Scanlation Thread

How are things going?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Working solo is so much better than in groups. No having to wait until the other retards finish their job and no petty scanlation group drama, although it takes longer that way.

I always work solo

>it takes longer that way.
Not even, unless you picked up a redraw-heavy manga.


I recently joined a group and I have to say, it lowered my workload drastically.

Especially having to wait months for them because of "IRL issues".

I'm retarded when it comes to fonts, I searched for a fitting one from the font mega posted last thread but couldn't find anything I liked.
Any recommendations for this?

Attached: 1543183797841.jpg (206x404, 31K)

Wild words all the way

Also, the character is nervous because she doesn't talk a lot. I guess it doesn't have to look similar as long as it fits that mood.

try IAmTheCrayonMaster, it's suitable for tremblin speech

Stalled, mostly due to laziness and playing BotW.

>I guess it doesn't have to look similar as long as it fits that mood.
Yeah, if you go for something similar it's going to look like OCR-A.

This is my default for that kind of font. I see it a lot in Kirara.

Attached: Norse-Bold.png (735x822, 66K)

Kind of depends on if you're going for more awkward/shy or robotic/stilted.

Attached: Capture.jpg (874x263, 27K)

Comic Sans

Komika boo

user, you have no idea how much I've been needing this. The mangaka for the manga I'm doing has the shittiest handwriting.

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Fuckin a-right it is. Put out 12 volumes since the start of the year all by myself.
But you forgot "not being disappointed and annoyed by your coworkers shitty work".

Been a solo scanlator for years but am only now doing some H-doujins for the first time.

How do I transliterate all the moaning and various other sex noises? I've searched for any sort of guide and can't find one. I've tried using other translated H-doujins as a reference by comparing them to raws, but there's no consistency in how people handle it. Some people seem to completely ignore what the text says and just use "Aaaaahn!" for everything while others transliterate things properly which ends up reading very awkwardly with stuff like "Hiiii!" and "Muuu!" and "Naaa!"

nobody reads sfx, just put whatever and no one will care


You just found the reason I don't translate porn. Just do whatever sounds best to you I guess, most people don't give a fuck either way.

They're all panting/moaning sounds, just do whatever you want.

>Raws: Das
>We need funds T.T
I don't get it

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How else are they going to get their tendies huh!?

Fucking jews

PSA: offers young jump magazine in exclusive 1920px height. Consider using it as a source of raws, since it's 1200px elsewhere

Absolute scum

On that not, is ebook japan a good place to get raws? The scans I have now are absolute shit

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So it says you can read stuff from the past year all you want, but what about older stuff? Do they not have them or do you have to pay extra?
I'm currently working on a young jump manga so better raws would be great.

Thanks. I think I'm going to just leave the moaning bubbles alone with the existing Japanese text. They're basically just sfx and anyone who cares about those should already know kana anyways. It just annoys me whenever people comment on my work saying "YOU MISSED A BUBBLE!" like they already do on a lot of my stuff since I don't touch bubbles that say いただきます either.

I choose to interpret the "What You Want" column of this chart very literally.

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You reminded me, I've been meaning to share this. So ~20 days ago, some user sent me this email, but had already deleted his email account by the time I sent a reply ~3 days later so the reply never reached them...

> Hello,
> Do I have the right email for the ripper user? If it is, I have a quick question regarding raw qualities you're able to get. I know you get the raws by intercepting encryption information, but does that allow you to get better quality raws than what's offered on the store front? I'm asking because since EBJ fucked us over by moving over to yahoo domain and now only offers less quality raws, I was wondering if you could get better quality raws then what other more public ripping scripts can get.


My reply:

> Hi,
> Before February of 2019, EBJ had some sort of deal with Kodansha, so that they would sell their stuff at one resolution "bump" higher than all other stores. That means that back when other stores would get 1024px from Kodansha, EBJ would get 1600px. A few years ago that became 2048px on EBJ and 1600px everywhere else.
> After February 1st 2019, this was no longer the case. Now, everyone, including EBJ (or EbookJapan Yahoo crap now) gets 1600px. On the bright side, stores that support ebook versioning such as bookwalker also then got 1600px upgraded versions of the 1024px things they used to have, but on the downside, there is no such thing as 2048px Kodansha publications anymore. All Kodansha is now 1600px on every ebook store. I also do not recommend using EBJ to buy anything anymore, as there's just no point. The DRM is more of a pain in the butt (although I've cracked it) and the web viewer everyone rips from serves images slightly more compressed than the originals anyway.
> There are two ways to get images at higher quality than what is given out to Japanese ebookstores (EBJ, bookwalker, etc.) through the distribution systems:
> #1 Do a series that happens to be on niconico seiga. Sometimes (hit or miss) artists will upload original PSD exports at very high quality (e.g. 6000px)
> #2 Find a publisher-exclusive app/site where they serve exclusively higher quality. I've only seen this for two smaller publishers, ever.
> You're most likely interested in the Kodansha items considering you are after the 2048px, in which case nothing you can do. The EPUBs they send out have 1600px images, the end. At least Kadokawa is making an effort to switch to 2048px for many of their magazines/tanks...
> If you want to check what resolution something is, just go to bookwalker, look it up and check the size of the trial viewer images in your browser's developer tools, because they (only trial) have no DRM, just some compression.

As for, on the back number page: "You can read back numbers for up to one year at any time." Important: The 1920px raws only started ~3 issues ago.

there's a sfx dictionary site, I think it was called the jaded network or something

I guess it's pointless for me then, though I'll keep it in mind if I start to work on something recent.

You mean this:

That's not really the type of sfx that I'm talking about. There's nothing on there to help with transliterating the sound that a girl makes when she's faking an orgasm.

Photoshop is a malicious proprietary software which disrespects your 4 basic freedoms. Use GIMP, the freedom respecting alternative.


Attached: 32454.png (512x512, 36K)

But healing brush and content-aware fill are the main reasons I use PS.

As someone who uses GIMP, it's a very powerful tool for a lot of purposes and if I wasn't so busy using it I'd be doing everything I can to excise it from my life completely.

So the stuff on Bookwalker doesn't have DRM?

>Important: The 1920px raws only started ~3 issues ago.
Oh, that's good to know.

Use Affinity photo then.

Lazy and unmotivated like usual

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the results are not as accurate as PS, nothing is, really.

I leave a lot of those bubbles as is if there's nothing but moaning sounds in them. If it's part of a bubble with actual speech in it I usually stick with some variation of ohh or ahh on a case by case basis.

God save me, I cannot figure out what this word is. Can anyone read this

Attached: Untitled.png (128x69, 9K)

素晴らしい, N3-kun.

subarashii innit bruv

is bookwalker better than yahooebookjapan for buying digital stuff? i tried migrating my account now waiting to see what carried over but from what i've read seems ebook has turned to shit.

Yes. With bookwalker, you get EPUBs (if you remove the DRM). If you buy from yahoo/ebj, they do a one-way conversion into their shitty proprietary formats

That's not what I said. I said that the free reading trials for any item on bookwalker do not have DRM, so they're useful for checking the resolution of a manga before buying.

Where did the ら go? Can you write it without it?

I kept reading the 日 as 口 and could not figure out what the hell I was looking at. Handwritten kanji are the living end.

Attached: nigga u serious.jpg (1920x1080, 196K)

I'm probably worse than N5, my vocabulary is pathetic.

Attached: subarashii ningen-kun.jpg (413x870, 64K)

you should probably learn your radicals first. also you can clearly see that 日 is different sized compared to the 素 and 青 that should have tipped you off that it might be part of something

No I'm just retarded, I could see that 日 and 青 were all one character, I just for some reason kept reading it as 口 and got a kanji that doesn't exist
Also I forgot how to read 素晴らしい (or rather never learned to read it without the ら)

Don't know why I'm posting this but maybe someone other than was retarded enough to consider trying it.
ShareEX2 doesn't work properly under Windows Sandbox, you get disconnected from nodes every minute due to port error.
It looks like WinSandbox can't handle port forward properly thus Share won't work there so don't waste your time with this like I did.

Wait people still use that? I heard it was unsafe now.

That's the worst way to go about it. It's one thing to leave the background noises untouched, redrawing a dozen tiny "ahhs" per panel isn't worth the effort unless you're aiming for a high quality product, but leaving bubbles with Jap text in requires little effort and gives the impression that you've forgotten to do that bubble, which is why you get people pointing it out. From the average reader's perspective, it's the same as spotting a typo, a simple mistake. Because really, why would an otherwise good translator intentionally leave lines untranslated? Doing that isn't "what you want", it's "if you know Japanese, you should know what this means."

If you use "Ahh" for everything, it won't throw anyone out of the experience, and you're still getting the bare minimum amount of information across (i.e. it's a sex moan). If you use awkward transliterations, you might throw some people out of it, but you'll get across that the moans are different. If you don't do anything to them, you'll throw a bunch of people out of the experience, and you won't get across anything. If you find English equivalents for them by reviewing western porn, you can do everything you should without any issues.

Yea Forums is a great place to watch assholes whine like ungrateful bitches to the ones doing all the heavy lifting like translations or cleanup or text.

>also that fabulous person every thread who knows Japanese cause they watch anime and feel the need to critique everything done despite not actually speaking the language or having been in the culture for real besides their cartoon viewing experiences.

underrated post

Consider learning Japanese before attempting to translate

Any functional Manga Crawler for websites like EbookJapan?

It always makes me chuckle when I see "proofreader" and "quality checker" in the chapter credits.

>Our scan releases are slow because we don’t have our QC/Proofreader

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Would you guys say N3 is enough to start translating manga?

Depends on the genre. You might be able to bluff your way through light slice of life stuff.

Just start working breh. I'm not even taking jlpt.

EOPs wouldn't be able to tell as long as your English is fine.

I'm still N5, just wondering how long it's going to take before I'm good enough to attempt anything. I want to go solo scan as soon as possible.

Is you’re N5 you should be fine unless your translating something with really thick language. I’m barely N2 and translating manga just fine with help of kanjitomo. Well at least people don’t notice

"One is able to read and understand typical expressions and sentences written in hiragana, katakana, and basic kanji."
You're not gonna be fine with n5.

would do this but i dont know japanese

here's a protip: if it's not a serious manga, simply using an OCR like KanjiTomo/Capture2Text to get the text, a dictionary, and a basic understanding of tenses and particles is enough to produce a decent translation. I'm not even joking, some manga have such simple dialogue that this cheap trick is actually possible
t. someone who used it to translate an entire manga before I even learned Japanese. And after I did learn and looked back and the translation was pretty decent. I'm not ashamed of that fact.

It's not nearly enough with the manga I want to translate right now. I think the writing must be extremely colloquial because I can't understand most of the shit they say. But perhaps I could attempt with something more simple that doesn't have many people looking forward to.

>Is you’re N5 you should be fine unless your translating something with really thick language. I’m barely N2
You've got the rankings backwards, user.

Oh shit you’re right. I’m a retard

I've lately been wondering about the quality of ebookjapan too. Everything I've been ripping from them are 1200x and the images look compressed. I rarely had rips that were 1200x before the yahoo purchase but maybe its just me.

>I think the writing must be extremely colloquial because I can't understand most of the shit they say.
What is it? Sounds delinquent-y.

It's yankee manga, yes.

I have some experience in the field. Any one of these?

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I will never understand that. When I wanted raws for things that weren't scanned I spent $8 on amazon to get it shipped to the guy with the scanner. They did it, no problem Its not that expensive to do this. You can do an entire series for like $50, which I'm sure someone can front.

I pay for Creative Cloud, how do you feel about that?

What's a good font for this laughter. I feel Wild Words wouldn't do this justice.

Attached: 00109.jpg (1350x1920, 639K)

What the fuck is this? Maybe I really shouldn't mess with yankee manga. I just thought the art looked nice. Just out of curiosity, what would be the translation to 俺とタイマンしろ? Just "fight me"?

1v1 me.


Attached: mangat_specimen.jpg (620x369, 47K)

There are about as many people depicted in that image as you would have readers if you did a proper delinquent manga. Banchou and DelinqScans (DelinqAnon) are the two biggest and oldest delinquent manga translators. And yeah, "Fight me" is fine. You can get creative if you want. "You and me, right now." Delinquent manga is nice in that it's more about acting tough than anything else, so you can take liberties without affecting the plot too much. You can only translate "kusoyarou" as "motherfucker" so many times before it gets boring.

Thanks for picking this up by the way. I don’t get why the last group dropped it

Thanks anons, I liked "You and me, right now" a lot. Unfortunately I can't consult you guys for every line on this manga so I guess I should settle for SoL for now.

Still wanna know what it is. Professional curiosity.

That's because one of the primary values of an anonymous community is that everyone's ideas are presented equally, so egoist who delude themselves into thinking only their ideas hold value are dissuaded from staying here.

The manga? It's called Dousei Yankee Akamatsu Seven. It's yankee BL which is why nobody wants to help me translate it.

Attached: 00040.jpg (844x1200, 346K)

Where do we get HQ raw now that madokami is dead

>yankee BL

It’s kind anons like you translating niche shit that make this hobby so interesting

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Way to bury the lead there. I know the artist as the guy who did the Tom & Jerry QP Gaiden series. Same art, 9 volumes, complete and not BL. You might have more luck with that. It's Monthly Shounen Champion so it has furigana, which will make it an easier read for you.

What is this?

what app is that

kinda interesting that the author didn't just went and drew it herself.

someone please pick up mitsuboshi colors and yuru camp

"Kanji Study"
super good.

I take offense to that as an N3.

just read Yuru Camp on mangarock...

I appreciate the sentiment
Truly, specially since her artstyle isn't half bad. But teaming with a Shounen artist brought some pretty interesting results. It really feels like a "Shounen BL" if that makes any sense.

Attached: 00107.jpg (844x1200, 259K)

I'm dumb. How to fit as width here?

Attached: uuuuuuuhhh.jpg (1363x618, 73K)

yeah, the art does live up to its name/title based on the pages you've posted alone.
hopefully your hard work will see the light of the day, user ;^)

How literal do you guys try to stay. I find if I stay too literal the dialog is stilled, but I also don't want to get too liberal and project myself on the manga

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You need to strike a balance between conveying the original Japanese and being true to the character's "voice". That might mean straying from a very literal translation if it comes out sounding unnatural, as long as it doesn't alter the character's personality.

Don't translate every word or phrase into the closest equivalent and then stitch them together. Do ensure that each line conveys the same meaning as the original. If a reasonable person wouldn't make any assumptions from the translation that are not also implied in the source, then you're probably fine. Of course, whether or not you can do that depends on your own ability to put your biases aside and read objectively, but you can mitigate that by running it by someone trustworthy and checking their impressions. In the rare instance when I can't get everything across using normal English language, I prioritize the literal translation.

I ripped Ookii Onnanoko from the original EBJ site and the quality was pretty insane, like on par with a few Kodansha ones I got. Of course, don’t have one from new site to compare.

Slow, but fine solo. Only thing is would love some TL help to make sure I got everything that’s being said, but I’ll manage if I can’t get any

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Not literal at all. I might change some parts if it improves the manga.
Some time back I translated a oneshot that had the author messing up basic concepts of Catholicism (single omnipotent god etc.) so I rewrote half the dialogue.

>I might change some parts if it improves the manga
>so I rewrote half the dialogue
Nothing annoys me more than translators that do this.

You are either unknowledgeable or self-disrespecting. In case of former, you just have to realise that Adobe does not respect their users, and their products are restraining your freedom like chains. In case of the latter, nothing can help your poor mind.


>I might change some parts if it improves the manga.
Fuck I hate niggers who think their job is to "improve" the manga.

Attached: 1544506798856.jpg (250x577, 90K)

Uh huh... I've never felt disrespected. I use more than just photoshop and I get quite a bit out of it, and the programs work as I want them to. Where am I being disrespected?

desu i just pretend I know japanese and write my own story into the bubbles

I only do that if it’s pun related. Otherwise, it’s usually a bad move since the lack of accuracy could be essential to the storyline.

Good. Degenerate manga readers should be edified and elevated, even if indirectly.

You weren't translating, you were writing fanfiction.

I also hate it when the script is overly Japanese when the setting is obviously in a non-Japanese country, so I was forced to completely localize this oneshot.
fuck honorifics, fuck yakuza, fuck yen and fuck Japan.

How do I stop losing motivation to do my project? Do I have autism?

Very impressive. The quips read so well, and Farage was a nice touch too.

>obviously in a non-Japanese country

Kill yourself

Attached: 76161714.png (575x665, 74K)

> I might change some parts if it improves the manga.

Attached: Y3.jpg (969x1400, 349K)

Why is it always the brits doing this shit?

Does anyone have the volume release of 自称悪役令嬢な婚約者の観察記録? Or is any kind user willing to rip it off of Alphapolis? I heard there was a way to rip in higher resolution from there. I am but a measly typesetter who can't into ripping

>The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0).
You are restrained by them in how you use the software you are paying for by the means of EULA. Anything that deviates from their profits is forbidden, you are not a user but a slave.
>The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
You are as well treated as a sheep. Humans are rational animals with much developed ability to learn. The ability to learn is taken away from you. You are looked on as a sheep who is being fed grass(software) in order to get your fur taken away(further freedoms as well as personal data).
>The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom 2).
This ability is not violated per se as Adobe took on the subscription model which lets you copy the program as long as you activate it legally.
>The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3). By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
They take your ability to help others from you. If you had a car and wanted to change a part(or multiple) for the sake of your conformity, you could either open it and change things yourself if you know how, or give it to someone who does and receive their help. This should be the case for software as well as everyone has their own taste which can not be addressed by the developers due to conflicts in the community. They take this away from you so they would keep their profits, ultimately limiting your expression, taste and conformity.

Praise GNU; you should read pic related.

Attached: 71jEejmDdrL._SL1500_.jpg (958x1500, 71K)

That's obviously a reference to the classic movie The Mask.

They can't get over the fall of the British Empire.

Great translation.

Attached: VEG.jpg (615x87, 23K)

Based, I will read it when I find some time

>which lets you copy the program
You can only install Adobe subscription software on two computers at the same time, and you can only run it on one at a time. You have to log in when you run it so that they can validate your access.

Why won't scanlators release raws together with translations?
I swear to god it's easier to find translations that good quality raws nowadays

Reminds me of some oneshot I read, but the other way around. It's about a scary-looking loanshark looking inside a pastry shop a few minutes after taking money from one of his victims, not because of the sweets but because of the owner. The owner comes out and tells him to come in so the loanshark proceeds to drop spaghetti all over the place as he tries to justify his actions and buy something. The owner is male.

Because there's no purpose to doing that. If you want raws, try reaching out to the scanlator and asking for them.

Why wouldn't there be any purpose?
Some people might want to read the original

Because scanlators are just looking to make money of EOPs.

If they release raws themselves there's a higher chance somebody that actually knows japanese will directly compare the translation with the original and criticize them. depending on how big the fuckup is it might cause serious drama and kill the group

Even worse. Excuse my ignorance as I never had an Adobe subscription, when I did use their products they were pirated.

Those people should look for/buy the raws themselves. Raw begging should only be done as a last resort unless you're asking how to buy them.

I should also mention that this is mostly only the case for all ages manga, hentai RAWs usually get uploaded when it's not the chinese mafia.


>ask for donations
>anyone can donate if they want to
>Yea Forums gets autistic

>scanlate hentai
>$50 or more per 18 paged chapter
>Yea Forums is okay with it


I have to deal with it at work because my boss decided on a whim that just subscribing for Acrobat was the simplest option. Even though after 30 months it would be cheaper to have just bought the software outright, let alone looking at cheaper alternatives.

Begging for raws is lame and annoying.

And begging for tl is okay?

I don't do porn so I don't really give a fuck, but it is quite pathetic.

So EOPs are to blame because they throw money at scanlators?

>Why wouldn't there be any purpose?
Because they're scanlators not raw providers. You don't go to a steakhouse to buy raw meat.

How much is the standard rate for 20-24 pages doujin? I'm not a pro, only just began trying to translate by myself one month ago. The feedback from /h/ was I should look for QC/Editor since I'm ESL and should work to make it more natural in English, but they said my current level is pretty good. Just some minor typo, need more variation of typesetting. Is it too cheap if I ask for 12-15$ for 24 pages?

>needing translations to jerk off

Scanlating is sorta a grey area. You're using the original work yet changing it a little by applying the translations.
If you down right distribute raws, you're basically pirating it in its full glory.

The real ones to blame are said translators parents because they raised their children to be spineless.

But messing with the artist's original vision and releasing your abortion to the public without permission is worse. No?

Good point.

There are always plenty of dumb EOPs that will throw money at any imcompetence so long as there's a release. Look at how many WN/LN groups that put out chapters that are worse than MTL keep getting donations/patreon month after month..

I wasn't talking about TLs. Begging for anything is lame, but I was talking about people begging for raw manga when they could just find and buy them (or whatever) themselves. If you really can't find raws and you have to ask, that's one thing, but expecting scanlators to give that shit out is retarded.

Spreading the original work is much worse though.

If you're new and all, that's still too cheap maybe around $25. Pros can ask for like $100 above per chapter with the sfx redrawed and varied fonts and whatnot.

Not really gray at all. By default, the rights of derivative works belong to the original author, i.e., the original author owns all rights of any translations and it's illegal to distribute them without his consent.
That said, nobody cares about copyrights if there's no money involved.

Ah, okay. Thanks. Probably I need build more portfolio so I can confidently ask more money lmao. So far only 2 doujin translated, but one user at /h/ edited my tl and made it better. Sure it was a good learning experience.

Fucking this. Basically white knights who say
"muh groups with donations are bad!" but when they do doujins it's fucking fair game?

>It's just doujins, nobody will give a shit
You're still stealing though. Don't act like a goddamn saint.

What drives a person to spend so much time and money to translate literary works for EOPs?

>for EOPs
I do it for myself. Others liking manga I like is a bonus.

Pretty sure it's just because the hentai scanlators generally work by commission, so you don't see them screaming "HEY DONATE BECAUSE [FAKE REASON] OR ELSE WE WON'T TRANSLATE THIS SERIES ANYMORE" to the skies all the time. They're doing the same thing, but they're less annoying about it, and really, any non-hypocrite dislikes the donationfags for being annoying, not for moralfag reasons

You should snipe, I've seen a few groups release the second volume of a series without the first, trying to bait idiots into paying for the first volume.