One Punch Man

What could be Pig God hidden power that he mentioned in the webcomic during fight against Monster Association?

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Other urls found in this thread:

He turns all his fat and stored calories into energy making him go into his own version of Meteoric Burst for a minute or two.

This or he hurls up everything he's eaten into one giant energy blast attack.

He eats the entire world and only digests those he deems unworthy

he ate Blast and is waiting for the right moment to release him

Hes basically eats all what he can.
Then explodes like a nuke

probably something like this .

Attached: a a a Issa+mihotoke+from+air+gear+15+years+old+_36bf349ee1960e5f5b93293f63e0664e.gif (300x225, 804K)

Tatsumaki > Golden Sperm = Orochi > Evil Water > Fang > Overgrown Rover > Homeless Emperor > Atomic Samurai > Child Emperor > Fuhrer Ugly > Gums

He's been using stockpile for a long ass time and eventually he'll use spit up

He poops lol


He talks people out of violence.

>All fat converts him into a skinny politician to perform talk no jutsu

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>Tatsumaki>Golden Sperm
Only because ONE is a massive waifufag. If he was being objective GS would rape the shit out of her

> she tanked his attack when very weakened
> he almost got his neck broken when very weakened

Nigga, he got rekt by garou still in his human form (i guess, he was basically a demon at this point but still)

Yeah tatsumaki was still strong even after her beating and later showing even not at a 100% she could still perform some feats.

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According to my calculations, between June 14th 2012 and today, the average wait between OPM updates is 16.7 days.


Why people make it sounds like weakened tatsumaki has only 1/100 of her power? I agree that at 100% she beats GS but with low to mid difficulty.

You’d need to include the average amount of pages to for this to mean anything.

Make it two weeks, during Boros and King arcs the chapters were really slow to come because of anime

And? He said average.

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That would be tedious to calculate, because you have to count redraws and volume bonuses.

I like that while all his comrades were getting slaughtered by heroes, Sperm decided it was pertinent to chase a 10 year old around

don't know how I posted, just wanted to say that for once, this coloring looks nice.

I know, I'm just saying your count of average releases is pointless without it, as Murata is way too inconsistent with pages count.

Remember when Murata did a 150 pages chapter?

>complete control over his digestive system
Does that mean he might have Eyesight stored away to regurgitate her when he wants some fun?

I checked, he did the 150 pages chapter (raid start) in 48 days. That still means he did the equivalent of 50 pages per 2 weeks, that's much more pages than the average of 20-30 pages we've been getting this year.

Pig God deserves more respect. He's probably the second tankiest S class hero after Darkshine and likely stronger than low end strenght types like Prisoner and Tanktop Master. He's even immune to poisons and can recover his strenght on the battlefield by eating his enemies.

He's definitely on the low end of the S Class. He's relatively slow and can only attack by eating and whatever his "special move" is. He also struggled against Gums, the clear weakest of all the cadres.

She's probably the only woman big enough for him.
That animation...

Sperm is one of my favorites just because he doesn't really care for all this shit. He's basically going with the flow for the most part.

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>messed up Eyesight design
>bad animation
>rushing through it

Episode 5 is probably the worst one of s2 next to 2.

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The way Eyesight instant transforms into her beefed up form in like one frame when she's obscured by the explosion is some of the laziest, cheapest Hanna Barbera shit I've seen in a while.

That has to be the worst animation in all of S2 right? The only part I can think of being worse was Fubuki vs Saitama, but at least the animators tried to make the stills look good. Eyesight and Underdog Man look fucking awful, as do Pig God and Child Emperor. Even worse that we'll never get snake lady fanart now.

Nope there is also Do-S v Fubuki, Metal bat v Garou, Rhino wrestler intro and Geno's vs Face ripper. Also majority of Saitama v Suryui.

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It's litterally Berserk tier. It's on the same level as Zodd transforming.
Worst part being, it could have been so easily avoided, this is just garbage direction, we don't even see her transforming in the manga. They just had to fucking follow the manga direction.

I don't even remember RW's intro which is telling

s2 was a huge powerpoint presentation

I reread the manga and it was many things different with his intro. Another thing they didn't add was how Elder retreats with the other monsters as he eats both Phoenix man and rhino and then escapes.
>Jojo is now a more animated PowerPoint than s2 of OPM.

Holy shit. Well at least s2 wasn't Fairy tail 2014-19 levels of bad. That's a literal PowerPoint.

> Well at least s2 wasn't Fairy tail 2014-19 levels of bad. That's a literal PowerPoint.
Not that much better. At least Fairy Tail have the lots of episodes excuse. OPM S2 only had 12.

Crazy how good direction can totally change the way a show feels. For instance, Doppio vs Risotto in Jojo is an amazing fight even though there's a lot of still frames in it and very little stellar animation, while everything in S2 of OPM was utter garbage.

Literally just waiting for Garou to appear at this point
Hurry, Murata

Murata is preparing to draw a thousand more pinups with Garou.

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Fuck off smurf

I'm on the "Tatsumaki would stomp GS" side, though.

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I don't see it as an excuse as before the change to more Mashima art style a lot of episodes were animated pretty decent or good. Once they made the change it was just slideshows non stop. Also s2 had aoki scene with more animation than ft did in years.
Favorite fights of Part 5 is Pesci v Buccerati. That was mostly him chasing Buccerati with a fishing pole and yet it was better executed than majority of fights in s2. The anime did not know how to build up tension or showing presence. In the manga Elder has scale and size but we know he's still a centipede. In anime he's just a floating CGI monster like he's a fucking dragon.

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You have no idea who Smurf is do you? He is the definition of a retarded waifufag and somehow manages to be a colossal incel at the same time.

>colossal incel
That's new.

could tatsumaki beat platinum sperm though?

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How does this make you feel smurf

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Dem abs. You could play those like a xylophone indeed.

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Pesci vs Bucciarati had such beautiful sound design, the zipper and fishing pole sound effects were amazing.

Going by db logic yes he would be stronger as color schemes shows new power up. Once Tats reach TastuBlanco then it would be even or probably above Sperm

OPM threads are always so lively :3

To this k the same guy who does Jojo gave a shit performance with s2 of OPM. Then again I heard and seen in anything not Jojo he never brings his best at all. Though I think part of that is because his sounds aren't meant for big battles like other series have.

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what about diamond sperm?

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>oh no
>they're both hot!

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difference being, Pig God gets stomped.

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That artist is based

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Hmm don't know thats probably a step down in terms of power level.

I totally forgot that Gums did anything other than defeat Pig God and of course it has to be against Genos.
One of these days he'll defeat a very strong monster without getting badly hurt or totally wrecked, but it won't be soon.

> gold being better than diamond
good joke.

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He's destined to always job to dragons, it's inevitable.

So Pig god really is Blast, huh...

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I want to see him job more with his new "anti dragon" upgrade he seems so proud of.

That's probably the next stage for Frieza or cooler if they make that fucker canon.

Also I imagine Sperm transforming being far to how FrieA did. Hopefully Murata will draw it that way or similar.

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If they make Cooler canon they'll probably give him some other shit instead of just going the gold route like Freeza. Like he already had another form on top of his final form so he'll probably just get another form past that.

Or they could just be suuuper creative and make him Golden Shredder, wouldn't surprise me.

which artist is it?

I can hear the theme already.
Seeing as how heroes already gave him the gold form I doubt it. New fans crave for the non creative forms.

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> I can hear the theme already.

Serve under Homeless Emperor and Praise God

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Just realized he looks like Jesus, ONE you've done it again

> Just realized he looks like Jesus
You're quite the slowpoke.

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>the rapture is actually Jesus eliminating the sinners with energy balls.

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>do-s x Iain with both arms fanart
Now I've seen it all

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Double D
As in double Dead

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They all have finally assembled. What fight are you faggots looking forward to most?

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wait until god decides he's talking too much and kills him

black sperm no contest

he's fat.

everyone ganging up on Tats

he's thicc

You know, all are gonna be great. Gums may be the worst, but who knows.

gums literally does nothing besides bite genos' arm off and die to bang

Black sperm, Water and Homeless.

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ENW, and hoping that Gums gets some more stuff because I find the chonk amusing

Idk what you mean, clearly mask forced do-s to pay for her sins by sending her to work at the takoyaki shop

Sure the great takyoki stand in the sky. Just like Eyesight and Mosquito girl.

Remember when threat levels meant how much damage to society a monster could cause? I don't see Gums being able to destroy multiple cities unless he rolls super fast

He seem to be one of weakest dragon level, maybe Goteksu is stronger than him even

honestly dont know if this is bait but gouketsu is high dragon

I wonder how long until Psykos debuts.

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Unless something changes she'll appear in the same chapter as the base lift, it'll be a while.

At this pace, we could see her for the end of the year.

Does anyone know how much Murata makes from One Punch Man compared to the other projects he works on? It feels like the pace of has really slowed down and I wonder if it's because he's working on other stuff. The chapters he's done since this time last year are much shorter than the ones he did from 2017-2018.

well his dad did just die recently, and he's always been working way too much to be honest. we just got too used to all the high quality, high page count chapters. the recent chapters are more in line with what usual mangas get, but still really high quality.

Wait what? What chapter was her true form revealed in the manga?


>Does anyone know how much Murata makes from One Punch Man compared to the other projects he works on?

I don't think there are any other projects, Eyeshield 21 ended already and no one remembers it. Maybe he does freelance work but nothing major. Single Strike Chad has to be doing well if it can support ONE and Murata. I miss how it used to be a passion project and a chapter would come out every six months, then be redrawn three more times. The threads just aren't as comfy as 2011.

I know he's done some stuff for the Spiderman and Megaman franchises before but I wouldn't think that takes up much of his time. I just don't see this wrapping wrapping up anytime soon, because the WC is way ahead of the manga but it doesn't seem anywhere near close to finished, while the manga is still in the middle of the MA arc

>tfw is going to be years until ONE introduce more mechas in One Punch Man or other work of his.

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Im talking about the manga, halfwit.

He has no hidden power, that was a chuuni delusion because he is as retard fat fuck and OPM is a gag manga. I wonder how so many faggots don't get this.

>randomly chosen clips of Season 1 are better than the peak of animation in Season 2

Psychos hasn't appeared in the MANGA yet.
She appeared in the WEBCOMIC.

King holding all of them.

almost any fighting scene in season 1 is better than anything in season 2.

Well Psykos did actually appear in the manga already, in chapter 92. You can't call that a reveal though.

oh wrong thread

Typical isekai shitter

If golden sperm is so strong, why did he followed orochi and monster association?

he was planning to kill orochi

Probably something similar to Fatgum from BNHA

Why is Flashy so based and the strongest high dragon S class?

Is this fanart? Its really good

i want to fuck flashy flash

That's pretty much a given. Even aoki and the freelancers couldn't get that good.

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>If Saitama is so strong why did he join the Hero Association?


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Sonic vs casual Atomic Samurai:
>Argh! That was fast! I didn’t even see him draw his sword! This guy, he’s no joke!
Sonic vs serious Flashy Flash:
>You're only alive because we got interrupted, Flash
What did ONE mean by this?

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>Inb4 speedlet Bang keks
>Inb4 Atomic jobbers

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>Using this non argument again
A stronger Jobnic got speed blitzed by Monster Gale Wind lmao

And? Monster Gale wind was faster than Flash. Flash thanks to his superior skill.

won thanks*

They weren't though, he didn't even use his full speed. He even explained he could have killed either of them from the get go but didn't want to risk the other leaving

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Speed/skill. Everything he was superior to them.
The whole fight FF was just setting up a double kill lol

>didn't want to risk the other leaving
Precisely because they were faster in raw speed. Otherwise he'd have no problem killing one after the other.

>Psykos is a super genius who carefully orchestrated the rise of the monster genius
>sends Elder Centipede to attack a random city instead of the main HA base
>sends Gouketsu and Nyan to recruit a bunch of weak martial artists and prisoners (except Bakuzan) when any demon level monster could've done so
>sends every demon level monster she has in to a fight they will 100% lose
>forgets that ENW is locked in a tank in a safe as her armies get slaughtered
She sounds like somebody who would be friends with Fubuki

When Fuhrer Ugly punches Tatsumaki in the face

King holding of three of them by his own. It will be fucking godly

Sonic grows as the series goes on like Genos.
He was around mid demon in your barely canon audio book and he also couldn't react to Gale.
Now he's around dragon in the webcomic at minimum

that was changed for the tanks

Lets hope murata dies soon so things can start to get better.

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is this a
>everything Murata expands on is filler

Define filler.

What was changed was him having much less problems fighting their human forms. He still got blitzed by the monster form.

JC Staff
>Removes tree
>replace with Garou screaming

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hey, I am not complaining about Murata expanding the universe
I think everything he does is canon because it had been sanctioned by ONE himself
it's other anons who are webcomic purists

Of course everything in the manga is canon, people here don't know the meaning of filler anymore

Reading Muratas manga is like eating a hamburger, and after each bite you're forced to eat an entire celery stalk before taking the next bite out of the hamburger.

Hes the best.

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being canon doesn't mean it's not filler.
How much of your life is just filler?


Remember that she also managed to strain awakened Garou with her full power.

I just realized something- most monsters we see were at one point human
and humans can easily go through any monster-detection-scanners
so, how exactly can your own willpower change your own DNA in such a way that you're basically not human anymore?
and why exactly are S-class heroes and superhumans who have like the same source of power not getting detected by such devices?
How doesn't that monster detection device go off with people like Zombieman?
I thought monster that were human once only change physically and not on a deeper level genetically

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Not all monsters were human. Some were from animals or objects or made that way. Also monsters are biengs with no humanity.

Also what monster detecting device? I don't recall any of sort.

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people still think she actually did that and not that he just let her? i guess i shouldn't really be surprised but still

Really makes you wonder how the fuck ENW was made

I believe he means the one at the HA that detected Rover and Sperm


Oh well those were additions to the security Metal knight made. I doubt its deep to understand how it works.

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I am pretty sure that monster detection devices were mentioned at least once
one time was when they showed Saitama getting into one of those bunkers and realizing there's no toilet
oh right that too

and I am pretty sure they talked about such a device it at least once during a S-class meeting

the ones in the bunker looked like futuristic metal detection devices
would be logical that HA also has those in front of important rooms, like I dunno: their meeting rooms and staff rooms?

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>would be logical that HA also has those in front of important rooms, like I dunno: their meeting rooms and staff rooms?
clearly not, since this happened

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maybe it was down for maintenance on that day or they're not really working as intended?
maybe Bofoi's machines aren't as great as he thinks they are?

Well it is a parasite so its probably too small plus it invaded that guys body and only transformed when he reached the meeting room. Also now realizing how dead he was since it pierced his skull with those things.

MK didn't have any of the detection stuff at that point, that happens during the psy sisters.

The panel literally says "Can even detect a monster trying to mimic a human being" also he was carrying one of Gyoro's drones the whole time.

Well their security is shit plus only Darkshine there. Weird they didn't have one in their building. Then again HA has shown more incompetence before.

It's probably because they were forgotten about outside of that bonus chapter.

Maybe though we've seen that bonus chapter it was only installed in a shelter. Which we know are pretty shitty against any strong demon like Deep sea king.

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>>Psykos is a super geniu
Let me stop you right there.

So we need an "I am a Genius" edit for her or Phoenixman?

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Unarmed Flash is only marginally less useless than unarmed Sonic who, as we all witnessed, couldn't even hurt Sea King.

For Psykos we haven't gotten to the 'oh no' part yet

he reveals himself to be Blast

Speedreader he destroyed his sea lamprey toungue unarmed.

>Homeless Emperor > Atomic Samurai
I mean fucking come on now. AS is the most underrated S class hero relative to rank. He lost to the literal strongest executive with the best possible matchup against him. Child Emperor with all gadgets would wreck the shit out of Homeless Emperor too.

Now that you mention it Flashy kicks did no damage to the ninja bros and Flashy Kick did no damage do Sonic. And those are ultimate techniques.

The moray was separate and inside him. It wasn't his tounge. Also DSK himself said none of his attacks hurt, not even a little.

There 100% already is one for PM and I'm pissed because I can't find it

Seemed like a stun attack to me. It blinded/stunned them.

Nvm found it

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Sending Elder Centipede to the main HA base would've just gotten him killed, a demon would've been dealt with by Suiryu and she didn't lose anything by sending Nyan to the prison. There's literally not a single good reason to not recruit martial artists and prisoners. If Saitama didn't exist they would've gotten Bakuzan, that's a plus already. There's plenty of demons and they did the job of spreading chaos and taking out some A class heroes. I'll give you ENW though.

Maybe he can extend his jaw and eat building-sized things but we've never seen him do that. That's what I would do if I was murata.

After he got healed by the rain...

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That seems to be the case with Flashy Kicks. But the other was definitely a killing move. He didn't expect Sonic to survive it.

Bug God would have been enough to send to the stadium.

For Enw the creature that release him did say that thing was hard to control even fro psykos and we saw it just attacked him. We already saw his tounge before the rain and that it wasn't the moray at all. The moray is just a beast inside him.

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How would sending EC to the base get him killed? He wouldn't even have to go above ground, just destroy the foundation and watch as the entire heroes association infrastructure collapses. And as another user said, sending Bug God and Royal Ripper together would've been fine to handle the tournament. Not to mention that if PPP had been at the prison he might've killed Nyan, as he was just as strong then as he is during the attack on the MA and would've been defending his harem.

Bug God would get destroyed by Bakuzan based on difference of rank alone, you dumbass. It's not just about handling the martial artists, you've got to handle the monsters too. Imagine if Suiryu took a monster and then decided he won't do as he's told for whatever reason, Bug God would get destroyed even harder.

>sending Royal Ripper to catch people alive
Great idea. Plus as already mentioned even Royal Ripper and Bug God together would get destroyed by monsterized Suiryu.

I'm assuming the HQ has some sort of special defense and possibly something to warn them in case of earthquakes and other disasters. The HQ looks like it's made from the same stuff as the building that withstood the attack from the Dark Matter pirates. Bug God and Royal Ripper are shit, Suiryu would've dealt with them as well.
I don't think PPP was strong enough to deal with Nyan at the beginning of the monster assault, didn't he decide to embrace pain on the battlefield, as the monsters assaulted the citites? He didn't have that weird hair armor uprade then either.

Blast Man is dead, and his powerful spirit released into several S rank people. But because they don't have the full Blast, they each have a character flaw related to the 7 deadly sins.
Pig god, gluttony
Super alloy darkshine, vanity (note: not Sweet mask, because he got his powers somewhere else)
Saitama, sloth
Puri puri prisoner, lust
Genos, wrath
Tornado of terror, pride
Child emperor, envy


vanity and pride are the same sin

king v black sperm

four, you forgot psykos

Bakuzan already decided to do what he wanted after Gouketsu left, all that would change is that they'd have traded a demon or two for a dragon wreaking havoc which would still be a win. And those two would easily deal with a human Suiryu, so the MA wouldn't care what he does when he becomes a monster as long as he kills humans.

It doesn't matter what a building is made out of if a chasm is dug right under it. I'm fairly certain that the HA building just wasn't in the blast zone but I could be wrong.

technically 5 if you count black sperm and golden sperm as two

Darkshine already lost his relevance in the webcomic the moment he moved into nu!Heroes

when gyoru gyoru is monologing how he made orochi to phoenix man

everything around the HQ was destroyed, it was most definitely in the blast zone. no idea how you somehow missed that


>manga are selling millions of copies each year
>two successful anime seasons, and dvd/netflix sales
>probably adultswim will buy the rights to air it in usa oh wait
>Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,935 in Movies & TV (See Top 100 in Movies & TV) #49 in Anime (Movies & TV)

yeah i think its doing well for ONE and Murata.

>all that would change is that they'd have traded a demon or two for a dragon wreaking havoc which would still be a win
What if I told you you can solve that problem by doing literally ONE thing : just send an actual dragon here, fuckwit. You could have a demon who is still alive AND one or more dragons at HQ. Don't talk about the trade, give me a fucking reason to make the trade.

The more I think of it, the smarter the decision to send Gouketsu.

The MA has literally no way to know how strong a monsterized great martial artist would be. Except Gouketsu, who is exactly that. Which undoubtedly makes him the most suited to handle monsterized martial artists. QED.

Gouketsu was the bet option especially since he was level headed. Any other monster probably wouldn't have done well or cared.

This, but its Meteoric Blast

I just remembered, was the monster swordsman Dragon level? The other two monsters they sent to recruit people were Dragons.

>Atomic Samurai beating a dragon threat
He was unironically threat level tiger. Maybe demon at best if he was actually strong as a human.

The one AS killed? He had no level but dragons usually get the nametag

I WANT THE KING FIGHT!...and webcomic updates

He's seems demon though him being able to cut past the speed of sound in his human form and now faster shows he's pretty fast though not as fast as Samurai

Iaian is borderline demon and Haragiri should be stronger than him by a wide margin. How the fuck would he be a tiger.

so, flashly flash moves in nano seconds, so awaken G goes at what... what ever is one faster then that?

>Iaian demon
citation needed. No a random narrarator saying this doesn't count seeing how he struggled with his other two comrades to defeat one demon level threat together with perfect cooperation among peers who've known each other for years.

This raises a lot of questions. Like, where do they buy Gouketsu's gi? Did Psykos have to go to Petsmart to buy Evil Natural Water's tank? Who knitted Orochi's cape?

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Orochi's granny makes clothes for the whole Association

He's certainly at least S class tier in terms of strength, according to the databook, it should take 10 A-class heroes to kill a demon

Could Pig God eat Sperm?

with how many monster have joined them I'm sure more then a few have power to make random items, some spider monster to make clothing like a gi. Some monster with tools for hands to make a fish tank. ect ect

No, that would be gay.

Gouketsu had his same GI it just grew with him. Orochi I don't know Psykos probably got it to make him look more intimidating.

I didn't say he can consistently take demons. He was equally matched against Rhino and that shows that he's at least on the low end.

Now I want a chapter where Psykos and Orochi go to his grandma's house to get a loan to start the association

>food analogy

I still don't see Iaian beating the weakest versions of Sonic/Genos

What if Black Sperm is an accumulation of all the nuts Orochi blew because Psykos wouldn't fuck him

If you are the one that thought monster Haragiri was a tiger threat I can see why.

Sonic casually stomped Hammerhead and his men alone.
Meanwhile AS's disciples struggled with other guys with similar power suits

>Atomic Samurai beating a dragon threat
>implying that's unlikely
Are you trying to fit in or something?

>Spiral Cannon you base
What do?

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Those we're new suits

Name one dragon threat AS can defeat.
I am that user.

Different user, but probably Gums

They would get decapitated all the same.
Replace the earliest version of SoSS with ALL of AS's disciples and he would do much better.
That's the big gap between actual S class tiers and the strongest A class.

I'm now remembering that some of the cadres were actually pretty weak. Black sperm and Rover were actual threats but Gums couldn't even scratch Gouketsu honestly.

They were trying to destroy the suits to avoid killing them. Look at pic related. He could have slit his throat had he wanted to.

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There is no evidence pointing one way or another that he could not defeat Nyan, Homeless Emperor, Bakuzan, and Fuhrer Ugly.
Seriously he lost to literally the strongest cadre who had the best match up against him. Stop pretending he's weaker than fucking Puri Puri Prisoner. It won't make you fit in.

Why are ninjas so much stronger than samurai bros......

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Why do people keep acting like Gouketsu is weak? He's almost certainly a high dragon, Genos even said he was stronger than Kabuto and Pluton.

Gouketsu is not weak but he overestimated him even saying Saitama may have trouble. Also Pluton is anime only and he never fought him, Saitama did.

They have super speed on top of skill, swordmanship, assassination, and martial arts.
Samurai in OPM only have swordmanship and skill.

>It won't make you fit in
What's your fascination with this line? Maybe I'm just pointing out a weak man when I see it, especially when it's a man who gets overhyped, until recent weeks, for no reason when he's done nothing of note besides ganging up on an alien and deal zero damage throughout the fight. Hell, now that you mention Puri Puri, I just realized that Puri Puri dealt more damage to Meltzgard then Atomic jobber did.

Amazing teacher

>send light guy against zombie guy
>send ugly guy against bishie guy
>send uncuttable guy against sword guy
>send one fat guy against the other fat guy
Did the leader ran out of fantasy on the last one and decided to not bother?

Also ninjitsu techniques like FF, Sonic, and Gale & Hellfire displayed

>uncuttable guy
Did Murata add that scene where AJ erased Black Sperm or was it a new addition by one?

Bad bait. No one can be this retarded.

>no argument
>y-you're baiting
It was not bait. Explain why you think I'm retarded so I could grow as a person.

Do I really need to explain you why fucking AS is strong among the s-class?
Do I really need to show you the panels in which AS turns the alien whole into tiny pieces, doing more damage than PPP ever did?
Stop baiting and fuck off.

>especially when it's a man who gets overhyped

Quite the opposite, really. Atomic is constantly berated on this thread by literal teenagers in a truly embarassing console war between fans of two irrelevant jobbers. Perhaps you have not heard of that? Anyway you didn't give me evidence that Atomic could not defeat any of the dragons previously mentioned. Nice attempt at deflection, though. Maybe I should mention Atomic could probably deal with the Ninjas too.

Most likely ONE, Murata barely adds anything to the story himself and even when he does ONE has to approve it for it to go in.

One writes the storyboards so any changes its usually by him except certain Murata only characters and add ins he gets approved.

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Puri Puri Prisoner broke one of Meltzgards orbs. Atomic samurai just sliced away at his flesh which quote literally did absolutely nothing in the long term.
>Quite the opposite, really. Atomic is constantly berated on this thread by literal teenagers in a truly embarassing console war between fans of two irrelevant jobbers
I said until recent weeks. It used to be that everyone put him on the same pedestal as Bang.
>you didn't give me evidence that Atomic could not defeat any of the dragons previously mentioned
That logic makes no sense. The reverse makes sense like "give me proof that someone can do this" but what you just said is like saying I have no proof that you can't beat Mike Tyson. Even if you get your ass kicked by people in his league. On the other hand there is no feat showing him doing anything other than killing demons. He's like Genos, can kill demons but melts at dragons

Damn One and Murata are really sticking close to the og webcomic for the redraw. Sure there’s added scenes but otherwise it’s pretty faithful.

Replied to the wrong person there, user.

Well yeah, that's why it's called a "redraw".

Pig God ate Blast. There's where Blast is hiding.

Fem Garou

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My bad brother.

this ^ for you

>breaking your limiter in OPM let's you defeat anyone in the world except a bug
>breaking your limiter in HxH let's you defeat anyone in the world except a bug
Hold on just a fucking minute

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>can kill demons but melts at dragons
Proof? Source?
AS could not compete with two extremely high dragons, that's fucking all.
Just look at how effortlessly he deals with G5 and makes him run away and how he dealt with the monsterified sword master, and tell me AS is "just like Genos". WRONG. AS doesn't struggle with fucking demon level threats, he massacres them.

So let me be fucking clear : in terms of combat capability, especially regarding the latest chapters, AS fucking raws Gums, he raws Nyan, and he raws Bakuzan and he may even raw some more dragons too.

PPP didn't break any orb in the manga. On the other hand thanks to AS, Bang managed to find the last orb, dealing the finishing blow.
Most people agree that AS is in the same league as Bang, Darkshine and Flash. If that's what you mean by being overhyped it didn't stop in recent weeks.

Imagine how retarded she must've looked growing out that hair. Also, why the Sonic color scheme?


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I was always under the impression that the flash v as posts were just bants and shitposting.

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>Most people agree that AS is in the same league as Bang, Darkshine and Flash.
citation needed

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If Saitama was evil he wouldn't even do shit, he'd just hang out and kill heroes who come after him

Flash and Samurai bring out the most retards after Garou. Amai Mask was on a similar level after his chapter vs Do-s but its died down now

Bakuzan would be pretty close fight for AS

Nevermind AS would beat Bakuzan.
I just confused him with Gouketsu for some reason

Because Flashy would solo the council of swordman besides Atomic himself lmao

Sure, let me cite you the years I've been reading these opm threads.

He dodged attacks from AG bro

Feat wise Atomic has nothing besides beating fodders.
It's just ledditors hyping up muh hero ranks

>Proof? Source?
>proceeds to point out what I just said
So you're agreeing with me? G5 is a demon not dragon and AJ has never beaten a dragon threat.

>thanks to AS, Bang managed to find the last orb
Literally any of them could do that. Bang pointed out how it was easy to find the last one that even a monkey could do it since he's seen it so many times.

i've been in these threads plenty long and i haven't seen nearly enough people saying AS is in the same league as those 3 to say that "most people agree" that he's on their level. you're just talking out of your ass

Easy when he is regenerating after AS dusted him completely you dingus.
Maybe you get the wrong idea because there is one flashfag that has posted his tier list (with AS under the ninjas of course) like 50 times? Idk, just wait till the next time it's debated and see.

The implication to me was some kind of certain-kill move that can only be used once. Like maybe he has a quantum singularity sealed by his ever expanding fatness, and he can use it to seal away one otherwise unbeatable foe at the cost of his life.

>feat wise Atomic has nothing
Can Bang and company disintegrate Black Sperm?

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lol no, i haven't been in these threads for 5 minutes buddy. there's plenty of flashfags in these threads and there's been heaps of "debates" in these last few months and the amount of people backing AS doesn't even come close "most people" agreeing on him being on their level. and idk what you're going on about with that "flashfag spamming his tier list" because unless you've been frequenting different OPM threads to me that hasn't happened. tier lists were a big thing a few months ago and loads of people were posting them. but one flashfag spamming the same list over and over? yeah no

he had to bullshit a win against phoenixman, he'd stand no chance against homeless

imagine unironically being this braindead

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Unless HE gets some serious buffs in the manga he is def not above final form PM

no one posted tats feet ?

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In the time span of 1 month this tier list was posted 10 times that I could find. I don't remember there being any other tier list being posted back then.

Considering how Amai Mask performed against B.S..

more tats feet

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er, better picture for ants

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Him performing better defensively makes you think he will disintegrate too? Interesting. We'll see when we get there but I'm pretty sure you are wrong.

>Beefcake in mid dragon
Oh no no no

>l-look the boxer got a good punch
>I mean he got all his teeth knocked out and his balls busted b-but he got a single punch in.

It's one of most accurate tier lists.
Cope more Atomic kek

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hold on Sea king actually launch prisoner pre-transformation, so he should at least be in high demon tier or mid dragon tier if you including the 2 ninja next to atomic. It took a punch that change the weather to take him out, even if it still 1 punch

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ill never understand baits like this

Tfw no buff alien gym buddy

Itano Circus never ceases to impress.

When she is going to come back?

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When will Boros return?

One day ONE will be very inspired to make a substantial update and release 4 chapters in a row with consistent updates every 2 weeks.

And one day, world peace will be achieved and all nukes will be decommissioned

Their webcomic designs are so much better than their skintight trap looks in the manga, just look at Flashy Flash, he's even wearing high heels.

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>ignoring flash, darkshine and phoenix man

as expected of niggerwank

not muscular enough

Hopefully never. ONEJOB WOMAN

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You mean greed? Because you're missing greed, which fits Boifoi.

flash is a generic anime character in the manga
in the webcomic he is unique.
soul v soulless etc

you can call it better all you like, but you can't call it unique. black clothes and a big cape with white hair isn't unique

the face. the face is unique. anime characters do not have that face/hairstyle

Sonic is improving exponentially by getting his ass (and balls) kicked by saitama so much.

At this point sonic must be pre-monster garou tier and no one realizes

>in the webcomic he is unique

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I'll never forgive although I already forgot.


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I'm not into kissing chicks but I'd go lesbo for her.

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He eats himself and becomes twice as big

Manga Flash is more unique, though.


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Fucking Murata adding unnecessary wank for his stupid nipon stick fighter .

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fucking hell are anti Murata faggots insufferable

fucking hell are anti anti Murata faggots insufferable

and retarded aping mongoloid on top of that

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Did one released any new chapter yet?

yes, that's why we're all talking about it and this thread isn't dead as fuck

4/10 whoever made this don't quit your day job

You're crazy. Child Emperor would be the fuck out of HE. All Zombieman had to do to put him out was basically just hug him so he's too afraid to use his explosives. CE would've figured that shit out quick, too, and found a way to use that against him.

That AS fight was supposed to look unwinnable and showcase the despair of being in the monster HQ. Giving AS ray beam unicorn dust makes it actually look like he could win against non-Golden Black Sperm had he been a bit more lucky, which ONE didn't really depict. It's bullshit and frankly dry. He could have easily made another made up low tier dragon like the ninjas for him to look cool but he chose the scene that literally made to show the broken heroes being defeated by their respective enemies. Imagine if Garou only beats Darkshine due to luck instead of slowly creeping up to his PL later, that would dumb wouldn't it?

Also no one is anti Murata you faggot, guy single-handedly made the comic more enjoyable. I'm just pointing out bad timing and rearrangement.

yeah but CE wouldn't be able to get close without dying, HE was a poor counter to Zombieman and Zombieman was a poor counter to HE so they neutralised each other

CE with his bag of tricks would almost certainly have something to bind HE with, though. It seems like as long as you can get him trapped and in close contact, he's fucked.

But webcomic flash doesnt have this

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>no one is anti Murata
You either have some serious selective perception or you don't come to these threads very often.

I'd only be fine with it if everyone else also gets minor buffs like AS or even big ones like Child Emperor who went from being one of the weaker S class to the very top with Darkshine and Bang

If they don't then yah, it's BS.

Sonic's always been one of the strongest characters, but no one takes him seriously because he's such a cutie and only shows up for comedic relief.

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Seems like another plus for manga Flash to me.

I would say Flash, Bang and Tats would have done best against him.
CE, PPP and even Darkshine would have been sizzled.

I half agree with you. Hes strong now and he was pretty strong before, considering his massive improvement from his childhood talentlessness. But he was strong in other ways then ie. Not becoming a heartless, cold killing machine.

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Youre right im sorry

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I juust catch up with the webcomic, how much until one's new update?

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One doesnt have a scheduled update for the webcomic since its his hobby. We don't know when he'll update it.

if ONE just stops what's Murata's going to do? do his own thing?

Maybe, Murata does a lot of other stuff than just OPM.

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Homeless Emperor is easily the most underrated executive.

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It's mostly due to the fact he's basically a glass cannon.

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>implying he wasn't letting then hit him to show how useless it was to struggle

I really don't think Tatsumaki is above Orochi, nor Golden Sperm

Genos is the strongest s class

Good thing that he is a glass cannon, otherwise he would be pratically another Vaccine Man
Both Vaccine Man and Marugori are high fucking dragons

Metal Knight >>> Tatsumaki

Word of god says Tatsumaki at full power kills Golden Sperm (Almost snapped his neck majorly injured already.)

Overwhelming offensive makes for good defense.
In a 1 v 1 he could beat most other executives except for GS and maybe a sneak attack from Nyan.

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More than likely
His defensive had gotten a buff with the bullet defense plus nullifying the explosion to only affect zombeiman.

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He actually said she "could" kill him, which isn't nowhere close to a guaranteed win

All he has to do is

1. Use his invisible walls.
2. Bait HE.
3. HE fires a lightsphere into an invisible wall, vaporizing himself instantly.

Marugori would stomp Orochi going by sheer size

Genos is the strongest ever

>HE fires a lightsphere into an invisible wall, vaporizing himself instantly
I don't think so, he used a energy ball to defend himself from the surprise bullet Zombieman fired, it was very close to him and he still got through unscathed

Size doesn't mean much in OPM.

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Elder Centipede, Evil Natural Water and Rover would like a word with you.

No one takes seriously because he only attacks Saitama and therefore no one can see him getting stronger
Dude, he destroyed multiple city blocks with a casual hand swipe, that is much more destructive power than Orochi has ever shown

But he's supposed to be sensible to his own energy balls, so it was probably a lower powered energy balls. If he fires a powerful energy ball too close to himself he's finished.

That was a wrong translation.

Vacinne Man and Hobo both seemingly got their powers from God. Hobo wouod be logically stronger then.

He’s only sensible to it if he attacks a guy hugging him.


Dont see how. Vaccine man was able to take out most of a city also has a transformation.

EC would likely get stomped. He is just a massive target.

Evil Natural Water and HE would propably end up in a draw where HE gets cut by water jets and HE evaporates ENW with his lightspheres.

Rover can't get close because he gets bombareded with lightspheres and can't compete with his own.

Obviously, these matches would also depend on other factors such as location or luck.

He probably has enhanced reflexes too, he can't just be a fucking human with MOAB level fireballs
Vaccine Man got his powers from Mother Nature
and I don't think Hobo is stronger, Vaccine Man transformation seemed to be hand to hand oriented, so that means he has pratically the same destructive power (if not more) while still having dragon level durability and strength
plus he can fly

Saitama Boros and Tatsumaki are smaller than Orochi and Marugori, yet also stronger than both of them.
Size doesn't mean much.

> Vaccine man was able to take out most of a city

Part of a city; And he was actually destroying it. Hobo was never showed doing that, he just fought heroes. Who said he can't do as well if not better?

Elder is durable as hell though. He already ranked blast from Geno's and Metal Knight with no dmagae plus some healing factor.

I do agree on Water and he somewhat ending a draw but Rover has even bigger blast than HE.

Ok but I already gave you destructive feats for him to contend with Orochi, size was just something I was saying out of my butt
The hole he did when going rampage on Saitama is probably the size of the whole Monster Association

The only way HE could kill EC is to do the same thing Genos did and attack EC from the inside. Otherwise EC's armor alone would tank his blasts and he would regenerate from anything HE throws at him.

Rover has a long range beam attack that you seem to forget and he's so ridiculously durable that he could probably get close to HE anyways.

>Rover can't get close because he gets bombareded with lightspheres and can't compete with his own.
Rover took Bang and Bomb's strongest attack to the face and shrugged it off like it was nothing. I doubt anything HE can do could scratch Rover.

Bang and Bomb totally destroyed Elder's armor. It can be broken.

Rover is probably more durable than Darkshine himself, unless Bang and Bomb performing the Cross Fang Dragon Slayer fist is weaker than just Garou performing it

I can't help but think the reason it broke so easily is because the other layer was ready to take it's place

They sent a shockwave through his body which destroyed his armor from the inside and in the end he was fine. Metal Knight did absolutely nothing to his armor from the outside.

Even so he really hadn't shown power enough to even do so.
For one he blast seems to be less damaging than Vaccine man also any s class fast enough could take him out before he even attacks.

>Metal Knight did absolutely nothing to his armor from the outside
Yes he did, EC just has regeneration, it reacted immediately by screaming in pain when Metal Knight fired his missiles at it

>Bomb got one slapped by some random black sperms
I really hope this gets retconned, simply makes NO SENSE

>Rover can't compete with his own lightspheres.

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Plus the fact after he molted he became even bigger than he was before.It didn't though even metal knight talked about how durable the damn thing was and it had no scratch on its body.

>metal knight talked about how durable the damn thing was
this asshole is keeping all the good stuff to himself

He is durable but HE's attacks are way more powerful than Genos or Metal Knight's robot.

>The only way HE could kill EC is to do the same thing Genos did and attack EC from the inside. Otherwise EC's armor alone would tank his blasts and he would regenerate from anything HE throws at him.
One salve was enough to knock abandonment Bang unconsious. He can just carpet bomb EC with a massive amount of lightspheres.

Unlike Rover HE has complete control over his spheres, has more and can also use them to defend himself. I agree that there is a possibility that Rover could get close if line of sight is a issue for HE but otherwise he wouldn't manage to get through HE's barrage.

HE's attacks would stop Rover from advancing towards him. Obviously Rover wouldn't go down easily. However you shouldn't forget how many spheres HE can create and how powerful they are.

HE can create tons of spheres with the same ouput as Rover shows here and also perfectly control them.

We still haven't even seen his army which probably would have been helpful. 4 of his drones took out a demon level. But imagine and army of his drones with all the firepower of the main one he uses... That's an iron man army.
I don't see that.

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>One salve was enough to knock abandonment Bang unconsious. He can just carpet bomb EC with a massive amount of lightspheres
He was very probably going full strength when he blasted Bang, Psykos was really fucking desperate when she told him to do it

>sneak attacks make no sense

>world class martial artist with enhanced senses
>sneak attacked by a weak ass unfused sperm

We have never seen HE cause as much destruction as Rover.

>He can just carpet bomb EC with a massive amount of lightspheres.
This would not even slow him down in the slightest.

Same with Rover.

Rover doesn't have to get through anything if he can just fire blasts like this one.

Attached: x53.png (800x1138, 511K)

I'm still mad

Bang is a much smaller target though so he propably couldn't use all his spheres. I guess we will see how that goes in the manga.

>I don't see that.

>4 of his drones took out a demon level.
Level 10 robots of his were able to take down 2 demons at the same time.

Sure Rover's beams looks impressive but it couldn't even beat pre woke Garou. Meanwhile HE put down abandonment Bang in a single salvo, meaning that HE's spheres are way more powerful.

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HE is even close to Garou in terms of durability. Rover can tank blasts for days while HE gets hit once and it's over.

>couldn't be plot armor
>"Lol hes weak!"

Geno's and metal knights blast have been shown to be city leveling destructive power. he hasn't shown that.

Pre woke Garou is still strong as hell also Bang only got hit due to Psykos holding him down. Even when he took him out no damage form the blast came even close to how he fucked up Zombeiman.

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>Sure Rover's beams looks impressive but it couldn't even beat pre woke Garou.
Wait what? Rover trashed pre woke Garou while not even trying and made him run away.

Black Sperm hides around and takes advantage of the opponent's carelessness to strike. It's one of his basic strategies and he used it on Atomic, Mask and Bomb. Genos literally comments that he thought Bang had killed all of Black Sperm and Bomb likely thought the same.

HE can't resist his own blasts, and I really doubt his blasts are stronger than Orochi's, which Garou resisted effortlessly

Yeah, I know. Meant to say isn't instead of is.

Solo zombeiman title

Dark Tales of Zombeiman

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what about the Garou/MB buddy cop movie, what would that be called

Fueled to the Limit


The Undeaders

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Where did that I imply that? It's one of the reasons I said Nyan would likely beat HE because he uses sneak attacks which counter HE badly.
Rover's attacks on the other hand are predictable and HE would be able to counter them with his own, more powerful attacks.

Garou got hit by Rover's beams, survived and was able to keep fighting, so they are weaker than HE's lightspheres.

Orochi was explicitly holding back and wasn't out to kill Garou.

I don't remember this scene at all

Its from the s1 OP.

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>Garou got hit by Rover's beams, survived and was able to keep fighting, so they are weaker than HE's lightspheres.
WHAT? This just shows that if Garou got hit by HE's balls, he would survive too. You're seriously taking "instant death" at face value? Do you think HE could take on all the 17 S-class heroes at once too? Lmao.

Read again, I was comparing Garou with Silverfang and at that time Bang was more powerful than Garou which is also confirmed in his fight with Darkshine.

And since Bang couldn't keep fighting after getting hit by HE it means that HE's spheres are more powerful than Rover's beams.

>going with the flow

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oh I get it, because he's sperm
>but he'll never hit an egg

He already hit tatsumaki. She just never took it in.

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>Bang is a much smaller target though so he propably couldn't use all his spheres
Bullshit as fuck, he said himself he tried his full power on Tatsumaki, who is obviously much smaller, and wasn't even on the ground where he could just aim close and the shrapnel would do the rest

It was just speculation but I suppose you're right.
Maybe the manga will give us a clearer picture.

Tatsumaki wasn't a moving target when he attacked her.

Bang wasn't moving either, Psykos restrained him after he butchered a fuckton of Black sperms and screamed Homeless Emperor to blast him
are you a speedreader?

>thinking Homeless Emperor is high dragon

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>thinking Homeless Emperor isn't a high dragon
I'd expect no less retardation from Garouposters.

High IQ bird

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So is this shitbird dead for sure?

the costume is dead. the guy inside is tickled into a coma. But when the base is lifted everyone dies anyway but the usual suspects

No he's dead. Emperor stabbed him when he took the suit off. You can look back at the panel after he said no more resurrection. He stabs him in the chest.

Right here he is stabbed.

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I was glad, honestly.

pig god is blast

yeah, looks like a stab indeed.
Can't real argue about the position of that blade and it's shape. that's in.

>its in

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those veins look suspicious, like I've seen them before on another character

Its a common look on monsters

Characters have survived worse bullshit, so it wouldn't surprise me if the fucker comes back somehow.

Its because of how the suit was literally attached to his skin.

well, isn't that interesting?

Attached: monsterslayerAmaiMask.jpg (742x986, 584K)

There no real way for him to survive unless she still had his suit.

>gets defeated by a gag from spongebob
Phoenixbros what happened?

Big bird got cocky and didn't use his high IQ brain.

Whoever made all these bird posting pictures is a god

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The High IQ meme and Phoenixman himself were the best parts of that fight. The bird posting made it even better.

Big Bird died but he lives on as a meme

and his superpower was really cool too
it's such a shame, I'd hoped he would make it
guess necromancy is too OP

>guess necromancy is too OP
if he survived all the heroes would be pretty much fucked

Imagine fighting the executives and they die, he could have revived them. Not to mention he could die and just get another form and boost plus can absorb large amounts of energy. He would have been a very formidable dragon level.

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Phoenix could have upgraded to God-level, they'd truly be fucked
maybe Saitama could one punch his suit off

he's never gonna use it, that's the joke.

>Phoenixman died before he could revive the monster girls
You blew it big bird

Depends his boost didn't seem that far of a gap between his previous forms until Brilliant mode.
With its range it doesn't seem to big unless he's right there.

>vaguely similar

>Phoenix could have upgraded to God-level
I wish Child Emperor got away thinking the Millenium Nova disintegrated him, only for him to come back even stronger and get one punched by Saitama
>Do-aSS is never coming back
Fuck sweet mask I hope black sperm wipes the floor with his pretty face

>Black sperm
you mean Fuhrer Ugly?

Fuhrer Ugly would lose hardly if he wasn't ugly, SM is going unscathed through this duel

I'm sure Murata will do at least one more pinup of her so at least you have that

>pierces through the s-class like butter
>has no gay grudges or personal vendettas, is pure animosity condensed into corporeal form
>fully recovers from a saitama punch within minutes
>even the glasses bitch can't keep it in check
Chad Water

but he will keep carrying deep emotional scars from which his beautiful soul will never heal after witnessing such ugliness

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>instantly recognizes king's infinite potential and doesn't attack him
fucking water playing 4d chess

This, Sweet Mask mas extremely confident even after seeing Fuhrer Ugly jumping along the walls in hypersonic speed, and even said he has the confidence for a hand to hand combat

>no tight black turtleneck

>ENW is the only other character besides Saitama who knows king is weak

less frames than JC lolol

Black Sperm and Homeless Emperor. I fucking love how Murata went all out with Homeless Emperor but left Black Sperm in mostly ONE's style. Would be cool to see future manga pages where 100 cell-stock Black Sperm is beside Gigachad Sperm. (also I really wanna see King's face off, then bullshit out the hyper beam against all 5 of them)

> extremely confident
He did say he’s very fast and wanted to keep the advantage.

hakaijuu turned into such a weird fucking mess lmao

>you're now realizing that Genos is actually about to hit Sonic in the head with the tennis ball
That explains Saitama's face. He's trying to warn Sonic, and Genos would never willingly be on his team.

Genos waited for this moment for a long time, don't ruin it for him

if you think it got crazy wait until you see the final volumes of the series (not translated yet).

just skimmed through this thread because i realised it devolved into literally just powerlevel faggotry about the monsters and top s class. what in the flying fuck is up with the one HEfag thinking that he's like the strongest MA cadre? why do people keeping taking his retarded bait?

Not really only by the evol stuff did it go a little crazy and then slowed down by the daughter. Though it sounds like final volume may go back to crazy.

but user, don't you see those glowing balls of light and him beating the weakest s-class?
for a couple minutes until he gets grappled by him and can't use his balls anymore
beaten by a naked man grappling you from behind

technically, he got beaten 90% because of King scaring him shitless, which moved all his focus on him and allowed ZM to sneak attack.

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excuse me?

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Extremely unlikely. Without the suit, he's completely human-level. A stab like that with no one around to help him is death, especially since the entire building's about to get fucked up by Tatsumaki.

Don't worry we all know he's retarded

He is mid dragon at best, Evil Water will smash him like pizza

She is. ONE has stated the midget could've killed goldenjobber if she was at full strength at the time, and he couldn't even kill her while she was crippled.

who really is the weakest S-class?
Zombieman doesn't have much besides his regeneration as noted by Vampire and his personal bloodbank
Puripuri said he is the weakest S-class
and then there's Tanktopmaster who got beaten at the very beginning with his whole crew
there's also King but we don't talk about King
technically there's also CE who'd be fucked without his gadgets but that kid can probably lift a bear and he's ten so that's hardly a fair comparison

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so people just think it's fun to take retard bait for hours on end?

but Evil Water doesn't smash.

your waifu will get defiled again in HD, does this scare you?

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If we're talking about physical strength then it's definitely King then chlild emperor. Lifting a bear doesn't compare to pulling a street block off it's spot and tossing it a mile into the sky into a space ship. In terms of combat capability then it'd definitely be Tanktop Master seeing how he's literally just a heavy puncher and nothing else. Puri Puri prisoner is improving as a fighter all thanks to the Deep Sea King

It was specifically "absolute perfect condition" and he didn't state whether it would be low, mid or high diff but just the first statement alone implies at least mid diff. And he could have easily killed her if he really wanted to but he was preoccupied in basking in his own greatness and then dying to AG.

If we're talking weakest in terms of just strength then I'd say definitely CE, I never believed that bullshit from the extra chapter of him being physically stronger than a grizzly. If we're talking overall though it's definitely TTM no question.

I would put Hobo in mid tier dragon simply because his body is too weak, so even if his attack power is high tier, it's not enough. Even if he can defend himself, he's not like proper espers who have full shields and can counter tons of shit since psychic powers are op.

What could he even do to defend against psychic powers? if Psykos attacked him with her gravity technique he would be fucked.

>I never believed that bullshit from the extra chapter of him being physically stronger than a grizzly.

It's obviously true. He was doing better WITHOUT his bag against Evil Natural Water than the three disciples. His brain is a big part of it, but he still have fairly good stats.

TTM, the designated jobber

he is 100% low dragon, only above the likes of gums.

>your waifu
Seems like you can't deny the truth so you just resorted to false attribution.
It's just the truth, the faggot sperm would just get splattered. It didn't even injure her seriously, she was just fine a few days later.

People keeps making it sounds like Gums is some kind of bottom tier dragon, but Pig God is 100% dragon himself, he keeps eating instantly demon levels, yet Gums destroyed him (so same as Gouketsu who destroyed Bakuzan).

Abandonment Bang is just fucking op.

The disciples fight was offscreen. We don't know who fared better.

I also kind of just blanked and forgot that even if he's stronger than a grizzly he's still leagues below the rest in physical strength. I still think it's bull though. You didn't ask but I didn't include King for obvious reasons, but if I were to he's definitely the weakest. Though overall he can still probably do more than TTM with his intimidation factor and luck alone lol.

King made Golden Sperm almost shit his pants with just bluff.

Exactly. Being TTM is a sad existence, I feel bad for him.

because he is. beating pig god may be a feat but we really don't have any idea about how strong pig god is because we've never seen him actually fight outside of the gums fight. sure he instantly eats demons but those aren't feats, the gap between dragon and demon is massive. basically we have no gauge for where in dragon pig god sits so gums beating him doesn't tell us anything. i guess you could say that means i can't say he's a low dragon either but just look at the guy. there's literally no way he's above mid dragon.

In the fight off screen against the disciples he beat them all. It doesn't say how though.

TTM master most likely couldn't even beat one of AJ's disciples since they could just slice him in half when he attempts a punch.

>sure he instantly eats demons but those aren't feats,

Of freaking course it is. Genos post g4 stated that he was still "only" winning 70% of his demon fights (in general, offscreen ones too). Pig God plain one shoted two demons, he never got injuries until Gums.

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What would've happened if awakened Garou had had a bottle of refreshing Coca Cola™ before his fight with Saitama?

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Considering Orochi's cape turned to fire when he went all out against Saitama I'd say it's part of his body.
You know, being Monster King and all.

Given a second wind for another ass whooping. But he can now beat Tanlt top vegetarian even more.

How does one grow a cape? Its not like Getter or other mecha that just have it for weird reasons. Speaking of getter imagine Orochi with getter energy or is a fucking dinosaur.

except it isn't. as i said, the gap between dragon and demon is huge and genos has been a demon up to this point and probably still is with his new edgy upgrade.

huge or not, if you consistently very easily beat demons, you're fairly dragon.

the only OP psychic is Tatsumaki
People underestimate both Gums and Fuhrer Ugly because they are dragons by sheer strength and physical stats and they don't have any gimmick (ENW is impervious to physical damage, BS can split indefinitely, Nyan can transverse through cracks, etc)

it was put on fire in the Garou fight actually. And it just became an endlessly on fire cape.

Pig god is probably one of the weakest Dragon level characters. He's slow and hasn't shown physical prowess outside of his eating abilities. Even PPP can easily defeat demons and he would've lost to a dragon like Nyan if not for freaking him out with his personality.

I didn't notice at first that he used a one paw claw attack at PPP and with Saitama he used it with two paws and aimed for his head

Aginast PPP it was named "feline retribution". Against Saitama it was "super feline retribution". He was also litterally yawning against PPP so I doubt he was being serious at all.

never argued he wasn't dragon

he didn't know best, but still props to him for attacking a dude who just one punched the most durable cadre of the monster association, even if sneakily

well i mean if saitama wasn't invincible that attack probably would have done considerable damage

Monster magic.

Pretty much anyone would have gotten the treatment sonic gave that one paradizer if he aimed at anyone else's head.
We need a monster magicedit for Orochi

"Monster Magic ain't gotta explain shit"

We need one also for limiters.

Yeah he definitely could've executed Puri on the spot if he was trying. But he's a monster so being an idiot is par for the course.

Suiryu can't deal with Bug God no fucking way, he's too durable for him, pratically Choze on steroids

More than being a monster, he's a cat. Of course he's a lazy ass.

I think it was supposed to make him redeemable, by both keeping him from killing a hero and by making his backstory relatable

> I was hugged and kissed too much by a super cute girl
> relatable

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don't even bother replying to that guy user. he says bug god and royal ripper are shit and that suiryu could beat them both lol.

Suiryu have some pretty powerful attacks, he might have a chance. The unknown factor is how strong BG's second form is.

both Rover and Nyan have shown a very humane and not monsterlike nature when they got extremely scared of facing Saitama

to us it's a super cute girl. Imagine if a huge giant cat were to lick you all over, would that be desirable to you?

they aren't from the same species, dummy, imagine if some furry freak locked you into her house and started kissing and caressing the shit out of you, it would be so terrible haha

I doubt he could get past Bug god. Even. Garou couldn't and suryui struggled against Choze who's less durable than Bug god. I can see him knocking around or deflecting like Garou did but yeah the second form is a mystery since it faced the best tank in OPM besides Saitama.

Garou was fairly confident he would beat the shit out of them after fighting them for some times.

Suiryu is said to be equal to TTM/Metal Bat Garou, and the Garou who got shitted on by Bug God and Royal Ripper had evolved a lot since that point

fighting two demons at the same time is much harder than just one strong guy.

>the best tank in OPM besides Saitama
I think Rover/Marugori can contend tho, Rover resisted CFDSF without a scratch and Marugori got punched in the head by Saitama and it didn't blow up/get detached

Garou is always confident plus he did no damage to bug god and only deflected his attacks or dished Rippers attack onto him still with no damage. Hell hos hands bled as he treid to punch the man and it didnt leave a scratch on him. Even bug god said Garou couldn't damage his car pace.

I mean more in heroes sense but those are tanks.

Garou couldn't even punch Bug God, it ripped the skin from his knuckles when he tried to

>Garou is always confident
there is a big difference, he fought them for a while, analyzed them, THEN said that.