until October hence the slow down.

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>>Eri is going to get Mirio his quir back
That can still happen, especially now with everyone's quirks evolving

>, its funny how a shitty arc like JT never had dead threads like these
Yeah that boggles my mind. This arc has more discussion worthy chapters compared to JT so what gives

Yeah but it'll be worthless since you fags said it would happen at the end of the Yakuza arc

Hire me niggastreams.

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>Kimetsu took away all the shitposters in these threads
>that means that nobody cares anymore

Wow...what a loss.

because it doesn't matter how discussion worthy the chapters are if the threads are filled with fujos, Yea Forumsies and schizos spamming garbage everywhere while never being touched by the mods despite breaking multiple global and board rules
t. quit reading these threads two weeks ago

>When you have to lie to yourself in order to cope


because Hori wrote himself into a corner and there's few ways he can go about fleshing out the history of BNHA's world further without making it a carbon copy of X Men except in a timeline where things work out for mutants

>You're literally not allowed to use your quirk in public without a license

Or this arc just sucks

>She's six yet she behaves like an adult but sometimes like a toddler, she's a mess.
Man you just love talking out your ass.

nah it's definitely because of the thing I said, if an arc sucking killed the threads, they wouldn't have survived the joint training arc

It is true. No kid has gone "I'd rather get hurt instead of others" at that age, their world and morale hasn't developed to that point yet, they're fucking kids and their world view doesn't develop past their own needs.
Oh but Eri can make that decision on the spot.
And then talk like a three years old when she's excitedly telling Deku about the concert. As I said, a mess.

>No kid has gone "I'd rather get hurt instead of others" at that age, their world and morale hasn't developed to that point yet,

There's a big difference between 6 and 9


>9 is the same as 6
>kid is just giving instructions to the man and asking grown ups to help
did you even read my post you retarded pig? How did you skip the "I'd rather get hurt instead of others" part?

Keep moving goalposrs

>Gets BTFO
>I-i-i-i-it doesn't count its not the same age

This is pathetic

Next chapter will have 4 spreads

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Same goes to you faggot.
>dishonest faggot thinks kid helping others is the same as sacrificing themselves for others
It isn't like I can expect too much from a retard like yourself but this is still hilarious

>Gets proven wrong
>can't do nothing but throw insults


>can't do anything but damage control
You deserve every insult you braindead moron, the fact that you think
Compares to the feelings and actions Eri has shown is retarded. You're beyond retarded. No helping you, it is both hilarious and sad.

>Gets proven wrong
>can't do nothing but throw insults


>gets proven wrong
>can't do nothing but damage control

When will BNHA make us talk about important topics?

>Doing it worst in years
I thought you were proving me wrong

When we get an actual good arc, so never

>Doing it worst in years
You have no proof of this either

He's literally incapable of that.

>I thought you were proving me wrong
>A series with no anime running still is the 7th most profitable property in Japan


You think the anime means shit? When the manga is this popular already after 3 seasons? Seriously?

The anime helped elevate sales you fucking dipsgit

damn you're mad spic.
You'll get proven wrong this october, you just wait.

I like this series. It’s good.

Said no one ever. The only reason follow this shit show is because of the characters and shipping.
Hori can't write an interesting story that is worth following.

JT gave characterfags material to shitpost for weeks. This isn't even able to do that, the villains are awful and Hori made a big mistake here. I don't know how he'll save his declining manga.
