Dr Stone

So Yusuriha becomes sex slave for Tsukasa?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who wouldn't want to.

Tsukasa is committed to his ideals and has about as much attraction for girls as Senku does. As far as he knows Senku is dead and Taiju and Yuzuriha will have to learn to live in the world he's building, so as long as they behave there's nothing wrong with them joining his empire too as ordinary citizens.

No this show is for faggots ledditors

No, but she spends a lot of time on lots of stone dicks

No he gets impaled by a spear and then gets his ass frozen by Senku.

Not spoiling because Anime only fags are retards and deserve to have shit ruined.

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Oh yeah here's the stabby part which comes before he gets frozen.

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nah, i hate Tsukasa

I still don't get how he got frozen

>Put Tsukasa in the freezer
>Tsukasa is frozen

What's not to get? You mean scientifically or do you mistakenly think it's cryogenics or something? Well if it's the latter he's just straight up frozen/dead.

Hes dead. The logic is basically
>Preserve the body as much as possible
>Petrify him
>Depetrify him
>Let the de-petrifying process heal everything and basically return him to life.

How does Hyoga look in the anime?

>Dr. Reddit

>And how I learned to stop worry and call everything I don’t like Reddit

This is good

"Adventurers" has always been my favorite chapter but low-key "Eyes of Science" where they create a radar and sonar system is my second favorite.

Fresh gorilla fanart

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Be quiet lioness, more fresh fanart

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What's the point of keep watching this if no one will ever get raped.

What do you mean? Senkuu will get raped by gorilla, he won't procreate on his own, she'll have to force him. Also there's going to be harem rapings in the manga soon.

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Why are all the people that awaken aryan masterrace? Where are the black people?

they are living in japan

No blacks in the stone world

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Aryan? She's probably some inbred produced by astronauts since they didn't get hit by the stone wave.

Senkuu is gonna awaken every single black man. And in a hunter gatherer world, they'll take over since they're best suited for hunter gatherer things

By the time they awaken them, everyone else will already be fully equipped.
White man wins again

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You mean the yellow man. Senkuu will create the next civilization in Japan.
A fresh start would be nice. Everyone would be equal

Senkuu doesn't care about the redistribution of power per se. He just wants enough labour force and scientists to be able to complete a space mission.

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It's not about power redistribution. Everythings been wiped out so nobody has an advantage except senkuu

ok so I talked a lot of shit on this series, but I like it. The way the artist draws goofy faces is fucking great. However, the astronauts irk me.

Senkuu only has an advantage if he has a labour force, he's a twink on his own. Tsukasa or other strong people by nature hold the power. Also later they revive this turbo capitalist that reinvents currency 5 minutes after being revived.

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>later they revive this turbo capitalist that reinvents currency 5 minutes after being revived.
What really? God speed you moneyman you mad lad

It's said that some far away islands managed to keep a "civ" with originally only 20 or less people and the only downside is, they're all colorblind.
Still as of current manga chapter it seems like there were more people arriving at later generations

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He was only recently introduced and he shot up to second place in the popularity poll. He also has a trap butler he demands they revive.

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What the fuck are you doing.
We should report this.

It's diffucult to not talk about top 3 bestboys

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i know the anime removed the high five, but should I wait if it ever gets to this point or just read it?

Call the cops

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I doubt turbo capitalist Chad will appear in this season. If you really want to get the full capitalism experience I suggest you read it. If not for anything else, then for the art.

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yeah I'll read it everything else im reading is on hiatus anyway

Hope you like it, user.

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See? Tsukasa is reasonable.

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Tsukasa did nothing wrong

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no, he is an hardcore siscon

Not revealed yet

He'll probably have blond or white hair as his manga coloring.

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just got to the light bulb part.
Guess the Mangaka didnt know that Edison just funded the Lightbulb, he never invented it, all he manage to do was kill an elephant with electricity.

Mirai is so cute.

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Based Tsukhasa

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I would give anything to see a little of what this tv special was about.

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>that size difference

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>watching dr stone for the story

Tsukasa is the apex human, Senkuu counting his hair is 6'2 and Tsukasa is still taller than him. Probably 6'5.

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>the psychology of kicking someone's teeth in

Cute gorilla poster

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The villagers are all Jews

Hope they do all the girls in this style including mommy Turquoise

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>keeping the crude dress that oaf made instead of making proper clothes

She'll make proper clothes for everyone in the Tsukasa empire, even for herself

animeonlyfag here, so there were people born into the stone world? where did they come from and how did they unpetrify?

Why are you asking for spoilers? But yes, there were people rummaging around when Senkuu was still stone.

Some people probably survived by breeding with each other. She must be a descendent. Weird how she's still homo sapien

I want to be his sex slave.

Which, judging from the latest manga chapters, should work.

Who doesn't?

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Astronauts survived the entire thing. They landed and started a colony


Is this guy the ultimate retard antagonist? His goal is to us stone all the kids because he hates adults but what will he do when they all grow up? Is he gonna kill everyone and then himself? Stupid fuck

he's just the typical libertarian

He's smart (according to the author), but his "plan" is just fueled by emotion, sick sister backstory etc.

They'll be pure adults with no influence from the current ebil adults.
Tabula rasa

Senkuu is smart though, so why would he do that? Also the petrifaction only affected humans and swallows

>untermenschen eternally BTFO

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It's less about the age and more about being set in their ways, brains become less plastic as people get older. He just sees the petrification as a way to reset the state of things.

>blue dress
So, where did they get the blue dye?

So this is basically the anime version of the flintstones without dinosaurs, Dropped.


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It's probably just lighting. In some colored panels it's black

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>he wanted dinos
There are some in this series, in liquid form

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Gaykasa want ms the sen-cock, but senku is gay for science.

Who doesn't want Senkuu's cok?

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In Africa and to a lesser extent the americas and Australia.

>senkuu is gonna get blacked

Just wait till you see Gen walking round in purple robes

Nah. We are all about asexual "muh ideals" on this ride.

Face it, gorilla won't be able to take this this asexual Senkuu for too long.

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>Amaryllis is a member of the Whyman, a scientifically advanced race responsible for the petrification of humans (and birds) 3700 years ago. She later joins Senku in his quest to defeat the Whymans.
Sorry but what the actual fuck

>reading fandom wikis for anything other than to laugh at them

>trusting fandom wikis

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This is just plain wrong with the information we have. We don't even know if Whyman is involved with this village and even if he is, he's clearly not there

This just means that at some point in the manga they will revive Tsukasa and when they do it will boost the Science Kingdom's strength like 10x fold. Senku already said he would save Tsukasa.

I want to violently copulate like animal in heat with the reporter for the sole purpose of breeding

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But you're not Chadkasa

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He could be the harem master.

and I'd do it right next to his freezer

She wouldn't even look at you unless you were the best at your skill in something

What I meant was, she only wants him.

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I have hentai science


He looks like Aizen in wig in this pic.

Smaller eyes

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Whatever happened to that History Professor world reset manga, like obviously it got the axe in SJ, but where did it go?

Annals of history

hes the guy thats always asking sauce "for science"

and he finally has achieved results.

>mourns her husbando but is ready to get back to the job she loves
Minami a best girl.

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So committed he convinced.no one that his brand of primitivism was a society worth preserving. Senku's music appeal would have failed but the spoiler desired civilization over the status quo.

If Senku were less Autistic he could create First Holly Scientific Empire, I mean by using religion he could kickstart an empire that would make Tsukasa look stupid, its even the recorded way of creating first human empire around the globe.

The wiki is an impressive mix of delusion and dedication.

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Just realised the jiggle holyshit

>best design
>obeys orders
>smart for her primitive self
>better gorilla than Kohaku

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>hyouga will never break your nose
Fuck this earth.

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Since she won't appear in the anime, who is everyone else looking forward to seeing? I'm hoping they do pic related justice, depending on the pacing we could even see her glorious return.

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>Hyouga has a much longer spear
Is Kinrou a dicklet?

I'm so glad we didn't get a whole fucking arc with hyouga as villain like people thought we would

I fucking love Hyouga and I hope he gets a good va. Homura too.

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They already fucked up Kohaku's eyes, so, RIP Ruri. I hope they don't fuck up Turquoise, she's not supposed to be cute which should mean she'll look good.

I'm circling my calendar for one thing.
It will be the cherry on top of one of the most blessed episodes of 2019.

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>they won't use this translation

My current plan is to extract and redo the subs before I even watch it so that it will be canon in my mind.

I want to kiss his disgusting mouth.

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>considering redrawing every Kohaku animation to fix her eyes
How much work would this be?

Homura will cut you

>I'm taller than literally everyone here
Man, is there a reason why japs are manlets? Why did evolution fucked them THAT hard?

189 cm is pretty tall in every part of world. If you are taller than that, you would be an outlier everywhere.

>thigh highs
Yuzuhira needs to properly getting into designing fetishwear.

It has nothing to do with genes or whatever bullshit the retards here come up with. It’s the basic diet and lifestyle that affects your height. Also, 6’1 -6’3 are the optimal male height and anything taller means back problems and looking like a lanklet faggot.

>Noah's Notes
Don't remind me

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Anime will end on this page.

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There's no way we're getting that far. It'll end on the last page of this chapter or the first page of the next one.

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Fuck no I want to see Hyoga animated.

>that ass
My fucking eyes.

So you're saying black people were unaffected. I wonder if Africa is filled with them now

Senku encountered them shortly after being depetrified.

im cia

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>nothing to do with genes
look up island dwarfism

and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bergmann's_rule

All of the primitive tribespeople are descendents of the astronauts onboard the ISS at the time of the petrification. There were no black astronauts onboard at the time and at most 2 of them were asian, hence why they are all pretty white looking and there's a lot of blonde hair.

based aryans who can't reinvent civilization in 3000 years

Not to get off topic but if there really an issue with anime only? I personally don't have enough time to read it but want to follow the story. Is the anime that shit?

Well when you think about it, it's not like they ever invented it in the first place. So if they couldn't do it in 50000 years, not much of a chance of being able to do it in 3700 years

You don't have time to read manga but you have time to watch an anime adaptation that does like 2-3 chapters in 22 minutes?

Fellas, how do I make Kohaku real?

Always imagined luffy had 150cm or something for some reason

He got taller and bulked up during the timeskip

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Shave a gorilla

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Exactly. he's committed to his (little girls) ideals.
He'll leave Yusuriha and Taiju's relationship alone, as long as they knock before coming into his room.


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the trouble of reinventing civilization is that most of the time you're spending is in not dying. It was covered pretty well in the first episode. You could have all the smartest people in the world (astronauts), but without the manpower, resources, and industry to make food an afterthought to focus on more important things, you will be stuck living like gorilla niggers.

I want to have sex with Francois
also Nikki best girl

Is Francois a boy or a grill?

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does that matter?
>tfw no Ginny gf

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>tfw no Gen gf
I bet that's not the first time Gen has crossdressed

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It does user, I want to put it in Francois bitch lasagna. I don't like butt stuff so this is a make or break situation.

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so what happens if she has a penis

He can be my butler. I'll even flirt with him if that makes Francois happy, but no buttstuff in the Stone Christian world

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Does anybody else feel like Senku comes off as way more annoying, obnoxious and condescending in the anime? I dunno if it's the direction / voice acting but in the manga he didn't feel as much of a little shit.

Is the manga fun?

He did early/in front of Taiju. He slowly mellowed down when he came to the village. Still smug.

I probably have limited memory of the manga's prologue then.

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I'm having a lot of fun reading it. However I imagine you need a certain taste to enjoy it
>smart smug MC
>claims he's logical but goes out of his way to help his people
>cocky but not arrogant/foolish
>sarcastic but not demeaning and gives deserved credit
>gets attention from grills but BTFO's them for his goals
>unconventional shonen MC dream
>loves taunting his enemies
>comically weak but finds ways around it
>asks questions first shoots second

Go and reread it, Senkuu will seem like a complete ass to you compared to how he is now

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The fuck are you talking about? The danger they present seem very small, especially knowing that they are in an area that provide a lot and predators are less likely to be shown. The predators only shown themselves when they went looking for supplies. The only reason it take them so long to do things is because of internal battle of one another. That seem more of a major issue, it's not reinventing, it's trust.

user, they only white skin because they hate the sun. Asian people are vampires. Also they have those big circular hats that stop the sun from making their skin darker and location. Africa have like no shades and in Europe it's always cloudy.

I want to know where you're from user. I want to connect this thinking pattern to a location.

>I was his best friends kid or something
you baka Senku
your dads best friend was your mom

He never cared to ask. Why would he when he has #1 Dad?

Dude, I'm just saying shit. Also the location part is a theory.

yeah but Senku is a real baka if he can't deduce that much, his dad told him precisely what his scienceboy son needed to hear to figure that out and he didn't
what a baka

If he really wanted to know he'd test if they're related

It's basically Primitive Technology/Don't Starve in shonen form, though the conflict is man vs man instead of man vs nature.

>"Psst, hey kid, want to go to hell?"

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Byakuya is pretty baste

Fresh gorilla fanart

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Which chapter are you at?


When did you start reading?


How do I become an alphachad like Tsukasa?

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Become a murderer.

Yes but what's the next step?

technically he didn't murder anyone

thats it

Senku just didn't care to find out. His genetic history completely uninterests him. He is who he is because of what he's done, not because of the circumstances of his birth.

Did you read the digital scan of the recent Byakuya chapter? The cleaners ruined the art

>The cleaners ruined the art
Such is life with scanned copies. Viz gets the legit digital version.


thats the thing though, he obviously did care about Byakuya which is why seemed forlorn
he still has feelings no matter how much he likes to pretend he doesn't

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Well yeah. He loved his dad, Byakuya was the best dad he could ever ask for. Probably so good that Senku never cared to find out who his birth parents were, cause he already had an awesome dad.

So one explain why aryans had 3700 to build civilisation and they couldn’t even get to gunpowder. They also didn’t even start from 0 because in the beginning civilisation still existed

Shit writing

No the writing is great

He doesn't care for that mushy emotional blabla. I'd say he's the type that doesn't ask these questions. If Byakuya wanted to tell him more, he would etc.

Why didn't he try to grab the spear?

Probably no quality river-soil deposits making agriculture possible. They were hunter-gatherers and as you could see from Stoneboy that's a 24/7 job. No time to invent stuff. Colder climate with harsh winter probably had an impact aswell.

Because Hyouga was intentionally aiming for Mirai so Tsukasa would jump in the way and take the blow. He couldn't defeat Tsukasa otherwise, he tried countless times.

Yes but instead of spreading his arms wide he could have tried to grab the spear instead, because it's a thin spear instead of something big that Tsukasa would logically have to spread his arms apart for.

Never read a book in your life I presume?

Imouto protecting instinct kicked in

The spear went right through him so it was meaningless anyway since it still didn't hit her despite him acting like a shield doing nothing.

yeah, that makes sense but assuming they're not actually related is still dumb.
it would be easy enough though, just see if he is related to any of the villagers.

they were the only survivors and the island they arrived on was far from mainland Japan

Tsukasa only had a split second to react, Hyouga's attempted murder of Mirai was unexpected by everyone. Even Senku only realized what was going to happen at literally the last second. Protection of imouto was far more important.

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Just wanting to stabby stab in her general direction was enough for Tsukasa to lose his cool. I mean I get it. He finally got his sister back after all this time, she was braindead. Everything he worked for was for her or on her behalf.

They started off with tons of food and technology remember? After they landed on earth again I mean, society didn’t decay so fast

You’re spoiling me faggot.

So basically they fucked up their landing so hard. They could have landed anywhere in any city

Tsukasa remembered the face of every single statue he destroyed
I can't remember if he was frozen before or after repairing the statues was shown to work.
he is feeling needless guilt if so.

Well every murderer enjoys remembering the face of everyone he kills

Taiju assured him that as long as they knew where the statues were broken, they'd repair every single one. The blood on Tsukasa's hands would be washed off.

Tons of food and technology on a deserted island? Fuck can you guys just read for once

Ryusui was still alive and perfectly healthy when he got STONED

I’m anime only. Stop spoiling me faggot. You know that is a reportable offence? Use the spoiler tags

You’re a good man. We can choose if we want to tap on your spoilers. Your friends are pissing all over the thread though, ruining everything

Such is life. I'd honestly advise you to read the manga, since spoilers will be abound in like every thread. I'll spoiler tag my stuff, but I can't control other people. The manga is good too, so that's a bonus. But it's really up to you.

Enough food to sustain 1 hermit who lived on that island. Deserted island days away from mainland by cruise-ship. No technology but the reentry capsule. They were screwed from the start. By the time the offspring finally got to mainland everything was either gone or the people were too primitive to use them.

They specifically chose Japan, for a reason

That's precisely why you read the manga. Why would manga readers discuss the anime plot when they already know how it's gonna play out? Add "anime" in the OP if you want anime discussion. This is just Dr. Stone thread

But it would help if you guys stopped asking dumb questions in your competition to prove your smarter than the series

ah thats good, I want to learn more of Tsukasa... I want to learn more of his backstory
I assume he and his sister were on their own and he hates adults probably because whatever parent that was with them abandoned them so everything he did was from irrational hatred and Hyoga was the cultist/true believer in the irrational logic.
I want to see his reaction to the progress that has been made.
I want him to marry the gorilla and for Ruri and Chrome to be together.

I even want a 'happy' ending for Hyoga and Homura, raising a family together in the prison in the background would be funny and cute.

He's dead anyway mate

Sorry user, but knowing what happens, I can't lie to you. You want an answer and that's what you got.

yeah he is, I was confusing his freezing with petrification when I made that post
he isn't thinking anything

>marry the gorilla
Woah woah woah woah, OVER THE LINE
There's only 1 (one) 10 billion IQ boy gorilla is meant for.

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That reminds me, Kaseki needs a waifu of his own too
>inb4 steam gorilla mk. III

I wish Senku would be like
>yo Chrome, you're forgetting about your hunny dawg

Senkuu already spent a whole night with Ruri, she's used goods now

>she's used goods now
Senku couldn't handle Ruri.

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>Gen bringing them drinks
Everyone knows that's just an excuse to hang out with Senkuu, you're not fooling anyone mentalist.

>Kohaku could have just grabbed on to Senku's arm and buried her face in his shoulder or something to sell the illusion that they're a couple
>Instead she chooses to kiss him
>Clearly disappointed by his lack of reaction

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He undid her hair later, she had a happycat face. She needs it.

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I kind of can't blame him, we can't smell her, this was after she got tossed around in a fight. Probably doesn't smell like roses.

god that ass

that lioness belongs to Senku

>"Wow Lioness, that was some shit acting."
>"Y-yeah...acting :("

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That would be interesting but their children would be literal unstoppable monsters. With a strong dedication to their siblings, instilled by their parents.

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Are potato chips bad for gorilla's health?

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so I was trying to catch up on the manga but Jaimini's cucks haven't traslated anything after chapter 109, where do I read the rest?


Manga stream, or viz

She would burn a bag in a minute. She's constantly up to some gorilla things.

and a very strong moral code

Stop this SenkuuxGorilla ship is the only allowed ship

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I want chippu now

Would you a 3D gorilla?

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what's next on the tech tree
more advanced plastics, transistors and computers I'd have thought

>anime where science genius is more on the realistic side
>bring in enemy faction head who can destroy mountains with his fist and is basically superman
why is the storytelling so bad Yea Forums?
i mean id understand if they want to make competition but this way is so childish

Do you think the healing properties of petrification would heal a trans vagina shut or would it heal it so it doesn't need to be dilated

either way francois has a pretty asshole

Gen gets raped by Magma early on

LOL I'd kind of like to see Magma flirt with crossdressed Gen not realising its Gen


>ywn have a stronk big tiddy primitive cavegirl gf you could awe with your modern brain
Not fair

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the war arc was terrible and a distraction so i'm glad it's over. fuck over boring Red vs Blue political ideology. the strong suit of the manga is discovery, exploration and shounen manga style over exaggeration of the wonders of high cuisine (science). they should just keep this manga being about survival and bros cooking french cuisine (making inventions).

>tfw science conquistadors

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Wait a minute, don't tell me there's something like monogamy on this world right? Senku will smash multiple superior aryan waifus right?

No, Tsukasa is the one smashing people

You're gonna love Magma, he has that caveman mentality. Magma will unironically save the show.

Attached: 0035-011.jpg (1067x1600, 352K)

Should fix any tranny since it heals diseases

The tranny is reverted back to its God given form.

it would make it shut, you think if you glue different parts on you and then get cured you get stronger limbs?


Attached: EBiThZGVAAEt092.jpg (1344x737, 153K)

I know everyone else is just elevated but Senkuu really looks like a manlet here.

>no kinrou with glasses
>no mob boss kaseki
missed opportunity but that's a cute gorilla

Senkuu is literally outside the frame. I don't think you could get anymore based than that

It turns into the manliest man ever

Anime-only pleb here, is this guy based and redpilled in the manga too?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dr. Stone - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.50_[2019.07.27_07.52.19].jpg (1920x1080, 159K)

They didn't change anything, just took out a naked high five.

He had a smile to protect

He is just a background retard.
No need to give a fuck about him.

From ep 6 onward to the end of the village arc at least

>Missing for the whole war arc
>Then die
Pretty much going back to irrelevant zone.
He is more of a background character than Magma.