Are nuns allowed to have sex or will she stay a virgin forever?
Itt enen no shobutai / fire force
Because if so, what a waste
Nuns must be chaste while a nun, so unless she ceases to be a nun too bad OP.
So no chance for the protagonist to end up with her? Will he end up with Tamaki or Maki instead?
Nuns can't have any kind of explicit relationship, but they can quit being a nun and get married whenever they wish.
It's a little unclear to me - does the Nun actually do anything? Like, do they prayers actually have any kind of effect or is it just to make everyone feel better? It seems like the latter but maybe I missed something.
It's the latter for now.
Yeah so far she seems like the most useless one in the cast. Will she get any cool powerup or just be there to provide relief to the team's sexual urges?
tamaki is for Assault
Must suck if she has to choose between helping others and carnal urges.
Especially given how easy it is to strip and grab her.
IrisXMaki is OTP
They are both fucking hot. I don't understand why Tamaki is more popular, just because of the generic cat shit?
She's mostly there to give people the impression that that she's doing something significant, just like all religious figures and religion in general.
A shame. With that body and that ass, she should be used properly by the whole brigade.
>They are both fucking hot.
Think of the intense sex and powerful fisting Maki would obliterate Iris virgin pussy.
Jesus Christ.
>she should be used properly by the whole brigade.
Maki and Hibana are the only ones that could use Iris body at the best way possible.
With this fist, I shall leave your pussy lips so loose, the Matchbox will fit inside you!
Please explain
>is it just to make everyone feel better
That seems to be it. They're living in some kind of theocracy, so odds are that religion and religious ritual is extremely important to the regular citizen, both to the families of Infernals and to Fire Force members too. On a more cynical note I assume the role the nuns perform is also a sort of propaganda intended to draw away attention from the fact that the Fire Force is killing infernalized family members by dressing it up in religion and treating it as a mercy (by claiming that the Infernals are suffering). Once again I'd guess this applies to the Fire Force as well as to regular citizens.
Does she get to do anything else? Or will all girls be sidelined like in most shonen?
I don't know user, I'm just going by the impression the anime has given me. I haven't read the manga. Right now I assume we will get to learn more about Iris due to her involvement with Hibana in the current arc and their shared past.
OP check your image quality faggot
Get me a good one, bitch
Who is your favorite fire force, Yea Forums?
It still blows my mind that the ED was almost completely directed and animated by one person.
It's mostly just still frames so it isn't that surprising. It still looks great
If it works the same way it does with the catholic priests, we all know what happend.
Given how much into bdsm the 5th division is and how the first thing Iris got was her clothes burned, definitely. She's probably a virgin in title only.
All the girls are her sex slaves and the men are forced to watch but can't touch themselves.
>Iris will say Latam after a good sweaty night of intense tribbing and ultimate fisting at it's finest.
>Please explain
Iris the bottom while Maki and Hibana dominate her every day and night.
The Nun has some big things set up for her character that haven't been shown yet.
Blue balling to the max.
I'm so jealous. Also would anyone have preferred she stayed as a loli in the story or it's better with her current age?
Just imagine, handling Iris tiny body and ass like a hunk of meat
I'm late as hell, but I'm quite surprised. I thought it will be anime about literal firefighters, not combat exorcists.
Honestly the concept is quite clever. A shame it hasn't received much appreciation this season, then again the directing is a little weird at times.
>Anime TV
Also Promare rip-off!
Muscular girls are the best
Gorilla cyclops!
She's too hot to be a gorilla
What is Maki's combat style? Is it a martial art? She seems to use both her palms a lot
>hink of the intense sex and powerful fisting Maki would obliterate Iris virgin pussy.
Maki is straight though. The only type of pussy she would obliterate would be boy pussy.
Just imagine that powerful pneumatic body thrusting back towards your dick full force. The walls of her anus squeezing you. Maki seems perfect for anal
Maki, Tamaki or Iris. Who would you fuck, marry, kill, Yea Forums?
She is a pro at fisting.
You posted her.
Fuck tamaki
Marry maki
Kill Iris I guess
Nuns are not allowed to have sex. Fortunately, that's where Yuri comes in.
Cute orc
How serious are we supposed to take this show? I don't think i've seen a show this camp for a while. It makes JoJo look subtle.
There not supposed to have sex. Granted, that did absolutely nothing to stop a lot of convents throughout the middle ages and renaissance from being little more than church subsidized brothels.
>You will never be a traveler that stumbles across a convent of horny Nuns.
Sexual fantasies peaked with the middle ages.
>Maki is straight though.
>Fortunately, that's where Yuri comes in.
Nah. That's gay and nuns don't do gay shit either.
It's true though.
>Nah. That's gay and nuns don't do gay shit either.
They don't do sodomoy. Everything else is allowed.
So why is the ED all about the nun anyways? she doesn't seem to be that important of a character
Major spoilers user but the church is evil
Does that really count as a spoiler in a japanese show?
Someone spoil me on who is the MCs main love interest and if there is any progression towards whoever falls in love/ awaken feelings.