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I choose OP at start, because then it's easier to instantly skip that crap.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
OP unfinished at the beginning and only finishes once the episode ends
>op playing at the dramtic climax of the story
You know it's the only answer.
At start. I like to browse Yea Forums when the ED and OP are playing and delayed OP complicates this.
Absolutely not, some retarded jpop song almost never fits the scene.
Don't watch shows with Jpop OPs then
Delayed OP is better if its first ep. There are usually spoilers for the story's first moves.
A of course.
>he watches shows with bad ops
I can still watch it and skip it, but it's impossible when it plays in some important moment, then I have to suffer through it. It doesn't even have to be limited to jpop, most of the OPs are shit and only there to propagate the artist, not actually fitting the mood of the show.
In normal episodes, at the start. For important episodes, you skip it completely or you do what Sorairo days did and use it during the finale.
Who cares I'll skip it anyway.
A. get new material Glados.
I'm always right.
>Not preview then OP then recap of the main characters
Sailor Moon sure got its money's worth from those transformation sequences.
Delayed OP for first and climax episode.
Hayate no Gotoku Episode 1 starts in medias res:
>Nagi menaced by robot
>She suicidally stands there and insults it because she's Nagi
>Robot raises fist to pulverize her
>She yells for Hayate
>Hayate saves her
>Robot asks "who are you??"
>H. starts to explain
>Nagi comes out with the line pictured
It was at this moment I knew I would watch all 52 episodes.
Does anyone else have any favourite self-aware OP moments? (I bet Space Dandy has some, but sadly, I only managed half an episode of that before the visuals made me vomit and run away, so I'll never know.)
One of the things I miss about fansubs being dead the most is one button OP skips.
>ED of the first episode is OP of the second episode.
>New ED is not as good as OP.
>Full version of OP plays during finale during the last minutes to credits.
The fastest way to completely let a series be forgotten.
Someone tried to do this in game and the result is neither, I would post the webm but I can't find it
It's called a cold opening.
If you don't cold open with your OP you're a coward.
Op in the first episode only, ed in the last only/
As long as they don't put anything after the ed it's all good