I can't fucking believe average got an goddamn anime adaptation

I can't fucking believe average got an goddamn anime adaptation.
Will potion loli and war criminal loli also get one? goddamn FUNA is on a roll.

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Don't worry user, it will be a very average anime

I really hope so user, lord knows we don't need more shitty anime so normalfags can use as ammo against the genre

I want sword daddy anime

Sell me on this
Is it actually good or do you just like it for the girls?

Didn't potion loli also commit war crimes?

It's really cute if you are into that.

That one is probably just a matter of time

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Of course it fucking did

The question is
Who will voice master?

I hope so, I don't have that long to wait

Fuck off

CGDCT + isekai

Creating Napalm and nitroglycerin for the purpose of ending wars is hardly a warcrime. Just wait for her to start dropping fusion pods on the shape of big metal vases on nations that spite.

Also Funa's isekai stuff is so much more enjoyable than most of the other stuff. It would be nice if the series had a bit more differentiation in the MCs, but they are still plenty fun and comfy and not trying too hard or generic as fuck.

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You know who need an anime
Faraway Paladin

Average as in Jashin Average? No joke?

No. she's a good girl

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as in make my abilities average
I don't think jashin got an anime.

Anyone enjoying the greatest cleric isekai?

He will end up as a paladin but seeing him work so hard is nice.

Still waiting for smug summoner to get announced.

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Which one is that?


Seija Musou

She is too cute and smug for her own good.

Jew loli is next lads

A manga, noice noice, won't have to numb my brain with MTL shit.
Thanks user

Who the fuck cares about some normalfags' opinion? The less normalfags watching the better.

They hound the board ready to drop their poorly written essays on why the genre is bad and why jojo and other popular shit is good, they shitpost on legitimate threads and the mods do NOTHING to stop the menace.


Tell them it's significantly better than western trash nowadays, it'll probably shut them up.

>last boss likely will never get anime

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I like Azik but it feels like Klein is just using him.

I was thinking Sugita, but lelouch would also be amazing

At least only the good arcs will be animated not the shitfest after.

I'm excited for Bakarina

The power of the black hole will finally grace the animation realm

Hope they got a good studio, like White Fox or better

Also hoping for a catchy theme song like Kaguya

basically azik is powerleveling klein to help him out later

handsome skelly

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Speaking of skeletons, when will skeleton knight get a sequel?

I'm so confused now, is unrestrained the same level as harmonius or is it higher/lower? The old geezer found out about MC knowing the same moves as his sec head right?

So if I get it right, instead of getting like 10% of power aka exp from killings Ruphas somehow managed to make 100% of power into apple form?

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That's from skeleton knight manga actually. Also I thought LN is continuing? I mean v9 is out.

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And by the way, this is now unofficially officially a /k/ thread.

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Didn't it end with the pope tho?

No idea

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For the number of times Klein goes, "Hmmm.... Azik would probably want to know about this, but telling him would be inconvenient for me" I really have to agree.
Klein sort of makes up for it by doing Azik a HUGE favor later, but Azik doesn't capitalize on it. I'm not the only one unhappy with how that turned out, right?

Hard disagree. They were way more overt about it when that happened later.
I would guess it either smiled because he's on the Seer path or because he's one of Evernight's adorers.

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>war criminal loli

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