

Attached: D5933C51-FC9F-4892-81C4-14091A72C175.jpg (750x802, 354K)

Other urls found in this thread:恥ずかしそうな顔でおっぱい見せてもらいたい-赤面おっぱいアンソロジー-:-2-恥ずかしそうな顔でおっぱい見せてもらいたい赤面おっぱいアンソロジー-アクションコミックス-ebook/dp/B07T633NBG/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1565639714&s=books&sr=1-1

You could at least provide sauce.


This is not isekai thread. You are supposed to provide sauce.

Attached: Give sauce pls.jpg (1057x1003, 198K)

Attached: 1565507738500.jpg (426x540, 143K)

Source cunt


gib source

what is this?

How many times do we have to ask for sauce

At this point mods should ban baiters like this.
The only thing I got from a google search is a single Futaba thread which 404'd on me.


Attached: Kaettekita Inakamon.jpg (790x388, 122K)

Yandex managed to find this one for me. In case your filename is serious.

The image in the OP?
Yandex couldn't find me that one.
It found the image on Google Image search but it was just a dead futaba thread.

Here's the thread I'm talking about btw

Is there any archive site for Futaba?

No, the one I replied to. I tried the OP as well, but didn't find that one.

Yeah I tried again and it showed me the name, weird

I found it on google but it's a dead futaba thread

Yeah the thread is dead. Is there anything archive site for Futaba?
I want to backtrace it and hopefully find something because OP is such a faggot.

After image searching on various engine I found that this bitch looks like the main bitch from Kuzu no Honkai.
Can't be her though because Kuzu no Honkai and its short sequel Kuzu no Honkai Decor ended a while ago and this is fresh new shit.

you guys seriously dont recognize the art style?

I do but I cannot remember all the japanese names.

Get off your high horse and tell us where it's from. I swear, this place can be worse than reddit.

>Keep image searching it
>No Luck
I hate you OP. I hate you with the intensity of a thousands suns.

There's so many similar art-styles out there.
I thought it was a doujin at first but I'm not so sure now.

>I do
Is it from a Hentai artist?
Can you remember any of the titles or any recent title the author has done?

Give me something and I might be able to find it.

i like how nobody is discussing the manga, because we can't, because nobody knows what it is, because the OP is an idiot

The baiting cunt is probably laughing his ass off.


I think he doesn't know the sauce either.

>y-you cunt!
You really are one pathetic little idiot.

>this place can be worse than reddit.
Yes, because braindead idiots like you exist, begging to be spoonfed.

Attached: 0304A21E-68C4-4A28-92FB-24445361038D.jpg (750x1063, 496K)

Dullahans a cute
user delivers

Attached: 06.jpg (1000x1436, 316K)

Attached: DF5CEF6A-05A7-4F73-A6C6-13D06283C501.jpg (565x418, 98K)

So this is a hentai or...

Attached: EBQfN8EU4AAYnPB.jpg (1261x1793, 355K)

Thanks user

Fuck me it's some sort of weird anthology series with a ton of authors it seems恥ずかしそうな顔でおっぱい見せてもらいたい-赤面おっぱいアンソロジー-:-2-恥ずかしそうな顔でおっぱい見せてもらいたい赤面おっぱいアンソロジー-アクションコミックス-ebook/dp/B07T633NBG/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1565639714&s=books&sr=1-1

This means we won't ever get scans of the whole thing let alone see it ever being translated. It's not fair.


>I want to be shown boobies by girls blushing from embarrassment part 2
You flaming homosexual.

Another link

This really pisses me off
All of the good shit will never get scanned

I was referring to the anthology format being weird.
Anthology shit like this always gets overlooked.

stupid hipster

>This really pisses me off
Nobody cares you stupid worthless idiot.

Thanks for the links user
But yeah it sucks, hopefully someone will be willing to scan it sooner or later

You will never be Japanese, stop pretending.

Technically they just have to rip it since Amazon offers it digitally but yeah.

Attached: 4D4F697E-14DB-44FA-B750-7C81C2A01020.jpg (575x1059, 370K)

This is such high quality /ss/ my god.

Attached: EBarQjXUIAIKNA2.png (578x800, 835K)

Attached: 1D3A2F0E-C322-42C5-A6D8-60AA33AA2CF6.jpg (705x750, 302K)


Top 10 Signs a Woman Gives Head

I'll be looking forward to it

Attached: 1505059410217.png (740x1010, 192K)

Why has this low quality thread stayed up for so long?

Just report it.

A janitor was probably one of the sourcefags in this thread, judging by the sheer volume of idiots.

>kissing. straight sex. amputee. monster girl. big breasts

Posting cropped screenshots then pulling the usual smug JUST GOOGLE IT BRO shit should be a bannable offence.