How is this character not a villain?!

How is this character not a villain?!

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>not knowing the heroes are the bad guys

Cuz he's comic relief

Wanting to get pussy so badly that you run the risk of being a potential rapist is not necessarily a villainous trait in anime

He's just a perv.

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I cant wait for Mineta to chad it up. His quirk is perfect for live, safe capture without necessary injury. Not even All Might claim that since he generally knocks people.
Mineta will be in the top 10 heros because his quirk is so effective for restraining and arresting

people hate him because he reminds them of themselves

More like how is he not the MC

It's insane how angry he makes normies

This. He has way more character than deku and his potential is unknown, unlike deku who we already know is going to end up an all might clone i.e. I strongman, strongman punch. He just needs to be normal sized.

I don't have an opinion and I just want to troll halfhalffags

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I feel sorry for the people who can’t see how cool he is.

because he is /ourguy/

You dont understand people, but this is an autistic central community.

I want him to get massively traumatized so that he's forced to change himself!

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>incoming rape
good, that stuck up bitch deserves it

he saves more than he rapes

Name a better design

he's all for one's son

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He doesn't need to be. No one likes the diaper guy.

'all for one ' -babes edition

Because he is the only decent character from that awful series

Mineta needs to have a growth spur, Make the diaper baby a diaper man

Seething Bfag

>the editors actually approved this character
>those same editors were the one to reject Isayama's pitch
wsj is a fucking cancer on the industry

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Yeah, if the inevitable time lapse fucks him I'll be pretty upset.

He just wants to be popular with girls. That's quite the noble cause of I do say so myself.

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he literally tries to commit perverted sexual crimes against some of the women in the show. terrible character ruined the show for me.

No charisma.

Only western normies, the Japanese have always loved pervy characters.

What's this chud even do

kill yourself faggot

I wonder is super rapists are a thing in MHA?

What was his pitch?
