How are you holding up Yea Forums?
How are you holding up Yea Forums?
I survived a rollover crash into a canyon I was supposed to die in.
Get well soon, user!
had my first panic attack yesterday!
Don't listen to . She's just trying to become your friend. Instead, don't get well. Stay in hospital and enjoy being served by the staff while ignoring the growing bill.
It's the best way to live.
I have an existential crisis!
My life's been nothing but reading manga, watching anime, and wagecucking for the past few months, so it's pretty average. My Japanese vocab practice is going good though, so that keeps me happy.
I want to cease but theres too many anime I'm looking forward to.
Enjoy hell for the next few months!
As of today, I've been a NEET for 12 months. Luckily, my insurance will run out before I can break my old record of 18 months.
>my first panic attack
welcome to hell
My last grandma died. Feel kinda weird since I'm using bereavement leave but she didn't want a service or anything so I'm not even going to visit my parents, I'm basically just taking off. She was really cool and we got along great but I didn't know her all that well, so I'm just trying to stay busy and do something fun every day the first half of this week because that's what she'd want me to do. Yea Forums wise I'll probably finish up My Monster Secret this week, that's been a lot of fun to read so far.
I really should be studying full time, but instead I watch anime, read manga, and play games full time, so basically business as usual.
Hi Tony
Turning 30 in November.
Anime literally keeps me alive.
Get well soon, user
hanging on by a thread, life is falling apart, living at a friends house atm. trying to get work, and failing
If I spent even half the time in Blender that I spent in GIMP making manga edits then I'd have actually learned a skill, but people are now saying that the OC in the threads for the manga is good!
I'm drinking and wearing that image as a shirt right now, so you can guess
Hang in there, user. Do you know what's keeping you from finding a good fit?
I dropped out of uni and plan on joining the Navy so I don't end up a permaneet. Life sucks either way though, just trying to make it suck less.
will you be my friend?
I'm currently on vacation and helping out with the family. Been also pursuing interests and trying to become a better person. How bout you user?
Starting my new career this september and there are some great shows airing/will air.
life going pretty good imo. dumbell show is twice the fun to watch when you have worked out also
pic related?
I'll be your friend user
I have this illogical dread where I fear the world ending at any moment, and it's giving me massive anxiety pains. If I could just get over it, I'd be doing great.
Nice user! Keep going
Almost got fired recently. That fucked up my stomach all week. Then a family member had major surgery so my weekend has been spent helping them walk, take meds, stand up, etc. The house is a near constant chorus of pained gasps and screams.
It's okay user. I mean, if that was to happen, what could you do about it?
If you wanna talk over it, then I'm here
Well not good...i don't have the drive to watch anime anymore, I finished a degree without thinking, stuck on a career and job that i don't like now, recomend me one anime to watch that gets you motivated or have an interesting plot.
>12 months
Years here.
>pic related?
I took the week off and I spent it all lazing around at home, it was lovely. I'll have to go to work on Monday and I don't want to go to bed in the hope that tomorrow never comes. Could be worse I suppose but fuck it, I wish I could NEET it up.
Just embrace it as they guy who was afraid of ghost and start fetishize it instead
I'm sorry to hear that, user. Sounds like you have a good plan of things to do.
thanks user, i appreciate it
>Almost got fired recently
What happened? Did you get put on probation?
Right back at you!
It sucks, right? The feeling of uselessness? Time losing meaning?
Whatcha drinking user? I will be here soon after I'm ready to settle in for the night.
Depends if I can get a spark and do something, modding, writing, music, just anything productive.
Right now I can't be arsed to do anything at all. I basically have a comfy life, more than enough neetbux, loving 3D wife, but it still doesn't feel right.
Do you wanna talk?
>have an interesting plot.
Inferno Cop.
Cheap supermarket vodka cause that's all I got money for
I turn 26 next month and I still live with my parents, my mom is NEET.
I got promoted a few weeks back and got a payrise so I'm no longer on minimum wage, I really like the job but the area it's located is a shithole.
I want to move out but I just feel alien, quite a few of my friends I would never want to move in with because they are disgusting.
I still don't think I'm going to be able to survive in my own place and most of where I live is a shithole full of pakis and I don't want to have to deal with people getting hacked up with a machette or shot on my road, every day when I go to work I see about 3 retard vans because Pakistanis just have fucking arranged marriages with their cousins to keep wealth in the family or family status or someshit and have 7 children and it's fucked up. Also they get tacky ass mismatched house extensions and tacky windows with gold leading and "الله" enscribed into it.
I haven't had a gf or bf in 4 years and I haven't had sex in 3 years and I don't want to, I'm too fucking mentally retarded and traumatized to cope with any form of relationship
I started a new career. My shifts are 9 hours long. So basically I work and then chill at home.
It's pretty bland, but I'm enjoying it.