Jojo fans are stupid

>The stranger who saved Josuke was himself from the future after the bites the dust effect
>Fugo was written out because he was too OP
>Jolyne was gonna be a lesbian but the editors didn't let Araki do so, then he changed Anasui's gender
>Made in Heaven killed everybody and the result of the reset is SBR
>Araki le forgot about Dio's vampire abilities in part 3
>The meaning of "durability" in the Jojo stand stats means defense or weakness
>Why didn't polnareff call Jotaro to defeat Diavolo? le araki forgot
>Doppio was the original personality

SHUT THE HELL UP, none of these are true.

Attached: Shutthehelluprevitfags.png (447x433, 382K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's not jojo fans who are claiming those, but speedwatching animeonlies who get all their info from anitubers who just parrot long debunked rumors.

I won't defend the writing of Jojo
But these kinds of memeing speedwatchers are beyond annoying

>>Araki le forgot about Dio's vampire abilities in part 3
this is true, why didn't he use them after sucking Joseph's blood?
>>Why didn't polnareff call Jotaro to defeat Diavolo? le araki forgot
Why did Polnareff call Jotaro and get help from the speedwagon foundation?

>BtD was a requiem stand
>Star Finger was only used once

>Why didn't polnareff call Jotaro to defeat Diavolo?
this is a legit question
>The meaning of "durability" in the Jojo stand stats means defense or weakness
>Fugo was written out because he was too OP
not op but his stand is pretty damn boring . Its not a surprise that him and abbaccio did fuck all

>no lol

As if there's a difference. They're all Jojo fans who are spreading these rumors

>>Made in Heaven killed everybody and the result of the reset is SBR

That's wrong, faggot.

Jojo fans are the most retarded fanbase since Naruto

I am unironically pissed off that the stranger in Part 4 WASN'T Josuke from the future. I mean come on, he was all bloodied without explanation. And then the villain ends up having a Stand that sends you back in time? I recognize that Araki came forward as saying it's unrelated and that stranger was just a nice person, but I think there's a 0% chance that it wasn't planned for Josuke to be thrown back in time and Araki ended up not liking how that felt so he dropped it without tying up the loose ends, just like how The World was originally supposed to have all the Joestar's Stand powers and Araki decided to change it.

>originally the idea but changed
>potentially true
>potentially true or false, but weird
>I see the logic, until Araki confirmed otherwise
>He did except for regeneration and blood sucking
>what does it mean then?
>debatable but likely false

>>Why didn't polnareff call Jotaro to defeat Diavolo?
>this is a legit question
The stand mafia could do wire taps.

That's exactly what the OP is saying.
None of these theories are true but people parrot them without thinking. My personal favorite is DIAVOLO IS KING CRIMSON HE GOT THE SECOND PERSONALITY WHEN HE GOT HIS STAND THE STAND IS CONTROLLING HIM

>fugo too OP
>potentially true
If you had paid any attention at all you'd know that Fugo was supposed to be a spy for Diavolo but Araki thought it would've been too sad to have him betray the group and didn't want to write it.
>jolyne lesbian
>potentially true
There's not a single piece of evidence for this shit.

they arent omnipresent or omniscient. diavalo's sixth sense wont flare up the instant polnareff tries to call jotaro

B-but she's is a tomboy and doesn't act like other female characters! That means she has to be gay!

Attached: Anasui comin for that ass.jpg (710x1074, 281K)

My daughter Jolyne is extremely feminine and cute, thank you very much.

>>what does it mean then?
It just means how easy it is to have the stand out. If you have a stand like Tohth it will be extremely mentally to keep it out, but a stand like Sticky Fingers will require more focus. This is why most stand users dont just have their stands out at all times, protecting themselves.

Retard detected

Similar thing happens with people thinking the "power" stats rates the stand ability.

Fuck off Jotaro

urrh sweaty, BtD was from a normal stand arrow, not a requiem arrow

No but they do have an entire criminal organization that really benefits from listening in on phone calls.

>Requiem gives you the power you most need at the time
>stands are aliens
>The World is Jonathan's stand

>>Araki le forgot about Dio's vampire abilities in part 3
Nigger why would you bother carrying around dozens of knives to throw in stopped time when you can just laser a dude's head off from 20 feet away

Aww shit, I'm retarded so, I thought Made in Heaven did result in the SBR universe.

What happened to everyone in the original universe after Made in Heaven so? My brain is too smooth to understand

Attached: Doppio_Quop.png (500x411, 116K)

They went to the Ireneverse where everything is kind of the same but Pucci isn't there and the characters have new names and clothes.

The point of Made In Heaven was that it was supposed to cycle through the universe within the span of a human life, so everyone still alive in the universe that ended would know their destinies and be able to achieve enlightenment. Anyone who died in the old universe would be...I guess replaced by a "for all intents and purposes identical" copy? But because Emporio fucked it up at the last second the time loop never synced and then unwound, so no one's destinies are fixed.

So for most people it's as though nothing ever happened, if the loop had been set they would have been able to see their futures but now it's just up in the air. And for anyone who died they basically get a second chance(?)

Jojo is good for character and their stand design, creative abilities and their usage in fights.
If you're in this ride fo the consistent plot, you're beyond retardation.

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>getting mad about theories and misconceptions in a series as poorly written as Jojo

Attached: it's shit right.jpg (890x497, 299K)

>Requiem gives you the power you most need at the time
Wasn't this shit spread by the same youtuber who says Bites the Dust was a requiem stand?

> they aren't omnipresent or omniscient.

They basically are, even the execution squad, who had been cut off from gang resources after their betrayal, were able to almost psychically figure out where the main group was going AND had the perfect timing to be able to cut them off.

They can make excuses about tech stuff they used, but it's pretty ridiculous when you think about how quickly these people where able to track down the exact location of the crew within a few hours ((at most)) of the last person they defeated.

So ACTUAL Passione, the group who supposedly has people working undercover basically everywhere, would absolutely be able to track it if someone went and tried to blab about the organisation and ESPECIALLY the boss, on some international call.

You're backfilling Araki's shit writing. The only reason the crew was found so fast was to move the plot forward. That's it.

Everyone who didn't die during the effect of Made in Heaven just got plopped over to the Ireneverse with no real changes, for them, everything would more or less be the same, but for anyone who died during the effect, they get replaced with a different 'reincarnation' or whatever, just with the same soul as the original.

Only other big difference is that Pucci was basically exempt from time at that point so he wasn't brought over.

That's the meta reason, but in universe the fact is that they were able to find the group ridiculously fast, given what Bruno says about the organisation having people legit everywhere in italy, that's the only in universe excuse you could give.

You COULD just say 'yeah araki's just got shit writing', but that doesn't really solve anything in the end.

No shit, it was obviously meant to be something. Araki's not so stupid as to dwell on a stranger with an obscured face in mysterious circumstances for multiple pages without any intention of it amounting to something.

> without any intention of it amounting to something.

It amounted to josuke forming his identity around the person who selflessly helped him and his mom, idiot, that's all it needed to be.

>Forgetting the King Crimson is the strongest stand ever retards

Absolutely retarded explanation since Polnareff became a super hacker

Obviously not super enough if he got tracked down by Passione in the first place.


there's no fucking way 1 criminal organization could monitor EVERY phone call ever unless they had a stand for monitoring phone calls

Who is the most generic looking stand user?



Diablo thought pol was dead tho

The Josuke one was probably true though. They have the same wounds. I don't think araki forgot, he just decided to change it.

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>Jolyne was gonna be a lesbian but the editors didn't let Araki do so, then he changed Anasui's gender

Is there any other reason why that Yandere fag turned into a guy?

Part 4 kira

Araki changed his mind

captain tennille

>user recognizes Chekhov 's gun
>finds it odd that the gun never goes off
> "You idiot it was just there for no reason. Why would you assume chekhov's gun would go off? "

Jojo fandom on Yea Forums is hopeless

That is silly

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everything was good until the stands came in.

ok retard, why don't you tell us the inner working of an entire mafia you niggergaggot

Dude, it's a plot hole at worst and a contrivance at best. Just accept it. Jojo is not immune to these problems, and acting like it's perfect makes you look like the retarded one

It makes more sense than the editors forcing him to change stuff. If they were gonna do that, they would tell him before he published girl Anasui.

They wouldnt possibly have the knowledge that Araki was gonna make Anasui Jojo's love interest / pursuer from her/his/hir/hes first appearance

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Guard Westwood

How did Made in Heaven not kill everyone? Didn’t it speed the universe forward so much that it reset it?

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It did but as long as you don't get hit by a car or something you can live and go to the new world

He cooperated with jotaro after part 3 to investigate the origin of the arrow so why not?Jotaro even sent Koichi to Italy in order to get info about Giorno so he probably wont mind going there by himself once things start getting out of control

>purple haze any good mem
No retard. He didn't give him much to do because he was gonna have him killed anyway but then Araki was on his period and decided friends don't betray friends!

Arent all arrows carved from a crater where meteorite striked on thousands years ago?What make requiem a special ones and can bestow far great power to stand users?

I just realized JoJoChads control Yea Forums. No matter the board, make a thread with a jojo picture and it'll become a jojo thread. Go to youtube and jojo BVLLS will control the comment section of the video you're watching. We're too powerful, guys.

Whos your favorite jojo reactor?

Attached: 22.png (2916x1844, 3.35M)

Semblance of Sanity

no one because I don't watch reactor channels like i'm still in grade school.

garbage leave


Fucking hate that guy. All he does is cry and scream.

He's based

honestly, i really don't get all the "requiem arrow" bullshit. all of the arrows are made out of the same material, logically its a matter of fate choosing you or not. And I've got no idea why the fuck Araki made 2 arrows specifically have a beetle on them but the rest be normal looming, there'd be less confusion if he explained things or didn't make needless shit

I also cried

>The stranger who saved Josuke was himself from the future after the bites the dust effect
Araki probably originally intended for Kira's upgrade to make it send people in the past or some shit. Either way we all know Araki is shit with foreshadowing, so eh.

>Made in Heaven killed everybody and the result of the reset is SBR
MiH creating the SBR universe is debatable, but didn't he kill everybody? What's wrong with that assumption?

>Araki le forgot about Dio's vampire abilities in part 3
It's not like he ever used that fucking freezing ability who could've killed Joseph in 0.2 seconds.

>Doppio was the original personality
Only retarded animeonlys from Twitter believe that, and only because young Diavolo looks like Doppio (or rather, Doppio looks like Diavolo when he was a teenager).

Ah, ok. Thanks.

At least his reactions are genuine

>but didn't he kill everybody? What's wrong with that assumption?
MiH didnt killed everybody in the world, they just hop to the new universe like emporio and all the naked people did, some speedreaders believe that the reset (or the last one) killed everybody besides emporio. Which isnt true.

I'm actually retarded.
I thought it meant the Stone Ocean cast (minus Emporio), not everyone everyone. fml

It was just a random deliquent.

>Fugo was written out because he was too OP
He could have been defeated by every stand introduced after him, except Talking Heads

>Made in Heaven killed everybody and the result of the reset is SBR
>Doppio was the original personality
These make things better actually

He wasn't a hacker back then, but it's stupid that he's able to detect that someone is looking for Diavolo in the police's database, but he can't send a message to Jotaro, or the Speedwagon Foundation, or Joseph, or anyone.

No they don't. Doppio being the original personality ruins the whole plot of Part 5, because the boss would have no reason to erase Doppio's past.

>Grateful Dead could make the virus die faster
>Beach Boy had better range
>Baby Face could turn into non-living matter and be unaffected
>White Album could freeze the virus
>Metallica could kill him without even getting near
>Aerosmith and Sex Pistols could attack from a safe range
>Gold Experience made a fucking cure
>Man in the Mirror could totally beat him if the user weren't such an idiot
>with Oasis you could attack Fugo from the ground, without even touching the virus in the air
>King Fucking Crimson can predict where the virus capsule would land, where and when would it explode, erase the moment it explodes, the moment the virus touches him, tons of things

How in hell is Purple Haze OP?

It's a past that is tied to Diavolo, but it doesn't mean anything at all to Diavolo, it makes sense. A guy like Diavolo developing a second wimpy personality makes less sense that Doppio developing a stronger, uncaring personality after a trauma. Though they might have coexisted since the beggining, or maybe the original was different than Diavolo and Doppio. Also, a priest wouldn't name his adopted child Diavolo.

Purple Haze being OP literally hinges on first encounter combat, and by the time they were wanted men, most of the gangsters would trade info about the targets.

This, Fugo kinda sucks ass, he’s got basically no range + his strongest attack is also extremely dangerous to himself.

The ranged shit was the biggest problem though, considering that 99% of the enemies were hiding away or otherwise inaccessible and were using their stands to fight. Just GETTING to the user is generall enough to be a win condition, so Fugo is more or less worthless.

Anyone who thinks PHF isn't canon is a retard

It's hilarious how this new meme idea is spewed about everywhere now despite being new in terms of JoJo's age and yet you act like the SBR explanation is the "meme" explanation when it's the older of the two. Which faggot fucking youtuber said Ireneverse for you to spout that? JOJO PART 6 ENDING EXPLAINED PART 1 OF 2

Modern crusaders before part 5 - 226k views
Modern crusaders after part 5 - 2 million views

Wasn’t written by Araki, and Fugo/the main crew are really OOC

But if Diavolo was some random magical personality who came out of nowhere, he wouldn't have an identity to protect and would not have a past to erase. Doppio fucking around as a teen and making Trish would have nothing to do with him.

If Purple Haze's virus also affects stands, he might fare better, though if stands count as living matter or not it's unclear. Giorno could treat his own stand's parts and Baby Face the same way he treated regular matter.

Araki did the art for it and it's referenced inAll Star Battle where Giorno and Fugo can have a dialogue that is essentially the ending, plus one of Fugo's attacks is something he does in the climax of the light novel. It's canon

All Star Battle is not canon

But that's the best part about him. I loved his reaction to the character deaths, especially for part 3.

Araki doing the art for it =\= canon.

Reference in a non-canon video game =\= canon

>Doppio was the original personality
Wait that one is actually plausible

>considering what happens in a fanservice game as canon

cope harder

That fat black guy who says yo a lot.

>But if Diavolo was some random magical personality who came out of nowhere
I didn't say that, but still, whatever Doppio did in the past would mean that Diavolo could be traced. From the fact that Trish and Diavolo apparently have similar souls and that Diavolo calls Trish his daughter, he could also be the main one, or he could have already existed when Trish was conceived. There's also the fact that Doppio seems to be too young for some of the stuff that they suppossedly did, like digging the arrows that gave Dio his stand. But there's also the fact that Doppio and Diavolo are two souls in one body, and one would think that a soul inhabits a body from birth to death, so they might have been together from the beggining.

Get over it user, it’s a fanfic, nothing more.

>stands are aliens
I mean, they kinda are

Get over it user, it's canon, nothing less

>The stranger who saved Josuke was himself from the future after the bites the dust effect
it seems it was planned for the final fight vs kira with bites the dust going wrong but it was scrapped by araki
>Fugo was written out because he was too OP
he was written out because araki doesn't like writing betrayals for unexplained personal reasons
>Jolyne was gonna be a lesbian but the editors didn't let Araki do so, then he changed Anasui's gender
this is literally true
>Made in Heaven killed everybody and the result of the reset is SBR
not sure on this one, i haven't read the manga for part 6
>Araki le forgot about Dio's vampire abilities in part 3
dio was too cocky to use most of his powers outside of regeneration, he wanted to prove that the world is the ultimate stand, that and jonathan's hamon-filled body hindered his vampire powers
>The meaning of "durability" in the Jojo stand stats means defense or weakness
? what else could it mean?
>Why didn't polnareff call Jotaro to defeat Diavolo? le araki forgot
diavolo's mafia was monitoring the phone calls in that area
>Doppio was the original personality
diavolo's soul has a weird connection to his daughter and is able to possess others, it's obvious that diavolo possessed doppio and that doppio is the original, it's made even more obvious during the scene with baby doppio in the anime

If it ain’t written by Araki it ain’t canon.

> this is literally true

There’s literally no evidence to support that. No ones ever come up with an actual source from Araki or his editor saying that.

he approved it so it's canon

obviously he liked it, thats why he drew the art for it, that still doesn't make it canon because it wasn't written by him.

>jonathan's hamon-filled body
peak retard

>jonathan's hamon-filled
he was drained of hamon after kicking the chinese dude

He approved it

>The stranger who saved Josuke was himself from the future after the bites the dust effect
Probably the original intent, but shit happens.
>Fugo was written out because he was too OP
>Jolyne was gonna be a lesbian but the editors didn't let Araki do so, then he changed Anasui's gender
Could have been the original intent, but who knows.
>Made in Heaven killed everybody and the result of the reset is SBR
Absolutely not. Timeline and lineage already doesn't add up between Part 6 and Part 8.
>Araki le forgot about Dio's vampire abilities in part 3
I mean he probably didn't forget, but it was kind of stupid he didn't use any of them at least after he became Awakened Dio, even if you accept the "nerfed because body rejecting him" excuse.
>The meaning of "durability" in the Jojo stand stats means defense or weakness
Who even gives a shit about stats, they're pretty damn meaningless.
>Why didn't polnareff call Jotaro to defeat Diavolo? le araki forgot
I mean, this is a fair point. I'm not sure there's any real concrete reasoning why he could contact some random kids undetected because they accessed a database but couldn't find a way to contact the Speedwagon Foundation in all of those years. He probably didn't forget, though, just probably wasn't convenient.
>Doppio was the original personality
Who knows, if the anime is anything to go by, the intent was they were born simultaneously so there wouldn't really be an "original personality". Could line up with the pregnant for 2 years thing, but they also changed that in the anime so who knows.

Regardless, it doesn't matter if they're true or not, they're issues with the writing that people wouldn't even be misinformed about had they not existed. Can't blame the guy when you're working on a weekly schedule, but that's the way it is.

The australian boomer that makes a half-hour long synopsis of every episode ontop of the reaction

>part7 thread gets archived due to no posts
>this shit stayed

La creaturas del anime only

How come Annasui's stand was introduced with an ability that was literally never seen used again?

Attached: wtf.jpg (1560x1200, 886K)

>talking about le creaturas when 7 is only liked by amerimutts

forgot he was short lol

Attached: anatits.jpg (850x1200, 180K)

this looks so bad on araki, the man clearly had absolutely no fucking idea what he was doing.

It happens fairly often, stands get introduced with certain powers and then are tweaked or changed entirely after their first introduction.

>>Jolyne was gonna be a lesbian but the editors didn't let Araki do so, then he changed Anasui's gender
That one is kind of hard to explain. Anasui literally stared as a girl and then out of nowhere, it's a guy. What the fuck dude? Unless Araki explain that shit, that's the only thing we have to answer our only curious mind, a theory.

makes more sense than a time loop

> 2cm shorter than Jolyne


No one's ever posted a source on that whole editor shit, so I wouldn't take it as an actual reason, it's not exactly uncommon for Araki to change shit on a whim, so I don't really see why this stuck out for people more than other stuff.

>1.78 is shorter than 174.5 cm

this was different he literally was introduced with a completely different stand ability

Shit happens? I get the idea was that Diver Down would be able to phase into things and mess around, but I guess the 'storing energy/force internally' thing was cut.

read a wrong source, whoops.

probably because it's so left field.
>foreshadow a new character
>complete appearance and everything is shown
>foreshadowed character finally appear
>complete makeover and sudden change in eveything
That's why some people try to explain things, when you hype something up and you get something else, you will start saying dumb shit.

>Araki le forgot about Dio's vampire abilities in part 3
he did though

> complete appearance and everything is shown
I wouldn't necessarily call it a proper introduction though, we see them both on the piano for like 3 panels or something and they don't talk or even have their names given.

It WAS weird, sure, but again, it's not really something weird enough to put past being one of Araki's whims or changed decisions.

Even without a decent explanation, there's never been any source given by Araki or his editor about Annasui's change, so it's still just an unproven rumour.

I'd pay solid gold to David Production to make Anasui a girl again

Attached: Femme_anasui.jpg (308x495, 114K)

King of Lightning >>>> other niggers


>yet you act like the SBR explanation is the "meme" explanation when it's the older of the two
while I won't argue that, Araki deconfirmed it so those parroting it now are either meming or just retards

>there's no fucking way 1 criminal organization could monitor EVERY phone call ever
Colombia did.

sauce? Colombia is a country, not an organization anyway

Why didn't the SWF call in Josuke to use Crazy Diamond to restore Jotaro's Stand and Memory Discs? It's quite possible that it wouldn't have worked, but it's hard to argue that they even tried to make use of his ability, otherwise he probably would have been on standby to come with Jotaro to Cape Canaveral.

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Araki likes josuke to much to reuse him

Is this a love quadrangle?

>gives the main character much needed depth
>i-it's there for no reason
Get a brain scan.

Oh my fucking god you fucking idiots immediately proved OP right

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That doesn’t make a lick of sense
Why does Josuke need to be deep? He’s fun

>I haven't read the manga
animeonly lecturing others about the show while bullshitting about BTD and Joline being a lesbian. how fucking ironic you just proved OP's point

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>the cartel had been monitoring all phone calls made in and out of Bogotá and Cali, including the U.S. Embassy in Bogotá and the Ministry of Defense
is this comparable to all of Italy?

Why can’t he be both?

it does. Look at what araki did to Polnareff.

The classic "if you disagree with me, you must be retarded" line.
Works every single time.

P.S. If you give me (You)'s, you are LITERALLY retarded.

Pretty damn close, especially if factor in polpol wouldn't IC know how much the magic mafia knows.

Why does he need to be both? He’s Author’s favorite too
(You)’s aren’t upvotes

>Eventually the SBR and JJL threads will end up just as bad as these ones when they get animes too
Yare yare dewa.

Cope harder, hunterkek.

Nobody was talking about that, schizo. Stop trying to stay relevant.

Yes, animeonlies are retards. What else is new?

>The stranger who saved Josuke was himself from the future after the bites the dust effect
I thought this was going to be a plot point but I guess Araki just decided the whole time-travel mechanic was too difficult to write. Which is just as well, since it would've probably been bad.

>Fugo was written out because he was too OP
Partially. Originally, Araki wanted to have Fugo betray Buccellati's Team as a double agent for the Boss, but he was in a depression writing Part 5 and couldn't bring himself to have a friend betray his friends.

>Jolyne was gonna be a lesbian but the editors didn't let Araki do so, then he changed Anasui's gender
Actually yes, this is true. Araki was planning on her being even more sexual than what we got. He changed his mind on Annasui's gender partly because he realized he didn't really have enough male allies in SO and he wanted to explore the awkwardness in having him ask Jotaro for his daughter's hand in marriage.

>Made in Heaven killed everybody and the result of the reset is SBR
One of the worst fan theories that has zero basis. SBR is simply an alternate universe in an infinite multiverse.

>Araki le forgot about Dio's vampire abilities in part 3
DIO literally sucks out Joseph's blood. He doesn't freeze anybody because he can literally FREEZE time at that point and I think dick waving The World around as his main ability is better. It's in-character anyway because throughout his entire fight, DIO smugly assumes he always has the upper hand (which he did).

>The meaning of "durability" in the Jojo stand stats means defense or weakness
Yes and no. It can also mean "staying power" in relation to how long the effect lasts.

>Why didn't polnareff call Jotaro to defeat Diavolo? le araki forgot
Would've been interesting, but Jotaro was also dealing with other shit with the SWF and it isn't known if SP:TW could actually beat KC anyway.

>Doppio was the original personality

Yeah, it was xForts I believe.

I actually enjoy most of his content, but that shit annoys the fuck out of me. The Requiem arrow is specifically said to be special and not like the other arrows.

But Parts 5-8 are fantastically written?


2 and 7 are the only fantastically written parts

> Actually yes, this is true. Araki was planning on her being even more sexual than what we got. He changed his mind on Annasui's gender partly because he realized he didn't really have enough male allies in SO and he wanted to explore the awkwardness in having him ask Jotaro for his daughter's hand in marriage.

ANY actual source for this or are you just pulling it out of your ass like everyone else does with this rumour?

Resetting the universe a second time without Pucci resulted in everyone who died (except Pucci, because he technically died in a separate dimension from the universe, [Bringing Down the House]) being brought back to life but with different memories. Irene, Annakiss, etc. all have the same soul as their previous universe counterparts, but are different people because their memories and experiences are different, which makes the ending of SO so bittersweet.

What about part 4?

>well written

Part 4 relies too heavily on subverting your expectations. It's cool seeing the part do things so differently for the first time, maybe even the second time, but after a while the charm wears off. It's the worst part to re-read.

Like I give a shit what minority has to say

1 is FOTNS in Victorian England. It's as straightforward as it needs to be.

2 is basically a highly polished fun version of 1. It's pretty air-tight but it also doesn't really delve into as heady topics as the other parts (Kars is a better villain than people give him credit for though).

3 is boring but the MOTW format works for Stands considering he was still experimenting with them.

4 is slice-of-life with Stands with a murder mystery thrown in for good measure. There really isn't any plot hole that isn't so massive it ruins the internal logic of the part. Kira acted in-character the entire time and the whole "Delinquent = PAST JOSUKE due to BTA" is reasonable but ultimately unnecessary and adds only to Josuke's flavor as a protagonist.

5 is a better part 3 from start to finish. Araki starts to explore more mature themes in this part as well. In particular, "fate" is conceptually put on a pedestal more than any other part besides 6.

6 is much more mature compared to the other parts, but heavily suffers from pacing issues. You can tell Araki experimented with plot and character development to see what worked and what didn't for the following two parts.

7 is a masterpiece, with minimal plot holes. It really is the best part.

8 is 2 and 4 on steroids, with Araki being much more confident with the plot and characters, even if it seems to meander too much.

>>Doppio was the original personality
except he was, see the main villain art by araki

Just because the climax isn't as spectacular as the other parts doesn't mean it wasn't well-written and thought out. Yes, the second half is worst than the first, but it's designed that way, narratively, making it KINO albeit not as satisfying.

>7 is a masterpiece, with minimal plot holes.

It's lows are pretty bad though. Not quite SO bad, but boring nonetheless. However, it's highs are the highest highs in the series.

aside from clash and talking head sucking horsecock I like the second half as much as the first

GER is set up to be not as satisfying as other parts because it is essentially and anticlimax, albeit in direct opposition to poetic justice of Diavolo literally saying he keeps his anonymity to be in an everlasting climax.

The anime helped carry the second part immensely, but the first part is so fucking good because it has the best fights in the series, and it's all perfectly paced. The second half slows it down on purpose and beats you over the head with the win condition. It's fine for what it is, I just didn't like reading it as much. Again, I think Part 5 greatly benefited from the anime adaptation.

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People who jack off 2 and 7 always have such dull opinions

Well what are some of your opinions then?

>anasui was a girl
>araki said anasui was the love interest for jolyne from the start
hurr durr it aint true

>7 is a masterpiece, with minimal plot holes. It really is the best part.
D4C's introduction

>D4C's introduction
>D4C had to be retconned 2 times
It was such a blunder.

>Doppio was the original personality
No he wasn't he never was.

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Why would Araki put an exposition dump in his story if you're not supposed to think about it

That's what OP is saying

Doppio was born out of his paranoia. Araki included an exposition about personalities being split after a trauma.

A good question for those who try to ignore his original name being Diavolo.

>Doppio was the orig-

Doppio can't be the original because he has better taste than Diavolo.

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>doesn't mean it wasn't well-written and thought out.
Well it wasn't. The story is retarded.
>the second half is worst than the first, but it's designed that way
Ah so if it's intentionally shit then that makes it even better!
VAfags are so delusional.

When was that?

I swear they will say anything to make the part sound good.

The worst example of this is them saying giorno is somehow """deep""" and better than any other jojo

Yet Diavolo got laid and Doppio is a permavirgin

Doppio's life is oriented around jobbing to bossu

The jolyne lesbian one is popular because of meti ntbg

You mean that Diavolo got raped and Doppio hasn’t?

How did he get raped? He knew she was flirting with him

Have you ever heard of date rape?

Polnareff said that. Forgot when.

>bossu has no problems keeping it in his pants and did so his entire life
>horny thot approaches him wanting his cock
>bossu just wants a drink to cool off
>14 years later he's confused as to how he has a child
She drugged his drink.

The meaning of durability (real translation, "persistence") is how much a stand can be activated or his main ability, such as how much seconds Star Platinum can activate the world.

Buuuurp use the spin johnny

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The thing is that speedreaders forget the fact that Donatella knows him by the name of "Solido Naso", he definitely knew what to do with her since they met.

He took her on dates so he was just as horny

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I think it’s make more sense if Diavolo is technically the original personality, but Doppio is basically a copy of how Diavolo was at that age, so while Diavolo kept growing, his ‘copy’/‘double’ was preserved as that separate personality.

Could be because existing at that age may have been easier for him, before he had to torch his village and cut ties to everyone who knew him.

Not all dates have to end in sex. If he just wanted to fuck he wouldn't have bothered with the build up.


>no, but probably planned and later dropped
>no, was originally going to be a traitor but dropped, leaving him with no continued story
>hell no
>no, Araki wanted to focus on stands instead of hamon and vampires
>caring about stats and not abilities
>what are wire taps, not to mention Pol probably didn't want his old friend to be wheelchair-bound like him
>maybe, the whole basis of diavolo and doppio as characters was confusion and misdirection

That's pretty much how it is, isn't it?


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Why was Diavolo like this?

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>had a collection of arrows
>all of which were identical except for one thats arrow head was noticeably thicker, had a beetle decoration and a gem placed in the center
>decided to sell it and keep one of the duplicate arrows
This is honestly the biggest piece of evidence for me that Doppio was the original

He was in the womb too long and came out slightly retarded.

>not selling the fanciest and most expensive looking arrow when you're trying to raise money to start a mafia

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What are you most excited for?
For me it's
>risotto theme
>polnareff theme
>main theme orchestral version
>traitor's requiem giorno ver. (??? in the opening it seemed the same as the normal version only using the solo part)

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Trish theme

That theme that played when Abbachio died, and Bruno was telling Giorno he was already dead during Green Day.

The remix of KC's theme when he is erasing GER's movements.

I'm still mad.

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I'm still mad I was told SO has a large female cast and it's a big dickfest.

There is no evidence for the Jolyne is a lebian other then a bunch of idiots who're buthurt they didn't get their yuri ship

Part 6 is Araki's attempt at otome pandering
>obsessive psycho
>stoic and awkward chad

>this is literally true
>i haven't read the manga for part 6
Yeah no fucking shit you didn't.

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>Why didn't Polnareff call Jotaro to defeat Diavolo?
That's way better than the truth, Araki probably truly believed that his terrible explanation is beliavable enough. That's coming from some who's usually willing to suspend his disbelief when he reads manga made for a younger demographic, but goddamn.

If it's canon it does not change the overall stories of 5 and 6. It's like the Star Wars extended universe, you can accept it as canon or not, it's just personal taste. It being noncanon doesn't make it any better or worse as a story, it does not matter.

Part 8 best part

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I'm mad that there are a bunch of idiots that want DP to make Anasui a girl for the whole part.
Male Anasui is one of the best characters.

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Couldn't agree more.

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Jojolion showed me just how dumb most fans are

Why? Because they like it?

But that was after he stopped being the turtle.

>Jojo fans are stupid
i think Jojo fans are based, because they watch Jojo. Everyone else is stupid however

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It could be that, but it also could be Araki thought there were too many female characters for a shonen

Great comedy, at least

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The silver chariot requiem theme

It was cute seeing Jotaro be all protective of Jolyne there.

Also you’ve gotta give Annasui SOME credit for having the balls to go up to someone like Jotaro and ask that shit straight out, the guy knew what he wanted.

The top two are literally true though

>be a priest
>name your son Devil

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Now when he sends Josefumi back in time into the original universe to save Josuke he'll claim it was all planned.

>not naming your son after your lunch

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The fact that Araki never reuses part 4 and 5 characters for part 6 saddens me, especially after the Giorno tease.

ehh? wtf is going on here? from which jojo is this? and What am I supposed to be looking at?

Plotfags lmao

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>people unironically defending JoJo's writing

jesus fucking christ you people are worse than capeshit retard over at Yea Forums, jojo is fun and creative but you have to be special kind of retard to defend all it's plot points and think as you go writing

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>The top two are literally true though
According to who? (You)?

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Jojos has great writing but bad plot, only plotfags think they are the same

opinion discarded


>jojo has great writing but bad writing

JoJo has great and iconic dialogue, the stories themselves are usually a mess.

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Can you imagine the end of part 6 if Josuke was there?
>Jotaro stops time after Annasui gets killed
>Sees Jolyne surrounded by knives
>Pucci probably thinking he's 200 IQ
>Jotaro doesn't give a fuck because of Crazy Diamond and just BTFO Pucci

Hey man just because she likes riding cock doesn't mean she can't also be into slamming clams.

That's the context, Araki-patterned yuri

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Y’know I was gonna say that was crazy, but I think you’re right. Only in Jojo does the David Bowie fashion character have the most normal looking character design.

that one is quite weird actually
>polnareff believed to be dead
>he somehow made it to the colisseum in a freaking weelchair
>fugo moved in italy like it was nothing and diavolo never send anyone to kill him despite fugo being part of bruno's team. (i know he just got writed out of the story but still)

Araki forgot about Guess


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Part 5 was just a total shitfest

I wonder if part 6 would be more fun if it were like a power rangers special, where every jojo protagonist (alive) joins forces against the big bad.

>Giorno & Mista + turtle polnareff
>Josuke & Morioh crew
>Jotaro & SPF
>Jolyne & friends
>all vs gay priest.

Might as well have Pucci somehow getting disc of Killer Queen and King Crimson

Yeah but it means she isn't a lesbian.

>plot is writing
What are characters, themes and dialogue then? Nothing to you of course because their nuance isn't spelled out in a literal chain of events, when you see something you don't understand you assume it's wacky just to be wacky, which is why you think Jojo is just random fun.

Jojo has shitty characters, no themes and inorganic dialogue.

>no themes
As much as the word objectively has been turned into a meaningless buzzword that is an objectively incorrect statement.

>muh animeonlies
>no true jojo fan
Sure, and just ignore that these things were already parroted long before the part 4 anime even aired. Either that or you're just a newfag trying to fit in.

Nothing. I was expecting a new track when GER appears but DP being lazy fucks used a track from VOL.1 and they looped it over and over.

>Nothing to you of course because their nuance isn't spelled out in a literal chain of events, when you see something you don't understand you assume it's wacky just to be wacky

How am I always right?

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Totally bro, go check out spider man far from home it's so gooood

The point is that these things have been discussed for so long that the only reason someone would still think they are true is that they went straight for some fucking youtuber / reddit to get all their info about the series and didn't bother to do even the most basic research.

It could be that Araki had no particular plan for the stranger in the blizzard in Josuke's flashback but it could only be true if the mysterious stranger wasn't wounded and if he was wearing climate-approriate clothes. With the completely unnecessary wounds and the lack of proper winter clothes, the stranger was obviously and intentionally out of place in that scene. I think it's safe to guess that Araki planned for Josuke to die there. The plot twist is simple enough: Josuke fights a final villain with time travel powers, he beats him, receives fatal wounds, now he's stranded int the past and dying from his wounds, in his last moment he sees himself in the past., he uses his final energy to inspire himself, then he lies in the snow and dies.

We can easily see Araki changing course with that plan, just like how he couldn't bear to hurt Fugo's character.

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it would be fitting for Jojo's final arc

Sounds dumb. Good thing Araki said it was a random guy.

Araki has never commented about that guy

There isn't any difference between arrows, there is no "requiem" arrow, there is only stand arrows, if you don't have a stand, you get one or you die, of you do have one, then you get the requiem version.

Araki should have made King Crimson itself the boss. A stand with its own will that manifested after some years on Doppio. Since Doppio only hears KC voice in his head, along with the schizo shit, it would make sense, since no one ever saw the boss' face.
With this, King Crimson was just trying to reach the top of the world to rule, like Dio.

Sounds stupid


Why the fuck would a stand want to run a mafia
Why would a stand have a daughter

It's hard to notice, but the Requiem arrow is much thicker than the others, meaning there's more of the meteorite to be exposed to. While for non-Stand users, it translates to relatively more powerful Stands at the increased risk of death and the ability to give Stands to members of your bloodline This is how Jotaro, Joseph, Holly, Josuke, etc. all received their Stands after DIO used the Requiem arrow to get The World and how Weather received WP when the Requiem arrow pierced Pucci. But for Stand Users, the extra dose of meteorite will give a Requiem stand.

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Trish is Doppio's daughter.

>No more Etika to react to Jojo

Fuck this

If that were the case, there would be no reason to kill her

People meme about King Crimson, but I never understood for one second what Diver Down's deal was.

That's not how it works

Care to elaborate then

You know any girl that isn't a dress wearing princess just has to be gay. Because that's how it works.
I am extremely progressive.

Imagine actually believing that Jojo is deep.
>muh fate
>muh justice
>muh truth
>muh resolve

>faggot pushes narrative that character was gonna be a faggot despite the fact that it holds no truth
whew what a surprise

The Assassination Squad could have beaten Diavolo if they hadn't all jobbed to Bruno's crew. Even if he manages to kill some of them, as long as Prosciutto and Ghiacco are alive they can stall him out.

Your stand ability is based on your own spirit. It can't be stronger or weaker just because you got hit by a thicker arrow.

He confirmed in an interview that it was a random guy.

Hirohiko Araki & Hiroyuki Kitakubo

K: Part 4's going to be quite long, isn't it?
A: No, well, I haven't organized it or anything.
K: How about little hints? Like when Josuke met his past self?
A: Oh, that's not related.
K: It's not related!?
A: That's just Josuke's memory.

It doesn't say that he was a random guy. Just that the memory isn't related to the story

My friend sent me that stupid Meti video too. It was well sourced except for when he got to that bit.
He has no fucking actual canon evidence for his claims that the Requiem arrow gives people bigger doses of the Stand virus, nor does he have proof that DIO was given his stand from the requiem arrow.
It's a decent theory, he's thinking logically about it, but it's still Meti's fanfiction because he doesn't have proof to back up that integral bit.

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Generally don't watch reactions, but Dean Barry's videos are kind of cool, even if he just started part 2.

To be fair, Jolyne x Hermes is a great ship.

To be fair, no.

Hard to believe that the guy josuke saw, which had similar height, body and appearance to him in the future, also running with a school uniform similar to his from the future, despite being randomly wounded was completely unrelated and araki wasn't going anywhere with him.

Doesn't matter if it was or wasn't josuke, its just a "mistery box" that goes nowhere.

Josuke was meant to travel back in time, but it wasn’t meant to be part of the story?

>it comes from a youtube video
No wonder

Better than shipping her with a murderer.

I want to say no, but it's not like I think Jolyne x Anasui is any better.
Jolyne deserved far better, but making her a dyke just because she's strong and not a prissy princess is obnoxious.

Why does a character who exists to inspire the protagonist in a flashback need to have a fully revealed identity?

Holy fuck, are you 13 year old girls?

Almost like somebody who's gay has a vested interest in trying to sell the lie that a character in his favorite mango was always supposed to be gay but ended up having their gayness taken away because the editors and readers hated the poor gays too much.

People ship her with other women because she has much better chemistry with them then with any men. Hot Pants is nonconforming and she mainly gets shipped with men.


I don't really care. But the fact of the matter is that Araki did give Jolyne a relationship. Anasui is shit and Hermes would've been shit too.

Not everyone who likes gay ships is like that, and many of them aren’t even gay themselves.

I was going to reply seriously to your post about how full of shit you are until
>Hot pants is nonconforming
Back to Twitter.

Do you have a problem with big words?

No, but Meti is an vocally gay quasi-eceleb anituber.
Exactly the type of person you'd expect to push lies about the sexuality of characters.

Hermes is a murderer. Jolyne is a murderer.

>Jolyne is a murderer.
An accomplice.
Or do you mean after she landed in prison?

Hermes only murdered a murderer and Jolyne only murdered a corrupt lawyer who ruined her life.

What you mean to say is "It's different because they are girl murderers and those aren't icky to me."

Why does he have to look so much like josuke? It's not just the hair.

You mean back to /lgbt/
Because that person is probably some sped that escaped that containment board.

It’s different because they don’t have a history of murdering their spouses over minor things.

Anasui only murdered his cheating girlfriend and the guy she was with

>>polnareff theme

They kill enemy stand users

I’ve never been to that board.

Who cares? All of them murdered people.
Just admit you don't mind it as much when pretty girls do it so you can at least be a honest faggot.

That’s far less justifiable than what Jolyne and Hermes have done.
Most of them were only retired, and they were trying to kill them.

>murdering their spouses over minor things
>fucking another man
>a minor thing
Is this actual c.uck logic in action?

If you don’t see the difference between killing someone for killing your sister and killing someone for cheating on you, there’s something wrong with you.

>killing somebody is ok because i think this motivation is less icky than this motivation!!!

Divorcing her would’ve been ok, but he straight up killed her.

I agree.

Murder is murder, but some motives are worse than others.

What is the difference? The other person ends up dead either way.

>But Parts 6-8 are fantastically written?

Very true, I agree

Anyone with a functioning brain knows the difference.

Yes, and all three are still murderers.

>Murder is murder,
Glad we can come to an agreement. They are all murderers.

But two of them don’t have a history of murdering their spouses.

>Muh black and white morality
You have to be over the age of 18 to post on Yea Forums.

So what? They're still murderers.

Anasui all bad
Jolyne and Hermes all good

That's black and white morality

Would you feel safe marrying someone who murdered their previous spouse?

Nobody is claiming that.

Yeah cause I'm not a cheater

Scroll up

Does being overly reductive make you feel smart? “They are the same if I remove the context” is retarded because context is what determines the morality of an action. If someone gave money to a homeless man, on the surface that would look like a good action, but if it were only done because he was signaling an onlooker to obtain nuclear weapons it would be bad. Killing a murderer is not the same thing as killing an innocent.

Ok, you do you, but many people still wouldn’t feel safe.
I have and I don’t see any posts like that.

The context was never part of the discussion. user said:
"Better than shipping her with a murderer."
"Better than shipping her with a murderer who murdered for a specific motive that I disaprove"

If context wasn’t a power of the discussion, whoever removed it is retarded

You need to not be an angsty teenager to post on Yea Forums as well but I see that hasn't stopped you.

secco theme

>not having black and white morality is angsty

>"m-murder is okay because i think the motives are fair, mom!"

>Fugo was written out because he was too OP
Well... Not too OP, but if you remember how JP deflected King Crimson attacks that would mean that King Crimson wouldn't be able to win against Fugo even with his ability, since even when being able to delete time he would have to get closer to hurt him.

It doesn't matter because Araki already explained why he was written out

a fair punishment

>some murders are worse than others because of motives


>t. cuck

But the murderers still remain murderers.
Again, just admit that you think sexy girls committing murder is less heinous to you.

Omg, based and redpillled!!!1!!1

Keep telling yourself that.

“Oh man, I just killed the guy that was about to destroy the world. Better execute me because now I’m just as bad as Heinrich Himmler.”

That reeks of begrudging acceptance to me.

Was this discussion about Jolyne and Hermes killing people that were about to destroy the world?
Why can't you yurifags just be honest with yourselves and with other people?

yes, but the point is, that you implied cheating is a minor thing

I’m just refuting the claim that context never matters because it’s an absolutely retarded claim.

just admit that you'd be fine if your nonexistant girlfriend cheated on you

kill the adulterer
>t. sandnigger

Who made that claim

I accept that I can’t help you.

You're pulling everything out of its context by comparing the people Jolyne and Hermes murdered to people who were only massive villains who threatened the well-being of the very world.
It's insane hyperbole, yurifag.

These posts imply it.

Cold blooded murderers and corrupt lawyers that ruin people’s lives are villains.

>Cold blooded murderers
Like Jolyne and Hermes?

Maybe, but I think the idea that someone can be influenced by a random act of kindness to be more powerful.

So it would be okay to murder Jolyne.

>"If I think they're worthy of being murdered, that makes it ok."

I think the "DIO forgot" thing is mostly because, writing-wise, Araki wanted to focus on Stand-on-Stand combat; throwing the vampiric abilities into the mix would detract from that, and make the finale a bit too complex.

Maybe it's his fetish

based romantic italians

The worse of a person the victim is, the less worse the crime is.
Revenge is fine if justified. Jolyne is more of a criminal than Hermes, but much less of a criminal than Anasui, who is also much less of a criminal than someone like Kira. It’s a sliding scale, not a dichotomy.

>killing DIO isn’t okay.

Good argument, are you saying those themes are not nuanced? If they are not "deep", what are some subjects that are?
Unless that is what you're saying you said literally nothing other than "it's bad", which is the argument of a retard who can't justify his own opinions.

Because he could stop time so all of that other bullshit stopped mattering both to him and the reader. He's power tripping over how busted his time stop is and it's plain as day.

Kira only killed whores.

give me chart ideas

>Reimi is a prostitute now.

Sorted by crime levels

Sort characters that have murdered people by how justified they were in murdering their victims.

Kira knows jack shit about the girls he kills

It's more about you not being the arbiter of justice.

It seems more like you arbitrarily placing a line where murder is okay when actually it has to be decided on an individual level due to the complexities of each situation.

You're the only one doing that, though.

It wasn't a Chekhov's gun.

Wrong thread hehe sorry

That shit was speculated long before xForts became a thing. I remember seeing that shit on Yea Forums.

Yeah but he's a major reason for why it became so widespread and accepted

Honestly though, it does seem that way.

Chariot got powers designed specifically to protect the arrow by making reaching it an enormous inconvenience. Gold Experience got the exact opposite of Diavolo's power.

Neither of those are true though.

How are neither of those true?


why are jojofags such unbearable, obnoxious, annoying assholes 100% of the time
it's like they have force their shitty show about gay men into literal every conversation

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Yet you seek out a Jojo thread and force your way into a conversation

jojo > your favorite anime

GER doesn't have the opposite of King Crimson's power

SCR's powers were not specifically designed to protect the arrow

Yes, I understand what you're saying, I'm telling you to explain it.

Explain how what you're saying is true.

To eradicate inferior Moefags.

I only wish KC could erase their shit tastes.

rent free

KC is a moefag.

Ringo Roadagain

>those sick unused tracks in the third OST

every single time fucking DP i swear to god

How do I explain it without being redundant? GER resets things to zero. It has nothing to do with erasing time. People try to describe it as a perfect counter to King Crimson, but it would counter any other stand just as easily. It has nothing to do with the specific context of fighting Diavolo.

SCR's powers were really random and had little to do with protecting the arrow. Powering up stands, turning people into aliens, swapping bodies, none of this is related to protecting the arrow. The only thing it did to protect it was prevent stand users from grabbing it, but non stand users still could. Plus they defeated it and took the arrow anyway, which literally proves that it couldn't protect the arrow. Not to mention that Polnareff activated it two years before the final battle and it still had the same powers.

This theory falls apart as soon as you put any thought into it. It's like you twist the evidence to fit the conclusion rather than making a conclusion based on evidence

King of lightning and Anriku

It has everything to do with the specific context of King Crimson, because it wasn't born against any other Stand. King Crimson bypasses cause to reach the effect. Contextualized this way, GER erases effects and returns to only cause, so actions never resolve.

SCR confuses and disorients everyone and everything around it. This lends itself to protecting the arrow, as things become too confused to really go after it.

This only becomes more prevalent the closer you get to the actual arrow, with your own Stand attacking you. Eventually, things will undergo a drastic metamorphosis into creatures that no longer desire the arrow in any capacity.

>Not to mention that Polnareff activated it two years before the final battle.

I don't remember Chariot Requiem manifesting in full back then. Didn't Polnareff stop it from transforming because he thought he was about to lose his Stand?

>People try to describe it as a perfect counter to King Crimson

Because it is a perfect counter to King Crimson.

Not King Crimson specifically. It perfectly counters all stands equally.

It counters pretty much everything in fiction, but the fact remains it debuted against King Crimson, so it's reasonable to assume that specific power was born from the need to defeat King Crimson. Just because it can be applied elsewhere doesn't mean we can ignore the circumstances under which it first appeared. A lot of great scientific discoveries are accidents reached while trying to obtain a particular result.

>It has everything to do with the specific context of King Crimson, because it wasn't born against any other Stand.
It wasn't born against any stand. It was born when Giorno stabbed GE with the arrow. It doesn't take into account the surrounding enemies.

SCR's abilities are also unrelated. Yes, they do hinder the protagonists from achieving their goals, because that's how stories work. SCR is introduced to cause conflict for the characters to overcome. That doesn't prove that the origins of its powers come from a specific desire to do something that SCR ultimately failed to do.

>I don't remember Chariot Requiem manifesting in full back then. Didn't Polnareff stop it from transforming because he thought he was about to lose his Stand?
It fully transformed and put everyone in the area to sleep.

It's reasonable to assume that specific power was born from the need to defeat King Crimson.
No, it isn't. That's like saying Echoes Act 3 was born out of a need to stop Sheer Heart Attack, or that Spice Girl was born out of a need to defeat Notorious BIG.

Sorry, I messed up the greentext

Most of them ARE anime-onlies or normalfags who can't think for themselves, though.

I've only recently watched the Virtual Insanity video with Weather Report.

Attached: WeatherReport_Stand_jojoeoh.png (415x600, 226K)

He also approved Jorge Joestar, and did art from every other light novel.

So I guess they're all canon too, right?

>Polnareff activated it two years before the final battle and it still had the same powers.
That happened when Pol was hiding out after he barely escaped from Diavolo. You could argue this was context enough for powers that keep arrows away from others could form.

Jorge Joestar doesn’t count because I say so.

You guys think turtle polnareff can still see stands?

Probably not

That is correct

Can you stop posting in two threads ?

That's because Doppio shared the same body as Diavolo, and his design and quirks are more recognisable than the barely-seen Diavolo.

No it's not. He made a video debunking that rumoir.

How the fuck did Diavalo gain muscle mass and height when he goes from the Doppio to Diavalo personality?

Doppio was there because he's the evil one.

Echoes Act 3 can't even remotely be contextualized that way though, so it's not like saying that.

That specific power can be contextualized as keeping cause while negating effect opposite to how King Crimson skips over cause to get to the effect and this is reinforced by the themes of the story and Diavolo's catch phrase.

You don't have to say that the arrow gives you the power you need at the time, but to deny the opposite nature of Diavolo and Giorno's powers is just disingenuous. Especially considering Araki has done things like this before with Dio and Jonathan.

Turtle Polnareff has a Stand, so yeah.

No he doesn't. That's how he was able to grab the arrow.


Sure it can. SHA moves. Echoes Act 3 stops it from moving. See, opposites.

That is Coco Jumbo's stand

That’s Coco Jumbo’s stand.

Because they're two separate souls, and souls are very powerful and can have effects on the human body in the jojoverse. Like when Bucciarati is in Diavolo's body, the eyes change completely to be more normal looking.

Attached: 13.jpg (1560x1200, 1.02M)

Nice headcanon you just regurgitated from Meti's asshole there.

He's bi, actually. He's into Gwess and has got a giantess fetish (which is the reason I had to turn off his retweets).

Koichi was the one telling the story. He explicitlu says it's just what he heard, mixed in with some of his own guesswork.
You're not meant to take it literally; it just serves as the 'explanation' and inspiration behind Josuke's hair and kindhearted personality.

Ah so you're one of those retards.

It's Polnareff's now.

No it isn't.

Is Coco Jumbo still alive with Polnareff sharing control?

But Polnareff sucked Trish into Mr. President.

Coco jumbo did

If coco jumbo dies, his stand will too.

Unless you want to headcanon it to be like superfly, but then it still wouldn't be polnareff's stand

But Coco Jumbo died, since his soul was stuck in Polnareff's dead body


It just seemed like Polnareff was in control during the aftermath.

Souls can come back from heaven

Polnareff isn’t possessing Coco Jumbo’s body anymore, he just lives inside his stand.

He must be able to move between Coco Jumbo's body and Mr.President as he pleases.

He wasn’t.

He can’t.

Bucciarati was an extraordinary case, in that he had literally died seconds beforehand, had Giorno's life granting, and extreme willpower and a wish to live

This looks painful.

anyone in thread know about turtles? how painful is this.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

But he was talking with Coco Jumbo's mouth for a long time before the tiny ghost appeared coming out of Mr.President.


Only in the anime.

Coco jumbo was just imitating Polnareff. He's a big jokester you know

post pages
Notice that the speech bubbles come from Mr President rather than Coco Jumbo’s mouth.


oh okay

so where is he speaking from now? Coco Jumbo's mouth or Mr. President? In the case of the former is this because of the soul switch? Where is the original Coco Jumbo?

Attached: f15.png (1008x1500, 305K)

This is from when Polnareff was actually body swapped with Coco Jumbo.

That's where his spinal column and vital organs would be.

There was never anything saying they couldn't come back, the only thing was Jotaro saying a stand couldnt bring someone back, however a soul can still return to a body. Brunos situation is the exact same as Okuyasu, a stand can repair the body but the soul makes the decision to live on.