Which one had more forced drama?

Which one had more forced drama?

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Left one obviously.
>my mom died
>better cut my hair LOL

Sora Yori of course.

VEG is classical drama

>Winter 2018

Here we go again.

I just love this forced shitposting.

VEG, easily. Yorimoi is a classic example of a forcedly remembered time flop turnabout with elements of native isekai

Can you blame them? This season is boring, especially when compared to winter 2018.

>time flop
>everyone keeps seething about it

>this whole post

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VEG, obviously
>You remind me of muh dead daughter
>Noo my mom is going to die, I hate her!

This season's shitposting is about Mr.Flop, Fire Flop and Normalfag Slayer. Update yourself you autistic fuck.

VEG is the only drama even worth considering there. This shouldn't even be a discussion, Sora Yori literally has a main character cut her hair aka experience CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT in the end.

Ne, VEGgies. Forget that seasonal trash and come shitpost with us.

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There's only one answer to this question.

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>time flop
>native isekai
3/10 I expect much more from you user

>forcedly remembered time flop turnabout with elements of reverse native isekai

Yorimoi was fun, VEG was boring.

>time flop
Pick one.

He said VEG was boring, not fun.

VEG is a timeless success, not a time flop.

A year and half later, people still mad at these two shows being the best of the past decade, huh? Keep seething.

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>these two shows being the best of the past decade, huh?
VEG—yes, but Yorimoi? Nah.

if this thread get to 100 replies, i win.


>I don't like it, so it must be forced drama.

Both are unmemorable dogshit

we're shitpost racing with another shitpost thread.

I'll make /ck/ thread then, guarantee faster replies.

Should've made this thread with VEG vs Madoka or something like that.
Literally who gives a shit about Sora Yori at this point in time.

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Are you having a giggle.

>Literally who gives a shit about Sora Yori at this point in time
It's a time flop, so of course no one gives a shit about it.

VEG. SoraYori was 10/10

Definitely yorimoi.

Where are these VEGfags coming from? I though they had already disappeared after the fire.

VEG by far.

All drama in Yorimoi felt organic.

Meanwhile in VEG you have retarded garbage like some random superhuman girl being treated like trash by the military for no fucking reason other than have a nice guy save her so she loves him. Typical light novel shit writing.

And it's fucking hilarious how KyoAni drones still can't deal with the fact that a far better series aired in the same season as their shit that was supposed to save the industry.

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There's like two of them making the same threads all the time.

How are you sure it's just two people?

You think all drama is forced

that one yorifag left is seething

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Because they post the same shit over and over again?

>make the thread
>reply to yourself
>still get fucked
>LOL they seething!

The state of KyoAni fanbase.

Do you think that timeflopfag is one of those two, or is that a different person altogether?

The staff aren't the only ones getting burnt these days

Yuru Camp is better.

>Yoritards still desperately trying to be relevant by posting their time flop beside VEG

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I love both of these shows a whole lot and don't get the drama between the fanbases.

I don't really think either was forced. But VEG was a bit more melodramatic.

>All drama in Yorimoi felt organic

people seriously need to read the novels. it's way better.

Her mom was long dead you dumb shit.

She cut her hair to have a new beginning. She just closed years long episode of her life. This is not forced in any way.

>This is not forced in any way
Imagine defending the tired haircut trope.

The one with a derivative plot.

Oh look, the mods are back to protecting this shitposter.

I assume the person who creates and spams in these threads doesn't actually like either show.

I dropped it on ep2. Pure shite.

dropped in episode 3. can't even take it seriously.

The one with ugly moeblobs wearing jelly hair.

>i lost my passport

It's like you faggots forgot about the dead mom episode of VEG, along with every other crybait bullshit arc that show forced.

>implying it's my thread

VEG handles the death of characters far better than Yorimoi. I don't remember Ann or any of the surviving characters cutting their hair to signal to the world that they're over some emotional baggage she had.
No. Instead VEG shows the audience how these characters find new things to do in life and how they deal with their emotions in a mature manner, no retarded anime jap cliche included.

VEG having adult characters instead of high school students also helps a lot. Madoka already peaked high school girl suffering and everything similar looks and feels cheap in comparison.

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Pretty sure they're middle schoolers, which made the suffering even more over the top

Your life

Will Winter 2018 ever die?

3dpd girls do this all the time desu

>but muh 3DPD
Not him but you're really not helping your case here.

VEG is basically made up of episodic sadporn almost entirely, it would be very hard to force more drama into a show than that.

Reminder that VEG was robbed and its AOTY 2018 was undeserving stolen by shitty overrated time flops such as YoriMoi, Yuru Camp, SSSS Gridman and Zombieland Saga

>it hasn't happened with me
>therefore it's forced

>best anime of 2018

Attached: AT-X Anime Ranking 2018 Top 10.jpg (1280x720, 246K)

>most popular anime of all time

Attached: Anikore Pop Ranking.png (946x755, 158K)

Yorifag is PISSED

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You forgot Hataraku Saibou

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Not until a better season comes out. Fall 2018 came pretty close though.

Neither were particularly good

Sorayori had drama for the characters to overcome and make the journey more interesting.
VEG had drama to constantly ask you "OH MY GOD ISN'T THIS SOOOOOO SAD?"
Violet was an ok show but the story was by far the weakest part. I went into it wanting to like it.
There have been some decent individual shows but there hasn't been a season like it since.

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This is what I don't get about people calling VEG 'forced drama'. The show's entire premise is built around the idea of a character, by virtue of their occupation and desire to learn about the human experience, involving herself in people's lives during moments of extremes, both up and down. Now if everything in VEG happened to the same main cast of characters I'd maybe understand it, but the core cast's 'drama' is pretty slow burn and consistent. The only really 'forced' element is maybe how long it takes him to tell Violet that her husbando is MIA, with everyone considering him KIA. And even that makes sense in context since she would've completely fucking ceased to function if she'd been told any earlier.

>sign my friendship contract kudasai

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>Zombieland Saga
They announced a season 2. Doesn't that mean it's no longer a time flop?

Yourimoi - instagram "omg I love travel!!!" thots
VEG - tradional and modest women

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See, this guy gets it.