Anons, will we finally see the return of our queen?
Other urls found in this thread:
Of course.
My heart is racing, I've always wanted to see post-eclipse Casca fighting apostles, I'm really hoping this chapter delivers with a proper Casca-catchup
>It's a Griffith chapter again.
Based. The witch should die.
its confirmed to be a Gutts/Casca chapter, rest easy friend
holy shit I'm still mad how this travesty turned out
having been retarded for years , imagine how low her skills will be.
"Casca has been Elaine for so long, she must be a real rusty when it comes to fighting" is probably what he wanted to say
Casca abilities and skills were decent pre-eclipse , but nothing mystic or notice worthy. Since that moment , Guts, Griffith and anyone become stronger,way more powerfull
, got way better equipement and valuable experiences, even the lowest of the party can wield their magic weapon or use bare -basic spellcasting while Casca skill level have probably decreased due to not using any and being mind-broken.
I mean even if she's properly restaured she'll basicly be useless, you can giver her a magic sword but its just poilishing a turd.
>"Casca has been Elaine for so long, she must be a real rusty when it comes to fighting" is probably what he wanted to say
yes, like you stopped playing an MMO , and your mates and ennemies are 4 times your level.
Casca still beat those bandits in an instant due to muscle memory. I don't think she has gone back to square one.
November cant come soon enough
Now that Everyone knows that Miura outgrown his edgy phase and is now a moechad.
When will we have the chibi and cute spinoff of shierke and co
The chapter comes out on the 23rd of this month, are you talking about something else?
>Chapter is here
>"Muh Guts, muh love, muh long time no see"
>Chapter ends
>Being a pessimist
this is the reason why berserk has become shit
So hot.
yet still guts cant get his dick wet inside casca once again
It's hard to care anymore when the writing has been so sub par for so long
I always hated this faggot's design. The arc kinda sucked too.
The arc had good ideas but it's undeniable that the tone shifted for the worst with Isidro's introduction. Also it went on too long.
How will Guts die?
>When will we have the chibi and cute spinoff of shierke and co
cant be worst than 10 fate spinnoffs
loli witch will defeat griffith, screencap this
the cold
It's gonna be The Adventures of Rickert and Erica: Kushan Lands Edition™ and everyone will praise it
He'll get killed by Griffith but he'll come back due to the power of friendship and win. Screencap this.
The spirits that torment guts will protect and respond to her will. In the end she will drag griffith to hell.
Lmao, she's just Griffith's toilet
More like power of hate
oops meant to quote
What about her mental state ? Even if she's not potato level anymore the eclipse's events still had an impact on her, I can't see her being in a fighting mood anytime soon.
And then Griffith shows up.
Casca takes Griffiths side.
It's that simple.
Even Guts hisself lost his aggression when confronted with Nugriffith, so it will be hard for anyone to challenge him.
Casca has always been a sucker for Griffith.. and if you look at it in a certain, twisted way Griffith didn't do anything wrong.
Yeah but what if Casca hates Griffith even more than Guts does?
Casca is smart enough to know what Guts is after is more than revenge. She can either break again mentally or this can be the beginning of the end. Skull Knight has the Egg sword. There’s a chance from this point the gang will be willing to go to Griffith next. We need to also remember the possibility of a time skip since they’re on the island. Lots of things are going to change and I just don’t see Casca not going with Guts in these times.
If everyone cant stop loving Griffith due to charisma there is still a way to settle old grudges
Duel time
Inb4 Griffith comes, rapes Casca again, causing her to become a retard once more, then we have another few years of Guts trying to fix Casca's retard.
Based Miura.
>Grif gets Charlotte pregnant while using Guts and Casca's son body to do so
For what? Literally fucking her brains out? Thots love that shit.
Literally me
>behaving like a 3dpd
you better leave griffith, while you still can
The new chapter will be good
screencap this
I had this as a computer background for a while and a while and my mouse broke right in front of that orange motherfucker's smug face and I'm still pissed at him.
when will we get the leaks?
Probably a week or a few days before release.
did you miss the chapter user she's going to be just fine
Potato Casca is superior. I always hated her before the eclipse. Hopefully she can't handle the memory and goes potato again
You must be 18 or older to be posting here, shierke
Witch loli...
Moebius was too good for this world.
Oh my god Casca from the Golden Age would never do this I am literally summoning the god hand
Any time table when the manga will be over? 2 years?
late 2124
I don’t even think Miura knows when it will end
Yes I'm ready for more Griffith.
Puck used to give me a boner, anyone else too?
I had to check, damn what was up with Miura
I'm no faggot, but damn that is tempting
How do elves reproduce then?
>Being delusional after all these years
Why are you such a manchild user? Wake up and smell the flowers.
I hope you kill yourself when you realize next chapter has no Casca.
What flowers?
Moeshit and forced escapism in general ruined anime.
Seems like rickert was pretty immune to the whole charisma thing.
>forced escapism
All anime is literally 100% escapism
WE ruined anime
>Chapter is here
>40 pages of casca hallucinating/recalling horrible memories of the past
>she snaps back to reality, guts asks her if she's okay
>chapter ends
Casca literally came buckets when she fucked him, and she's a very developed and layered character. I wouldn't be surprised if she went back to Griffith.
However, Miura is into wish fulfillment so we might get something like what this fuck is saying and have her relegated to just a cumbucket for Guts
This is probably what's going to happen faggot. I hope you kill yourself soon.
>All these anons setting themselves up for disappointment
When will you learn?
I wanna slam Slan in her clam.
Why are you so fucking aggressive? Did something you own get repo'd?
She's not a totally amoral thot like the women you know.
If she knows what Griffith did to her and to her friends, there's no way she'll go bouncing back to him, you NTR-obsessed sped.
Yeah, can't wait for Isma to be back.
If Casca fucks off it'll give the perfect chance for Schierke to take center stage. How much of a faggot do you have to be to waifu literal used good? Smh, it sounds like you're the one projecting senpai.
No, you mean the shit anime and manga you're in to. The more human a work is, the better. Not really a fan of "turn your brain off" shit.
Not who you're replying to, but jesus crist you fucking weeaboo. Schierke is a child, and I'm not talking about her loopks or age. Casca is a fucking adult, which is a criteria of most functional adults when they chose a mate, Fuck manchildren women. Shit's not attractive.
>SK is still around
Holy shit that's some nostalgia right there
t. roastie
have sex
I don't understand why smug anime reddit faggots use an insult which implies the poster is a girl.
>woman you've shared so many emotions with, fought together in countless life or death situations, shares multiple of your interests and horrible backstory
>a kid you met a month ago
So apparently the last chapter with sane Casca during the rape was released on Aug 23rd 1996. Now 23 years later on Aug 23rd on the same day we'll finally see Guts and Casca reunited.
>every girl is a roastie
Way to out yourself as a cuck or a roastie.
Would you sacrifice? And for what?
>40 pages
Are you saying the next two chapters will be that?
Wat? Every girl is not a roastie, obviously. But every roastie is a girl. Do you know what the phrase means or are you just parroting it mindlessly?
My dick for my balls
>Becomes an apostle that is just a gigantic dick with no balls.
*insert funny hilarious political roast here*
reminder that Shrek belongs to Isidro since the day he touched her tits, Guts belongs to a potato
Schierke will end up as a lonely old lady.
>if lost please return to:
Was this the last time Griffith and Guts were chilling together?
It kinda hurts reading this now, because Griffith was the only friend Guts actually had; and vice-versa
Isibro deserves to be happy too
When can we expect spoilers?
Hopefully Sir CLANG will be there to protect his Ladyship.
Life isn't about who deserves this and that.
Why the fuck would you want spoilers instead of just reading the manga?
When was the last time someone got raped?
Not really, by this point Gutts was companions with Casca, Judo (fuck however you spell it), Pippin, Rickertt, and his raid team
August 20-23
I'd say they were friends, but Griffith was his only bro
On that topic, has there ever been a more fucked up "Miura killing everyone he expositioned to you" moment than Devil Dogs?
>August 20-23
That's the release day. Usually raws leak much earlier. That korean site (that's now dead) used to leak the chapter in korean as soon as tuesday.
hail to the emperor of mankind!
What's his problem?
The true force behind the godhand.
Everyone adapting Berserk has done their hardest to forget this arc happened, I think even Miura left it out when Farnese and Shierke were looking through Casca's memories
Miura peaked at Wyald.
It's actually one of the best parts in the Golden Age Arc. It's the first time in story Guts manages to beat an Apostle and he didn't even have the dragonslayer yet.
excess of focused autism
The eclipse sure was dark but this moment in berserk sure was disturbing as well, glad Zodd dispossed of that nigger monkey, but the bastard already took too many innocent lives with it the moment it died
>There are people in this thread willing to give up prime virgin pussy for a used up hag.
>you now remember one of Miura's previous returns from hiatus was to draw an entire chapter of nothing but wrestling giant penis monsters
Stop that.
I loved this villian, he was so fucking barbaric and chaotic, loved to see guts kill him too, seeing as it was one of guts largest feats at that point
>unironcally hyping yourself up for disappointment
Casca's only had sex two more times than Shierke
Why's she crying?
With 2 different men.
When was this?
Griffith wasn't a man but a demon, so it doesn't count as a man.
That's even worse.
everytime. this is the wrong medium for you my friend
What about earlier this year, when he came from hiatus for ONE chapter about Griffith and his tax policies, probably because one of his assistants browses Yea Forums and thought it was a funny meme.
She has been brought back just to cuck Guts one final time. Screencap this.
This would be too based to be true. Miura lost his edge.
It's been so long I don't feel emotionally invested in Berserk anymore. If it becomes a trainwreck, it would at least be amusing to watch
Ok time to make a point. In this scenario Gutts (you) was the one to take her virginity. Only other time she had sex is when she was raped by a Demon King. Does she still count as used goods? Would you still want her after she regained her consciousness?
Farnese > Casca
16 minutes ago
Post your angriest Guts images
It's a plot point that casca dont remember after the tower
Guts has been so calm in the last chapters (like, in the last 10 years) that it's kinda lame
Man my heart still aches from beating so fast when I first read Lost Children arc
Holy shit Farnese is literally worse than Shierke
Posting the king
Our queen?
Now that I think about it, nobody in the RPG party really has met Casca, not even Puck
I might as well contribute
>Now that I think about it, nobody in the RPG party really has met Casca, not even Puck
Yep, they don't know even the most basic stuff about Guts. Seems like Guts doesn't talk much to them.
It was only during their stay in the island that they learned that Guts was in the band of the hawk.
Isidro is a fan of the "captain of the raiders" of the band of the hawk but he didn't knew (and still doesn't know) that this captain is actually Guts.
shut your fucking mouth retard
>Casca returns 23 years to the day since she was raped
Her smile when Farnese mentioned Gutts made the entire wait worth it
If Miura really is based it’s just going to be a chapter of guts laying pipe
Can Elf King join in?
At this point we might as well just admit the mangaka is going to die before he finishes this series.
>Then dies due demonic AIDS and Griffith keeps being a fucking asshole. Rapes Casca again but she actually wants it (again) evething goes to shit and Miura calls the day.
ntr'd to death
No way
Sitting against a tree with a satisfied smile on his face.
He will die in bed as an old man, surrounded by his children and grandchildren.
When he gets struck by a fucking meteor
After decades of torture and suffering, you still want Guts to not have a happy end? You still want to put him through unending despair and get rid of the few cute and happy moments he experiences?
Schierke full frontal nudity when? Miura already drew a beautiful slit before
Could he get away with that, but showing sex with her on top of Guts?
All I want is for the ending of a manga to be the fruition of its themes and plotlines. So long as the ending sheds light on what exactly it means for Guts to be a struggler, delves deeper into the nature of Gut's inner jackel-thing, explores the metaphysics a little more, and resolves Gut's rivalry with Griffith in a meaningful way, I don't care how it ends.
It's impossible, don't fit...
Post your reactions when all the chapters are Griffith-centric and we don't cut back to Guts
Fair enough. The author is too busy being an idol fag so we'll never get a conclusion in our lifetime
Lost Children was so good
TFW Berserk has become Little Witch Academia
and Vinland Saga is getting a better adaption than Berserk ever will
well behilit he has is obliviously his i.e. "people of great desire" have it. it was literally spoonfed in the same chapter
Guys, how do I stop being a lolicon?
Because guts don't shove his affection in her
I like bigger witch
no way that shit isn't edited
It's Been fucking 20 years since they last spoke please Just let it be
Get therapy and get back to drawing, Muira
>holy shit I'm still mad how this travesty turned out
Seriously, it was the worst fucking situation possible.
>Everyone complains about the trilogy movies' CGI
>Proceed to make a rushed, utterly soulless, 24-episode anime covering ~130 chapters that objectively looks like one of the ugliest 24-minute TV anime of the 21st century
>Now nobody else is going to want to make another adaptation in the near future
>17 pages of Guts and Casca talking together about everything they've been through, Casca cries in Guts's arms thanking him for all he's done with Guts smiling
>1 page of Moonlight Boy appearing, running towards Guts and Casca, Casca
>Last 2 pages is a page spread of Casca getting Griffith's sword through her heart
I must say, I immensely enjoy Puck. His antics are fun.
It was all part of Miura's plan
Are we reading the same manga, user? It's Puck's behelit.
How long has it been since the Eclipse, in-world?
About 3 years or so? I think there was a panel in Lost Children that said "2 years after the eclipse", and surely everything happening after has been a couple of months now.
Puck is a boring caricature of who he once was. Went from being Guts' voice of reason to a Doraemon parody.
Well, other voices of reason have shown up, so Puck wasn't necessary in that role anymore.
LC is the best part of the series, but never been animated somehow.
Ending better either be Guts killing Griffith or Griffith raping Casca (again)
Yep and now he has been demoted to comic relief alongside Isidro and Ivalera because Miura doesn't know what to do with him anymore.
You know what, I'd be fine with Guts and Griffith just never meeting again and both stories fizzling out in their own way. It would be fitting for the development of Guts' character, but I'm sure that won't happen.
Yes. But he does a good job as that, so I'm not mad. Also, Evil Airhead has entered the story way after Puck became Doraemon.
When will Miura throw him a bone?
He already did he has a mermaid gf or something like that
>in a certain, twisted way Griffith didn't do anything wrong.
What about raping Casca infront of Guts to spite him?
>Berserk is a story about a chidlhood rape victim coping with trauma by going to a fairytale island
Huh. I thought it was about doomguy swinging a sword around.
Wtf are the other members of the Godhand doing? Just hanging out while Femto plays Hero?
Slan likes to cover herself in ogre entrails, so there is that.
That wasn't his own accomplishment though, she just threw herself at him.
Mario kart
Void is playing chess in so many dimensions there are no words for them.
>Mfw shierke appears as a special character/cameo in Lwa
Muh dick
>Last 2 pages is a page spread of Casca getting Griffith's sword through her heart
>guts will cut the horn zod has left and will probably kill him after
screencap this
Why kill Zodd? He's a good boy and a friend.
Destiny says so
>Only other time she had sex is when she was raped by a Demon King. Does she still count as used goods? Would you still want her after she regained her consciousness?
I woudn't be bothered by the 'used goods' part, i would be bothered by her uselessness,
what is she gonna do when the godhand come back ? give them all a child ?
Casca's powerlevel is like saiyan saga, and Guts is fucking around with Cell
That's because you're a cuck. Farnese is obviously the only right choice.
Farnese was a good choice when she was an edgy church bird that wanted her ennemy whiped and things to be burnt,
nu-Farnese is also cuck choice.
All in the flow of causality
He has had it rough.
I'm thinking about wiping the existence of Berserk from my mind for like 10 years so when I remember it exists maybe some progress will have happened.
Vinland Saga so far seems like forced narrative and unrelatable characters.
I feel bad for you.
I want my potato back.
There arrives a point Gatsu, do you know what I'm telling you? Fairy BOY.
4 days remain
For what?
the leak
Pls don't laugh
>>>el siglo encantada nublado ultimo
Griffith redemption soon. Screencap this.
Not needed, Griffith doesn't dwell on his sins.
Will Griffith transform into Donovan, rape Guts into a plant and make Casca have to carry his retarded ass around until she can cure him of the retard?
Just what the doctor ordered.
Casca awakens something primal in me
Shut up, Guts.
Can we maybe talk about how Griffith's new body kinda fucked his own mother? Ödipus says "Hi."
I actually got very satisfied whenever Golden Age Caska was obligated to recognize Guts strength and how Griffith values him
What? You speedreading or is Miura the hack altering my memories? Wasn't the general idea behind Devil Dogs to demonstrate
1) that this is not a normal medieval setting (if you didn't get the hint at Zodd already)
2) To. NOT. fuck. with. Apostles? Because no normal mortal is even a threat against them?
Also didn't Zodd axe this nigguh?
I was there
Is there any reason to not sacrifice someone given the chance? especially when you think about how everyone is going to hell regardless of their deeds
Shut up Griffith.
>Because no normal mortal is even a threat against them
Guts is a fucking cripple and he killed a shit ton of fucking apostles
I hold nothing dear, so there isn't anything I can sacrifice.
First, he's "a cripple with a fucking Bazooka as an arm." Also the way I always looked at the story, the only reason he even ever stood a chance was because of his pure (BROOKLYN) Rage. He never gave a shit what happens to him, he just wants Apostles to die, no matter what it costs him. Old guts at least was that way.
Slan is just chilling in her cult drug orgies. Conrad is just pushing bowel movements of disease and aids in the more impoverished areas. Ubik is playing chess and shooting the shit inside classic paintings and Void's pulsating brain makes him too smart and redpilled to deal with earthly affairs.
I hope something happens in Elfhelm soon cause Berserk completely lost all tension lately. If you know no one in the group is dying, it's just meh.
I wouldn't say his rage itself, but his struggler nature, that is powered by his rage.
>2) To. NOT. fuck. with. Apostles? Because no normal mortal is even a threat against them?
On that topic, how come some apostles can regenerate while some can't? Is there more than two types of behilits?
I vaguely recall something about an Apostle's power being loosely proportional to the degree of the sacrifice.
It's why someone like the Count is a lower-tier Apostle, he sacrificed his wife.
Griffith, in order to get Godhand status, had to give his whole army.
It's probably much like monster cells, you have no real control of how strong you are going to be, or it depends on how important your sacrifice was to you
>lower-tier Apostle
I really don't think so, Black Swordman Guts could probably make everyone survive the Eclipse (excluding the God Hand obviously) and the Count was going to kill him
>It's why someone like the Count is a lower-tier Apostle, he sacrificed his wife.
The Count was one of the most versatile and powerful Apostles, what the fuck are you talking about.
The Snake Baron or the Sniffing loser are run of the mill Apostles.
Count is probably the 4th most powerful apostle, after Ganishka, Zodd and Grunbeld
It's been a very long time since I read that arc, so I guess I misremembered. All I recall was him transforming one of his minions and that his decapitated head bargains with the Godhand. Don't recall much about him being personally dangerous.
Imagine how cool this new 20-page long Griffith chapter's gonna be! What's the economical aspect of his government you're most excited to learn about?
Daily reminder that Rickert is stronger than guts
Farnese is the best potential lover for guts.
Things with casca got screwed when the eclipse happened, it will never be the same.
It's the same when a family lost a child, the parents break up always.
>Things with casca got screwed when the eclipse happened
This, she probably can't even get touched anymore
ah yes, because manga was created for plotless moeshit
Guts was basically at the peak of human performance before he got crippled. It would be interesting to compare his fighting ability before and after (no berserk armor hax though). He got craftier with his new tools and had to rely less on "face tank everything and hit it with your sword" strats, so he may have even gotten stronger.
is that fucking Quan Chi with handsome Squidward's face?
Will griffith attack Dannan?
He won't let elfheim be, so what do you guys think is gonna happen next?
if he already just had the Dragonslayer by the Eclipse I think he could have saved more people from the Band
When will Guts slay a dragon?
I dont know for sure whats about to happen but I suspect griffith will know about elfheim because the moon child will appear to casca there. Griffith will lead his army to elfheim with one of those weird gates and raze it to the ground. If casca doesn't get captured she'll run off to get revenge on griffith and guts will follow her.
This is objectively the worst taste possible.
Do you think Casca will get match weapon so she can keep up? She was jobber back even when they fought humans.
Casca is gonna use the Berserker armor.
I think something's bad is gonna happen to Caca, it's too soon for Guts' struggles to end.
>the average black person
>it's too soon
what the fuck are you smoking my dude
I wouldn't call her a jobber, she still took charge in claiming the castle the rhinos defended, lead the falcon for a year while gutts was gone, and put a decent fight against the bakiraka prince
D-did you just censor a page from the manga because of a nipple?
mods can be a nuisance sometimes
Who cares?
mods are fags
pretty sure you can post nsfw panels
>20 pages per chapter
>new chapter every 4-6 months
>Still a ton of shit to cover like who that slut witch is, Rickert and the Kushan, etc.
>Also want Serpico and Isidro to at least get more development
I don't want it to end with bad with tons of loose ends but at the same time i'm not sure I'm ready to wait another 20 years
Puck is for ____
>it's too soon for Guts' struggles to end.
finaly got my chuckle of the day
He will still ruin it up somehow I was disapointed too many times
That poster is nuts.
when miura has a heart attack
My prediction is that Casca will somehow get her hands on a behelit and sacrifice Elaine to obtain a power up that will let her fight the god hand alongside Guts all this leading to them finally beating them, Guts final task will be to slay Casca to finally end it all, with some shenanigans from skull bro Guts will finally part ways with the rpg party and have his final moments with his trusty Dragonslayer and Schierke in some peaceful and calm realm. Don't quote me on it though.
At least the art looks much better
Fuck, I hope so.
new chapter anounced?
he kinda stole her baby body
you may fuck a bitch brains out but NEVER fuck with their kids.
Not even censored nsfw panels are always safe.
yugurt was not yummy
>steelplate on a naked body
yes, official release date August 23
*but his dick doesn't*
when can we expect spoilers?
How did he get away with this?
this week if at all or early next week, honestly I would check Yea Forums on the daily since it can be anytime
what is this supposed to be?
Casca redemtion arc please
I love Schierke so much.
when will next chapter be released?
Even trashboy could sacrifice something.
They grow up so fast.
His argument for why lolicon should be legal. Basically, that it keeps the pedos from acting out. Or something.
How well was his argument received?
It's not a bad argument.
Dude I love Serpico and Farnesse chemistry, I hope she recovers her courage pre-horse cock rape and make a badass siblings duo
Not a bad argument but it's strange or feels wrong in that it appeases pedos.
Always weird to see tons of figures of loli/pre-teen looking characters in tight swimsuits/posed seductively with their asses out and that there's a actually a big market for them.
How's it wierd?
Imagine figures of shota/little boys spreading their ass cheeks, in tiny speedos, in bunny suits, looking embarrassed while sitting on a bed with their butt crack showing, etc. Weird right? But it's fine if it's girls?
Your solution shouldnt be to try to appease someone whos wrong but correcting them. If it keeps pedos from going after real kids then sure but it wont stop them from being pedos which is the actual problem.
>being pedo
Fuck off, thought police.
I don't have a problem with people who just keep it with hentai, but even if they seek help it could ruin their lives(not like anyone would care) if something like that leaks out. Ever saw the movie Jagten? And that was about a falsely accused pedo.
I think her mind is back but her muscles won’t be
>Hey guise a-am I a 4channer now?? xD
I want summer to end.
Delicious pubes
You're literally advocating thought crimes. You don't know a goddamn thing if you want to cry summer.
She could fit with the female warrior role that Farnese couldn't achieve. In terms of being logical? Yeah she most likely lost her combat skills, it passed like 2-3 years in potato mode
>Being a pedo and jerking off to toddlers is fine
I feel bad for you
A few more years and we'll get boat arc 2 electric boogaloo.
>grr thoughts I don't like aren't allowed
I miss the old Berserk
>Now that Everyone knows that Miura outgrown his edgy phase
Holy... guys that what Miura is waiting for , its not that he dont know /cant make the ending ,
This salty dog just need Japan to be even more open about lolicon before realeasing the conclusion.
wait a minute...THAT'S NOT BERSERK!
Oh fuck, can we do something about this?
Why do I keep seeing this page?
This was in the previous chapter
>stopped reading Dungeon Meshi a year ago for no reason
I see the author improved his shading
I just realized she looks nothing like original Casca. Dios mio, nu-berserk is a travesty. I wish Miura would pull the plug on it already and put it out of misery.
He won't
Her honey dream is legit one of the cutest things ever.
Over 20 years later and I still haven't found a fictional romance that made me feel as much as Golden Age Guts and Casca did.
>She was jobber back even when they fought humans.
Girl took five arrows and still took charge during the ambush that would have wiped out the hawks.
Loli witch is gonna use the Behelith to scapegoat Guts
lol their romance came out of fucking nowhere. It was shoehorned as an after thought because the eclipse needed to be even more brutal. Casca was only introduced as a romance so Griffith could rape her and make Guts upset.
Not really any weirder to me, no.
Good luck with that.
You could also just not stroke your power-trip ego so much and let people wank off harmlessly to drawings.
>not being extra-enthusiastic about fucking her afterwards
C'mon, it's the closest to fucking Griffith himself you're going to get!
Casca's been locked away. She's been Elaine or whatever this whole time.
delicious brown muscles
It was building up since they fell off the cliff together
you rang?
Leave the pure one alone.
I want to fuck that elf
Nobody else in Berserk makes my dick move
Sacrificing himself to, if not stop the God Hand, at least by killing Griffith. How he'll do that I dunno maybe the behelit hes been carrying around will play into it somehow. Either way he'll die satisfied and his sword will join the others on the hill of swords
The witch is not for sexing, she is for The Manifest of the Heart of Evil
Casca save us from these faggots
yeah sure give me a minute first
I miss Pippin
We all do, Big Guy...
Isidro should drop the rogue class and become a warrior like Guts and actually start fucking training
Isidro will get selled to slavery.
>Starts with Guts and Casca for the first four pages when suddenly...
>It's a Griffith chapter
>It's about how they'll change their taxes and how they're going to handle the damage done to their economy after Kushan Conflict.
>They're still sitting at that table.
>They haven't even moved.
>Panels are reused.
Reminder that Guts is ticklish behind his ears.