Would you Drink Loli piss if it was necessary to recover yourself?

Would you Drink Loli piss if it was necessary to recover yourself?

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No, gross.


Only if it's directly from her cuncun

>loli piss

The same thing

I would do it even if I didn't need to

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only if it was strictly unnecessary

you gotta recover somehow.


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Kill yourself

Who wouldn't want some sweet golden tea?

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I would hate it but what are you gonna do

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But it would be salty

I would drink it even if it killed me.

>the more you drink her the more she shrink
Why was this axed , again?

Seriously miura is already tired from beserk,he could continue this.

It was never axed, it was meant to just be 1 vol

What the fuck Miura

Gigantomakhia > BERSERK

god bless

Directly from the tap.

Weirdos the lot of you

Lolis piss or Loli poop?

Lolis don’t poop retard

I wouldn't like it, but I would do worse to save my own life.

Attached: Loli with an odd cup.jpg (640x720, 205K)

What Is she holding?
