why is Garou so adorable?
One Punch Man
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garou is my most disliked character. i'm glad hes gone. now just waiting for the manga to catch up 100 chapters :(
>his motivations are weak (in an anime where all motivations are weak this is pretty sad that it stands out to me.)
>his backstory is weak. we arent shown his training at bang's dojo.
>only connection with kid and bang
>only has one move for his entire run (two after fight with bomb).
>fights a bunch of minor characters taking up valuable manga and anime time for saitama adventures.
sonic is not my fav character either, but compare:
sonic has a more interesting backstory, a more interesting current story. isnt just a copycat "i saw your moves now i can do it" generic anime character #12. ok sonic might be generic anime character #10 "ninja". sonic has deep, interesting connections with other characters (genos, saitama, flash, ppp). has a future arc confronting his past.
what does garou have in the future to do? become a hero? become a real monster? surpass bang? surpass saitama?
how strong is garou now anyway? same as his awakened power ? or did he gain after being defeated again?
>not realizing that Garou is just a combination of every shitty shonen trope but the joke is that he gets bodied in the end instead of winning
Oh no no no
the entire point is that his motivations are weak, Saitama was the first person to not treat him on his own terms and school counsellored his ass AND saved him from throwing his life away on pursuit of becoming a monster
oh no, it's another garou thread
havent had one in a while, I thought why not
There was one like last week. And all its going to be is a circlejerk between the people who know Garou is an idiot and the dindu nuffin garoufags.
>haven't had one in a while
yeah okay garoufag, just admit it instead of looking for an excuse
Garou is cool and is a more entertaining person to read about than Saitama.
Garou threads are the worst because instead of a bunch of retards arguing about many topics it's a bunch of retards arguing about one topic.
Into the trash it goes
the english dub of one punch man is garbage.
if more anime is produced, i hope they just fucking stop.
99% of english dubs suck, if you haven't noticed yet
>the english dub of anime is garbage
Fixed your post.
I would have thought they'd bump it up for One Punch Man but yeah, sure i guess.
It would seem most dubbers and role casters are fucking retards. Why don't they try to get actors with similar sounding voices, or actors with impression vocal-ranges? Saitama has a fucking fag's voice in the english dub, and various other characters are voiced incorrectly as well.
I think it's biggest flaw was that many VA's couldn't emote or use higher volume voices. Like Boros English VA could barely yell during collapsing star roaring canon.
Because being an anime dub VA is not very lucrative so there aren't that many and the dubbers will take what they can get
I'm more of a femMB fag
Even this is better than Season 2's animation what on earth
Why do the same 3 pictures of genderbent metal bat get posted every thread, there are definitely plenty more out there
everything would have been avoided if he stopped being an incel
>there are definitely plenty more out there
Fans have passion. S2 only had aoki and freelancers with that which JC replied let's "fix" this shall we?
One guy reanimated the flash v octopus fight but better and it followed the manga movements.
Here's one I found
Post it mungus, help me recover from season 2
>short hair
b-but our girl has longer hair than that
Is this long enough?
Sonic is based im glad our guy finally gets his arc. Hes the fastest thing alive!
Heres the link to the guy who made it.
He's made in God's own image. It's only natural.
>jobs every fight he’s in
>needs handicaps to win
Garoua is trash
Oops posted a cut version
Tatsumaki > Golden Sperm = Orochi > Evil Water > Fang > Overgrown Rover > Homeless Emperor > Atomic Samurai > Child Emperor > Fuhrer Ugly > Gums
Nah he literally deus ex, ass pulls, and DETERMINATIONS his way to getting his ass slapped by saitama
Rover and Bang clap Tardsumakunt
That's one way to keep a thread going