
How would you help Kaguya when her period is irregular?

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Put her on birth control. Win-win.

Also, spoilers when?

End of this week if we're lucky.

Golden week brochacho

You're not going to get a baseball team like that.

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No chapter this week? fuck my life.

What? Golden week is in May. Mountain day was yesterday and at most will lead to a Monday holiday, meaning spoilers will come tomorrow?

She can always get off it once they are old enough to have kids, no problem.

By beign Ishigami


There's a translated drama CD though

If you impregnate her she doesn't have to worry about her irregular period for 9 months.

Lots and lots of holding hands and sex.

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That's just chapter 3 though.

Koreanbros pls

There is no chapter this week, for the millionth time.

>Mountain day was yesterday and at most will lead to a Monday holiday, meaning spoilers will come tomorrow

Why would an irregular period her make her anxious? She is a virgin who doesn't actively have sex.

And the anime is just rehash of manga chapters.

God she's so slender. It's cute

>one of the protagonists
>doesn't even show up


more like FLAT with NO ASS

does that means she'll be Ice Kaguya 100% of the time she's preggos?

Big-stick-eating fat midget

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Ass is like the only thing she got going for her though
That and maybe hips

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In the right places

I-is she dusting her coat? Swatting mosquitoes? Trying to make the smell of her farts go away?

Yo, I am a newfag here and people told me that you ought to shit on Kaguya because its anime already aired. Why the fuck is that?

Miko Lino ruined this manga, see

Reddit liked it a little bit too much, now it's not cool to like it anymore. Shitting on it allows you to fit in more easily.

Kaguya is cute

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I agree fully. Slender/thin girls are just the best. A very rare sight to see these days in the West.

t. Iino

Pregnancy seems like the obvious solution. As a bonus, her periods won't restart until the kid is weaned.

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>Kaguya-sama Wants to be Confessed to
>Kaguya is nowhere to be seen
Bravo, Aka. Bravo.

>ugly seething kaguyafag

Join reichad sooner or later, it’s good for you

>awful old man
>probably talked to you more than your father did in your entire life
>fantasized about him telling you to join the family

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Sup nigga, you wanna talk some shit?
Call me, start some shit, bitch

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That's Kuuguya thinking that though. Bakaguya wouldn't call him awful.

I would smirk knowingly at her, plunging her into an endless thought-process monologue about her viewing everyone with suspicion!

If Iceguya is cowardice, does that mean Stargazing Prez really can defeat her?

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His mere presence is enough to start ruining Kaguya's planning. Of course the cold calculating side of Kaguya considers him a bad influence.

How do you escape

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Why would I?

Leave her as a slobbering, soaked, and twitching mess

Play dead until it loses interest

I need more proof, for science, of course.

>The Shinomiya family method of educating uses whipe as a motivator
God I love when stuff just naturally comes together like this. Aka is a god

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I just caught up with this manga. Ishigama is such an alfa.

I'd start rapping.

better question; who is this girl?

>her period is irregular
>she has a problem that will not allow her to have children
oh no

From the sentence it just sounds like something that happens to women in general though
I mean, not that i know anything about this shit

Yeah, happens now and then. Tends to be a cause for worry, happened to a friend and after like three weeks he was starting to freak out.

Shirogane's in trouble
She has a loyal maid to serve as an incubator though, don't worry

Good thing she has Hayasaka for surrogate duty!

>Shirogane gets Kaguya pregnant
>The entire pregnancy she is cold and serious, simply treating it as an ordinary part of life
>"Why would you want to feel my belly Kaichou, it's just a cluster of cells within me. There is nothing innately special about pregnancy."
>Shirogane agonises over how to make Kaguya happy and tries all sorts of things, most of which would normally make Kaguya happy, but Ice just gives it a neutral reaction.
>Her water breaks
>Ice snaps at the nurses who are trying to help make her relaxed, telling them she's not a little girl, she's perfectly capable of giving birth without their help.
>It's Tsubasa's grandfather in charge of the birth
>Shirogane has given up trying to make Ice happy and is just supporting her as best he can by being there the whole time
>Kaguya gives birth
>Suddenly all the hormones she has been repressing through the whole pregnancy flood her brain all at the same time
>She transcendes Bakaguya and becomes Super SSS+++ Rare Reverse Bakaguya, her hormones literally flood out of her body and make everyone in the entire hospital giddy with joy
>She pulls Shirogane into bed with her and holds the baby out in front of them, above their faces
>"O kawaii koto"
>She falls asleep, entirely content with existence
>Repeat at least 4 more times
Can a person die of joy? Because Kaguya giving birth to twins might be the happiest person ever

Isn't being pregnant put you in a lot of mood swings
I can only imagine what sort of guyas that can spawn if she were to get knocked up

That was fun. Can I still hope for the Hayasaka going full gyaru chapter? or have the drama cds been announced already

>some might call Ice Kaguya' cold personality "cowardice"
would you

When are we getting more Prezguya chapters? I can't self insert as Ishi. Only Prez.

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Why does this ice look so hot?

Ice is PEAK Kaguya. She makes me cream.

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Kaguya going full dumb strips away the cool beauty. Bakaguya was a mistake.

What is she planning for the next chapter?

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Might as well post the rest of the extra pages.

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Top tier Maki hairstyle. Also, that look of self confidence is pretty much gone recently.

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How fat is she going to get until she stops being dumb about her own diet?

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Baka bio.

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Don't call out best girl like that

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Sexy Santa is self aware of her family it seems.

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>Ice is cowardice
>Baka is bravery
What is loli?


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Very fat. She's probably at least 5 kg fatter if this has been her routine for winter break. And that's ignoring the actual ramen and the ice creams she eats, and the food she gets served in her house.



Unfiltered honesty

I guess it's her childlike honesty, or straight forwardness.

The original, before being tainted.

Kaguya wants be blacked in USA arc when?

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is this JB version?

I want to give Kaguya my v card!

Leave Ishigami to me.

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Mikado arc when?

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Remember when this manga was good?

Yes, last time you asked.

I was wondering when the tobunfags would show up.

Good? never. Slightly better than most? barely is.

The greatest trick Aka played on us was convincing us she was a man

How come sometimes we get spoiler regardless of Japan's break and sometimes we have to wait like them?

Unprotected se.. with fuji!

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Good thread so far and it looks like all the waifu faggots are in their containment thread.
Let's keep it this way.

>Good thread
and then you see this

Leak guy said it is a Shirogane chapter.

Because technically speaking, the chapter gets released the week prior. The monday spoilers are 2 days late at best, so it was last week's chapter that didn't come out and this week's chapter gets published normally.

who is shirogane

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>Date chapter
>only Prez
>no Kaguya
Based BAKA

He's going on a date with Kei.

>Practice date
Aka is going to make this date last months isn't he?


Makibros riser up

get help

>Pres is scared of screwing up the date
>He asks Momo for advice
>We get a casual wear Momo chapter

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>implying he won't ask his mommy

>Prez didn't want to tap this.

What happens if you replace Shirogane with Taiju?

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It'll take the course of weeks.

Every time Kaguya does something dumb, she'll demand a redo, and Prez will think of something he could have done better next time.

They will always go to the same area for the date, and one chapter will take place from a vendor's point of view commenting on how silly it is they're on their 12th redo

I really hope the thread can go back to the way it were before the shitty Ishibowl that attract the shipperfaggotry.
Best ending for Ishigami is loner end.

>some might call
is Aka shitting in speedreaders?

Osaragi don used her 100%Chadness power yet.

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This is what Aka should have given us instead of the Ishigaymi love myriagon.

I'd have sex with her, if you know what I mean.

>"I could have sex with anyone if the mood was right."

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Maybe we can see more Kei & Papa, looking for family story.

based old man

Bakaguya's stupidity = bravery
Stop reading so fast user. On the other hand, obviously the line between these two characteristics is not clearly defined seeing how shounen characters act.

so, spoilers soon?