What a dick, why can't he just the key like anyone else?

What a dick, why can't he just the key like anyone else?

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He never beat Pickle and Musashi, so much for muh strongest living being on earth.

Why is Doppo so small in that panel?

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Itagaki went a bit overboard with the perspective I think but Yujiro alone should be atleast two heads above Doppo.

How do you attain Pickle mode

legs extension

reminder that Memetobe literally saved Musashi. If Baki could take on Pickle, Yujiro would've dunked on the cave boi

literally SS + GOMAD

author cannt do anatomy

The mangaka is a fucking bitch to have not delivered a single beatdown of a massively overhyped character.
What even is the ending of Bakis storyline?
He never defeated his father, his daddy just told him "yeah, i lost", tf?
I really hope this extended crap will lead to Baki fnally realizing he never defeated his daddy, than remember that his daddy killed his mother in cold blood and finally have him become serious with no childplay inbetween.

The author could literally make a entire new part out of the battle between Baki & Yuujiro, it would go like this:
Baki remembers the ones he defeated,
he thinks he feels at peace
he gets dreams of a woman
he starts to feel strange
he goes to a shaman and they tell him the person is someone close to him
he still struggles to remember until he sees a grave
he goes to the local graveyard and without knowing how, he ends in front of his mothers gravestone
he finally understands what happened, gets a chapter-long flashback of what happened in the past, how how his mother died
he hates himself for a few chapters, gets more unhinged,
he gets a talk with his GF who he plans to marry,
from that he realises he may have forgotten about her but dreaming of her was prove his subconscious was still thinking of her,
he realises the father is the evil but he still denys that, not fully grasping just how much of a asshole yuujiro really is,
he starts investigating yuujiros actions,
we get to learn all the stuff of yuujiros father and his past as well, making him the guy he was, and than of how yuujiro became the person he was,
and THAN we finally get to the point where baki sees all the people yuujiro killed and kills just out of fun,
he sets his goal again, not to just defeat his father which he never really did anyway, instead he wants to kill him in order to end his retarded existence,

this would be end end of volume 3 or 4,

end of part 1

part 2

than 1 volume buildup of everyone else remembering how they found out about yuujiro and fought him and how he fucked them up,

than the fight happens, starts of small shit and it gets more and more ridiculous,
takes around 50 to 70 chapters pure fighting, so 10 volumes,

it ends with baki going all out but instead his future wife-to-be tells him that he isnt such a person, he cant be the one to kill the father, so instead of killing, baki KOs yuujiro,

than jack hanma appears and eats the fathers body, he took a drug that puts the strength of what he eats directly into his muscles,

so he transforms and becomes:ULTIMATE JACK!

and we enter into a fight where all fighters gathered fight jack but get shit on one by one, even musashi is brought back and gets killed + eaten, pickle too,
so ULTRA ULTIMATE JACK leaves baki to heal in order to defeat him at his strongest,
this takes 3 volumes of being a emo, 1 volume of sex and than the fight happens,

20 volumes fight and baki wins, ending the series where baki reached the pinnacle of existence

stop replying to me you retarded fuck

>The mangaka is a fucking bitch to have not delivered a single beatdown of a massively overhyped character.
Ali Jr.


and then

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Because he wants to intimidate the other fighters and Pickle
I mean obviously

>Why is Doppo so small
Yujiro is white
Doppo is Japanese

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Absolutely disgusting 0/10 would drop Baki instantly if he started seeing Shamans and using words like "evil"
This isn't a shounen manga

>ideal body
>with that one inch length penis

Yuujiro didn't murder her tho he was just giving her a hug

The penis is erect and pointing directly at you
If you saw it side on you'd realise his prehistoric cock is 18 inches... around

>This isn't a shounen manga

Baki is violent enough that the American release of the anime has the violence censored
And Americans are the ones who think giving kids guns is more acceptable than letting a child see an exposed nipple

Lurk more.

Fuck you.
I've read just about every part of Baki that has easily accessibly translations, including the side character stories

What does America have to do with whether a Japanese series is considered a shonen or not?

The violence is far more graphic than you'd see in a comic aimed at children like One Piece
Give me a minute and I'll find you an example

Yujiro did dunk on Musashi

Real question is: why Motobe even tried to "save" anybody, if Musashi just woke up after knockdown and went to kill some dudes?
What was the point? Who did he save, taht idiot? Why is everyone physically unable to disable downed opponents?

It's literally published in a magazine called "weekly SHONEN champion"

>Oliva get knocked out
>his muscles doesn't destroy the whole place immediatly

That has literally nothing to do with lurking, retard.
Shounen doesn't mean what you think it means.
Again, lurk more.

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Well stuff published as "child porn" isn't necessarily aimed at children either.
There's no defeating the enemy with the power of friendship and getting really angry in Baki

Legitimately can't tell if you're baiting or actually this stupid. Child porn is a genre, Shonen is a demographic.

I will never understand people like you that insist in their ignorance even when proven wrong.
I'd say I hope you get brainrot but you clearly have that already so what's the point anyway.

>When you realise that Baki has explicit graphic H scenes in it
Lurk more

Same thing happened in Naruto
Or was that a doujin?

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Same thing happened in Pokemon between Ash and Misty after he bought her a new bike
Or was that my 12 year old brain having a dream?

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is this how gay see sex between a man and a woman?

Explicit H scenes were publishet in different magazine

They're still absolutely canon
The fact they were published in a different magazine proves the manga wasn't a good fit for a shonen mag

>What a dick, why can't he just the key like anyone else?

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>doing anything like anyone else

This page won't ever stop being great

Because Yujiro being Yujiro doesn´t do things like that, where is the fun in that when he can demonstrate his superiority?

what is the reading order for baki again?
i stopped reading during the musashi nonsense

It beijg shounen or seinen literally doesn't matter, why is Yea Forums so obsessed with this shit
Seinen lets the author have more sex scenes, shounen in general has a larger marketbase, that's the only actual difference. Half the time series just end up in certain magazines due to authors being buds with editors/managers/whatever there or having some other sort connection

>people think pickle would ever stand a chance against yujiro when baki easily knocked his teeth out and scared with a death glare


JeJ based Doom

>Implying Chiharu Shiba couldn't kick Yujiro's ass

What is his power level in comparison to the main series? Is he on the level of the convicts? Jack? Oliva?

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he is the key

Is this someone from one of the gaidens or something

Pokemon censored guns too and it's still shounen retard. You're also arguing that it isn't shounen because America thinks it's too violent? Who is the one making the shounen manga retard, Japan has always been way laxer with this shit when entry level stuff like Naruto that all the kids love has death and torture scenes in it. You're applying your own western on morals on violence to something culturally different to elevate it as seinen in your mind
Because these literal retards think "shounen = bad kiddie shit" and "seinen=good/mature" IE HxHtard logic and they can't be allowed to like something if it's shounen so they have to go through mental gymnastics to say "it's an adult book guise

Hanayama Scarface, ye. You should read it.

garouden > baki

>would drop Baki instantly if he started seeing Shamans
Tokugawa's sister?

>This isn't a shounen manga
It literally is. Look up where it's published, brainlet.

because hes giga chad

>he is the key
And your mom is the hole lmao

I didn't know it was even translated

you're a hole

>Needing keys
Not gonna make it

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>strong non-japanese
>in baki

aren't hanmas egyptiens or something ?

I'm Keisuke Itagaki's gay lover, he's sent me the future of Baki's plot via astral projection.
>Katsumi, via integrating Retsu's arm, combines his one-armed karate with one-armed boxing techniques, creating an ultimate "Half and Half" fighter
>Sukune still beats him, but Katsumi does manage to punch a hole in him
>However, after Sukune dares imply Yujiro could never defeat a sumo wrestler, the Ogre proceeds to rip Sukune's head clean off in front of several other fighters
>However, a break in the clouds interrupts his opportunity to smug on anyone
>Descending from the heavens, Jesus Christ himself appears. Sukune is Yujiro Hanma's 666,666th kill and for his sins, he must be punished
>Jesus is revealed to be the ULTIMATE martial artist - his divine miracles are all via advanced conditioning and training. Walking on water is due to his extreme center of gravity control and high-speed movement. Turning water into wine is from him dropping a single grape into a glass of water, and proceeding to punch it so fast and hard that the water is undisturbed while the grape is torn apart and instantly ferments.
>He initially rose from the dead not by heavenly power, but by being able to control his heart and fake his death. While not the oldest martial artist, his development usurps even the greatest Kaiohs.
>He proceeds to beat the everloving shit out of Yujiro in a Kaku Kaioh fashion, but before Jesus can land a finishing blow, Yujiro flexes his back and reveals he himself is capable of the same miracles.
>The manga ends on a cliffhanger, telling people to look out for "Passion of the Baki," the next story in the Baki saga.

Hell Yeah Brother
Cheers from Iraq

At least I'm not dead

Or Giant Baba
Or Katsumi
Or Paqiao
Or any of the convicts
Or the majority of the Kaiohs
Beating the shit our of someone after hyping him up for chapters is pretty much his MO.