What is the worst manga you’ve ever read? For me it’s this piece of shit

What is the worst manga you’ve ever read? For me it’s this piece of shit.

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>constantly teases supernatural shit nonstop
>doesn't do anything with it

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i'm half in when they escape from the cultist's city and it's gotten really stale, does it get better?

I dropped it a little while after that, not long after they meet the lobotomized guy.

This piece of shit. Basically none of the past live stuff matters since they dump it at the end for a rushed ending and it means nothing because it's the past.

There you no longer have to waste your time.

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Dorohedoro or lone wolf

I'm sure you can just glance at this cover and know it sucks.

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Judge is worse.

I've seen worse, even in its own subgenre of death games. My pick is this one. Unironic cringe all the way through.

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Fine, I'll give you a (You), but you better cherish it always.

>shit art
>shit panel composition
>shit story
>shit characters

And some people here call it the best manga of the decade

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dragon head still fun to read, and the one girl was cute. but the ending was dogshit

That whole "monsters appear and start eating everyone in Tokyo" genre has some real shit in it. Like the one with the man eating clothes.

They're both hilariously bad but the worst part is that compared to most death games they can be considered good.

You mean Pygmalion? God, that was actual steaming pile of shit.


That one manga with the
>I thought you were going to marry me
beheading dude, Jesus Christ was that a pile of shit

I didn't believe Dragon head to be a pleb filter, but now I see

Shokugeki no Souma I guess, only because it's one that I started reading early and it really went to shit. I normally have a pretty good eye about manga which I think will be garbage to me, so I drop them very early.

Prove me wrong

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That's similar, but it was this one.

I'm giving you a (You). Ganbare, user-chan!

The worst manga that I "finished" was Tenjou Tenge. I say "finished" because it got so bad to the point where I was just looking at the art without bothering to read anything . Jesus what a mess

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Nice bait

It's obvious what he was doing with the "supernatural" elements, faggot

The anime was one of the worst thing I ever finished, it was 90 percent flashback. At least it had BOMB A HEAD

the story is good, and there are some good characters. you can dislike the story and characters, but that doesn't mean the entire story is trash, and that all characters are trash


Nope, the premise is the only good thing about the whole thing, the story is bad, it starts as a zombie apocalypse story, instead of zombies giants, then it becomes shonen with superpowers, then time travel bs and finally a political mess with barely any substance, the characters are stereotypes and the supposed depth or character development they have is toddler tier, the only character I find somewhat likeable is Magath, only because he's the only one acting his age most of the time

Devil 17.
And usually i love edgelord mangas with lots of tits. But this one is just too retarded.

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Is the problem with everything Oh Great do. He start with an interesting premise but at a certain point he go full retard and fuck up everything.

Extremely overrated: yes.
But surely there is worst. See "one piece" to make an example.


I've posted the worst manga I've ever read, also it may be overrated but that doesn't mean is somewhat good, it's terrible


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first half was so gooood, the latter half straight up kill any interest i had for shoujo manga

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