
Anything from the magazine?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Touma gets to fuck this
It’s not fucking fair


I love this artist.

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is this a newfag thing?

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Cutest crack pairing

The Magazine isn't out until the end of the month



Kill yourselves, cancer

At the end of Apocalypse Witch it will be revealed that the White haired girl is actually the love child of the Queen and Kyousuke and the verse is actually Bloodsign's during the Age of Awakening.

Attached: D6ItX8hUEAAITRU.jpg (2048x1820, 214K)

>tfw anons worked so hard to make this in celebration of S3 airing
It hurts.

No use crying over it now. It's still cool.

Considering the entire deal is about a clash of magic generations it'd have to a couple ages ahead

The only things I was able to legitimately enjoy was Hamazura and Accel's parts. Sure, I can say I 'enjoyed' it as a whole, but I can't help but feel I also was cheated out of something that could be more than it was. I'm rewatching S1 and, sure, it has jank, but you can tell there was a lot of care put into it as well. I sincerely hope NT S1 can at the very least have S1's quality in terms of consistency and feel.

Oh I mean the MAD dude. I understand your frustration on the show, I don't think it did justice to anything.

Ah, my mistake then.

I thought you guys were gone for good.

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How do I get the motivation to read more, I just started NT?

Read on the shitter, that's what I do.

If you like it you don't need freaking motivation you autist. Unless you have shit like ADHD you don't fucking need a reason or a boost to do something you enjoy.
These kinda post are always a good reminder that most of you are actual degenerates with a fucked up train of thought.

When is Touma going to apologize to him?

Attached: ni_r52.jpg (280x640, 57K)

He hates him.

He doesn't.

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No. He didn't agree with him or understand him until after he realized what his appearance meant.

I hope the user who said he was going to comiket and would get all the Railgun doujins follows through.... though the panda died less than a day later. But it's back now.

Who's the artist for that pic? Went through the archives and searched on Google and Yandex but didn't find an artist. Is it by some drawfag on Yea Forums?


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>Apologizing to the fag who was going to make a snuff film out of you and then threw a hundred crazy bitches your way

I wonder how many have been lost over the years.

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Irrelevant and not even the worst someone's done to Touma.

Touma X Kuroko will always be my guilty pleasure pairing

His response to Kamisato being covered in bandages was "kiss my ass, you cut my hand off", so maybe not entirely irrelevant. I look forward to Kamisato coming back since, even though he doesn't hate him, he might be the first person he refuses to get along with. Besides the guy he fucking murdered of course.

But reading is gay

Validate me.

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>NT17 in highest tier
You have my validation. Though I would personally put NT20 higher.

Why do I love this series so much, it's the only anime I get excited thinking of anymore

Everything at Level 3 is still really good in my eyes, even Level 2 has good things. Just everything at 1 and below is what I genuinely dislike.

Pretty crazy how much Kamachi has improved in writing the content that was in Daihaiseisai.


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Who is this and why is she my GF?

I'd say his content since OT in general has had a massive leap, and he can't seem to Peak at all.

What was the point of introducing him if all he did afterwards was fail to helpful against Rensa?

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protector of lolis

I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who actually liked OT19

He did stall enough for Touma to have a chance. Rena was supposed to beat all level 5s after all.

Could Saki beat Rensa?

Beetle didn't do shit, it was Fremea's interference that let them win

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And he bought time for Fremea so she could get her shit together. Otherwise Rensa can just go in with robotic face to counter precog. Once Touma is down, no more Fremea.

It is irrelevant because that was in NT15 which is an outdated perspective. Has nothing to do with what Kamisato was right about either.

I'm guessing it's mostly Saten again.

Good adapted arcs In Season 3: OT14, OT17, OT19 (for the most part)
Decent adapted Arcs: OT15, OT16, OT20
Badly Adapted Arcs: The rest.

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Not up yet but the guy who makes them has announced decent progress.

It's so weird going from 3 episode arcs in Index 3 to Accelerator. Index 3 would have just shown one anti skill die and then skipped the clone being caught instead of 10 minutes of anti skill being murdered by a tank.

You can't find it cause I edited her tits away.

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nice necrobump faggot

Railgun III isn't going to be delay

Were the 4komas from volume 3 of Astral Buddy ever translated?

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Will Nagai make the Dragons as good as the bridge scene?

Based Nogi

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How long for doujins?

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Something happened.

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It went in.

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Pay no attention to where his hand is going.

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So now that captcha is gone.
When does Accelspammer come back?

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Pretty sure it is on mangadex.

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How can Uiharu's smile be so beautiful when she has the same face as every other railslut?

Thanks. Now for that other omake from the recent chapter.

We get it, Index 3 killed your dog and gave you glaucoma

Railgun 3 will be a masterpiece

I think you are just seeing things.

Attached: railgun sameface.gif (120x120, 50K)

We get it, you still suck corporate cock for free and still seethe whenever someone gives valid criticism about Index III.

Fucking heresy.

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Don't worry kids I will protect you with my super awesome power of being an adult.

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Damn Kuroko looks like THAT?

>yfw Accel has a personal dorm manager Onee-san

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That's some damn fine Kuroko

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Why would you want them translated? They seem like the same Kamikoto shit we get roughly twice a year, and whatever little variety that came with season 3 isn't veru likely to get scanned. You should wait for the next Comiket to get something worthwhile since that's when doujins based on the Accel anime will drop, although the best bet would be wait until the comiket after Railgun season 3 airing.

Perfection. Misaki a best.

Oh man, that one is something else. How can Misaki expect Junko not to fall to the dark side when she cunteases her like that? Mikoto is in for a treat too because Misaki definitely knows how to please a lady.

Mikoto and AAA marriage when?

>fucks pigs
>marries a vibrator
So the nature of Aleister's curse is now clear.
He had cursed Mikoto with Degeneracy.

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>Will of the entire Network wants to ride him and calls him a cheater for associating with other girls
>Has a fuckable forehead onahole demon
>Last Order who would be ready to hop on his cock at any second
>Worst who would hold him down and ride him if it meant pissing him off and NTRing Last Order and the Squid
>Possibly a Widow Milf with x2 Dorm Manager Onee-san energy
>A big titty Jew
How does he do it?

What fun is it to have popular opinions?

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I don't know why you guys think Mina is in the harem

Aleister gave Lilith to Accelerator and Mina, and I doubt Mina isn't gonna return to Academy City to take care of Lilith. Their paths are bound to cross and their bantz is cute.

Where are the frenda kakine art?

Not a fan of Aleister I can see

>What fun is it to have popular opinions
>NT9 and NT10 at the top
You tell me user. Also holy shit I didn't think people were capable of disliking NT17 and 18, but it seems 9-11 is unanimous.

He gave Lilith to Mina. Accelerator essentially declined so he said Mina instead will be her guardian.

I was very happy when Tsuchimikado shot him

Some people hated NT17 still

Did he decline? I just recall him being pissed that Aleister was 'pawning off' things to him. But that makes sense.

>Hating NT17
I don't understand.

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>“Well, I am an educator, after all. But more importantly, can I leave my daughter with you?”


>“Is that too much to expect of a student? Then I will leave Mina with her as a wet nurse. For better or for worse, she will make no mistakes there.”

I don't, either. I'm supposed to love this series but instead I don't. It's a shame.

>Pawning off your daughter to the dude whose life you practically ruined and had a part in antagonizing for months
Either Aleister was so surprise by how Accelerator turned out to be or he's just an asshole, I have no idea why he would think Accelerator would be a good candidate other than 'You're surprisingly kind'.
Though in fairness I think he'd make a good father.

You're supposed to love what you like and if you don't like it, don't bother, idiot.

I was sold on that volume as early on as Touma watching HO to make a bomb

NT16 through 21 were a downhill slog but 22 was good, so perseverance always wins

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He still may not get along with the guy even if he now knows why. The original point was that even if he was right, Touma won't apologize because he thinks Kamisato is a jackass.

Can't into thelema?

I can understand 19 and parts of 16 for sure but everything else is pure thelematic occult kino. If anything the slog was 14-15 and even that had good elements.

Yeah I'm exaggerating a little, every volume had at least a couple of things I enjoyed, but like said I don't really care about Aleister's real life story and thelema



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>Ladylee Tangleroad
Really Kamachi?

>Martini On-The-Rocks Taratua

>Beverly Seethrough


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Personally, NT9 and NT18 for me are unparalleled.

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Was Daihasei really that bad? Maybe I should re-read it.

Don't do that to yourself user

Will he give her a lesson in sex ed if she visits Academy City again?

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I was thinking of making a cover art tier list but so many of them are mediocre it'd be a little pointless

Misaki a pile of shit

While I love NT9 and 18, as someone who cares about multiple facets of this series, I'm glad I can see how Kamachi can't really peak and keeps going up and up.

Sasuga Suicidesaki.

Attached: Suicidesaki.jpg (1035x1167, 178K)

You'd have about 80% at the bottom but Daihasei's is kinda kino as it joins together.

Your numbers say otherwise.

I'd put 21 with them up there.

I feel like most people would put NT9 and 18 at the top nearly unanimously

I disagree. I love a lot of the covers so it'd be difficult for me, but I am a character focused person in the first place.

Misaki is pile of love user

>Have a series that has foreshadowing seeds planted in almost every volume
>Clearly foreshadowing and mentions of new terminology are important as shit
>Gets rid of the foreshadowing and terminology like the mention of Magic Gods in the anime
Why? Why would they do this?

Well yeah, then put fucking Mathers on NT21 cover. That's what people don't like about the cover. Like for Agitate Halation, put Tsuchi, Fremea or a mashup à la NT4, not freaking Mikoto and Misaki.

Yeah I don't agree with that, not what I meant by character focused. I don't mind covers being fanservice or fun, it's just plain on whether I like them or not.

Accelerator on the cover of NT21 is kino though.

Also, having 3 protagonists on the cover for the last arc of the Novel series again is kino to me.

Would he hang out with me if we met anons?

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Comedy director. But seriously the anime needs a fucking an advisor like Kamachi himself to tell what to cut or what to keep when adapting the novel or hell have Abe do it since he's the biggest Raildex nerd in the cast.

The entire magic god subplot doesn't exist in OT's adaptation. Index name dropping them, SS2, the royal family mentioning them but treating them as a fake legend, even Fiamma being likened to them in the peak of WW3.

Are you a chad bishe?
Yes if yes; no if no.

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Once again they talk about sticking close to the manga at Railgun anime meetings.

Hamazura's voice actor is apparently reading through NT too now. Abe kinda threw some shade at the season when the 3 MCs seiyuus streamed and he went >"...Well it certainly was a different experience than the original"

This is the exact kind of shit that breeds retards who pull the 'jump the shark' and 'power levels wtf' cards as anime only's. These poor adapts at adaptions in general, not even just Index, are what perpetuate alot of annoying newfags into sperging about shit they have no idea what they're talking about. Fuck, when will they learn? How hard is it to include a single mention? It's barely even a 2 second line of dialogue, and if the problem is delegating it to someone if it's a narration, literally just give it to a char that seems like they'd be most knowledgeable. Index or Elizard could've easily just name-dropped off the top of their head before going into battle with Carissa. Shit.

I remember that hahaha. I was like "ohhh shit no one enjoyed this huh."

Well I have the same hairstyle and most of my friends are girls.

To be fair, a lot of Kamachi series jump the shark very early on, but that's actually a compliment than a negative so I just laugh at them when they try to spin it as a negative. You wait for the moment for the series to show its true face.

Nobunaga, Ollerus' VA, has apparently read the books too after being cast. Nobunaga is a hyper autist about what he likes too and seems to cherish his role.

Nobunaga mentioning how it was really hard to pronounce Ollerus was funny. I respect him and Abe a lot since they're super fan boys. Then there's Okamoto who is thankful cause Accel was his breakout role.

I just mean when it's used in the context of ignorance less-so than trying to use it as an insult, honestly.

>Then there's Okamoto who is thankful cause Accel was his breakout role.
He seems to be having a lot of fun as Accel right now

If anyone has time they should go through and sum up the Okamoto x Abe interview
Abe's analysis of Touma makes it evident he's caught up on NT.

So why isn't he featured in the main series?
You'd think he'd be around his waifu Yomikawa all the time

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>Abe likely has been practicing his "I'll Kill You! You and only you!" speech since NT22R dropped

Yomikawa is a shotacon.

Yomikawa isnt into gingers

Yomikawa prefers her wife Kikyou.

>Abe's analysis of Touma makes it evident he's caught up on NT
This is why I can't for the life of me read the novels. For me Touma is Abe and Abe is Touma. I can't read Touma's English dialogue in Abe's voice

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For me I somehow magically can or there's some Japanese in my head going over the English I'm reading in Abe's voice.

Cant wait for reatrds saying that the Dragons are an asspull in Railgun 3

They have bigger concerns like males invading their lgbt Railgun and I'm not joking.

>he can't imagine a Jap talking in English in his head
What other wonders of the imagination are shuttered from you?

I can only hope that happens. Those people produce some good salt.

They also cut all mention of the Golden Dawn and Rosicrucian Order in OT1, and the namedrop of Anna and Secret Chiefs from OT22

Further, by cutting SS2, the gemstones aren't named and as far as I know aren't mentioned again all the way until NT12 with High Priest and Claire in NT14

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>Accelerator essentially declined
He can't really decline because the quote here () made no room for him to object. Both Mina and Lilith will be under Accel's custody and Mina would be acting as Lilith's nanny. Accel would have no reason to reject because Mina would be taking care of Lilith's needs. The first offer was for him to have only Lilith but it ended with Mina getting tossed to him too because of his reaction.

Speaking of Mina & Accel, it is shame that we have almost no fanart them.

Attached: mina_mathers_and_accelerator_by_hilemzelda-dbpvryo.jpg (1024x761, 113K)

It's only a matter of time before Okamoto gets peer pressured into reading the LNs

Cant wait for Izzard/alchemy to be become super relevant in Part 3
SS3 already hinted at this

>Then I will leave Mina with her as a wet nurse
That 'then' means he's not gonna force Accelerator to do it. Plus Kamachi tends to square off characters so I think it'll be Mina and Noukan off doing whatever (searching for Aleister?) for a while

Alchemy was apparently the foundation of the Rosicrucians. Plus if Touma is serious about getting to the bottom of his powers Izzard could be relevant due to the introduction of magical memory

>Can't imagine Touma's Jap VA talking English
Just get autism like me and it's easy.

The plot was dumb, but the character interactions were fun.

They would only say that if they never saw Index season 1.

Tis a shame, but if the anime ever gets there that may change.

Attached: accelerator&Mina mathers.jpg (4540x4700, 2.07M)

Oh boy do you have a lot to learn about tertiaries, forcefield guy was still the funniest shit I've seen in the western community outside of here in Railgun S

So is Anna scoffing at Magical Memory means it probably won't be the method Touma recovers them? Since they now technically exist within him doesn't it?

forcefield guy?

It's what they called Touma

What the fuck

>Forcefield guy
If it's any consolation I've seen people put Vegeta vs Touma in autist battleforms because of Othinus.

This is both hilarious and concerning, I'm not sure what to feel for when railgun 3 drops.
Does he show up often in the 3rd season?

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I'm thinking Anna's comments and Touma killing the person with his memories might be the final nail in the "he's never getting his memories back" coffin.

Holy shit if that's true. Izzard coming out from Touma's hand when?

He steals the show in the next arc and teams up with a new level 5 to beat Mikoto in the final battle

>I've seen people put Vegeta vs Touma in autist battleforms because of Othinus.
Hahaha holy shit
A few times, yea. He also saves Mikoto from her own berserk self so I'm sure they'll be mad about it

I was thinking that, but she's also the one who mentioned it and his brain had been recovered so they had to come back in some form and he didn't really "kill" it, it was more symbolic and tied into Rosicrucian values no? Unless that's what you meant Kamachi was saying.

>Abe was told by the anime staff that Touma is a normal level 0
>he kept saying that's obviously not true and he's not human
>Abe and Okamoto joking about how long range attacks are surprisingly ineffective against Touma and Kamachi is pretty cruel to characters who think they have Touma's number
>Abe says Touma may say fukou da a lot but he's actually having fun while fighting half the time and is more lucky than he thinks
>back in 2008 Okamoto was told to immediately tone down Accelerator's craziness after Touma punched him, so at the very least his vocabulary was cleaner afterwards
>Abe mentions that Accel is the #1 Touma fan
>the two agree that Accel sees LO as a daughter whereas there's more of a romantic angle to Touma/Index
>Abe says Level 5s aren't ranked by strength when talking about Mikoto
>Okamoto wonders if she was given #3 because of her contribution to the Sister's project

She will kill the one who is happily enjoying her life being with Touma instead right in front of him.

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It's gone?

>Abe mentions that Accel is the #1 Touma fan
Oh he definitely keeps up.

I assume magical memory outright won't apply to him because of IB. I think it'll be used for Aleister and Christian Rosenkreuz (if Kamachi plans to add him), and potentially Izzard. But definitely Aleister.

On youtube back in 2013 a lot of tertiaries were bitching about Touma coming in and fodderizing everyone, saying he was too overpowered, most of these people didn't know Index even existed.

At this point I'm just waiting to see how losing the locks and his wish mess with his body. Maybe the memories will spread back the next time IB is lost or maybe they were lost when his wish was destroyed since he lost his ability to "backtrack" in a way.

>waifufags sperging over a chad sealing their waifu

Wasnt there a long rant somewhere about how Touma "ruined his yuri paradise" in Railgun or some shit?

You see that on the shitty sites all the time. Where one cares more about representation than actual story.

>Touma cucked tertiaries
Never thought about it in this way.
This explains a lot.

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>He's actually having fun while fighting half the time
How many seiyuu's are this autistic about the chars they play? I've never heard of a VA going this far deep for a character.

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You mean "force field guy"?

>Did you know the well-known Do Re Mi scale was “designed” using math? For example, if you call the base string Do and halve the length of the string, then you have moved up an octave. In other words, you have moved through the entire Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do scale to reach that next Do up. And if you shorten the base string by two-thirds, you end up with Sol. Knowing those two facts is enough to fill in the entire scale with halves and two-thirds. The idea dates back to Pythagoras.

>And while the ancient alchemists played with glass test tubes in an attempt to separate the elements, it is said they used Pythagoras’s arrangement of the seven planetary symbols along the Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do scale to preserve their secret techniques in a form the ignorant would not recognize. It is fairly well-known that Heinrich Khunrath’s lab contained musical instruments right alongside the more traditional lab equipment like pots, stills, and bellows.

>Playing music was enough for a special power to gather.

>For that matter, the practitioner’s own body could be seen as an instrument as they send vibrations through it to recite incantations.
LoliIzzard becoming the master of Science and Magic when?

I remember when people were giving him shit and wondering if he was being paid to shill when Rance X was about to be release and he wouldn't stop talking about the series on his twitter while giving zero fucks if it's an eroge. Dude sounds like a great guy.

I do see it from time to time but Abe reading the books to recite lines in his apartment is pretty fucking great, reminds me of how Jouji Nakata likes cosplaying, some are just more passionate than others.

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I feel they're important because the novel added to IB's mysteries, with even Dragon-kun himself being cut off before mentioning it coming from the outside. Which I guess means Swarm-chan and Dragon-kun have been with Touma since birth(?).
OT was about him coming to terms with his memory loss
NT was him learning it was still there, recovery and choosing the path of the hero (if I understand that's what Dragon-kun was belittling him for in the first place?)
P3 is ???

>Heinrich Khunrath
> was a German physician, hermetic philosopher, and alchemist. Frances Yates considered him to be a link between the philosophy of John Dee and Rosicrucianism.
Found the next big bad

Jouji Nakata cosplaying Prisma Illya Kotomine will never not be funny.

Wonder if Vampires will be important now as we head more into Europe and Germany.

This just reminds me that we didn't get his smile against Carissa or his "beastlike smile" against Accel in either sister's arc adaptations.

Touma is Dracula

>This guy had fallen for a Headcrab
Holy shit how.
545 demon memes might be true, little shithead is inactive succubus.

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It's not really that farfetched as to why people might fall for her though.

>his wife Anna
What a based dude


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He will appear as a loli and help defeat Anna

>Anime will never portray Touma as the sociopathic selfish battle-hungry bastard he really is
I can't imagine how fucking out of field NT9 is going to be for anime only's.

>unquenchable hunger
>doesn’t get fat despite it
>green eyes and can take Grimoire corruption without consequences
>her name is 545 same as a certain Trash demon
>makes T's dick hard even when he prefers big breasts and older females
>is fine if they sleep in the same bed
>drinks blood from his scull on daily basis
Headcrab a demon succubus confirmed.

Attached: Succudex .jpg (633x2397, 350K)

It's Durarara's adaptation all over again

Mikoto killing Index when?

And she was created by a Great Demon

I mean it's pretty obvious. She was featured in a series of covers where only demons featured with the protagonists, 545 probably has significance, by lore no normal human is able to withstand reading a Grimoire while she can. Pretty obvious vessel made for Coronzon.

Oh shit I didn't think about that. NT20-22 was all protagonist + demons

I don't expect them to buddy it up but I actually think Touma's current opinion post NT17 of Kamisato isn't too clear since they don't really interact at the end. Though he praises and insults him in the same volume so maybe he's just tsundere now.

Not to mention, there was quite the emphasis on that "thing" in the other cracked dimension from John's Pen Mode this time around.

Is it an Invisible Thing?

>The black crack directly opened in space itself was shattered. No, his fist had clearly reached the thing lurking within and trying to break out. With the sound of something solid shattering, the magic circles, the crack, and the unseen thing were all destroyed in the span of a breath.

He italicized "thing" too.

>It's obvious
Now this is a reach.

>Necromancy arc had false-souls inhabiting dead bodies to control them
>Coronzon as a demon can inhabit bodies+create them
So who wants to place our bets that Index is actually a walking corpse with a demon substituting her soul?

When it comes to Kamachi, not really. It's more of a reach to think there's no importance to such links. He's the one who had 666 show up in the covers number shadow prior to Aleisters arrival in NT10 epilogue.

>Abe mentions that Accel is the #1 Touma fan
>the two agree that Accel sees LO as a daughter
>whereas there's more of a romantic angle to Touma/Index

Where were you when Accelerator rolled up on the Great Demon Coronzon and dropped the sickest mixtape disstrack ever delivered directly from his foot to her face?

Attached: 1553415739957.jpg (1200x849, 137K)

Whenever that is, Mikoto needs to hurry. Misaki will do the deed soon and get away with it scott free.

>Accel is a hip hop artist
What about Touma and Hamazura?

It's also worth mentioning that we still have no idea where she actually came from or how she became part of the church in the first place. Was she really running away at the first volume or was she somehow set loose?

Here, with everyone else

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When it comes to Kamachi, who makes his twists have multiple mentions ahead of time, yes really. You have like one circumstantial piece of evidence and now your head-canon is "obvious"? Wake up lmao.

>editing her tits out
Absolutely disgusting.

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Especially with learning of Lola's identity.

>who makes his twists have multiple mentions ahead of time
No this isn't the case all the time.
But oh I see, you're just sensitive about the use of my language, I can safely ignore you.

>Stiyl was just lying about index the whole time
Yeah no.

Lola said she could have cut off her limbs and thrown her into a cellar, so it's pretty clear she set her loose.

>When it comes to Kamachi, who makes his twists have multiple mentions ahead of time,
What bizarro earth are you on?

>I can safely ignore anyone who's calling out my stupidity for what it is
Lmao. Alright kid, just don't spam your headcanon every thread and maybe you won't become cancer

>who makes his twists have multiple mentions ahead of time

No one else was calling me out though, it was a normal discussion. You're the English teacher up in arms about nothing.

The one where every time any twist happens everyone is able to use their 20/20 hindsight to see multiple mentions of it having happened beforehand? Where are you living?

user has the sharingan clearly. Playing 90D chess while calling others out for saying something is "obvious" or surefire.

I didn't say multiple people were calling you out. Guilty conscience?

Your greentext says otherwise. Actually, why you picking a fight for no reason?

Maybe he had a fight with his parents or something and is taking it out here. Some people are pointlessly confrontational.

No. No it doesn't say otherwise. Are you ESL? That would explain why you burst into tears the moment anyone pointed out your misuse of the language I suppose.

It does though. And now you're creating your own narrative- you okay dude?

>who makes his twists have multiple mentions ahead of time

It really doesn't ESL. Not a single part of that post implies that multiple people are involved. Why are you deflecting this hard over what was a very simple post? You could have just, I don't know, admitted you were getting ahead of yourself in your excitement? It really wasn't necessary to be a moron and double down on a simple call out.

Speedreading isn't cool kids. At least try to keep up with the threads so you can see other people do the footwork even if you don't want to go back and find the foreshadowing for yourselves.

The only twists with multiple mentions are the magic cabals listed in the first volume and OT22. Some of the foreshadowing was clever, like in NT4, but there’s also foreshadowing that is either never picked up or twisted. Touma’s powers can’t be fully explained until the endgame, but there’s already been foreshadowing in different directions for that. And generally, when people mention foreshadowing, they’re talking about either little details or interesting arcs, not the name of the next volume’s enemy.

Touma is an "international crisis volunteer".
Shiage is an underground Thuglord.
Out of the 3 Accel is the chilliest one.

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It does though. I don't really have a nickname for you though since you seem weirdly angry about nothing, but your greentext does.
>Why are you deflecting this hard over what was a very simple post?
I'm the one who asked you a question which you brushed off though so nice projection?
>You could have just, I don't know, admitted you were getting ahead of yourself in your excitement
Because I don't have anything to admit to and nothing was wrong with what I said and no one else was till your English lessons came into play for little reason.
>It really wasn't necessary to be a moron and double down on a simple call out.
Ohhh haha the projection.

Hmm so nothing of substance and actual examples, merely derailing the thread then. Okay.

I'd say a much more plausible theory was something like "Aiwass is gonna betray Aleister" or "IT and dragons are separate". This is more of a wrong until proven correct theory

Yup. That was my approach when saying it.

>The only twists with multiple mentions are the magic cabals listed in the first volume and OT22
>What is "both saint and sinner"
>What is all the mentions of Lola's name, and her portrayal in SS's as a witch fighting a scientific entity
>What is all the times science and magic are compared to one another as being similar and then turning out to be one and the same
>What is the 17 mentions of othinus being a god of war and deception
Oops that last one hasn't happened yet
>They're usually talking about
Not a single coincidence? I know yes.

A lot of these were only realized after the fact though, not prior.

>I'll just keep insisting that your post implied multiple people were on your side with no proof or evidence until it sounds like the truth
Cool story.
Might want to look up the meaning of the word before you use it bud. I pointed out you were being dramatic and you immediately got up in arms about it. Cool your jets kid.
>nothing I said was wrong
And there he goes again. I can tell you're not ever going to shut up, so I'll let you take the last reply. You're never going to admit to your fuck up so there's no point in continuing.

What did you think "hindsight is 20/20" meant?

Which it was but thanks for backing down!
>I pointed out you were being dramatic and you immediately got up in arms about it
You gave a perfect example of what projection means.
>I can tell you're not ever going to shut up, so I'll let you take the last reply
You mean you realized you were being retarded for no reason and a lot of what you were trying to "call out" was obvious to everyone else and that's why a normal discussion was happening till you came around? Noooo waaaay. Don't worry, I won't stoop as low as you.

That still doesn't apply to everything though.

>You're never going to admit to your fuck up
Honestly it is kind of funny that, despite how many arguments I see on here all the time, I only ever see people admit they're wrong like, once a month at best. Probably part of why I got tired of trying to have actual discussions on here.

Name some twists that are totally out of left field with no set up then? Most everything people manage to justify after the fact by looking back.

The Coronzon link only happened the volume of, Othinus and her bluff about Gungnir didn't really have a set up, it could have honestly gone either way regarding the set up of the spear, Battle of Blythe Road's truth had little to no set up and was more a thing in that moment, same with the ending of NT20 which was more a re-introduction to the different kinds of Grimoires than any set up for them being alive through this specific means.

Lola's avatar situation was also intentionally meant to be confusing then leaving any bread crumb trails because that's just Coronzon's nature.

I don't care who does it
Someone must fuck Shokuhou already

You will be that person.

On it chief

It has already been done.

I believe in you, user.

Leave this to me

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Lila being Coronzon specifically wasn't really set up much, but Lola being "something" was. What gungnir bluff? She didn't have one. Do you mean how she could use negative or positive possibilities? That's basic logic really. You're being vague again with "the truth of blyth road". Lola's avatar isn't really confusing, she's made a body, is that what you're talking about?

>Railgun 3 cancelled
>Index NT announced instead

No. I want my slut brigade fix

Kamisato needs a male friend. I hope he and Touma can become bros even if it's in that "I can't stand you but I'll help you" way.

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>What gungnir bluff? She didn't have one
I guess he's talking about how it was more or less a lie that she needed to compelte Gungnir the way she did when it was more a complete ruse.

But it wasn't a ruse. She thanked ollerus genuinely because she hadn't really considered going for negative 100%, but logically, of course it works. If it was a ruse it wouldn't have been a solution that kills her slowly.

add a buldge and this pic would be perfect

>Probably part of why I got tired of trying to have actual discussions on here.
Because you do not want “discussion” you want to “debate” and the feeling of proving someone wrong.
Discussions do not care if one side is objectively wrong, the person in question will be simply ignored or laughed at. Ideas are presented and discussed. Some will be called headcanon; overreach or misinterpretation and participants “cringy faggots”. But that doesn’t matter; faggots talk about things they enjoy.
If a viable point is made during a discussion there is no need to defend it, others will notice and treat it as such. If someone is wrong there is no need to bury them, completely derailing the topic; because faggots are secondary to the value of topic itself.
In debates however, shoving your opponent down the gutter is the easiest way to win; because main point of them is not the topic but right and wrong of faggots involved.

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She really didn't need Gungnir completed in that way at all though.

Pretty much. No need to be so angry and do "call outs" every day because then you were never in it to actually discuss.

Blondes can't resist the level 5 mega meatstick

artist sauce?

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Please read the post in its entirety before replying.

I did, that's not why I was saying it was a ruse, you're addressing a different point here.

That's a whole buttload of projection out of a single post user. It's not fun to discuss things with people when you're not willing to entertain the idea you might be wrong. That's a rather simple concept. I don't know how you turned it into this autism.

>That's why I said its not a ruse
But that proves you didn't read my post at all user. Look;
>She thanked Ollerus genuinely

It's not always about whether you're wrong or right in discussions. Instead, present a different solution or point to it.

*thats not why I said
I kind of wish you were in fact saying it wasn't a ruse but alas apparently only I read nt8

It not being just about being right or wrong really doesn't change the fact that people who are totally unwilling to make even the smallest concessions are not fun to discuss with user.

Pretty sure it was a drawfag in the drawfag threads.

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True. Though coming in with the sole purpose of doing nothing but a call-out and not actually talking about the content of the post like a lot of people do here isn't "fun" either nor is it the "Yea Forums way".

Oh nevermind I was mixing it up on whether it was or wasn't my bad. You're right on that front. But then is there really any set up for it prior for that twist?

do they have a pixiv?

No idea, you'll get more help in their threads or the booru. Probably yes though, but I don't know who.

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Every time Othinus mentions that her problem is she's stuck squarely in the middle and not on the one end it hints it by the property of negatives.

Actually, here.

i think i've found him


style seems similar.

Yep, that's him.

>Those kiss marks near hs hips


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Hmm it works but I'd hardly call it as blatant as saint and sinner.

I imagine they must go lower too and he's just taking her somewhere more private to continue.

>Implying they go lower
>Implying Touma doesn't stop her because sodomy is sin while missionary is heaven.

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I mean the whole point is othinus thought of it on the spot. So the fact that the specific plan to shoot for negatives wasn't foreshadowed, but rather was an oversight by the reader and othinus but clearly possible is kind of the whole point.

Alright, but I have a question.
What happens if Othinus with Gungnir tries to make a rock she can`t lift, and then tried to lift it?

Kill yourselves cancer

NT 9 happens.

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Magic gods aren't all powerful, just very powerful

That would be why I only quoted a part of the post pertaining to people being unable to ever concede anything and not the entire post yes.

It was at the time. For the entire damn day at that.

>at the time
Accel`s first episode?

She will become smol

Could Sakibasu beat the White Queen?

>Touma had no problem letting a train run Thor over
I seriously think this guy doesn't care if someone dies so long as it's not by his own hand.

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He knew his bro could take it.

>Touma had no problem letting a train run Thor over
Train was used as a conscious projectile. Touma’s intention was for Thor to get hit by it, he was simply thinking "it won’t kill him, probably".
Same idea as the mandrake grenade he used against Kanzaki and no bullshit claw swing against Stiyl.
>doesn't care if someone dies so long as it's not by his own hand.
Well when Pen vs AAA was going on he wanted to kill IT with his own hands, so he does care.

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He definitely wanted to kill himself.

IT didn't deserve it.

I don't think it's IT. The only thing that was made clear is that KnT is Dragon as is Touma. Nothing is known about fish eggs and Swarm.

I've got some insider info. Accel anime will have enough time towards the end to fit in a science-side NT cameo. Likely to be Kihara-related.
That's all I can say.

Can't wait to see Yuiitsu masturbating to furry porn in the finale

I want it to be Kagun, but it's probably Noukan.

IT deserved every single inch of that kitchen knife.

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Assuming you're not bullshitting it is probably Yuiitsu or Noukan but I'd like Enshuu.

Enshuu happening.

Sasuga based Aleister, rooting for his future husband's Imoto.

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>science-side NT cameo
Wow that's terrible, thanks

If I pick this series up soley for her will I be dissapointed?

Fortunately, yes.

She couldn't. There's absolutely no issue with that anyway since she was never stated or implied to be omnipotent.

Railgun S1 gives her enough screentime, S2 she's got less.
The Railgun manga will give you the better Kuroko experience.


>Enshuu scribbling on walls with someone’s guts while humming something cheerful
I can see it.

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Any thor doujins out there?

Probably. Are they scanned? No.


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What the fuck is hiro doing

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When will an user win the lottery and buy Yea Forums off this fuck?

The only LN exclusive character with doujins is Othinus

I think there's a SOL one with Kamisato/Touma out there but I could be wrong, it was like 2 years ago I saw it

There is one Silva and Ollerus doujin that was shown a couple years back.


So does this absolutely confirm that Touma sees Index somewhat romantically, and that Accelerator does not see Last Order romantically, or is it just the VA's opinions?

Granted, I seriously don't see *Accelerator* wanting to dick Last Order (other way around is more likely) and I don't think that's too suprising or incorrect.

So in other words, is this the VAs spilling insider info or just giving their personal opinions?

Their opinion

Personal opinions, although Abe is a LNfag that apparently goes to buy them day one physically

We're LNfags too, it's still his opinion. He isn't using some secret insider information.

>So does this absolutely confirm that Touma sees Index somewhat romantically,
How much of a secondary you are.
Index is the reason Touma sleeps in the bathtub.
>Granted, I seriously don't see *Accelerator* wanting to dick Last Order
Not a chance. LO will have to assume direct control if she wants to be fucked by the twink, and she does, and she can. So sooner or later he won’t have a choice.

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And they both came to obvious conclusions still. I fucking hate the headcrab but Kamachi already said Accel doesn't like LO romantically in OT22 and you'd have to do unhealthy mental gymnastics to think Touma only sees index as a little sister or "pet"

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I don't really see their opinions as all that "wrong" of course. You'd be pretty silly to think that Accelerator wants to fuck Last Order. Now, her desire to fuck him and whether or not he could ever grow into becoming her lover is another matter. And it's obvious Touma is physically attracted to Index and he cares for her.

But none of that is to say "Touma's gonna get with Index" or "Accelerator and Last Order won't get together romantically when they are older"

You really don't have to pull any crazy mental gymnastics to think of touma and index as a familial relationship.

I don't think there will be any romance but the difference between those two pairs is clear as day even with illustrations

Even if Accelerator WAS in love with Misaka-face, I imagine he either would have no idea what to call those feelings or repress those feelings and be disgusted with himself for having them. In addition, he'd probably feel weird about it after seeing that face as a kid. Or at least as someone a fair bit younger than him.

So even if he does kinda sorta want to fuck Last Order (or more accurately, her face), he actually doesn't.

>Abe was told by the anime staff that Touma is a normal level 0
>he kept saying that's obviously not true and he's not human

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Really drives home how stupid the anime staff is, one of the cut scenes in OT20 was Lessar wondering how a normal human could survive that wall of earth and then it cuts to Aiwass laughing while mentioning his right hand

Saying they're different doesn't really change my point. One's a father daughter relationship (for accel anyways) and one's a sibling relationship, they'd be different.

It also drives home Abe is not falling for he is just a normal high school boy BS Kamachi is pulling as well.

I'm pretty sure only Touma is falling for that user

Shame. Thor trap doujins would be amazing

>Abe is a LNfag that apparently goes to buy them day one physically
>buying anything physically nowadays
Why is Abe such a PLEB, holy shit

If you didn't catch that it was satire by NT14 and 17 I dunno what to tell you user

>Serious Pikachu’s lighting rod; more than once
>Accel’s bitchfit
>Acqua’s bitchfit
>Star of Bethlehem crash
>NT 10 makes a fucking point that he is not human, last few chapters just hammer it down.
>Dumbo’s flaming sword. Yeah a pile of literal gore is still alive.
At this point I won’t believe he is dead even if someone decapitates him; incinerates the body; snorts the ashes and IB travels to the new owner.
Will fully expect the fucker to just burst out of whoever dared to snort the ashes.

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If you buy things physically, you need to go out and meet other people which can lead to procreation.

I'd be shocked if you were right.

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Just because you interpret Index's behavior as little sister-like doesn't mean Touma does, he's never once thought of her like a sister. Taking care of her doesn't imply that, it just means he likes to take care of her.

Plus, we know as recent as NT22R he was still hung up on his memories, that includes Index's perception of him.

Buyfags want a physical collection, especially if you've been doing it for years

Although I'd probably go digital, it's not like someone who makes a good income like him has to worry about storage I'm sure

Part of a collection.

Mikoto a CUTE

He meets Saten and has more chemistry with her than he does with Mikoto. If she wasn't a better friend than Mikoto deserved, Mikoto would have been NTRed on the spot.
Also Mikoto being mostly useless against the actual dark side as usual.

And best

>mfw part 3 starts mere minutes after NT22R and what Anna did has an immediate effect on the world
Kamachi's next magic trick will be making the entire 3rd series take place within the final week of December

Mikoto is peak

Is Index a fucking god? Is Index a fucking god?

No, but Mikoto is

What are the chances of the majority of Part 3 happening before Christmas?

I fell WAY behind. What has been happening in Ghost Bud and Railgun?

Kuroko made a Mikoto cult so yes, she is a god

We're more likely to see it take place right after Christmas and Christmas is saved entirely for an SS.

Uweeharu is a vampire.

Saten can't stop sucking dicks.

Tell me more?

She’s just a girl...

You just wish she was sucking yours.

Saten sucked Gunha's dick and killed him through Level 6 syphilis. Levels mean diddly squat.

If Index is so hot then why doesn’t Kamijou just fuck her? He could if he wanted but he doesn’t because he’s too sensitive.

Did Junko end up really beating Gunha?

Well, it's not a surprise that Saten has good chemistry with anything that has a dick.

Hrs probably smaller than normal and he’s been embarrassed his entire life to whip it out in front of a girl because he thinks they’d laugh at him.

Didn’t Saten basically reject him at Dahasi?

Pretty much..

My wife is back! I missed her! I love her! Let's form a babby!

Friendly reminder.

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Can you not read. SATEN beat Gunha.

Kitten Mittens!

Puff pads.

Because she could clearly see that Mikoto liked him. If Mikoto hadn't been there, the Toumabowl would have been over.

What about Counselor and Acid?

She didn’t seem interested at all though. She kind of just was whatever about it. Not everybody find him attractive just because he’s the MC.

So that's the true power of a level 6 semen slurper


Believe me. When it comes to blowjobs you’d want somebody experienced over somebody who isn’t. You might as well just stick your two inch weenie inside a watermelon otherwise.

They got raped an finally had their childs

Not even what happened but delude yourself.

They almost won though. They came so close!!

We all did.

How was she interested in him? She didn’t go all blush moe if that’s what you imagined.

gonna need proof

She wasn't neither, why do you have to see shit in black and white? She just wanted to repay the favor because they're both kind.

>Cross shaped Rose
What did Kamachi mean by this?

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Is HO worth reading?

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No but speedreading it is

Blush moe is how you lose the bowl because you're too busy not taking action.

I'd rather die. Away, vermin.

It is pretty good once you get past HO2.

That’s what I mean. She rejected him because if she liked him she’d have said yes.

Exactly but the problem is Saten was clearly not blush moe. She didn’t even care.

just wait for season 2

Is it another series written by Kamachi that’s not related to Raildex?

Then no.

She didn't reject him. She was going to dance with him until she saw Mikoto being tsundere. Stop projecting your delusions and inserting context that never happened.

But Bloodsign is one of the best LN's I've read in a while next to Index.

Attached: BloodSign_v08_254.jpg (1050x1520, 1006K)

>best LN's
You know thats not a compliment right?

>She was going to dance with him until she saw Mikoto being tsundere.
Not him, but she asked him to dance because she saw Mikoto asking tsundere, then came up with an excuse so that Mikoto could be with him instead. Both of you are speedreaders.

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Best japanese media I have consumed next to Index that is written in a book then.

Touma loves Index

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We get it. You’re a hipster.

Mikoto should blow Index's head off with the AAA
NTR22 was the perfect chance, too bad she was unconcious

She wasn’t going to be rude about it but Mikoto gave her a way out of it. She clearly didn’t want him or else she’d have just done it.


>Liking a Kamachi work that isn't index makes me a hipster
Okay zoomer, back to your Fortnite.

I don’t even play fortnite.


But you didn't deny you're a zoomer?

I don’t even know what that is idiot. It’s not even related to the topic of the thread.

>buying anything digital
I'd like to actually own my things rather than rent them thanks

What about food?

Just because you interpreted index's behaviour as romantic doesn't mean touma does either. What now guy?

Should rape Index's ass and pussy with her AAA Level 5 cock until they are both unusable*

You’ll try and use them no matter what because you don’t have any other options.

Oooh you got me user! It's not like Touma gets turned on by Index or thinks she smells nice or anything.

All Kamachi works are worth reading but HO has such a slow start you might be better off starting with the anime and skipping vols 1-3

Mikoto will find herself stuck in a reverse rape scenario the second she puts it in.

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Touma does that to anything that has a pulse user.

And even some things that don't.

They stole this from Elfin Lied.

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Can someone suck Touma's dick already? I don't care who just do it!

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It's been confirmed since OT that Accel doesn't see LO in a romantic light but as a daughter or a younger sibling.

The people who definitely would aren't allowed because plot. I don't really care about shipping shit but the way the story plays out both Touma and the girl's frustation makes it really uncomfortable.

Misaki has done so multiple times but Touma keeps forgetting.

Touma really is cursed.

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Mikoto learning magic when?

js06's avatar is a HO character. That says something

sex with touma

>Can someone suck Touma's dick already? I don't care who just do it!
I want it to be Thor or Aogami just to drive in how Fukou da his life is

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Kamisato did while he was sleeping in the mall.

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Get off the internet 10033

Railgun 3 will be JC Staff best anime

I'm pretty sure the only one that actually would no questions asked would be Othinus

>just to drive in how Fukou da his life is
>not Aleister
Just imagine the banter.

>Aleister pretending he's not a degenerate too

I'm sure Tokiwadai's dorm manager or older dorm manager onee-sans in general would get by just fine once they present their credentials.

No Raildex anime is qualified to even be in JC Staff's top 20, let alone their best ever.

>reading comprehension

>JC Staff's top 20
That is a very very low bar.

Railgun S already is one of their best, even with the filler that bogs it down

Who drew this one?
Reverse searching didn't work

Who is Lessar for 500

Railgun S and Index s1 are top 20, JC Staff isn't good enough to pretend otherwise even in their golden age

She’s a girl.

railgun 3's visual quality will be on par with machikado mazoku

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Keep seething Shitinusfag.

Touma said she's the type that would run away if they got serious

This is the correct answer

It's part of how Touma feeds Index.

jc staff bad amirite guys

Thanks for proving my point I guess? Slow down and try again bud. It's not a complicated post.

>Nagai is in charge

The last episode redeemed it, I love that so much.

We like that.

You'll have to forgive me for not putting much stock in Touma's opinion on girls when he still isn't aware that any girl is interested in him.

>Touma said she's the type that would run away if they got serious
Touma did not expect honest degeneracy from Aleister.

did Touma meet Tokiwadai dorm manager oneesan?

PV when?

Post cool MADS

So who is that guy? An insider source or something?

Railgun's editor

Railgun's editor whom actively taking part in the production of the anime.

whom is*


aka Negima drawfag

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>Still no PV
>Probably in preproduction still
Delay soon


>Probably in preproduction still
Nagai is probably stalling until he can get the go ahead. If not he is going to bring a gun and get his Saten filler no matter what.

For railgun s, what was the the amount of time between the first PV and it airing?

One or two weeks give or take. Disgustingly close to the air date.

Didnt it got the airdate revealed in a magazine by now?

Probably gonna be revealed in the To aru magazine in two weeks.

We had a newtype magazine say that it'll air in 2019. If that counts


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I like the English dub of Index.

The other one looks better.

There's no way they can fit Daihaseisai and Dream Ranker into the same season without making some cuts. Some sacrifices will be made to avoid filler arcs.

Saten in yoga pants is hot as fuck

Christ just adapt LAC they literally mentioned it in s2

Chronologically wouldn't make sense since they're already advertising Daihaseisai as the first arc in line.

Mikoto is so cute.

Misaki is cuter, which is no small feat since she's also taller and it's not very usual for the taller girl to also be cuter.