Oregairu S3

>that moment when you realize you already lost the 8bowl
Is it me or is this going to be a total flop?
For one, the best girl has already lost.
Also, how are they going to get an entire season out of only 3 volumes of LN, two of which we already know have basically no content?

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Other urls found in this thread:


We don't know if Yui lost. I think she has a better chance than anyone. Yukino can't win.

>>that moment when you realize you already lost the 8bowl
When did that happened?

>Yui has a better chance than anyone
Are you stupid? 8man doesn't love Yui, he never will.

I want Iroha or Saki to win just because they would cause the biggest shitstorms. 8man has pretty much already stated he loves Yukino so we're locked into a yukino end at this point.

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Haruno even said that Yui knows EVERYTHING, even Yukino's feelings. So this is it.

Yui will be the genuine that 8man is looking for.

>Haruno is a lying psycho cunt
>except for this one thing, then she is absolutely right
Yukinofags are such lying hypocrites.

Still better than Yukino.

>this character that says a thing doesn't mean anything because I say so!!!
I know you're desperate to validate your headcanon, but Haruno has hasn't predicted a thing that turned out to be wrong. This isn't ANOTHER, Yui's story is fucking over. Deal with it.

Yui is a shit girl though

But we don't know what Yui thinks of Yukino's feelings. Besides, you shits always tell us to ignore Haruno for anything that violates you Yukiship.

Only if you have bad taste.

Yui is the fakest bitch in the series. Or one of them.

Calm down Yuipollfag, you mentally ill mouthbreather.

For me, it's Isshiki Iroha.

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>we don't know what Yui thinks of Yukino's feelings
Yui is awfully concerned on Yukino loving 8man and visa versa.
>you shits always tell us to ignore Haruno for anything that violates you Yukiship.
Haruno is an asshole but she isn't wrong on the dependency, she just has her terrible reasons for doing things. You just don't like what she says because it BTFO your Yuiship. ANOTHER was Yui's story, and I get that you felt unsatisfied with it but that's all you're getting.

>But we don't know what Yui thinks of Yukino's feelings
Bro, you can read the part were she is REEEEing internally about Yukino liking him.

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Shit taste

She will become the genuine in volume 14. it's never too late

>Yui is awfully concerned on Yukino loving 8man and visa versa.
She fears it but it's unfounded fear. Yui doesn't realize that Yukino doesn't genuinely like 8man.

No you can't Dekinai-kun.

There is no Yuipollfag and I am of a sound mind.

Calm down YPF

Yukino > Iroha > Yui

>There is no Yuipollfag and I am of a sound mind.
I'll take "things that are lies" for 500$

Again, Haruno said that Yui knows everything. This is it, my guy.

Rent free.

But what does Yui "know" about it?

>how are they going to get an entire season out of only 3 volumes of LN, two of which we already know have basically no content?
That's easy, just add in some cute Yukino x Hachiman moments.

Her feelings for 8man, her plans for the club and the future. Yui's knows everything. Everything.

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>her plans for the club and the future. Yui's knows everything. Everything.
I wouldn't quite say everything, but she at least knows about Yukino's feelings. Then again, she knew about the in ANOTHER as well, but still didn't care and stepped on Yukino's neck there as well.

I didn't watch or read this but my favorite is iroha

shit taste

Congrats on your shit taste, user.

what exactly is wrong with her?

Nice head canon friend. The idea that Yui would willingly hurt Yukino just to date 8man is asinine.

Yui has made no references to Yukino's feelings openly. She only suspsects them. But Yui is wrong on this.

she is a manipulative cunt

if 8man ends up alone this novel will be legendary

>I didn't watch or read this but my favorite is

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Why do you continue to lie YPF?

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i lurk in oregairu threads because the character designs appeal to me. iroha has my favorite design of the 3. yukino is too flat and yui is too fat

>picking poop color hair sagami
once again, shit taste as fuck

That last line doesn't even make sense. Plus Yukino is the one who ended the relationship.

She is pleading for their time to go on together to continue, meaning she wants Yukino in her life.

Good night, I have work tomorrow.

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Go troll 5toubun threads you cancerous faggot.

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Excellent taste.

Based faggot

Nah, shit taste

This. 8man is literally me but I don't have a yukino gf, so I would be really happy if he ends up alone.

I just think that Yui still has a chance


>yui is too fat
user, I...

Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled

When is the anime coming out


you should stop projecting user



cringe as fuck

Yeap, shitstorm is better than some happy end for some cartoon characters

Why the sarcasm? These aren't the sort of characters who deserve happiness.

>total flop
>best girl has already lost
Idiot shippers need to improve their brains.

iroha, saki, haruno an shizuka, no


Saki a best

Saki a fucking shit

fucking Yuimama in front of Yui and break her maiden heart!

series hits its peak with Leon arc though.

This is too cryptic to make conclusions of.

>[Yui: Say “I love you”…]
>Yui spilled these words out with a faint, frail voice while looking up at Hachiman.
>In her vision which had become blurred by the swell of tears that gushed up, she saw Hachiman shake his head. After that, Hachiman brought his face close to her and said,
>[Hachiman: I love you(suki da)]


go back to fanfiction.net. hachiman doesn't even like yui in her own route


He will realize that his crush on yukino is superficial and that yui is actually the genuine he is looking for

I thought you supposedly had to go to your work, you mentally ill liar.


Yeah. Yukinofags are grasping at straws here. They're unstable since she has been shown not to care if they date.

He is saying that YPF is mentally ill. Which is true.

Don't reply to yourself faggot

No one has really proven him wrong on his assertion that Yukino doesn't mind if Yui and 8man date. The facts back it up since Yukino herself suggested they do. In fact that was her final order, showing that it means a lot to Yukino for him to be happy with his GF.

Calm down YPF. Shouldn't you be at your "job"? As chronological troll and liar, you mentally ill troll.

good taste

shit taste as fuck

>the Oregairu autist on suicide watch

>oh the irony

I'm not convinced Yukino will actually win, but given that Iroha is just a silly kouhai and Yui gets btfo time and time again, there's no one left since Sensei is also not a real candidate


cringe and bluepilled
based as fuck

Here's the ending: Hachiman misunderstood everything and neither Yukino or Yui are in love with him, loner ending incoming

Hachiman and Saika saw each other naked bodies, they are bonded forever

>just add in some cute Yukino x Hachiman moments

Although that happens, but with Yui...

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>her and me
sure does suck when a "translator" doesn't even know english. also makes you wonder just how good their japanese is.

it's not really cute, also after spending time with yui dancing, his thoughts are that it's not for him

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as long as the message is clear, it's fine. nice try at discrediting it though

t. old man

That would be hilarious and there's likely that sort of twist coming.
Something like, Yukino has actually been into Yui all this time, and her real struggle has been about coming out of the closet. Meanwhile, Yui is trying to friendzone her and date 8man without breaking the club up.

fuck off cancer

>Yukino has actually been into Yui all this time
It certainly felt that way as I was watching the show.

no you don't, fuck off


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What are you talking about?, there he means that an event like that does not make him feel comfortable, on the previous page the meaning is configured

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the event, but also spending time with yui

are we getting another season?

PV here

Supposedly spring 2020

Are you me? Or just schizophrenic?

might be get kyoanid by then

You may have to loosen those goggles a bit.

There will be no canon pairings at the end of this. They're all going to die alone.

because i am going to kill them ALLL

Would he have had the same thoughts if he danced with yukino instead?

what do you think?

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i gonna rape them , rape all of them , i will have my revenge for years of bullying, making fun and abusing. I hate them I HATE THEM

maybe he just really hates dancing in general

That's a translation of a fucking fanfiction you fucking mentally ill piece of shit. Stop posting it. You are literally insane.

Yurifags are almost as bad as fujos

I hate homos though. It just felt like the yuckyno was more into g*rls

nice headcanon retard
the message is most definitely not clear, especially with shitty tl. alot of nuance can be lost, it can be used to straight up mean different things.

never really got that impression. you're probably just a yurifag in denial or something

Nah, I despise homos and w*men in general

yeah, let's just go with that

>replying normally to an autistic irohashitter

man yuifaggots are becoming more and more insecure

insulting. the best girl is that tennis kid

>mentally ill trapfag
even worse

he's a guy you delusional schizo

What even happened in Another?

hachiman entered a meaningless relationship with yui with foreshadowing it would end soon. he didn't tell her he loved her

Damn. Anywhere I can read it or a detailed summary of it?

I literally gave you a summary right now. It's not worth reading anyway.

Yui is probably going to win though.

>We don't know if Yui lost. I think she has a better chance than anyone. Yukino can't win.
I agree. I'm honestly surprised some think Yukino can win in a story called "My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong, as I expected." If Yukino wins, then this is pretty much your typical anime with the first girl win. Highly doubt the author goes that route given the title, and it also seems like he wants something original with his ending. You can't have that with Yukino winning.

Why can't Yui just die already, doesn't she realize she's getting the way of her friends' happiness

because watari a hack that's dragging shit out for merch sales

Calm down YPF, go seethe some more on animesuki

to be fair, yukino and 8man are both getting in the way of their own happiness as well

no, that's haruno

When you see it

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Is this the reason why some yurifags latch onto this series in particular

or mental illness

>Yui will be the genuine that 8man is looking for.
Yeah, and Yukino will help 8man find that genuine thing with her command for 8man to grant Yui's wish. Yui is gonna be that genuine thing for both 8man and Yukino. Yui's feelings for 8man isn't her just being a nice girl and Yukino will finally have a real friend. And no way in hell Yui abandons Yukino despite what some may believe. There's just too much promotions with both of them together. All that merchandise will go to shit if things end badly between them.

there's also the fact that they're both socially retarded. if they were a bit more normal they'd probably be dating already

>YPF is saying the exact opposite of the truth again

that has more to do with watari being a money hungry sellout

>man yuifaggots are becoming more and more insecure
Sounds like Yukinofags are the insecure ones. They get uncomfortable when they read what Yuifags say and it doesn't align with what they believe.

Yuri is helluva drug mane.

Probably because Yuifags are blatantly lying. Don't you think so YPF?

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A fucking shit

Iroha will win.

>after spending time with yui dancing, his thoughts are that it's not for him
I don't know what translation is more accurate, but in the light novel he says he doesn't fit in at all. Kind of different compared to the manga.

You're looking too deep and twisting what 8man is saying anyways. He wasn't even dancing with Yui at that time he thought that. He was looking around at the dance floor, stage, and decorations while at the food catering area. But If we go by what you're saying, if what he says has any meaning on a certain person, it would be Iroha since she is the one who proposed having a prom. However, I don't think that's true in this case either.

old man weewee

>You're looking too deep
sounds to me like someone doesn't know what type of writer watari is. let me guess, this is also looking too deep into things right? hachiman is spending time here with yui and she says she wants to be a bride someday. but then hachiman has these thoughts? i wonder what excuse you'll think of

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Yuri always wins baby.

not usually in harem romcoms

that's pretty much what you need in order to enjoy yuri

When does it air?



cringe and bluepilled

He views all that as artificial, yet he himself says that they can be sold. Since they can be sold, that means they could be genuine. He just reads into everything too much like he admitted himself when Haruno said he misinterprets things by doing that.

>If something were to not change no matter how much time passes, and if it didn't fade away no matter how long it was cast aside, then I would have no reluctance in calling that genuine. This was different from those false feelings that would vanish after waiting for so long that you end up parting from them.

>If something does not disappear despite turning your face away, or averting your eyes from it, or pretending not to see it, or being forgotten, then it shouldn’t be wrong to call it a genuine desire.

This is basically describing what 8man has been doing to Yui throughout the whole story. Yui's feelings are still there despite 8man keeping his distance due to the whole dog incident.

>He views all that as artificial, yet he himself says that they can be sold. Since they can be sold, that means they could be genuine
Ok, well, thanks for confirming that you're just retarded.

Yui deserves the NTR ending.

>She fears it but it's unfounded fear. Yui doesn't realize that Yukino doesn't genuinely like 8man.
Notice how after 8man tells Yukino to fix her own problems at the end of vol 11, suddenly Yukino doesn't seem to show any interest in 8man after that. She doesn't care that 8man and Yui danced together, which both Yui and 8man thought was weird because between the "help me" scene and the end of vol 11 she was acting like she liked 8man, but 8man doesn't even question if Yukino cared afterwards. He doesn't even think about it.

Yukino only thought she liked 8man temporarily after the "help me" scene because she basically wanted 8man to be her hero, which is the complete opposite of what Yui said, that he doesn't need to be her hero anymore. Haruno saw what Yukino was doing, which is why she said the way she was behaving wasn't genuine. Yukino probably did the same thing to Hayama in the past. Haruno even called Yukino out when she wanted 8man to do something regarding her mother in S2E10.

Ok, but seriously, when are you going to stop trolling the fandom YPF? You know damn well that the only reason Yukino is giving up on Hachiman is because she is incredibly selfless and cares about Yui's friendship and because haruno is messing with her. Meanwhile, Yui still sees Hachiman as her hero, the boy that saved her dog. That's what separates Yukino and Yui, because in 12-13, Yukino didn't want Hachiman to come help her.

>she is incredibly selfless
lmao talk about rose tinted glasses

Yeah, that's what I meant. Stop trolling the fandom you cancer

Shizuka Hiratsuka is best girl , nobody can deny that and if they do they are objectivly huge faggots with small penises who likes to get manipulated and cucked with a nigger.

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Yui clearly states 8man doesn't need to be her hero anymore. That she just wants him by her side. Yukino did want 8man to be her hero though.

Yukino didn't want 8man to help her in vol 12-13 for personal reasons like co-dependency and making a statement to her mother.

Shitzuka is a sack of shit that sleeps with gigolos though

>he picked the dogfucker

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literal nigger faggots , get cucked by a nigger or an old ugly bald man.

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no, she states that now hachiman is going to help yukino, she doesn't want him to be a hero, she wants him to stay by her side
>Yukino did want 8man to be her hero though.
>let me do this myself
>hurr yukino wants hachiman to be hero
Fucking retard.

>It’s because my “one day” had already passed. It’s because of that, he no longer needed to continue being my hero. I just wanted him to stay by my side.

She doesn't say she doesn't want him to be a hero by helping Yukino.

>Yukino did want 8man to be her hero though.
>let me do this myself
>hurr yukino wants hachiman to be hero

Like I said earlier, between "help me" and end of vol 11.

Hachiman is running to go help Yukino and then all of a sudden Yui doesn’t want him to be a hero anymore. Get a fucking grip.

She isn't selfless at all. She doesn't take shit from people and doesn't let people take her shit. As it happens, she doesn't give a fuck who 8man dates because she isn't interested in him

Calm down yuipollfag. Yukino is wuite literally the most selfless character in the series. Yui is a selfish bitch that would step on everyone’s neck to get some dick.

>Hachiman is running to go help Yukino and then all of a sudden Yui doesn’t want him to be a hero anymore. Get a fucking grip.
Yui doesn't realize 8man is going to help Yukino because of the promise he made to Yui in S1E10. There's a reason why the author had Yui keep distance from 8man while he was talking on the phone to Hiratsuka sensei. So Yui wouldn't hear about the promise he made to her. We need misunderstandings and drama for a story. The author wants us to think it was the Yukino "help me" moment when, in fact, 8man never promised anything Yukino.

Attached: no promise made to yukino.jpg (1280x1440, 257K)

We know, 8man

>Yui doesn't realize 8man is going to help Yukino because of the promise he made to Yui in S1E10
How can one be this off the mark?

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That’s cute but Hachiman doesn’t give two shits about Iroha.

You could also just admit that you're full of shit and save evryone a bunch of time.

yes he does and you're menally ill kill yourself don't talk to me3ecer agakn I ban you fagget

>How can one be this off the mark?
This is the manga interpretation only. Are you going to post the scenes in the manga that shows 8man's imagination like him picturing himself married to Yui?

The light novel doesn't say or show any of this.

>YPF is still at it 12+ hours later
I guess Oregairu threads are "back to normal"

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Such is the life of a troll

>This is the manga interpretation only
Hahaha, oh boy.
>The light novel doesn't say or show any of this.
You're right, instead there's an entire inner monologue.

Yukinofags are really interested in this YPF.

Yeah, why would Yukinofags be annoyed at a mentally ill contrarian troll almost as bad as ACK?

I love this show but hate the fanbase

>“It’s because, I made a promise once, that I would help her one day.”
No where does the novel say it's because he made a promise TO Yukino.

kill irohafags, senseifags, sakifags, harunofags, yuipollfag and the fandom would be better because yukinofags don't make threads

nigga, it's about yukino. so this is your new strategy? are you going to do this shit for the next five months?

I just meant that Yukinofags in particular seem obsessed with that YPF. Seems like I see them mention it in every oregairu thread.

nigga, it's about yui. so this is your new strategy? are you going to do this shit for the next five months?

because he is in every single thread. like seriously.

So that’s a yes then? Mentally ill YPF is mentally ill

Once Yui ends up like a past girl he supported like Yoshino in Masamune-kun no Revenge, he wont bother with these threads.

How does one become as utterly delusional as this? It's like you have decided to completely ignore everything in the story and just go with your own headcanon.

it's literally one autistic dude. He is the lone raving yuckynofag so he calls everyone who doesn't like his waifu YPF

>calling others out on headcanon when you've been doing it this whole thread
Is this what lacking of self awareness looks like?

That's literally what's happening in the story dumbass.

Nice try, but multiple know YPF is a real person.

>multiple people*

>multiple people
your split personalities are not multiple people, YNIDF

nice try, but YPF has been a plague on these threads for years

>ypf deflecting
Fuck off

>uses crossboarder jargon
no wonder the threads are shit

I'm actually amazed at how garbage this thread is.
It was supposed to be about whether or not season 3 will be complete shit.
Apparently, that depends entirely on which girl wins, or something.

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maybe don't make threads when there's nothing to talk about you cancerous fucks. how fucking new are you to not realize that these threads always end up like this? just sage or report the threads and don't bump them.

>don't make threads when there's nothing to talk about
There's multiple volumes of LN that haven't been adapted.

>how fucking new are you to not realize that these threads always end up like this?
The last time I opened an Oregairu thread (admittedly, 3-4 years ago) 75% of the posts weren't argumentative autists trading insults.

>75% of the posts weren't argumentative autists trading insults
well, that's horseshit, because the threads then were even worse cancer than they are now

YNIDF samefagging as always

you made an oregairu thread

oregairu threads are always the exact same thread

Attached: try again faggot.png (468x155, 7K)

>She doesn't care that 8man and Yui danced together,
That is because she doesn't like him. She has never cared about Yui and 8man dating.

don't reply to your own replies you mentally ill retard

In fact she was smiling while watching them dance. That shows that Yukino supports them genuinely. The fact that she was crying at the end of volume 13 has nothing to do with romance. This proves it.

don't reply to yourself YPF

Mentally ill people do that

No one but complete mental midgets and Yukinofags thought that Yukino was upset over giving him to Yui. Japs didn't either.

>complete mental midgets and Yukinofags
You're being redundant there haha.

How upset will you be when you're proven wrong?

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On a scale of 1-10, how mentally ill is YPF?





Why can’t you guys stay within 10?

it's funnier this way, also fuck YPF. he is mentally ill, he deserves all the shit he gets

About what? Volumes 12 and 13 only agreed with my predictions. I haven't seen one shred of evidence that Yui dating 8man bothers Yukino. From volume 11 on Yukino has had no flags too.

Reminder that Totsuka is the only character 8man is canonically attracted to

reminder that's a load of shit

>my predictions
I thought you weren’t supposed to be YPF? So which one is it you mentally ill troll?

>About what? Volumes 12 and 13 only agreed with my predictions. I haven't seen one shred of evidence that Yui dating 8man bothers Yukino. From volume 11 on Yukino has had no flags too.
8man and Yukino hardly even interact in vol 12 & 13.

Yumiko will win. She will win the cuntbowl

he might end up shooting up a place

The post I was quoting said "your", not "YPF"

That's the point. The smoking gun would be Yukino longing to interact with him or being upset by Yui being around him but she didn't and wasn't.

>no one has mentioned Komachi, literally the only likable girl on the show

Attached: komachi3.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

So, I went into this series thinking it would have something cool to say about romcoms - to put a spin on more tropey relationships in this genre.

The first season was good - lots of comedy. The MC was hella cringe, but thankfully the show recognized that and showed how wrong he was.

But here comes the second season, and suddenly Hachiman gets all the puss by acting like some messiah complex edgelord. Every character outside of the main cast is bastardized into the most stereotypical "normie" type character, and worst of all, the show went full out delusion in this whole "genuine" crap.

What happened bros? Was I wrong to think that there was something worthwhile here?

Thotmachi is a piece of shit and bottom of the barrel

It's a meta commentary. The second season is bad on purpose so you leave it wanting something genuine

Read the light novel you mouthbreather

I thought you promised you wouldn't troll the fandom anymore? What happened?

Attached: YPF Yotsutrash.png (895x158, 45K)

>Yui admitting she never wanted something genuine
>8man's photo in Yukino's most prized possessions
>ending the relationship caused Yukino emotional pain
You haven't predicted shit, guy.

"genuine this, genuine that"
do you guys hear yourselves right now... this is sad

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fuck off back to cuckguya threads

>>ending the relationship caused Yukino emotional pain
Good friendship does that. It wasn't romantic in nature.

I thought you promised you would stop trolling YPF?
Why are you sperging out so hard?

That's some spectacular headcanon, dude. How mad will you be when you're wrong?

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>I haven't seen one shred of evidence that Yui dating 8man bothers Yukino. From volume 11 on Yukino has had no flags too.

Yukino has had the whole friendship narrative going for her since the very first volume when 8man tells her that he could be her friend. Then while playing tennis Yukino has trouble saying friend, Haruno mentioning it at the fireworks show, 8man asking again after the school festival, Yukino's mom telling 8man and Yui to be good friends to her, and when Haruno assumed Yukino only had one place to go to in the last ep of season 2. She assumed Yukino had no friends to help her out.

You could say this friendship narrative goes back before she even met Yui and 8man with Hayama. Didn't do too well here either since she held a grudge against Hayama. It seems fitting that Yukino would finally accept 8man's friendship request in the last volume.

Except this isn't Haganai, friendship has been shown in a negative light constantly in this series. Watari has been trying to show that friendships don't mean anything if it collapses with finding love. What Hachiman seeks isn't friendship.

>that friendships don't mean anything if it collapses with finding love

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I just started reading the LN last night (I'm barely into it; fell asleep during Sensei's proposal to Yuck and H8man about their deal/wager) and two things stuck out to me: Sensei is definitely tamed back in the anime and Yukino still a shit.

so you have shit taste, you should kill yourself instead of reading

someone can't handle a little banter

>Yukino can't win
>Boring first girl wins

Yui is too coward for a proper relationship with 8man. Also, she's shallow, and her mask of an always-genki-girl won't make a genuine relationship possible. It's too much social fear of exposing herself to other's judgment (complete antagonism to 8man).

Yukino, on the other hand, is the best possible outcome, since she was always hoping for someone who could she have reciprocity. She treats those that are foreign to her with uninterest, regardless of her social standing. (Being therefore a better partner than Yui)

Though I think 8man will end alone. I mean, c'mon guys, just look at the name of this series.

Only way a loner ending happens if Yukino and 8man admit they have feelings for each other, but it was too late and too young as 2nd years to know what they had.

>name of the series
Watari said to not judge a LN series by its name.

I feel like their friendship is stronger than 8man.

The thing is though it's always been foreshadowed to end, Yukino and Yui's friendship hinges on Yui getting 8man. If Yui does not get it, it will not last.

Yukino is best girl. If she does not win, there will be riots.

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Tough shit then. Yui has to find it in her to be friends with Hikki's girlfriend.

Yui is too emotionally fragile. She'd be the kinda girl to be thinking about Hachi and his girl sexing 24/7 and masturbating to the thought before crying herself to sleep.

Indeed, Yui just wishes for a place where nobody can see her tears that are about to pour out, even when she wouldn't know when they would come.

Attached: Chapter 75 Page 13.png (891x1280, 499K)

that takes about 2 minutes to do in paint or photoshop

>best girl
in what sense

Is this even a question? Yukino is one of the few characters that has been a positive influence on 8man and has been trying to get him to change. She made a club for him to get him to acquire friendships and meet a whole bunch of people.

Attached: jo8k47guflf31.jpg (1500x2000, 617K)

She also got him a girlfriend.

8man will be in a position to feel like he has a debt cannot ever possibly repay back.

I wonder if he can pay in snuggles.

>She made a club for him

>repay back
kys esl

>pay back
there you go

It sounded cool and chuuni

Yeah, Yui. Yukino happily gave gim Yui. She used her big wish on it.

just remove that "happy" bit and its accurate

Attached: YUKINO IS SOOOO HAPPPYY.jpg (717x405, 91K)

too bad he doesn't want ewwy

I can't wait for this series to end so I never have to see these fucking threads again.

Yukino thinks that Yui is the genuine one. Yukino ended the club for good reason and I applaud her for it.

Well, that's between them. If WW wants a loner end then fine. Yukino won't be a romance figure in the story any longer however.

"genuine this, genuine that"
do you guys hear yourselves right now... this is sad. Go outside and experience a real relationship, please.

Attached: 1565482335890.png (437x406, 61K)

But seriously, when are you going to stop trolling the fandopm you mentally ill troll?

Nino a shit

>without being able to cry
That's a load of shit, she just spent like half an hour bawling before this.

It's YPF, he is mentally ill, you know this already

>its a Yui end
>its a loner end
your constant back peddling is hilarious

>is happy when 8man is around
>gets sad when he isn't
>be a crying fit when it is implied Yui will get him
Yukino is emotionally retarded if she can't do the math.

Everything called perfection. 8man agreed.

Attached: 1487331068601.jpg (421x750, 35K)

>Except this isn't Haganai, friendship has been shown in a negative light constantly in this series. Watari has been trying to show that friendships don't mean anything if it collapses with finding love. What Hachiman seeks isn't friendship.

I wouldn't say it's shown in a negative light, and I'm not talking about 8man actively seeking friendship. I'm talking about Yukino having real friends for once and that's going to be with Yui and probably 8man as well. Friendship has been a recurring theme with her. I'm not even going to entertain the idea that Yui and Yukino will somehow no longer be friends. Too many official illustrations from ponkan8 and feel with both of them together and Watari will no way risk that money.

>Watari said to not judge a LN series by its name.
Of course he's going to say that to mislead you. Don't believe everything you hear. The title could or could not have any meaning on the story.

Yukino does not deserve the 8man.


>Only way a loner ending happens if Yukino and 8man admit they have feelings for each other


"genuine this/that" is only available in 2D, and for a select few.

>I'm not even going to entertain the idea that Yui and Yukino will somehow no longer be friends
the end of Zoku is Yui wanting to have 8man's love while keeping Yukino as a friend... right?


Isn't it the other way around? 8man is an egotistical piece of shit who acts like he's better than everyone, but in the end hasn't saved anyone with his "ideals"

I mean if Watari wanted to show it as a tragic romance story, he could.

>the show went full out delusion in this whole "genuine" crap.
it didn't really go all that crazy.
here's a thing that's really unfortunate: a lot of the hate for s2 of this show is the direct result of poor translations. so the words of the characters are confusing / inscrutable because what you read isn't what they actually said.
the subs by femme for s1 and mtbb for s2 are the best by far, but they also "localized" many japanese memes and didn't include honorifics, because they're not faggot ass weebs. so a lot of groups didn't use their subs even though they were the only accurate ones

>Yukino is emotionally retarded if she can't do the math.
No, it's she's not being honest (or "genuine" if you want to use the memeword). This is the central conflict. Yui is (foolishly) willing to try take advantage of that.

Yukino is the selfless and tragic heroine. She prefers making others happy over pursuing her own.

Attached: Parrells of different Worlds.jpg (1914x2146, 527K)

She probably just thinks that Yui deserves it more than her. Would she have done the same though if she knew that 8man is practically obsessed with her?

>read this badly written badly translated piece of garbage
no thanks

then what are you doing here? without the LN this series is nonsensical

>Yui is (foolishly) willing to try take advantage of that.

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damn 8man is going to be one lucky guy to plough this every night

Attached: EBRocVYUcAAN8dq.jpg (501x800, 62K)

It would make the title come true " My youth romantic comedy is wrong as I expected"...Not as expected?

Except that Yukino and Yui's friendship has been foreshadowed to end/go their separate ways. It ain't happening user.

8man doesn’t deserve Yukino, you dumb incel

>Yukino and Yui's friendship has been foreshadowed to end/go their separate ways.

That's just WW trying to trick us. No way they end their relationship. That user earlier made a good point about too much $$$ involved. a lot of artwork has them both together and them going their separate ways would ruin it. It would leave a sour taste and the artwork with them together would no longer look appealing.

Except this story is a bittersweet romantic character drama, if Watari wants to salvage any credibility from season 2 debacle and the shitty Iroha OVA, he needs to make shit hit the fan. End of Evangelion style. Watari has to be willing to take some risks with his characters like he did during the Sagami arc.

If yukino doesn't win that would be a tragedy. I feel like 8man and Yukino are clandestine like each other for the whole series but they are always awkward/ anti social around each other. Tough to know who will bite first.

Will she let him though

Will Wataru ever fucking release the final novels?
Fuck this nigger and how he's dragging this series.

Yukino can't even hold her composure in front of 8man anymore without getting flustered, if anything its a question if Yukimom/Yukidad will let 8man have at it with Yukino.

Watari even made a reference to Yukino and Hachiman's relationship being the the Gift of Magi. They are soulmates.

Attached: mpv-shot0059.jpg (1920x1080, 364K)

>Watari has to be willing to take some risks with his characters like he did during the Sagami arc.

Watari will not ruin Yui and Yukino friendship it will be a temporary type of until both girls come into their senses and realize they miss each other to the point their friendship will grow even stronger.

Attached: GmGt1JL.jpg (1920x1080, 382K)

Except its already been hinted at that their relationship will end, like several times. Haruno says that "friends" say nice things about Yukino at first but then they abandon her out of jealousy. Now in volume 13 Hayama brings up the bullying in the past and Yui says she will end the relationship.

I get you have some fantasies about the characters, but Watari has planned the end of their relationship since volume 1. There is tons of symbolism and foreshadowing on it.

YPF isn't ACK
Or is he

Imagine liking bipolar flatchested autistic bitch like Yuckyno YuckynoSHITa. And defending her all day long in Yea Forums. Toptier cringe.
>YPF is a fan of Yotsuicide
Cringe and delusional. Yout whorelet of a quint will lose to the goddess Nino.

Attached: nino sad 2.jpg (1080x1138, 82K)

Imagine liking some soulless whore that craves bl*ck d*ck.

Attached: 1565057425948.png (750x550, 93K)

Nino a fucking shit


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Fuck off cancer

Attached: 2CBB55C6-6388-4F3B-8783-1F55C96E8753.jpg (691x774, 119K)

>flat, but too old to have the charms of a loli
>has no friends other than Yui
>has a sharp tongue, but has a weak backbone when it really matters
>useless to her family; will be only used to marry her off to a random rich old man with a huge cock
>shit taste in mascots
Pathetic trash waifu. Why do people like her again?

Attached: nino upskirt.jpg (1228x1738, 312K)

did you just describe Nino? I have no idea why anyone would like this piece of garbage

Nino is still a fucking piece of shit

>flat, but too old to have the charms of a loli
It was obviously Yucky.
Cope more Yuckyshitter

Attached: nino okawaii koto.jpg (1000x726, 127K)

yep, you described ninoshit

Nino a SHIT

Yuckyno a shit and her fans are retarded

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>Saber, Nino, Iroha, Yui, Kaguya, Mai a shit and her fans are retarded




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>R I K K A S H I T A S H I T

Why is Yucky such a garbage waifu? Total trash and a waste of the author's brain cells.
>replace Yucky with pic related for the reply/insult
Sad Yuckyshitters. Their brains must have turned to mush by fapping to Yucky when they aren't defending her sorry ass.

Attached: nino sad.jpg (679x1000, 80K)

>posts shallow garbage character
i think most the shit applies more to nino, canceranon

>posts ninoturd
Opinion discarded

Don't use my King to shitpost please.

Attached: 23120413_p0.jpg (1000x1399, 554K)

it's some cancerous faggot

Animeonly here. Anything of note happened in the succeeding novels where season 2 left off?

But Nino is miles better objectively than Yucky.
Yuckyno YuckynoSHITa is trash.

Attached: 1531066371372.gif (246x272, 78K)

Nino is feces

Both Nino and Saber are gutter trash spam user

>false flagging as a seibafag
fuck off


Attached: 1549378976393.png (188x320, 36K)

Why are you posting Kaguya in an Oregairu thread? Honest question.


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He is a shitposter

Attached: 1560914671628.png (183x309, 92K)

Good posts user
I'm really looking forward to the conclusion now

>Yuckyshitters dream of this
Reminder that Kaguya already decisively won in her manga; meanwhile, only the autistic screeching of Yuckies are forcing WW to consider a Yuckyno win.
To show that even among flathaired tsundere perflats, there already exists a superior version than Yucky.

Attached: 1550435276433.jpg (1608x1200, 722K)

cuckguya a sack of shit

Attached: 1560896062382.jpg (1200x600, 229K)

>posts shitguya
>superior anything
Pffff ahahahaha. No

Stop trying to incite fanbase wars, you're acting like a Yea Forumstard.

Cuckguya is the thingken’s man fetish show

Attached: 628085C6-F3E3-4AD5-AE96-C81AA54F904C.jpg (1790x1419, 267K)

Anything you say will not change the fact that Kaguya is inherently superior to Yucky. She even has a plan to to oppose her family while Yucky is just a passive cuck waiting for 8man to save her.

Attached: 1531676942152.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Kaguya is a shittily written character in a shitty manga. Feel free to fuck off.

>muh ICE
Fuck no

>Yucky is just a passive cuck waiting for 8man to save her.
literally not even what is happening in oregairu, but nice try

Attached: 1560893077483.jpg (1440x810, 214K)

Yeah kaguya is a pretty shitty character. I agree

It's just some autistic spambot shitposter trying to start shit. Everyone knows Kaguya is trash. Just ignore him.

this thread was an interesting read, i didn't know Yea Forums still capable of being this autistic

Blame the Kekguyatard

>muh genuine
Lol no. Even I know that Yucky will win, but it is only due to being the first girl and the coming riots of Yucky autists if she loses. She is still objectively trash.
Still better than being a passive cuck.
It's true; 8man does all the heavy lifting. The autist didn't even apologize immediately for running him over and hospitalizing him. Face it, Yucky is trash.

Attached: 1548526238248.jpg (1280x720, 174K)

kaugya and her fags are cancer

Yukino has helped hachiman make friends. Cuckguya hasn't achieved anything. Cuckguya is objectively dogshit.

It's literally 1 autistic shitposter, stop generalizing you fucking schizo.

Cuckguya a shit

Attached: E56E0221-56E1-48BF-8AB2-98B2638A3616.jpg (900x676, 141K)

good job proving the point that kaguyafags aren't cancer

Good job being this retarded. You could've ignored and report that fucker but you just had to keep biting his shitty bait.

mods aren't doing their job, I've been reporting him for the past hours

>muh frends
Who? Yui, Iroha, and herself? Those are cock hungry sluts, not friends. Meanwhile Kaguya inspired Prez unironically supports Prez in his endeavours and inspired him to be a better man. She is a very good sempai to Ishigami as well. Face it, Kaguya is better than Yucky in every metric except the autism spectrum.
>muh porn
The absolute state of Yuckyshitters.

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Attached: 1554208200.png (1280x1251, 1.02M)

now that shit is just cringy

they seem to be actively deleting posts of that autists.
Redditgami ruined this manga

>Kaguya inspired Prez unironically supports Prez in his endeavours and inspired him to be a better man
Ah, so the autistic spammer is an ESL. Now it all makes sense.

Yukino >>> Yui >>>> Iroha

>simple comma error
Ok. But you can't still rebutt the argument Yuckyshitter.

Attached: 1549740682326.png (561x720, 232K)

>he thinks it’s the comma error
Yikes. An actual ESL

>being surprised at Yea Forums's superficiality

Attached: questionmark.png (206x232, 59K)

Gee, it's like I'm in a fucking Toubun thread.

Attached: Capture.png (589x555, 91K)

Muh oregairufrends urr der ony niyu delisyos pasta por meh a humbol toubunfrend? Dank you!

Attached: borgar.jpg (745x442, 30K)

Toubun fags are cancer

End of the series is Nov right? Haven't followed in forever but always liked 8man

Why's he called 8man? New to this show

Hachi means 8 in Japanese

Ahhh thanks user

This series has some really autistic shitposters

Don’t bump the thread faggot

Yui end
>character development
>growing out of blackpill and incel tendencies, taking the pinkpill
>romantic comedy was wrong as I expected

Yukino end
>neckbeard pandering
>staying cynical and blackpilled but with """oneitis"""
>unoriginal and boring

Attached: yuibro vs yucknofag.jpg (960x643, 401K)

Ah yes, the retarded ESL spic Yuifag shows up

I don't read this shit series but overall who would be able to save 8man from his autistic ways? Make him a better person overall?

Attached: hh3ab777q0f31.png (1359x1696, 812K)

Yotsuba and Yui a shit

Definitely yui

Yui hasn’t done shit for Hachiman. Stop lying

Then I'll just choose Yui then.

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I'm from Finland

Shouldn’t you be at your “job” mentally ill YPF?

Same degenerate shithole

If he ends up with yukino they will both be autistic together

Who is YPF?

Attached: 1565537252057.png (100x100, 10K)


No they won’t. They’ve gone through so many steps to become better people.


Today I will remind them

Attached: Hiratsuka.Shizuka.full.2233650.jpg (600x848, 224K)

is there no chance for the sister of the main black haired girl to win?

That Shitzuka is shit? Thanks.

She is a soulless sack of shit, so no

Imagine replying to your own post and agreeing with yourself.

I'm glad to know that after so long we're still capable of having a good old YPF-induced shit slinging thread
Some things don't change

Fuck him. He sucks. He seriously may have some kind of mental illness

Ignore him, he thinks everyone is Yuipollfag (YPF). Have a Yotsuba, on the house.

Attached: 1558274794618.jpg (1500x1473, 233K)

>YPF pretending not to be YPF

Attached: C4C550E6-3B01-4E60-AECF-49E516918261.jpg (895x158, 37K)

>fags the second or third most popular from the 5th most popular currently running manga are all the same person

Attached: 1527732226248.png (475x1385, 558K)

That’s not even a proper sentence you dumb ESL. You can keep your (You).

Yeah, that was bad. Sorry. I am just saying she is a popular heroine from a popular manga and not everyone who likes her is the same guy. Not every Yuifag is the same guy either. I think people who screech about Yuipollfag are schizophrenic or suffer from some sort of mental illness. They should seek help, not ship their Yukiwaifu.

>I’m not YPF
>say shit that YPF would say

>>say shit that YPF would say
Oh my god, you need to calm down. There is no pattern to him because he doesn't exist and you're making shit up. There are more posts telling you that he doesn't exist than posts agreeing with you that he does. Have you ever realized you're the only person who brings him up?

>ypf also likes yotsuba
>mental illness
>calm down
>he doesn’t exist
Yeah man, you sure showed me

Think about it, whenever someone brings him up is it someone else or just you? I rarely see people talk about him besides you, if ever.

Why not just ignore him? If you think he is a real person then don't respond. Don't accuse others of being him. He will disappear if you don't bring him up.

Others too. Checkmate.

>mentally ill yuipollfag is pretending like there is no yuipollfag, even though there clearly is
There are other ways you can salvage your own name, like for instance by fucking off out of the fanbase.

Yukino so cute

Attached: 1559006404121.png (766x960, 364K)

>yuifags are mentally confirmed
More news at 11

>X is shit!
>no, Y is shit!
>Z is obviously going to win the 8bowl!
You fags are consistent.

Sidegirlfags are cancer incarnate

Attached: minami hates everyone.png (703x549, 252K)