Feel free to share your thoughts on Tsubasa's personality and/or assets.
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I look exactly like this.
Despite living in an orange world, i'd say you look pretty good.
I'm not even a pedo but monogatari has an extremely lopsided girl tier scale with none of the other girls even coming close to the snail god.
Cat's massive boobs look so exaggerated it's impossible to feel anything but ridicule.
Araragi needs to hurry up and put a baby in her.
we require some hard evidence.
She's my wife and I love her
>you will never watch SSR together with hanekawa
why live bros
That’s the point, her tits are idealized you loli faggot
Don't say rude things about
This user's Wife
Cat = best grill.
Just the ideal and perfect size
You mean bloated beyond all reason. I don't understand how you can find something so ridiculous arousing.
Ideal tits are about crab's size. Any smaller or any bigger is a debuff to the overall attractiveness of the girl.
Kind of depends on the girl. No ones going to call for Hestia to have smaller tits. The utters on Hanekawa are way too exaggerated though.
Hestia's character design just seems better proportioned overall. It's hard to say why but the tits don't seem exaggerated even if they are quite big relative to her size.
I just watched the first episode of the first season and this Hanekawa girl seems to be missing something. Does some kind of magical growth spurt happen later or something? That seems like it would be a pretty big change to make on creative discretion alone.
Can I fuck your tits?
You'll hear pretentious people.. THAT CRAZY to take lolololgatari seriously.
They will tell you about the "unreliable narrator" thing.
The real reason behind that magical growth is of course extremely simple.
I am seriously angry at the lack of long haired glasses big booby Hanekawa doujins
Araragi had enough chances to fuck Hanekawa's pussy and fucked them up like a pussy.
Hanekawa had a perfect design in Kizu and then it went downhill. Not to mention her cowtits got smaller
Tsubasa helped him understand his True sexuality
lame character
best tits, 2nd best ass
my eternal waifu
She has some foreign object/cancer tumors attached to her chest
I wish they were cut off so she would look more like a human
Yeah, femdom lolicon cuck.
So much great fanart potential!
Kizu Hanekawa.........
Cat and Monkey are my favorites,
can't find the other tweet about her tits
I only care about the Sawarineko.
Tsubasa is bleh. I mean, if she got rid of her glasses and made herself up some... Basically just listened to the cat, she could be fixable.
I would happily suffocate and die on those milkers.
Are you an idiot, her glasses make her quite palateable.
Probably best Gatari girl. Snail is close.
She's the freaking goddess of glasses
We need proof.
Yeah yeah, you are gay, we get it. You may leave this thread now
tits or gtfo you lying cunt
My evidence is very hard now
>Ararararagi makes a comment early on about Snail having an unusually well developed chest for her age
>Never shown or brought up again
I’ve never seen this show. What’s she about to do to him?
Is this a boobs thread?
It’s not a non boobs thread.
I like a girls eyes better than her boobs.
That's also why we love Tsubasa!
You don't and fuck you for toying with my feelings like that.
Here is your (You), you deserved it.
And on the 10^-20 chance (You) are not lying, *know* that I'm a drunk ESL and I hate you with the force of a thousand suns because I will never be able to breed you.
>Tfw someone calls you "breeding sow"
I would've tried to pester her until we make a girl football team since I want the next generation of anons to be happy and screw the godlike babes too.
No. Its a weakness. One that the Sawarineko does not posses. Tsubasa should just give up and be the recessive entity and let the male Sawarineko make whats best of Tsubasa's body and functions.
this was the first monogatari thread i saw so I'm putting this here
what was the episode where araragi asked hitagi what if she finds someone better than him? I thought it was in koimonogatari but i guess not. I don't remember her response and i wanted to see it again
You see... This is attractive.
Is not. The cat improves a 5-6/10 girl to be 9.8/10.
Does anyone have any indication yet when the stereogatari series is coming out?
Why did they make her tits twice as big for this?
Its a shame. If they did that to black I would be disappointed.
I disagree. It's 9/10 in both forms. it just happens to be the different 9/10.
No woman, alive or dead, fictional or real, deserves a solid 10.
Well, there is one that deserves a 10, but she isn't a human. She is a werewolf.
Its obvious Tsubasa's body changes. I am not sure if its just the upsloping cat eyes, the cat ears, the anti-gravity hair and face reconfiguration. She also seems to become a bit more slender and lose some breast fat which I like but it is very inconsistent. Anyways, Tsubasa alone on a good day with the right clothing 6.5/10, black cat in just about anything 9.8/10.
nevermind i found it, owarimonogatari episode 13
I also disagree, there is one and only one deserving of it. It's the one (You) fell for and made your waifu
I'm probably biased because I'm into meganes.
The only thing which can make it hotter for me is a competition swimsuit.
But she is at least 8 without the glasses too.
Let's agree to disagree.
10 is like an event horizon. One can only get progressively close to it, and the universe ends for you when you do.
I disagree. She's much hotter when she has full human features. I have no desire to mate with animals on any level.
I like how she becomes Big Boss later on in life.
threatening to ask araragi out to make crab work for her was hilarious
I can confirm that you do in my dreams
I like that analogy, and that's precisely why it think it's the best attribute to put on someone you'll never technically reach. Chasing something impossible can be fulfilling enough if you're truly happy with what you've chosen
wowowow this looks real, but this never happened
it's actually how it was animated "raw", they really needed those points of reference, if you know what i mean
I missed it.
they're here imgur.com
no wait, that's another album, i lost the one with the important pics
Desuarchive didn't. It rarely does,
Underrated and surprisingly complex character. 4th best girl in the series.
Imagine being so much of a faggot you hate tits.
t. Kaiki's cum bucket
Nice breasts
Nice personality
Nice appearance
Just all around Nice
Can you imagine how she would have felt after Araragi turned her down? Like imagine being in her position when you're suddenly rejected without any warning. You'd feel worthless, like human trash, utterly ashamed of your own arousal. The humiliation would be enough to make you physically sick. You do your best to hide it, but you can tell by the look on their face that they know. You let them see you at your lowest and there's no going back.
>Ideal tits are about crab's size.
>crabkeks being faggots as always
some things never change, worst girl with worst Xfags
>because I'm into meganes.
>The only thing which can make it hotter for me is a competition swimsuit.
You are my nigger. Extraordinary taste.
She can't feel negative emotions so, nope user, nothing
Remember, user: the combination of BFCT(Big Fat Cat Tats), megane *and* the competition swimsuit(or something close to it) means almost zero screen time.
The universe hates us.
Who cares about cat when we have bat!
> her speech is obviously not tied to her breathing
> she probably doesn't need to breathe at all
> she fakes it only to show off her assets
Why does she wear such fancy underwear? Isn't that inconsistent with the rest of her personality?
Probably just a movie only design. Like most things in the movie.
So what's the problem?
>So what's the problem?
I'm positive that I've never said or implied that it's a problem.
>that look
So cute.
Rararagi should have turned cat into vampire and make them both keep choking him with these tits forever
I don't think he can produce vamp offspring. Maybe. I would guess only Bat is powerful enough to do that.
Because of the way the foreground moves I tought for a second that Araragi was growing a boner at the first seconds.
Nah it's described very vividly in the novel as well
>only cares about keeping up appearances
>closeted hornball
I don't see any inconsistency
They're in the light novels, though. There are supposed to be entire pages dedicated to describing them.
Well pardon me dear sirs.
it's the ONLY thing she actually owns, of course she gets the thing she fancies the most
>only cares about keeping up appearances
That's not true at all. Hanekawa was obsessed with being "good", usually by sacrificing her own happiness or comfort for the sake of others. There's nothing to suggest that she was superficial, only that she put up a front to avoid embarassing her parents.
I have made peace with that matter, but it still hurts sometimes
This made me really sad. Poor Cat.
If you can't see it, you should change your shitty monitor.
God preserve and protect Shaft, and all those who bring us images such as these!
It's easy to mistake since the movie did take some liberties, see webm related
The white cat stated that Hanekawa felt nothing while she was burying it, and she herself confessed that her actions aren't out of selflessness. And given her dad beats her because her over-properness freaks him out, I don't see how doing it for their sake makes sense. Her front was a burden she chose for her own benefit
Goddamn it user, I didn't intend to fap just yet.
>in the unfinished thing () you can see a smaller (maybe too much) breast was drawn before deciding on the bigger ones
She makes an excellent gift.