Why do people say she ruined FATE?
Why do people say she ruined FATE?
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Just stop this threads already.
Because she did, honestly.
Because bisexual people are shit.
She did? I liked Extra.
Nasu ruined Fate. Neronigger is just one part of that ruination.
Should I bother with extra once I’m done with hollow ataraxia?
Surprisingly the games are ok, while the anime isn't as good.
extella link story is such garbage holyshit
>Surprisingly the games are ok
Is this neo-Yea Forums or something?
The games are utter dogshit.
Maybe you should get the fuck out with your shit taste.
Fate VN was a classic.
What? I was talking about the extra games, you brainlett.
She was the biproduct of what really did: Nasu.
She didnt ruin Fate. The Extra series is pretty separate to the main one
She is utter trash however. Though the same can be said for anything Extra related. I'd delete anything Extra related if I had my way.
Her irritating as fuck voice and personality combined with WADA's shitty bug eyed art does piss me off more than most though though
Third rate writer makes her a dindu. Ruining Boudica too in the process.
Nasu = shit
Because Extra allowed that fucking hack that wrote Apocrypha to continue working instead of being booted from the franchise.
stay night can't have a proper adaptation without dismissing all the proper magecraft lore, heroic spirits, and character relationships.
ubw got carried by aimer and budget, they had to throw in last stardust there to make the king arthur/emiya archer parallel more dramatic.
Fate was never really that good but even in her own game she was the worst thing about it and in Extella the clear favoritism they showed to her was atrocious. She is just a shit character in a series with more than enough of them already.
Honestly the thing that stands out to me the most about Fate is how the character lore, dialogue and general canon seems to barely make any internal sense and like it's constantly being written and re-written on the fly to suit whatever is trendy at the moment. Like for as much as people go on about it it's just not nearly as well realized a universe as it is expansive. Most of that expansiveness just seems to be adding new waifus and ideologically inverted versions of old popular ones in increasingly outlandish scenarios and genre's that I have a hard time believing are actually supposed to be related to one another in the same universe so much as that they've crossed over characters with one an other for fan service.
If some people say it seems impenetrable or hard to get into that's probably the actual real reason why and not that it's too subtly brilliant and intellectually advanced for the average person to wrap their head around. I kind of know this too because the average Fate super fan is dumb as all fucking shit as a rule and probably doesn't even know anything about the heroic figures the cast is gender bent from.
Your shitposts are too long for people to give a fuck about, user
She is annoyingly boisterous and has undying love for you, it's some of the worst attributes for a character.
The KnK anime shits on all of those and it was Nasu's most amateurish work. This image is inane.
She didn't ruin Fate - however, she did ruin an entire spinoff and everything that comes into contact with that spinoff.
I hate the Saberface but originally she worked as a tragic character - like most Extra Servants. How she evolved into PERFECT SAVIOR OF THE UNIVERSE is beyond me.
It isn't so much that Nero ruined Fate -- you can blame Nasu for that -- but rather that Extra was the beginning of the end.
Nero in particular has just been the victim of some very, very poor and inconsistent character writing, much of which can be blamed on Sakurai.
Yeah it's fucking crazy how they did a complete 180 with her over time. She isn't even the same character anymore, but that can be applied to a lot of Fate characters unfortunately. The series as a whole has just gone down the shitter.
She isn't ruined anything, she a shitty character. She's just an example why Fate in so bad shape right now - a lazy copy of one of the previous popular character that was created to draw attention to their product.
Extra demonstrated that Fate could just make money doing the same thing in a slightly different scenario over and over again without ever having to introduce something novel again, it set the precedent that shit like Apocrypha and FGO built upon. The most innovative content we've gotten in years is just stuff dredged up from Nasu's highschool notes, the guy is so fucking lazy.
>Extra demonstrated that Fate could just make money doing the same thing in a slightly different scenario over and over again without ever having to introduce something novel again
Not that user but Extra was revolutionary for the time. Moving the HGW to a digital world set on the moon with a 128 person grail war with new world rules in regards to magic, the soul and how magic and machines interact with each-other.
Things like SFS and Apo are basic bitch grail wars in comparison with their Fuyuki bases for the wars and the only thing really changed are the amount of servants and the fact Apo was Team Deathmatch while SFS is Free for All.
Overall story gets better, but only several chapters are actually really good. Everything else is just passable, like things that any competent writer should write form the start.
>but Extra was revolutionary for the time
Utter fucking bullshit. Its graphics were bad in relation to all the other new games on the PSP at the time; its gameplay was utterly horrible and its setting was fucking weird. Nobody at the time praised the mooncell or retarded format it was set in. And everyone laughed at how blatantly TM tried to make it ride on the coattails of F/SNs success by making Nero a Saberface for no fucking reason and including Emiya as a main character.
The only thing it had going for it was following Servants who wern't necessarily the most powerful and their struggles but that has long since been thrown to the wind.
Honestly if it weren't for the fact that I was emulating it and playing at 300% speed, I don't think I would have finished Extra. The gameplay is truly awful
>Not that user but Extra was revolutionary for the time. Moving the HGW to a digital world set on the moon with a 128 person grail war with new world rules in regards to magic, the soul and how magic and machines interact with each-other.
I'm going to be frank with you and point out that none of that shit is revolutionary. You could make it a full scale war with millions of servants with dozens of factions and it would still just be rehashing the original HGW concept, changing numbers doesn't mean it's a new and innovative concept and putting it in digital space on the moon is just lazy writing. It's no different than those stupid BUT THEY'RE IN SPACE saturday morning cartoons.
The introduction of semi-new lore is kind of okay, but not exactly ground-breaking or interesting in the grand scheme of the overarching setting.
> Its graphics were bad in relation to all the other new games on the PSP at the time; its gameplay was utterly horrible
Agreed. I'm not arguing for anything other than the setting as being "novel" as you put it when the other mentioned works are literally just slightly altered HGWs rather than the Mooncell version we got.
>Nobody at the time praised the mooncell or retarded format it was set in
I don't necessarily disagree with this either. I was never arguing the quality of the change to the system, just the fact that even now it's still novel compared to the other main works.
I'm a purist, I believe a Grail War should be fought between 7 masters, 7 servants and a Hassan so I'm not pro-Extra's high school tournament arc setting.
Ultimately if I was to sum up my point, Extra is an entirely novel concept with a vastly different scenario compared to the other main series works like Apo/SFS/FZero but I'm not arguing for it being better.
Your original statement of "Extra demonstrated that Fate could just make money doing the same thing in a slightly different scenario over..." would be better applied to Apo/SFS in my opinion.
A lot of the "original" lore stuff that Extra had was just recycled from Notes anyway
Fair enough, user. I think "Revolutionary" is a very strong word but "novel" is appropriate enough.
She din' du nuffin!
Rather than "revolutionary" I'd say that is was stupidly over the top. The whole thing felt like a brainstorming session idea from a bunch of chuuni 14 year olds who missed the point of what made F/SN good
>A Holy Grail war except its in space!
>The moon is a computer!
>Its not space its actually digital!
>Instead of 7 fighters why not 128!!!
>We need it to sell so the main character looks like Artoria but is actually Emperor Nero because why not! And Nero with a Sword in the Saber class no less! Who needs a historical basis for this?
her game is awful, that's probably why
all of them, every single one she's in
She is not FGO
That is a fair statement, I am fine with retracting "Revolutionary" and using "Novel" as the word.
In your opinion, has there been a Fate work post FHA which has been good like Fate/Requiem or do you consider everything post-FHA to be phoned in both conceptually and writing wise?
To be somewhat fair there isn't a single good TM gameplay title outside of Melty. And I guess Battle Moon Wars, but I don't think that counts.
Not him, but while I'm not a fan of Requiem (so far) I do think Strange Fake is the only Fate related writing going on right now that's worth my time.
Terminal case of terrible taste.
I always wondered why Gawain never made a comment about how this red clothed harlot looked exactly like Arturia
Gawain is canonically retarded.
hey there
I agree wholeheartedly. I think Nasu was attempting to push a more Buddhist mindset into the Fate series with Extra as a way to contrast the inherent Christian nature of the Fuyuki Grail and then got lost along the way as he went "Ok, we'll have Buddha but I do like Chinese Martial Arts so lets add in Li Shuwen. I suppose Gawain would be cool too to contrast with Nero" ad infinitum until he had a right mess of a game.
Fair, I wanted to like Requiem because I agreed with the mentality of "Servants shouldn't be treated like entertainment" as a sleight against FGO players but the very concept of everyone having a servant doesn't do it for me.
>Battle Moon Wars
Not that user but I'm actually listening to the soundtrack for this game right now. 7th MOON is too good.
As bad as it is that Nero is a Saber clone, at least Wada gave her a few visual changes to make her at least the slightest bit unique. In the original sketches by Takeuchi, Nero is literally 1:1 Arturia. Actually, Takeuchi's original sketches for all the Extra characters are so fucking bad, Elizabeth in particular is hilariously awful. Thank God for Wada.
Fate was always shit.
Nasuverse as a whole is pretty bad.
They aren't that bad. I like Takeuchi's Nero and Tamamo.
He gave Tamamo 4 ears lol
Takeuchi is a hack
wanting the hack.dot audience is not revolutionary at all you moron
That makes sense though. Tamamo was born looking like a human and the fox ears came later. Wouldn't it be weird if she was born without human ears?
You take that back. .hack is a masterpiece of splitting a game into 3 to force people to pay full price three times to get one whole game that would pave the way for DLC and gacha games.
it isn't but ok
Thanks for being tolerant towards my opinion.
There is no purpose in 4 ears
there is no purpose to you, either
Considering that BMW is a doujin fangame, it most definitely does not count.
I always gave Wada a lot of stick for her character designs (stupid shit like buttcleavage windows) but really she's the only TM artist to have actually kept making effort to improve over time and produce actually decent artwork, so kudos where it's due I suppose.
it should had been a hentai franchise just like Taimanin Asagi, just waifubait is garbage and normalfag tier.
>it should had been a hentai franchise just like Taimanin Asagi
Miss me with that gay shit. It's a series about heroic spirits and the bulk of historically important figures are males.
Do you want gays in your ninja hentai? Cause that's how you get gays in your ninja hentai
Yes, Nerofans certainly suffer from this. Still, she is Facebooks most beloved servant if that makes you feel any better?
You retards told me CCC was a good game and then I finally play it and the entire first half of the game is nothing but a bad version of persona 4 for fucking sidecharacters because they scrapped the sakura five, and everything has sex jokes. They didn't fix the gameplay either.
WADA's art is fucking horrible and I am always confused as to the praise she gets. The fucking bug eyes are irredeemable.
I like big UGUU eyes
The bug eyes aren't nearly as bad these days, look at her stuff for the Extella games and more recent FGO designs.
And it's still better than Takeuchi who hasn't improved in years and Koyama who just stopped caring after Mahoyo and gave his characters Downs syndrome and strokes.
The Jeannes are all supposed to be similar though. And this whole "herpaderp Saberface" recent outrage is now becoming retarded. He has been known since fucking Turkeyhandle to only have an extremely limited number of face designs and his characters are differentiated by various hair designs and eye colours/shapes/lashes. Why do FGO cunts think that this is some new thing? Its just the dude's style and signature look
I hated Wada's old art, but I like her current style.
>EXTELLA games
>sees Nero Venus's design
I think you just proved my point. WADA is a disgrace.
Extella is alright but only because Liz and Mathman carries it.
He used to at least differentiate his sameface somewhat with different irises, different lashes, slightly different shapes and so on. His homogeneity since 2011 has only increased since then; there's a difference being something being in your style and literally just using the same lineart over and over again out of laziness.
>Still, she is Facebooks most beloved servant if that makes you feel any better?
My taste isn't really based on what others like so I don't care that much
>likes Nero
>trying to sound like a unique and special snowflake
Top kekius
Her design sense sucks, her artwork has genuinely improved.
Stop moving goalposts.
Also, friendly reminder that Takeuchi ONLY does lineart. Coloring and backgrounds are handled by other artists (usually Koyama), so his laziness insofar as his homogeneity is concerned is even less justified.
>Comparing CCC to fucking persona 4
my fucking sides
Who gives an honest shit as long as the designs look good?
Im not moving anything. I said her art sucks and you went on to try and suggest she is "improving". You referenced me to a game where her art still fucking sucks (in my opinion)
Nothing has been moved.
It's hard not to when rin is running around in her own dungeon talking about how fucking wet she gets thinking about money
dogshit game
Design != artwork
Learn the difference.
I know user. Persona 4 is vastly better afterall
I hate both the design and the artwork. My opinion is subjective, as is yours.
Opinion =/= fact
Every Fate thread devolves to sis-wars or Takeuchi bashing.
>Who gives an honest shit as long as the designs look good?
They don't.
holy shit you are retarded
Not everyone but it does when Extrafans take exception to someone disliking the Bug eyes
>Okita Alter
Looks great
Always looked great
Not a fan of that ascension art but looks absolutely fine in her usual uniform
severe shit taste detected
Fuck off, uguu lover
wasn't fgo that ruined fate?
I wish they'd make a real Persona ripoff JRPG, it'd be incredible. Having all the servants like how Persona has the demons.
Rani not wearing panties was truly worth a whole dungeon and really made me care about her character
No, the flat one did.
>Looks great
It doesn't.
>Always looked great
Sure. One of his very few good designs.
Deal with it, retard
>I hate both the design and the artwork. My opinion is subjective, as is yours.
Fine, that's your business.
>Opinion =/= fact
The fact is that her artwork has improved and her propensity for unnatural eyes was a failure of her artwork rather than design. Also, the Venus design is a failure of her design and not her artwork.
You may still not like it, but that's still a fact.
>having a go at Okita Alter's design
Fucking hilarious.
>Its improved! This is an objective fact!!! Stop laughing at me
Fuck off
>fellating Okita Alter's design
Fucking hilarious.
this reply only proves my point
it does look good you are just being a contrarian
What is the matter with Okita Alter then, faggot?
it doesn't look good you are just being a contrarian.
becasue they are under deceloped monkeys, praise nero
>Okki stick thin
>Retarded bug eyes
>horrible anatomy on Musashi
What a fucking hack.
>Its improved! This is an objective fact
It has
>Stop laughing at me
This really wasn't a personal thing, I was just pointing something out. Stop being so insecure, christ.
>Fuck off
Honestly, I was happy with you not liking Wada art, that's your business. It could've ended right there, but you really seem unhappy with the fact that I don't agree with you. That's your problem buddy. Get over it.
Why are you posting some soulless version of Artoria which looks inferior in every way to Takeuchis? This doesnt help prove any points.
What's so good about Okita Alter then, faggot?
>literal preschool playground echo replies
Oh man, you are literally seething.
Fate is just shit
but she is a good girl
this is Yea Forums, disagreement=personal attack
>but I invoked Facebook, you have to agree with me now!
>Why are you posting some soulless version of Artoria which looks inferior in every way to Takeuchis?
And this is the point where the argument breaks down into just subjective shitflinging. I would point out that Wada has much better attention to detail and more distinct expressions on Saber's face and general body language but I'm sure there's no point in taking the issue any further. I'm not really that fussed in convincing someone who really doesn't want to discuss the issue.
No, the point is is that you were never arguing in the first place, so I am merely echoing you but in direct opposite in an attempt to make you develop at least a little bit of self awareness insofar as your lack of argumentation is concerned. Nevermind that you shifted the goalpost from our initial discussion all the while somehow falling under the presumption that faces, hair, and bodies -- all of which are incredibly homogenous insofar as Takeuchi's artwork goes -- aren't at least a significant part of the design themselves, and, thus, their homogeneity is a mark against them.
Speaking of Okki
>With regards to difficulties on the visual side of things: Moriyama Daisuke who drew Osakabehime sent in four wonderful different variants of her, and it was so hard to choose between them. Just when they’d hardened their hearts and decided to pick one, he sent in a fifth version.
Too bad they didn't show any of those in the material book
I prefer Takeuchi's expressions, but I guess that's just me.
As someone who doesn't really like Takeuchi his old expressions are pretty good. Not so much these days, unfortunately.
He has a very distinct set of expressions. They're each very notable but there isn't much variety, almost every single one of Saber's FSN expressions were copied from Hisui's.
Even mimicking them isn't that hard for competent artists, Da Vinci's shocked face is identical to the one Takeuchi has been using for various characters since Nrvnqsr.
Reason why Nero is the worst
>Started out alright
>A fool of an emperor who committed untrod atrocities, and was terrible at her job, but her heart was in the right place. She wasn't doing it out of malice mostly, just out of incompetence.
Cut to FGO and FE/LE and Extella
>Oh wait she's actually the most perfect emperor to ever exist
>Also she's a saint
>she's the perfect choice to lead the army in Extella, since she's the greatest commander. You say that Gawain has experience standing in for King Arthur and there's obviously better choices? Fuck that, they aren't Nero
>Turns out that Ceasar, Caligula, and Romulus all bow to Nero since her Rome was the greatst and Romulus sucks because no one was smiling in his Rome, while literally everyone was smiling at all times in Nero's Rome
>Also literally everyone in her kingdom loves her so much that they break space and time to join her in the final battle against Solomon's Temple
>Also she's stronger than Atilla the Hun the destroyer of Rome, because of course Nero is the best
>Also her power can literally do anything the situation demands, and she beats everyone in one hit, and she's a master of kung fu. And she can break the unbreakable sword of the lake Gallatine with one hit, and she can cut sword beams in half and she can lose all her blood without dying three times and she can do anything we need her to
>Everyone around her must always gravitate around Nero and say she's the best at all times, all scenes revolve around Nero. Whenever she's not on scree the other Romas must all say "Where's Nero?"
>The still living Nero without magic was stronger than servants, stronger than entire armies.
>Also is a Beast
Can I see the 4 ears Tamamo?
Takeuchi didn't do Da Vinci though.
Man, that UI is a fucking disaster. Christ.
I mean I can keep going but you get the idea. Nero was only interesting when she was kept fairly tame, but just like Arthuria Nasu couldn't help wanking the shit out of her in an absolutely retarded way that ruined her and made her unlikable, and ruined her only niche. In Extra and CCC you could pick your own servant, all three servants were on the cover and on the forefront, none were wanked to hell in a dumb way.
However Extella was coming around, they decided to push Nero to the front as a main character since they could no longer go the "Pick your own path" route. How did they decide push Nero to the front? Nasu is fucking dumb so "We must wank the hell out of Nero and push her in all areas right now, have everyone say she's the best, push her to the forefront of every damn thing". Septem, LE, and Extella were written at the same time, he had no time to see if fans actually liked the "new Nero" that he was creating. It backfired. Nero is only "cute" when you aren't supposed to take her foolish boasting seriously, and realize that its just her being an arrogant shit. if all the characters around her take it seriously, and treat it as real, she just comes across as annoying and retarded as a concept. Nero isn't actually a good emperor.
Its honestly the same damn problem that Arthuria has, where Nasu thinks that wanking her retroactively and making her into a Mary Sue makes her look better. No it makes her look way worse. Except its more retarded in this case because wanking King Arthur is at least something, but wanking Nero Augustus is retarded.
Nero who kicked to death his pregnant wife and married a crossdressing boy that he castrated.
Turned into a dindu who was absolutely perfect in every way. This is a retarded choice to make.
Disregard that, I'm apparently dyslexic. I do see what you mean though.
Which is why I said:
>Even mimicking them isn't that hard for competent artists
Imagine liking takeushit art , you faggotass
Servants need more bankais
Fair enough.
I know that in Extella, her 3d model has four ears.
Because she represents EVERYTHING wrong with Fate.
Maybe hes just a really consistent artist.
Or just super lazy. Probably this one
Maybe they just copy/pasted a base model and never removed the ears?
Good posts. You nailed the issues with Nero.
OG Saber killed Fate. Ever since the first visual novel finished her popularity has lead to Typemoon over relying on lookalikes of her to bring in the money.
Nero isn't to blame, she's simply one of many clones all of which make the series a complete joke.
>stronger than atilla
What? No she isn't
Saber was fine, it was TM's (Takeuchi's) choice to just keep going and make new versions of her because people won't stop throwing money at it.
This only applies to septem, in other parts she has a lot of flaws and struggles
I can think of one. Being able to listen to The Who's Quadrophenia uniquely as intended.
No you idiot, he did 15th anniversary of fate art all by himself, it was gorgeous
Because of those boobs, that's why
Because she's always been a shitty mary sue dindu and has NEVER been a good character.
Stop bullying Takeuchi he made Fate what it is.
play FUC bitch
>he made Fate what it is.
So we should bully him even harder.
She represents everything that went wrong with Fate
The plot is pretty okay, but the gameplay is boring dogshit. It's amazing that it even got a sequel.
It’s kind of a shame that Link kind of fixed some of the issues Extella had like making the actual gameplay fun but then dropped the ball hard for the story mode. Not that Extella was going to win any writing awards or anything, but Link’s story could be compared to a FE Paralogue in terms of fleshing out SERAPH a bit more but the way they handwaved Altera, Mathman, Velber and even only remembering Hakuno holds the Regalia at the end of the “true route” considering how much they talked about it in Extella was dumb.
Granted I’m kind of glad they didn’t move away from doing cutscenes with the in-game models.
Every depiction of fate characters outside of their original work (and every depiction of Tsukihike characters after 2004) was either a funny gag or a mistake.
Hey, I liked Tiger Colosseum
I wouldn’t say I’ll it redeemed Septum, but the conversation between Nero and Boudicca during the events of Solomon was kind of refreshing in terms of knocking her down a few pegs in terms and addressing how dumb it was for Boudicca of all people to side with Nero.
>and every depiction of Tsukihike characters after 2004
What's wrong with Act Cadenza, Actress Again, Take-Moon, Carnival Phantasm and All Around Type-Moon?
Takeuchi would be better if he opened a "How to Draw Various Poses: For Dummies" book. His sameface would be tolerable if he DREW DIFFERENT FUCKING POSES.
Funny gags or mistakes, yes
Still not really explaining what's wrong with the latterday meltans, but okay.
Imagine unironically thinking Butcher is a good writer
based wada
On a more minor note, it's the point where genderswaps and changes lose all credibility. F/SN had just Arthur, with the explanation that Artoria hid her gender and fought as a knight. Her design is still kinda feminine, but sure, it can sorta be believed she's androgynous enough in her knight outfit. We also have no idea what Arthur looked like. We have surviving sculpts and busts of Nero, and we know the Romans would never have tolerated a openly female ruler, at least at that time. For those saying historical plausibility was never a focus in F/SN, I'd have to disagree, they went so far as to claim that Sasaki Kojiro was just a mythical character since there's only one story of him, when he could easily have been treated as a historical character.
She also marks the start of extroverted waifu characters whose main interest in the story is the player character, rather than their own motivations. This really wasn't the case in F/SN, every Servant had strong motivations to obtain the grail or something else in the limited time they had. Extra, for whatever reason, didn't really give its Servants strong internal motivations. The motivations of both Nero and Tamamo seem to be entirely based around love of the player character, while Archer's motivations are more enigmatic, though probably just involve wanting to save people. The issue is these characters, Nero and Tamamo, aren't really striving towards anything, so they're not as interesting. They may have appealing personalities, but they are essentially non-entities in their own stories, with their own actions or desires never pushing the plot forward. Thus, Nero sort of starts the transition of Fate from a series about internal struggles, ideology etc. to a series about characters with just backstories and personalities. The plot and character motivations have become less important, finding an appealing design with an appealing personality has become more important. Fate has transformed into Kantai.
What i'm getting out of reading through TM threads is that the franchise seems to attract autistic mouth breathers and that they make up at least 95% of the fanbase, with the other 5% holding on, hopping that TM produces something that isn't shit, and actually discussing TM works
95% of the fans are powerlevelposting fatefag spics. 5% have ready the main VNs and maybe 20% of those have detailed knowledge of the setting.
Gacha trash ruined Fate and TM in general.
No,he only did line art. The colorists and background artists in TM did the rest.
they removed it for link but added it back for fgo arcade, they clearly don't know what are they doing
The characters get flanderized and have some of their traits exagerated to the point of becoming caricatures of themselves.
Also a complete removal of circunstances and a inhability to connect with the narrative and characterization with the characters' past. And also the inhability to truly move forward either theor stories or character arcs.
tl;dr: it fails to engage with the characters as presented in Tsukihime, in exchange of cute, fluffy. Nothing wrong with it every once in a while, but it becomes a bother when it's the only depiction of the characters.
new stuff
Takeuchi doesn't color his own art since 2001. The first thing he did after they released Tsukihime was hiring an artist to color his art.
back to the junkie ass ghetto with you
Not a Saberfag but IF i was i would be ass-fucking-mad every day that all of her dumbshit paper cutout clones are more popular than OG Seiba.
Gachafags are mentally ill.
>The characters get flanderized and have some of their traits exagerated to the point of becoming caricatures of themselves.
That's true of maybe Kohaku and Hisui but not really the others.
Nero is great. Fate Extra was fucking horse shit that nasu refuses to kill because he doesn't want to admit Grand order is better.
People who bitch about Nero are the people who gush over psychopaths like Kiara, bb, Kama, Elizabeth, etc. They don't deserve to be listened to.
t. two digit IQ gacha cumbrain
It happens with everyone to varying degrees. At least Arc and Ciel get some "serious" scenes to starve off the character decay.
The only thing this needs is a bit of screen shake and the entire thing would be incomprehensible mess.
Although, I feel like this screenshot was taken an unfair time. Red always makes things feel chaotic and disordered, when it's used as a background.
Pretty much. They do throw us a bone every so often, the El Melloi series being aired right now is pretty decent. The issue is F/SN was self-contained and left no room for a sequel. Then the Fate series blew up in popularity, and they had to keep making more Fate stuff. Cue a series of hastily put together alternate timelines and alternate realities. At this point, TM would be better off taking a break from Fate, and maybe coming back when they have an idea for a truly new direction, but they'll never do that since Fate prints money. F/GO netted them billions, in a franchise that beforehand had only made millions.
KyoAni should've animated Extra.
the screenshot was taken while holding buttons for extra menus and during battle notification
it's not that bad
There isn't anything worse than a series that can't exit the stage gracefully and I can frankly name no better example than Fate. It's a pity, really.
red saber was when type moon jumped the shark. it was the point where they realized they could just shit out more servants and never have to make actual original material again.
Because people get confused easily, they meant Altria ruined fate.
Well, there's issue of the Fate/Extra setting in general then. The Grail War is a battle for the masters, not the servants. The servants only have an opportunity to flex their muscles again.
Thus, the plot revolves around the master, as seen by the choice to feature a slightly deviating storyline, depending upon choosing between Rain or Tousaka.
The issue is that Fate doesn't have strong master protagonists in games outside of the original visual novels. The servants personalities suffer for this reason as well. It's a downgrade of motivation going from well-written thought out reasons for fighting to your typical shonen plot.
Fate/Stay Night had Shirou balancing his wishes with Sabers, facing the reality that his ideas wouldn't come to full fruition and or sacrificing his ideals for a single suffering girl as his adoptive father did for him. While Sabers development benefits from working alongside his struggles.
Fate/Extra comes and the plots protagonist is your typical video game protagonist. Mysterious protagonist who doesn't know who they themselves are, a badass devoted sidekick, who needs to save the world from X mysterious threat. The protagonist doesn't have any noteworthy struggles, so there's no reason to look to how their servants are developing as a result of adjusting to their masters developments.
Good lord what is happening in there
is he our guy?
kill yourself
based and redpilled
>The protagonist doesn't have any noteworthy struggles
I get that this is thread that wants to shit of newer fate, but Hakano struggled a lot, first by being an overall shitty master like Shirou was, then with an identity crisis that they might not actually exist at all, saying they didn't struggle is just flat out wrong.
Yeah, in general I would say that TM's worst titles are ones with protagonists which are basically self inserts. It's kind of weird to hear Nasu and Takeuchi describe Shirou as a self insert -- and it's frankly the kind of commentary that makes me wonder if they even understand their own appeal -- but characters like Hakuno or Gudako are basically void of character to the point where I can't get invested in them at all, and if you can't get invested in a protagonist then frankly the writing is a failure.
>If some people say it seems impenetrable or hard to get into that's probably the actual real reason why and not that it's too subtly brilliant and intellectually advanced for the average person to wrap their head around.
I'm glad i'm not only person who feels this way. I currently in a position where i've watched Zero, and the 3 different routes, but i'm too assed to get caught up on whatever's currently going on in F/GO.
>the anime and shitty psp games where kinda self aware
The issue is, Hakuno didn't develop as a result of that identity crisis. Can you write about Hakuno's personality and the differences that Rin's Rain's route make for Hakuno's development?
Not even that, but 'generic insert archetype here' protagonists. Mordred's master was a typical badass rebel. So insert Mordred's development there. Typical badass rebel, with mommy issues.
people are unable to move on from the VN because they can't pirate other TM works or they're brainlets that can't expand the information from the VN
bravo nasu
>Hakuno didn't develop as a result
In what way? I'll admit that it's been ages since read Extra but Hakano goes from a literal generic NPC to fighting for his right to live, where in the early game he was just swept up in the whole ordeal and mostly dragged along by their servant, by the end became a character, going from no character to just a character is still development the Rin and India girl route difference never made much sense to me as an overarching route split beyond the difference in the servants you fight, the real difference to me was always just which servant you picked.
CCC anime when you fucking cowards.
In a ideal world Type-shit would already fire shitkurai alas this is not an ideal world
After the awful sales of LE , ha in your dreams you faggot
After the CCC game translation
Wasn't Link written by Higashitty, though
Every day FGO makes more money than LE's entire budget. They have no reason to care about disk sales.
Just learn moon.
im sure SHAFT would not work with type shit ever again
If you push the button, you will go back in time before grand order was a thing and put an end to this nightmare's dream, but you will lose your balls.
The issue is as made apparent by OP, that as result of Hakuno becoming a 'character', their servant didn't any characterization.
Err, the actual cost is somewhere around 145 dollars on steam. On playstation it's around 120 dollars with bundle purchases or about 17.24% less.
that was from the same people who made Aposhit and the event was such a piece of garbage lmao
I love Mordred.
I still find it hilarious how shit and God awful Last Encore was.
I actually like every TM protagonist excepy for Gudao/ko for this exact reason. They all have something to them or have gotten better writing since their first outing but Guda's complete lack of character coupled with how the story and all the characters in it bend over backwards to tell us how amazing and wonderful they are constantly without really showing us anything of substance that supports this other than lipservice and some actions that are just generic good guy protag feels so shallow and contrived I honestly hate seeing their face. Say what you want about Hakuno but they at least had a bit of personality and an arc(at least in Extra) that fleshed them out somewhat by the end but the gudas feel so utterly flat and lifeless and the constant dick sucking they get from the narrative and other characters when they're not shown actually doing anything worth the heaps of praise they get is unbearable and honestly if they weren't part of go's story it would only be to it's benefit.
Last Encore's issue was that it started off on the wrong foot and then stayed there.
The very first episode tells you everything you need to know about it.
Hakuno is talking about "muh anger" but never shows any form of anger even in Deadface mode.
Some random pink-haired bitch just exists from out of nowhere to hang out with Shinji/HAKUNO and we basically never hear from her again.
1000 years pass for zero reason
They kill off EMIYA immediately and never show us Tamamo, leaving only Nero who doesn't have enough interesting traits to carry a show.
The only good thing is that we saw Buddha just nukefuck someone with Chakravartin and then leave because he knew to get the fuck out ASAP
fate was shit from the start
Haven't seen it myself yet. Is it really that bad? Like are there any redeeming aspects about it or is it just not worth the watch?
Dtake looked great that's about it
No, the quality is good but the story is confusing if you're unfamiliar with the game or fate in general
nero ruined rome
nero ruined fate
thats some history in action babeh
Nero does have interesting traits, it's just that Hakuno is just such a drull character that anyone besides him looks bad. He's just that guy.
I wondering though, what motivation did the moon cell have? Self-preservation possibly. Was the holy grail war called just so a master powerful enough to defeat Velber would appear in SE.RA.PH? Almost certainly.
>nero ruined rome
t. history let.
Drake is always a plus, so actually considering it now.
Been a TM and fate/tsukifag for almost 12 years so worries. I usually read because animation adaptations, especially with TM works, have been relatively garbage but I give everything a fair chance.
Last Encore is the only anime I'm aware of that managed to blow the fuck out of yurifags and hetfags at the same time.
I'm glad I just played extra once with Archer.