Would you Drink Loli piss if it was necessary to recover yourself?
Would you Drink Loli piss if it was necessary to recover yourself?
No, gross.
Only if it's directly from her cuncun
>loli piss
The same thing
I would do it even if I didn't need to
only if it was strictly unnecessary
you gotta recover somehow.
Kill yourself
Who wouldn't want some sweet golden tea?
I would hate it but what are you gonna do
But it would be salty
I would drink it even if it killed me.
>the more you drink her the more she shrink
Why was this axed , again?
Seriously miura is already tired from beserk,he could continue this.
It was never axed, it was meant to just be 1 vol
What the fuck Miura
Gigantomakhia > BERSERK
god bless
Directly from the tap.
Weirdos the lot of you
Lolis piss or Loli poop?
Lolis don’t poop retard
I wouldn't like it, but I would do worse to save my own life.
What Is she holding?