When is it ok to watch the anime before reading the manga?
When is it ok to watch the anime before reading the manga?
Kimetsu manga is shit. Just watch the anime and forget it ever existed until s2 if there is any for the future.
>reading fucking paper instead of watching something
Only read the Manga for something that doesn't have an anime. Never read the Manga for something that does because you'll only spoil it for yourself when you watch the anime.
I'm the opposite I only ever read manga unless it's original anime.
did a book kill your mom or something?
manga take why less time and usually being the original source have a better quality and structure
Lock yourself into a fucking freezer
>When is it ok to watch the anime before reading the manga?
>When is it ok to watch the anime before reading the manga?
It should always be acceptable, just don't be a retard and ask stupid questions that can be answered by reading the source material like: "what will happen next? Who is that guy? What is x's power"
If you have to read the source before watching an anime adaptation then that adaptation is shit and has failed to properly give the audience the necessary info to enjoy it fully.
anime is commercial for source material
I'm an avid reader. Reading LNs is fine. But comics? Why would you when you can barely see the action? It's better animated.
I'm also pretty mad at mangafags because they invade our threads and spoil everything. I mean just because you've ruined your anime experience by reading the Manga doesn't mean ours should be ruined too
>this is your brain on animeonly
Imagine preferring budgeted commercially-made 20minuteapop garbage made by an incoherent group of people instead of a straightfromtheauthor material made as it's supposed to be by one guy (+ an assistant or two if they need them) whose only real budget is on time (rather than BOTH time and money) that takes 12 minutes to read for the exact same content
A manga can be made starting from some passion project by some guy. An anime needs to be done by at least a dozen different people. No one's gonna spend so much time, manpower, and effort on something that won't rake in the dough from a saturated market because of some passion project
>inb4 m-muh editors
The same shit applies to anime. If the story is shit then it'd be shit regardless whether it moves on a screen or not
I agree with you but doesn't that render most anime essentially useless?
Die teen
Get the fuck out pleb.
That's why there's usually a lot of shitty Manga but anime can't afford to be as shit because it's a risk so they mostly adapt good anime. Watching an anime is less of risk
When the anime has good production values and you don't wanna sit through the same shit twice.
Thanks for all the (You)s!
most anime just serves to sell the manga
here, have more. It is worthless
Thanks for pretending to be me
No, they don't adapt "good" manga, they adapt popular manga
I read the entire manga just after episode 19 and I would recommend you to do that as well.
It all makes sense
how do I tell the difference?
When the manga has no scans
>most anime serve to sell the manga
No, not really
>when you thought it could not get worse.
>Can't animate action stills in his head
Yeah, you sure are an avid reader with this level of imagination.
Yeah. Many serve to sell ln
>I'm an avid reader. Reading LNs is fine
>dont read comics because you can barely see action
>but read novels even though you cant see any action or semblance of choreography whatsoever
The smoothbrains from Yea Forums are back
I still prefer anime over Manga or LNs. Anime is simply the apex medium. You only downgrade from it to read the source material in depth
I dunno but somehow Manga halfway between good scenes and imagination. It kind of ruins the whole thing
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>I'm an avid reader. Reading LNs is fine.
There's nothing wrong with atching anime
There's something fucking wrong with you if you choose to be a secondary, though
Aren't light novels just children's picture books?
source faggots are seething over this post, well done.
you should always read the manga over watching the anime. obviously, there are some exceptions, but still.
>Don't read the source material
>Be left behind because you're a fucking secondary unlike everyone else
>Go to the fucking threads anyway
>m-m-m-muh SPOILERS!
You can't blame zoomers for everything you don't like.
Yes I can
It’s literally the year where zoomers are old enough to make the country better and boomers don’t have the power they used to
If I still don’t like something I can blame zoomers all I want
This. I'm probably older than them
Oh my God the Ninja FORTNITE kid fans are here
More like the boomers who have an eyesight too bad to read anything.
Ahem , Berserk
>i was just pretending to be retarded