How many Senkos do you weigh?

How many Senkos do you weigh?

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what's 25kg in burgers

my gf weighs 3 senkos

25 kg = approximately 55 burger units


around 4

she is yeah

3 or 4.

around 3 senkos

Around 2.3

If your waifu weighs more than 29kg, sorry to tell you but that's fat. 29kg is the absolute max.

I weigh just over two Senkos.



>2 Senko manlets

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3.2 senko's
Im 176 pounds, idk what that is in globalist units.

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4.5 Senkos.
Not obese, btw.
I'm 6'4 and i lift.

2.5 Senkos

are burgers heavier in europe

no, i mean actual burgers


Pretty close to weighing 4 Senkos, need to cut sweets for a while.

post pics

1.8 senkos


the average american male weighs 3.552 senkos

I want to suck on Sora's tits, fluff her tails, and have sex with her all at once

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2.1 senkos

Approximately 6 Senkos

220 burgers approximately.

2.5 Senkos, trying to get back to 2.3 Senkos. 183cm btw.

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why does it sit like that

>my gf
Get out.

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3 and a quarter senkos and 1.85 meters

3.8 senkos

Exactly three

me box

3.26 Senkos, approximately.

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2.4 Senkos

I lost around 100lbs over the past 1.75 years too, feels umya ja.

and 183cm

What advice would you give to someone who wants to lose weight. I have a friend who wants to lose weight, but has no discipline or determination. I find it hard to help him because I've always been relatively fit and don't really know what he's going through or what to tell him.

go to >>/fit/, you fag


I don't have any senkos to weigh

2.2 but I'm 1.3 senkos tall so it's ok

I believe 3 senkos, should I train more .

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Jesus, thats fat

2.7 senkos

about 2.5 senkos.

how many Senkos can sit on me before I break?


I weigh 3 senko's. I was 3.35 just two months ago. My goal is 2.75 senkos.

More water, more home-cooked meals, less high carb stuff, I guess. More walking comes with the weight loss. I’ve been able to walk around 6km+ up to 12 (with appropriate breaks). I don’t really know how I truly did it other than making a subconscious effort to adjust my habits. Went from wearing 2XT or 3X down to L sized tops. 42/44 waist down to 34/36 depending on how stretchy or stiff the waistband is.

>who wants to lose weight
>no discipline or determination
He doesn't want it enough if he's not willing to take the first step, it's also very much about your mindset and how you feel about yourself, change needs to come from within.
The first step could maybe be being drinking water instead of soda, I'm sure that would have a significant health impact.
Make sure he understands that food is not supposed to be a hobby and that the body eventually adapts to what it eats, things that taste gross will eventually taste nice. Diets don't necessarily remove pleasure from your life, that's exactly like a heroin addict saying he doesn't want to stop taking drugs because it will remove pleasure from his life.

Also I’m 6’1” as well, if that makes any difference.

about 4 senkos.....

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Doubt we could produce enough senko for such feat.

You fat cunt, start sweating away those senkos in excess!

Start small. Have him switch from drinking regular soda to diet, and then eventually water only. Try to have him cut down meals, or significantly reduce portions for one meal a day, then eventually move on to reducing it across the board, maybe even eventually cutting out meals entirely (I went from eating 4 times a day to 2 times a day personally). It's a lot easier to stay motivated when you keep every goal in reach. It will eventually snowball and become habits.

3.4 Senkos, which is pretty bad, but I did weigh 4 Senkos a few months ago, and 0.6 Senkos of lost weight is pretty good.

just remove sugar from your life problem solved

Im at least losing weight. Used to be fucking worse

8 senkos

5'6, 2 senkos


So here body is somewhere in the 5-10.5 year old range? Isn't that a bit young?

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20 senko

Good job, user. Keep at it.

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Don't worry about it.

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this anime is shit

3.3 senkos

then why are we measuring our weight in Senko?

2 senkos

exactly 1 senko

2.8-2.9 Senko's, 183 cm. Heaviest I've been, but it's on the low end in terms of ideal for my height.

5 Senkos

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a little bit more than 3 senkos

Since we don't know how tall that fictional female is, not really.

Unless she's 6+ feet tall or a body builder, that's fat.


>mentioning your fat 3DPD gf on Yea Forums

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>I have a friend who wants to lose weight, but has no discipline or determination
>i have a friend
Haha tell your 'friend' to control your calorie intake. :3)

Are you me? My ideal weight is 2.75 senkos.
>tfw you have work to do and need to take calories

thank mr skeltal

I downloaded myfitness pal on a whim. Set it to lose 2 lbs a week, and try not to go over, but not stressing if I go over as long as it's not over to the point where I start gaining weight (goal is 1500 cal, maintain weight is like 2300 cal). Stopped drinking soda and drank a fuck ton more water, or those no cal water enhancers. I measure everything now and I try not to eat out at places where I can't calculate calories. I don't work out, but I am fairly physical at work most days since I work at a warehouse.

I started june 20th and I went from 180ish to 167 lbs this morning, a manlet of 5' 6". So while not quite reaching my goal of losing 2 lbs a week, I am losing weight by just simply counting everything I eat. I don't eat that healthy though, unfortunately. I don't have time to cook so most things are processed prepackaged shit. Being poor also means buying cheap shit, which means everything has a shit ton of sodium in it. It feels not great when the fucking app tells me I'm over in sodium by several thousand mgs.

I weigh 2.993708 senkos.
I am 1.496 senkos tall

Weigh a bit above 3 senkos.
Fitness goal is to weigh around 2.5 senkos.

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5.48 at 6'2"
t. fatfuck losing weight until 3.8 Senkos.

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1 and 3/10.

Keto. I wasn't even in Ketosis because my sugar-free gum had artificial sweeteners. But the calorie deficient from having to cook my own meals made me lose 15kg in 2-3 weeks. I'm still not in ketosis yet though. So will either be transitioning to just general healthy eating and mostly low-carb, or go full Keto.

Correction:I weight exactly 1 and 8/10 senkos.I'm not THAT much of a skeleton.

t h i n n


thats still under 50 kilos
unless you are 1.30 m tall i don't see a male weighing that much

Senkos aren't very heavy, IDK how y'all are getting such small fucking numbers. I don't even feel like doing the math to figure out how many of these guys would make up 220lbs.

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about three fiddy

3, I'm also a 190cm skelly

i'm 186cm and 65kg. There's always a worse skeleton

Are you doing it in kg? If you're not using the imperial metric system then you should probably kys desu.

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I'll be honest with you user, I'm actually 70kg

If she actually weighted just 25 kg, she would look like a jew in auschwitz.

Need to cut at best two whole senkos. Right after I finish this bratwurst.

>good advice in shonen general board
get out you don't belong here

About 4.01

25 kg is 54/55 lbs
4 is overweight even if you're 6'3"

less than 2
about 1.6

I am thin

send picks now!

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2 Senkos and 165 cm

>was less than 2 senkos at the start of the year
>started lifting and eating more and better
>now 3 senkos
Feels good bros.

2.902992 Senkos

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intermittent fasting
only eat once a day during a window of 4 hours
only drink water

This, sugar is fucking poison to your health. We are evolved to only take it in infrequently and in small doses. You CAN theoretically eat it frequently and in large amounts but it's similar to drinking pure alcohol and is metabolized in a similar way and takes a toll on your liver and also rots your teeth.


4.3 fat-fit, 4 when I drop fast carbs.
Speaking of, it's time for the gym

>user’s gf actually has 1 senko’s worth of pure muscle
I’m almost envious, but it’s not 2D so fuck off

about 5 or 5,5
fat and disgusting

The problem is that it is useless to lose weight if you're going back to your bad habit just after.
You have to change your food habits forever if you want to stay healthier, so it requires commitment and understanding.
As other anons said, drinking mostly water is better, eating vegetables fills your stomach without giving much calories, stopping fried food and most industrial deserts is almost a given. But once again, you have to continue doing that forever, so you must before anything else OK with the changes and still like what you eat.

Eat less


not if it's all muscle bro

A little over 4 Senkos. My ideal is more like a little over 3 Senkos.

follow your dreams, user

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about 2.72



Basically the math adds 25kg.

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8 Senkos.
I'm a whole lotta man.

Same user

Are you slenderman?

2.36 senkos.

3,2! I'm huge tho

2.6 senkos

I weigh 14 Senkos. I'm hoping death finally comes soon.

I weigh 1.5 Senkos, but I'm only 4'9"

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Aiming for 2.4-2.5...and I’m 167 cm

exactly 4 senkos


au contrair

Cosplaying as Shiro

roughly 2.25 senko's

6-9 Its been awhile since I have weighed myself on Earth.



Great now I feel fat again.


you need to lose weight, bro

A liitle bit more than 5.

Yeah I know.

Big mac, double big mac or other type of burger?

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3.3 senkos
my goal is 4 senkos. looking at it this way actually is rather motivating
probably going to need to get on the juice in the end though

1 or 2

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If I lose a Senko in weight, will I get a Senko in return?

i weigh 6 senko's


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Complete unit tbhwy.
I am 1.78 and 4 Senkos and a half.

what a whale

2.18 Senkos and 1.54 meters tall. Maxed out my growth so my only hope left is that shotacon is real.

>Over 5kgs of tail and fluff!

2.8 senkos.
I'm 1.86m tall. I think that's about 6'1

Almost 4, I'm 6'5 however.

4.5 senkos but I want to cut down to a little above 3 senkos

I want to lift Senko and throw her!

4.8 senkos here. I should be around 4.2-3 senkos.

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Exactly 3.

3 and a fifth I think, been working out for a few months.

neco havin a good succc

Exactly 4.

2.3 senkos.
pic related, that's me

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3.6 Senko, but I'm tall enough that I'm on the thin side.

How tall?
>tfw unironically wanna be a skelly

4.75 senkos
I’m 6’5” and do lift but I still need to drop 20 poinds

About 5 Senkos


4.8 here at 6'4", also lift. Guess I don't get to mog as hard as I hoped.

How the fuck am I supposed to know that? How the fuck do you people know that? Seriously what fucking formula do I use to find that answer? I weigh 68kg, i tried multiplying my weight by 0.25 (1/100 of senko's weight) but this clearly wasn't the answer. I tried multiplying 25 by 68, but of course this isn't correct either. also tried .25 x.68 which gets me .17,clearly i am close to 3 senko's worth of weight so this isn't correct. how the fuck do I figure this out?? am i retarded?

Why do you guys still measure all your weight stuff in stones and your length stuff in armpits? Do you really want to side with brits on this instead of with literally the rest of the world? It will save you a lot of money on idiotic nasa mision crashes due to confusing freedom units and sane units.

yes you are retarded

Then explain how I figure it out.

Why are you multiplying? Take your weight and divide by hers.


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i did try devision and got 0.36764 which clearly isn't the answer

lmao what?

5 Senkos

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For what did you divide it?

Okay nevermind.

between 3,75 and 4 senkos
anyone above 6 senkos is fatass

I weigh 5 senkos

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post tits
doesnt matter if u a grill or not i wanna see those skelly bones


no that doesn't work

Yet Indians and Jews crash their shit all the time. Both use metrics for space craft stuff

I confused myself while explaining.
>68 divided by 25 = 2.72.
Almost 3 Senkos.

what do you eat for breakfast, a single noodle?

about 0.9, im a real little girl

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please tell me you're at least female


I literally weigh 1,5 senkos

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skellingtons confuse me.

how's it even possible to be so thin when food is readily available and eating is enjoyable?

People have different appetites I guess.

You divide your weight by 25, not the other way around.

Did you fail out of 5th grade?

take bigger shits

3.374728 Senkos.

On one hand, having a Senko would help me out of NEETdom. On the other hand, I'd inevitably fuck it up and it would only further justify why I'm a NEET.

Enough that not letting her top will most likely have fatal consequences.

2.6 senko's, trying to bulk but I just feel atrocious after eating a lot. Thinking about starting whey/creatine to supplement my regular eating/workouts.

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Just go eat with friends.
You will eat way more than you normally would.

Exactly 3.6 Senkos, but I'm trying to get down to 3.
Still a lot better than the 4.6 Senkos I used to weigh.

around 4 senkos

4.2 Senkos, but once I pull out and set her down I'll be down 1 Senko.

I weight 3.24 Senkos at 188 cm. Gonna try to get it down to around 3 Senkos after I finish up with my certificates.

>less than 3.5 senkos
Do you want to be a skeleton?


Was around 5 Senkos before gym, at 4.2 currently. Just waiting for the gym to open up again in September desu.


I can bicep curl a Senko in each hand.

Nah man I just want to get a bit slimmer. The real skeleton is the friend I have who weighs ~2.5 Senkos at ~190 cm.

I'm not a NEET, where's my senko

sorry user I'm not gay

>The real skeleton is the friend I have who weighs ~2.5 Senkos at ~190 cm.
Do you guy lives in a necromancer's dungeon by any chance?

IMAGINE the percentage increase in her mass when you unload inside her. I imagine it repeatedly most nights. More often for Shiro than Senko, but to each his own.

No user I tried, I just feel sick after. Like to the point of incapacitation.


How many Senkos does a pregnant Senko weigh?


I don't get it



Around 5 Senkos

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Who could this person be?

Nearly 5 senkos (120kg)



>2 senkos

Still trying to lose weight but just dropped from 292 last week around 30 pounds in all since I started
Still got a long way to go but I'm chugging along

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I seriously hope this thread is filled with twink manlets and NOT f*males.

2.4 Senkos

Almost exactly 3 senkos!

Never mind, I'm a retard.

I thought Yea Forums was mostly little girls, no?

about 2.14

I weigh 2.8 Senko units

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6 senkos

less than 2

About 4.5 Senkos. How many Soras is that?

I want everyone to know that I just copy+pasted "25kg" into google and it automatically knew I wanted to convert to pounds

A little over 104 Big Macs according to McDonalds FAQ


Im 5'9" and weight 2 senkos in a bad day [\spoiler]

Two and one serving of rice

less than 2 senko

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about 3

I weigh just over 4 Senkos
I was at 5 Senkos at the beginning of the year, but I've been steadily losing weight since then. Feels good man.

A little over 8 senkos.

I'd like to lift a Senko from the armpits


I'm a burger that's 1.57m and 50kg
So I'm at about 1.7 Senkos.

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Whoops I meant 2 senkos

>twink manlets
more like goblins

According the the conversion units here: I weigh about 4 Senkos.

3.28 fox girls

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3.5 senkos

Eat less calories.

>62.5 kg
>6 ft

how are you alive?

Almost exactly 2.9 Senkos

manlets, all of them

Oh, we're posting heights too. 6'3"

6'2 ft, 68 kg reporting in. i my measurements are 36-28-36. i have the hourglass figure because my ribs are thinner than my hips

I wanna fuck all the posters that are 2.5 Senko and under

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If I was sleeping together with Senko, I'd be afraid of rolling over and crushing her

Just fast. It's actually pretty easy if you don't eat carbs. Start with intermittent than go to one meal a day.

I hope all the 2.5 Senko and under anons have a big tiddy ara ara onee-san come into their lives to pamper them and whisper in their ear while she smothers them between her tiddies and her lap.
And while we're at it, she'll come with an RTX 2080TI graphics card too.

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Im 2.2 senkos and 188 cm so I win right

Thanks, user.

Almost 2.6 Senkos. Trying to make it to 2.7 Senkos after being inspired by dyel anime.