ITT: Kill your show

My Hero got stupid the moment we found out Midoriya actually has multiple quirks.

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Evangelion but without the pretentious stuff.
I love the show and will admit it’s super pretentious but if it didn’t have that, it’d become another boring show.

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I wouldn't call it pretentious when the creators said most of the crap was added just because it was fancy or seemed cool, the fans are what turned it into pretentious shit. When the creators admit there is no really meaning to impress or be culturally important says a lot. I love it to death, but not much going on with it in reality.


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when i first started watching anime i was kind of annoyed anime adaptions of manga wouldn't commit and do the entire manga but then i realized that production companies have no faith in plot/storywriting done by a lot of light novel or manga authors and stop at the right time before the story goes to shit, or they'll keep animating it if the anime catches on like wildfire

You aren't a true fan if you can't embrace its pretentiousness.

Well a lot of it is due to pacing issues as well, which causes filler to drag on, Bleach suffered pretty heavily from this, and it just slowly dragged on due to endless filler arcs and just killed it. But yes, a lot of it comes down to money and time, if an anime/manga isn't doing the best, no use putting more resources than necessary into it, especially if the audience starts to hate the source material or the ending. Shaman King suffered so heavily from the ending that the author apologized.

I do prefer that that they do things in seasons for animation quality like Mob Psycho, OPM, MHA, etc. I wish things like One Piece worked more like this, but I understand why the top dogs of shounen would never work this way. It's a general story thing with a lot of stories, Japanese or not, you think of a story/plot up to a certain point, and if it gets popular you have to start working in new things, new villains, powers, etc. and it just starts to lose itself, especially as retcons are inevitable.

shounen writers are esp guilty of this but even the guy who wrote haruhi who was educated and had a law degree screwed it after the disappearance arc
it feels like you need the overall picture planned and mapped out before you jump into writing an extremely long series, and time i guess so you're not rushed and trying to make deadlines

Well even then its a problem because of editors who chime in. Really only people like ONE have a benefit of getting around this due to online uploads and him just doodling his stuff where the main character is always OP as fuck. It's why most anime are either 12-26 episodes usually.

A lot of anime if they go into a second season with 50 episodes tend to drop in the second season. I mean you can only plan for so much due to fanbases picking apart series, plot holes, things that could potentially be better, etc.