ITT: Girls you'd take responsibilty for

ITT: Girls you'd take responsibilty for

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>ywn see her midriff gradually expand due to your baby being in her
>ywn work your ass off to ensure you have the money to raise the baby
>ywn lovingly raise a baby together
>ywn assure her that her navel is still hot even after she's given birth and drive those feelings into her through passionate, sweaty sex
>ywn gently caress her hair as she falls asleep in your arms

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>no sad Sheppard girl to open a tailor's with
I'll be drinking myself to sleep how.

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For me it's her.

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Nice choice, Asagiri is an awesome pick too, both her and Aikawa are great.

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I'd take responsibilty for both of them!

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This from one of the VNs?

yup you get to fug her

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You mean the fictional protagonist in the VN gets to fuck her. You're just watching.

>having this much of a terrible imagination

I just wanted to make sure you remembered you're still and always will be a virgin, that's all.

fuck off normalfag, i bet you can't even into astral sex

Well you can't even into a girl.

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>liking 3DPD
fuck off back to redddit

I would take responsibility for any girl that I impregnate.

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Unironically using virgin as an insult on here. What the fuck?

I choose to be a virgin desu, as a handsome volcel I could have any mortal girl I want but all of them have too much baggage and are aesthetically inferior to Anime girls

I love messy sex hair

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Your drawings are nice. You guys really have a taste.

Thanks but I never implied that it was my drawing.

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I would have lots of vanilla hand holding missionary position baby making sex with Lynne.

She was my personal favorite from Spice & Wolf.

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It's hard to choose, but if I really had to

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Having children would be the top priority anyway

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I'm thinking 2, but we could discuss it if she wanted more

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have fun raising your wifes son.

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Best taste

I think you mean her boyfriend's child.

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I think you made a mistake, that's not Skuld.

Same, well, I would take responsibility for all of the female cast to be honest.

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I took the trouble to watch this show just because of this picture getting posted every day. It's so, so bad :(

The voluptuous Major deserved a better setting.

If you wouldn't you're probably gay

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She's pretty useless (see the extra episode for details). Plus sex would be weird what with the arms and legs coming off at random moments. But she must be protected and cossetted, now and for ever.

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She's my personal Amy!

>not having a quadruple amputee fetish
Get some better taste. Otherwise I agree, Nana is pure moe through helplessness.

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She didn't deserve to lose all her arms and legs.

An imouto(fake) is all you need!

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She was the only person in that piece of shit manga who did not deserve any of the shit happening to her.
at least she got a good end

This but completely unironically

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I wish the author would draw her again with his current style. And content.

Lol keep telling yourself that, incel. You have neither the charm nor the social skills to seduce a girl, and you don't know any dating spots either.


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Cumbrain cope

Haha, I had no idea what he did after that Brynhildr thing, but now I guess I do.

Tell us, user.

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you've been missing out on kino paradise

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Looks cute.

I'm hoping she lives long enough to get pregnant and stays relevant from now on. She doesn't need to melt too.

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At least 2 more girls in addition to her? Sure.

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There's nobody but Nozomi for me, but Nana is a patrician choice too.

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