Should I read Yea Forums?
Should I read Yea Forums?
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do it for Jirou
It's pretty hype but the author got caught with CP.
Yeah, it's a pretty good battle shounen.
Second half is really fucking bad. Extremely rushed and not nearly as well developed as the first half. Gourmet world was a mistake.
Still an enjoyable read, just a fuckfest at the end.
fuck you dragon ball ruiner
Not him, he was just caught asking some prostitute for sex and she turned out to be 16 years old because she lied.
Yes do it for Midora
do it for the food
Unironically fun, really disappointing that the author skips through like half of the big challenges. "We have a small amount of time to figure this thing out and then do it! But somehow we did it."
Starts off really fun but dips once Gourmet World starts due to time constraints but is still really fun.
Yeah, it's a lot of fun. The anime is a pretty poor adaptation, because it got cut super short before some of the best stuff happened, and the animation quality was horrible.
There was a one-shot OVA or special or whatever that was way better, but it only covered the first couple chapters.
Gourmet World had some of the best stuff in the entire series, though. Pic related.
It starts fun but everything after the first tommyrod fight is trash.
The best thing out of Jump since One Piece. The legend string goes: Dragon Ball-One Piece-Toriko
The real shit taste.
Series is 100% based and too good for Yea Forums and jump.
Yes, the manga is pretty good despite the obvious rushed ending. Pretty sad that the author had to skip so much to get to the endgame. The anime is kiddie shit that should be avoided.
It doesn't matter. You don't need a dub, or to watch the anime at all for any reason. Seriously, don't do it.
It is a shame we only got full arcs with a couple of the Kings, but what we did get was pretty rad.
It's pretty fun.
If you like stupid amounts of escalation and some good old powerlevel wankery you're in for a fun time.
The series is essentially Kenshiro gets his friends together and gets Stands, then travels to the Monster Hunter world to hunt big monsters and have their friends cook them into delicious dishes. It's really fucking good.
Barashit but worldbuilding so good HxH carbon copied it.
It picks up at Tommyrod you absolute moron
Pedos are mentally degenerated cave men, who are incapable of having any creative thoughts and deserve the noose
Absolute garbage. The previous black clover. It was so fucking painful seeing this mediocre shit get forced so hard by jump while barely providing the sales. I am so glad it got canned.
Toriko completed its story, user. And it had a damn good ending too.
If you like creative battle manga and a fun world, go for it. The biggest weakness is that Toriko himself has almost no personality outside of liking food.
Probably the best pure "adventure" manga for quite a long time
unlucky the anime bombed amongst japanese ten year olds so the second half is immensely rushed and a majority of its content skipped but still very enjoyable. Fights were pure hype esp. with Yea Forums
It is rushed but I think there are many great individual elements in the 2nd half, especially the AIR and PAIR arcs; but after that there’s mostly just decent ideas executed poorly.
>tfw remember the last threads with Yea Forums talking about how there would be no more Toriko threads
>there still are Toriko threads
How many years has it been? Especially with that epic ending of going to even newer worlds.
Yeah, it's what Hunter x Hunter woukd be if Togqshi had any talent. Shame it got rushed in the end but it's still a lot of fun.
It was fun when it was still being serialized and you could experience the hype with the fandom but now that it's over I am not sure if it's worth reading to be quite honest.
Yeah it's really fucking good. The last 2 arcs are kinda meh but it's really creative and fun before that. Like a version of HxH that's not incredibly far up its own ass
Yes. Despite the clearly rushed final arcs, it was imaginative and fun.
The anime is dog shit though, and probably the main reason the manga got cut short.
It's got a lot of great fights, great character moments and has a fun imaginative world.
The only issue is what other anons mentioned is the rushed ending but it also has some of the highest highs in the series so with the foreknowledge you can skim past the stupid crap and textdumps to the best parts.
remember this?
pic's too big to be uploaded
Plain and simple, yes. You wont regret it at all.
The power escalation of the manga is something else, yeah
Reminder that earth is roughly the size of Jupiter in this shit.
I think the giant clam was the start of everything going full rush
spess never
It's complete shit, but do whatever.
I loved how they didn't even try to explain metaphysical powers like minority world
no explanation of how or why it works, it just works
Gourmet Cells you stupid fuck