
The charred debris and the corpses of enemy mages.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: NeĀ³.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

Friendly reminder that this show isn't even good, so why are the threads so fast?

I almost skipped the ED, thank god I didn't get spoiled here

Attached: 1557680899435.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

I want Anna to be happy.

Attached: VERY hot magician killing at incredible hihg speed.webm (1280x720, 902K)

It's one of the better shows this season.

I want Anna to die a painful death.


Can someone give this the constanza bg? Thanks.

Attached: HorribleSubs_Granbelm_06_1080p.mkv_snapshot_17.56_2019.08.09_22.28.55.jpg (1920x1080, 138K)

Even if that was true, how exactly does that make it good?

We had a great airing thread for the episode, since then it's just the usual shitposting about gay jokes and people who aren't watching the show making stupid questions. Come back this Friday and you'll see.

This is actually the first time we break the 4th thread/week ceiling, it wss usually 2 or 3 until the next episode. This episode wss just too good, plus shit started to get going and the show started to go off-rails. Add that to newfags and shitposters who are just watching this Ep just for hype alone without context.

>the show started to go off-rails
It's more like, things have come to a head for Anna. But I get what you mean.

115 hours until the next more ERRRNNEEEESTAAAAAA screaming.

Attached: granbelm ERNESTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif (360x360, 1.1M)

I have an idea for an anime. The show would be about a crime gang who fight against a magical girl police. The crime boss would die and split the gang into factions. The winning faction would contain the protagonist who had, other than the crime boss, been able to kill a magical girl. This magical girl would be the girlfriend to the leader of the magical girl squad, who would then try to kill this gang member to avenge her death. The winning faction would then try and kill all the prominent magical girls ending with a giant battle destroying a city.
Basically I wanna see gangsters fight against magical girls and kick their ass.
Thoughts Yea Forums?

I'd watch it. Probably.


>Vento Aureo but with girls

Are the criminals all young girls as well?

Loli gang wars anime when

Why does Anna have to suffer so fucking much?

Attached: worry.png (887x1219, 1014K)

Because of ERNESTA.

It's her fault for being born with no talent.

Attached: 5e2.jpg (554x439, 106K)

OP here.
No, I'm an artist and I've been doing character designs. The main character (the one who killed the girlfriend) has stubble and curly hair, like a cross between Tim Roth and Bob Dylan.
The main art direction is the two styles contrasting between the gangsters and the lolis.


I'm not going to watch that.


OP here. No, they're male and vary across age (late 20s to mid 30s)
The art direction is the two side contrasting each other (Mag. Girls = Cute and Fluffly vs Gangsters = Dynamic and Exaggerated)
I'm an artist and I've done character designs for main character who kills girlfriend, looks like tall lean Bob Dylan with sunglasses.
Also I am probably autistic lol

That's OK, I'm not that much of a weeb and I don't really like moe stuff too much. How do you think I could improve it? Other than making the gang little girls? Perhaps if some of them were?

Make everyone big girls.



Attached: anna preggers.png (1280x720, 522K)

Is this dork going to be the next weechee?

Is mango Shirou or Madoka?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.55_[2019.07.20_18.01.13] (2).jpg (571x946, 77K)

Definitely Shirou

She's Kirei

Attached: 1509808257060.png (1280x720, 620K)

She's a fucking sociopath is what she is.

Sounds like what the author of Machikado Mazoku originally wanted to go for and then changed his mind and decided to make it fun instead.

But Mango doesn't have a rival
She just wants to battoru

I don't know fateshit. Which one would be a non-human magical construct?

Stealth last boss.

Attached: HorribleSubs_Granbelm_06_1080p.mkv_snapshot_02.23.527.jpg (1920x1080, 506K)

Too cruel.

Kirei had no ideals or purpose before he was chosen as a Master, much like Mangetsu before she entered Granbelm.


>Mango feeds from shattred dreams

Attached: The_Shadow_0.jpg (800x600, 137K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.51.167.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

>I don't know fateshit
The current state of Yea Forums

I'm too old for edgy chuunishit, sorry.

I remember when newfags tried with their excuses.

>too old
>should have read it 10+ years ago

I was 25 back then.

Attached: 124152713011.png (700x962, 616K)

Is this show any good?
It was on my plan-to-watch but I forgot to pick it up.


Not confirmed yet so stealth.
>yfw the reason why her mech is gesticulating with her is because she is either an eternal participant or she is the mech itself and the host mind is long gone.


Do you like screaming little girls?

Attached: 2019_08_07_14.19.41.jpg (1920x1080, 115K)

Stop being retarded, watch an episode and decide for yourself.

Why is this bitch so fukn angry?

Because of ERNESTA.

>115 hours until the next more >ERRRNNEEEESTAAAAAA screaming
115 hours until the last ERRRNNEEEESTAAAAAA screaming.

Mad Shingetsu

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 06 [720p].mkv _00:24:07.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

What's-his-name Extra MC

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Her mother hates her, right? How else could she do such a cruel thing to her.

Yuki Yuna.

Attached: EBsed9fVUAAM5b3.jpg (4096x2892, 507K)

>Black Rose
What did they mean by this?

Attached: EBKyre-UEAAU2q3.jpg (4096x2892, 1.16M)

Think shes just there to fuck with the other participants before tsukimikaido rips her appart

>loli has the biggest robot
What did they mean by this?

When will they learn?

She's overcompensating.

sexual frustration

Attached: EA4XGICU4AAUz7P.jpg (4096x1495, 747K)


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Resentment turned into ressentiment.
QA thing of the mecha designer in case someone who knows nip wants to go on the lookout for some trivia or whatever

Templar mech is cool.

Ruko wasn't literally evil.


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>ć‚°ćƒ©ćƒ³ćƒ™ćƒ«ćƒ ć«éø恰悌悋åؘ達ćÆå…ƒć€…ć€ę™®é€šć®é­”č”“åø«ć‚ˆć‚Šé­”åŠ›ć®ēµ¶åÆ¾é‡ćŒå¤šć„č€…é”ć§ć™ć€‚ćć—ć¦å½¼å„³é”ć®é–“ć§ć‚‚å·®ćÆć‚ć‚Šć¾ć™ć€‚ć‚¢ćƒ³ćƒŠćÆč‡Ŗåˆ†ć®å‘½ć‚’å‰Šć£ć¦ć¾ć§é­”åŠ›ć«å¤‰ę›ć—ć¦ć¾ć™ć­ćƒ»ćƒ»ćƒ»

Attached: worry.png (379x520, 48K)

Post more Nene-nee.


Attached: D_6-9woUIAEMkeH.jpg (4096x2892, 573K)

Cool hot blooded ending in ep 5 and melodrama in ep 6
Both but in reverse, she wants the power to not be normal not to help others.

Attached: D_6728xUIAALMdQ.jpg (4096x3023, 727K)

is this series mad enough to kill off characters?

Nene's "what? did you think I was going to die?" or whatever it was comment was a huge warning flag.

Chibi mecha gives me a stomachache, it reminds me of midgets and their offputting proportions.

Love how this reaction pic is also voiced by the same VA.

Because of this god damn bitch just look at her smug face god what an asshole

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-08-11-22h25m17s441.png (1920x1080, 1.66M)

Starting on the first episode. What kind of show is this?
A dark magical girl [robot] show a la meguca and yucky yuuna? Or is it all a ruse and it is more light-hearted than it pretends to be at first glance?

Just watch it.

Get out of here until you're caught up
For your own good


a bit of this and a bit of that

Is it just me or was Shingetsu's speech to Anna super arrogant?

chinko just has autism and can't communicate her feelings well, be patient with her

Shingetsu and Anna's mother are in the fucking wrong here for lying in the first place and perpetuating that lie. This series went downhill fast am I supposed to be sympathetic to Shingetsu and Anna's mother's reasoning or something?

>I supposed to be sympathetic to Shingetsu and Anna's mother's reasoning or something
Not really. /ourgirl/ Anna is unironically sending Shingetsu to hell next friday

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 06 [720p].mkv _00:24:25.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

I feel like the last battle has to be Shingetsu vs. Mangetsu or else the whole tension of them being friends and allies in a competition that only one can win goes nowhere. They can't knock one of them out early.

yeah but the the people behind this anime are clearly trying to make Shingetsu favorable because she's one of the protagonist

>Anna sucks and drives herself berserk wanting to be a better mage
>Shingetsu is just strictly superior because of magic talent, is skilled and determined to win and as such does well
>Mangetsu is magic Terminator WMD-tier, didn't even know she was a mage, doesn't give a shit about winning, basically fights because she dislikes how mundane her average, normal life is otherwise
Anna drew the short stick, her mom was right. She sucks too much at magic to make her whole life about being a mage, though she should've fucking told her way earlier.

What's worse is that it was all a lie. Shingetsu wants to get rid of magic, which is like the opposite of Anna's dream. People talk about Mangetsu crushing people's dreams like a psycho, but this is even worse.

Only if CAIN MADHOUSE crosses over.

For those that didnt notice, in Episode 1 when Mangetsu's eyes changed they showed these strings wrap around her what i presume to be "heart/soul". Also she is a selfish puppet and I hate her for ruining cute Ne^3's wish.

Attached: 4122341222.png (973x552, 411K)

Same scene appears on episode 5 as well.

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Attached: 1564847349126.jpg (698x720, 53K)

Yeah because they are humans and made the mistake of not telling anna since they didn't want to hurt her.

Thank you

Attached: 1565572699436.jpg (550x281, 29K)

*carries your shitty anime*

Attached: 1478541349665.jpg (200x200, 10K)

Would anyone happen to have the version of this image sans nose and the mouth moved up a couple pixels?

>Yeah because they are humans and made the mistake of not telling anna since they didn't want to hurt her.
Were they just going to keep the lie going forever? Did they expect her to eventually realize on her own she was dogshit and pursue some other life?

Lying to her to protect her from the truth is one thing, but look at their behavior this episode. Despite lying to her thus far Anna's mom could not even bring herself to give her daughter a chance with her inheritance.

Shingetsu trampled on her when she was broken and lied to her again.

They're both trash.

>The only thing this show had going for it were the cute Mangetsu screenshots, and instead they decide to go for this garbage "plot"

Attached: 1539911158828.jpg (283x314, 26K)

Yea Forums back up

Attached: granbelm13.png (811x456, 662K)

That was Ernesta's fault

Ernesta wants to erase all magic including Yea Forums. This wouldn't have happened if Neneneneneneee was still in it.

she obviously did and she didnt give a flying fuck

desu hikasa yoko carries everything she's in

But Yuki Aoi is in this one.

Aoi carries Hikasa in everything she's in.

they both carry everything they are in

Anna's broken laugh once she killed her mom and stole the big ass magic stone was really well executed like her state of mind at that point, now that's skilled voice acting

How more fucked up will Mango get?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.20_[2019.08.08_21.47.58].jpg (1280x720, 80K)


Not even a loli or middle school grill. Yikes!


Attached: 1504651424090.jpg (1280x1431, 384K)

They both got carried by Sugita in that one.

Attached: 1408774751891.png (790x886, 1.08M)

Reminds me of Spiral Knights.

She will masturbate over comatose Shingetsu.

But that would just be returning the favor for when Shingetsu stripped and bedded her.

>there's no pattern to how often granbowl is held, could be a year later, could be 30 years later, whatever magiacoitus decides
>normally it's impossible to join half way like Manko did. Kuon was there from the start, just her mech appeared later
>armanoxes have advantages and disadvantages depending on their affinity
>za uicchi and princeps are the same thing, just called differently depending on family. They also call their familiars differently like puppets or spirits
>it's OK to consider women superior in magician families
>there were several hundreds or thousands armanoxes before with different elements
>magical damage and curse effects suffered in magic space more or less remain even after going back to reality, so if you grow your hair there it'd probably remain long IRL
>white lily negro was at about 30-50% of its true potential, it wasn't even the strongest attack
>magic space is pretty vast, maybe the whole Japan, or the whole world, but at least the size of a prefecture. Probably constrained by invisible walls on edges
>mechs can fight in space, underwater, underground or anywhere
>climate inside magic space can be very different from reality depending on the stage
>transformed mechs like Nenene's are called awakened jin gan long -> shin gan long
>not all mages can participate in granbowl but only those chosen by magiacoitus
>only one mage can represent each family

>white lily negro was at about 30-50% of its true potential, it wasn't even the strongest attack
What the fuck Mangetsu

Attached: 1537668226424.png (444x342, 223K)

Nichtgetsu soon. I hope Mango ends up sealed in a coccoon forever.

Attached: snapshot344.jpg (1280x720, 287K)

>>only one mage can represent each family
How come it lets Fuugo to have TWO mages?

Attached: o1280072014248808872.jpg (800x450, 155K)

She doesn't have the altruism of either character.

>only one mage can represent each family
Is this something that's actually stated in the show itself?

ERNESTA represents her own family, though.
It's either the Fukami or Ernesta family.

Don't think so which is why someone asked that and if Kuon's sister lost and her sister inherited her magic which is why Kuon said Setsugetsu Baika smells like her, so he replied that only one person can participate from each family and what happened will be revealed later.

Apparently she still uses a shard from Fuugo magic stone though.

It sounds likely that Kuon's sister fought earlier in the Granbelm, got cursed and stopped being able to represent her family without ever really losing, hence why Kuon received her Armanox that late into the game.

I thought the video file had been corrupted when the ED stopped.

Attached: 2019_08_10_16.12.31.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)

>Kuon was there from the start, just her mech appeared later
So how does that even work? She just hides from the other Armanoctes so she doesn't get killed?

>galaxy brain - survive by not playing

I'm sincerely rooting for Anna now. Fuck bullies.

She was just chilling.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.27_[2019.08.12_13.04.11].jpg (1280x720, 144K)

Attached: 620069.jpg (1280x1280, 156K)

I can only hope Manko manages a scene even a fraction of this one with Ernesta.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toji no Miko - 21 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.31_[2019.08.12_06.27.58].jpg (1280x720, 89K)

>I wanna save my sister!
>I wanna save my adopted sister!
>I wanna be a creepy fucking nun!
>I wanna be a real girl!
>I wanna gain ultimate power to prove that I'm the best
>I'm an Irrelevant Character!

Mangetsu's entire motivation at this point is "I want to win because I want to win" she even commented in this last episode that everyone's doing it for a good reason.

I've seen the trope with the mc gaining powers from flashbacks so many times, but this is easily the most stupid one. Just what was so tragic about her life?

Attached: autistic rage.jpg (1920x1080, 230K)

>Just what was so tragic about her life?
It was normal.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.18.47_[2019.08.03_01.01.08]42.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

She never had a life.

Attached: 1551008489157.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

Imagine being a magical automaton that accidentally gained sentience while still having no personality, dreams or ambitions. Then you finally discover your true purpose and suddenly you're about to be robbed of it again. All your circuits go berserk and annihilate everyone in your path.

She's a side character in her own life, so when she finally becomes a protagonist, she doesn't want to "Stop" being the protagonist.

At first I thought he's referring to the moon changing colors, but it might also be the stones that grow dimmer throughout the ED until they glow no more at the very end.

Attached: 1561574354494.jpg (576x156, 43K)


Also, dying in the magic world is technically possible, just doesn't happen very often.

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Nene-nee got lucky, it seems.

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Call me a philistine, but I never ended up watching Katana Maidens.
Is it any good? If I like Granbelm as of right now, would I like it?

He was talking about the reasons Kuon without a mech could lose. Surely seeing how Manko disintegrated Rosa in ep1 dying won't be so simple.

it really thought she would come back since she's in the ED and all. Genuinely surprised she's gone forever. or she's the villain all along

Have you seen how fucking stupid Fates lore is? Nobody's impressed by you intelligemence.

>Episode 10
>Mango is getting ready to face off in her TOUGHEST FIGHT YET
>Rosa comes out of nowhere
>Fucking shanks her
>Runs off
>Pic Related in the threads

Attached: Everything has Gone Wrong.png (804x490, 99K)

It's really good. The sword fighting is properly choreographed and the barrier they use allows for "kill" moves without actually killing someone, so you don't have the constantly silly stopping your blade at someone's throat because the plot isn't ready for them to die.
The characters (in particular the pictured two) are interesting and well developed through the series. It also starts off with a bang so it shouldn't take long to see whether you'll enjoy it.

Attached: hiyori-chan.jpg (1920x2080, 302K)

So let me get this out of me
>>there's no pattern to how often granbowl is held, could be a year later, could be 30 years later, whatever magiacoitus decides
Thic confirms that Nenenee's mom in fact participated in the last Granb owl, and possibly lost. Also sort of confirms that either Mangetsu or Suishou are there since the start, or at least every time Magiconauts decided to fuck with everyone.
>>normally it's impossible to join half way like Manko did. Kuon was there from the start, just her mech appeared later
Aside from that, why not keep low porfile until everyone kill themselves, then snipe the remaining one, who's most likely weakened?
>>magical damage and curse effects suffered in magic space more or less remain even after going back to reality, so if you grow your hair there it'd probably remain long IRL
Interesting, maybe Suishou will try to do her fuckery once more.
>>white lily negro was at about 30-50% of its true potential, it wasn't even the strongest attack
What the fuck Mangetsu? So how can anyone even sighly expect to beat her at 100%?
>>not all mages can participate in granbowl but only those chosen by magiacoitus
So it choses the perfect candidates for a nice puppet show, really nice use of words here.
She doesn't have a life, that's why. She feels alive when she's crushing someone else, and I highly doubt she'll adapt into society again if she loses.

it's a fun show, you will be surprised there's almost no fanservice the whole season. there's a lot sword fightings and kino moment at the end.

Attached: 1529101752011.webm (424x240, 2.69M)

>Thic confirms that Nenenee's mom in fact participated in the last Granb owl
How does it confrim it?

So RIP Anna then? I mean dying from magic overload seems painful, and what are the conditions for that to happen? Nenenee got beamed hard and was still alive so a more powerful beam?
First half was pure sword autism, pretty good with nice direction. Second half focused in Cutehime and her plan to destroy the world, girls became more powerful, Kanami mocking the fuck out of Hiyori like that pic, and people dying. It was a nice ride and it being 2-cour was special, usually those serie ends with 12 episodes. The ending could've been handled better but alas.

>Thic confirms that Nenenee's mom in fact participated in the last Granb owl
Kuon said it outright.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.27_[2019.08.12_14.43.13].jpg (1280x720, 129K)

Anime original shows always have the funnest threads, whether the show is shitty or godlike

Granbelm being held irregularly could mean it's held whenever the previous winner dies. Which would mean being za uicchi doesn't make you omnipotent or anything.

It is said in the show that Nenenee's Armanox is just less powerful than her mother, and leaving her kids means that she somehow lost and wanted to protect her kids from her same destiny (getting hunted for marriage). It being held whenever Magiconauts feels like it it's interesting because it could end and start again the next day.

I don't know if magic can protect you from a bullet to the head.

I was talking more about the regularity of the Granbelm.

It was way better than it should be.

Attached: vlcsnap-00045.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

>Aside from that, why not keep low porfile until everyone kill themselves, then snipe the remaining one, who's most likely weakened?
Magicastronauts might decide that you're unworthy if you don't fight for real.

Attached: vlcsnap-00046.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

Do you have the Dark Souls webm?

Imagine dealing your best friend a humiliating defeat in front of all your peers and contemporaries because you want to fuck with the pretty new girl you just met the day before as soon as possible.

>Aside from that, why not keep low porfile until everyone kill themselves, then snipe the remaining one, who's most likely weakened?
I imagine it works pretty much like in those battle royale games, in that camping can make you a sitting duck while active players get more chances to gain experience, have the flow of the battle on their side and generally end up in superior positions for the final showdown.

Remind me, despite all of the Jin'i abuse, is there any *teleport behind you* action in Toji no Miko?

>whatever magiacoitus decides
This also lends to possibility that granbelm is just a sham.
Magiaconatus, or whoever is in control, is just bored and wants to see some magicrobo rumble. Participants gets a chance to win NOTHING BECAUSE FUCK YOU THAT'S WHY

It's mostly teleport around you.

Attached: vlcsnap-00125.jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

If you count Yomi ;_;, there aren't that much. Most battles were straighfoward, no backstab.

I miss Yume

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Attached: 1550988087385.jpg (1280x720, 385K)

Isn't she alive in the mobage? Just like Yume.

Much like Anna, only for the time being.

It's pretty lackluster, but it's the only noteworthy original this season.

It's Fate/Magica wa Yuusha no Miko

Stupid bird ruined the whole show.

At least she reddemed herself.

Why does no one want to be Mangetsu's friends she gives everyone free food and does their chores

>she gives everyone free food and does their chores
that's exactly why, she kept doing that and her "friends" just use her for everything. There's that scene where her classmate asked for free food and she just gave it away. That's not how you make real friends.

Mangetsu probably has some sort of magical aura/curse thing that's like a real version of Akari's lack of presence which makes non-magic users not get too close. Probably because she herself is a magical construct not of the mortal world.

Attached: mangetchew.webm (594x720, 193K)

They probably think she's boring.

That's not a friend, that's someone you know that can do your chores for free as a bonus, and if she doesn't want to do it someday you'll just do it yourself. That's why she's so focused on winning, because that way she'll be special and needed.

Well, they were right.

>inb4 former human

I'm in the middle of episode 5 right now and I've just asked myself this. It's a shittier WXXIOS/YuYuYu/MSIK with ugly pudgy /m/s.

I guess Mangetsu's battle design is cute. I just wished she were a real mahou shoujo.

But she makes lunch for everybody! And does all the chores!

>hating on SD mecha

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 06 [720p].mkv-0003.jpg (1366x768, 184K)

To be fair, I kinda hate all mecha.

Mangetsu wants not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! She wants to be fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!

>Why does no one want to be Mangetsu's friends she gives everyone free food and does their chores
If Mangetsu cook me food (I'll pay for it, her share too) and does my (house)chores, she will be more than a friend to me.
Her mistake is her choice of people.

Fuck off Galadriel, Feanor did everything wrong and so did you.

Attached: feanor.png (541x586, 141K)

>She's a side character in her own life, so when she finally becomes a protagonist, she doesn't want to "Stop" being the protagonist.

She's going to face the same fate as that cop in Blade Runner 2049, huh

Attached: EBx63WkXkAE2hXp.jpg (1500x1000, 142K)

Yeah but I don't think she will reach the acceptance stage of greif and stay stuck on anger. Anna is going to kill ERNESTA and it's going to be two crazy spergs in SD Magical Mecha suits beating the shit out of each other yelling each others names like tards. It's going to be glorious.

There were consequences for losing, battle autist, established system, incest.
It was mostly a MotW Mahou Shoujo until the third act, with the occasional suffering here and there.
It was established that you had to kill your enemies to win, let's not pretend Snow White was that much of a character before La Pucelle and Ripple fucked off, became Batman and was diddle by a little girl.
The thing is, every serie was unique in it's way and comparing it to any of said series is retarded, or at least trying to compare it 1:1. It's a battle royale with it's own rules and until know it has delivered exactly what it is. Also it's just episode 6 holy shit, wait until the end to shitpost about it being boring and shit.

I want to see her destroy this fat fuck

Attached: Endro Yuusha.jpg (1920x1611, 1.34M)

In bed.

I never called it boring. I just felt like for some reason I'm treating the show like it's better than it really is. Mangetsu is a nice character, design wise and her whole mob character shtick. I'm enjoying it.

I was looking forward to it because I thought it was a mahou shoujo but mecha battles are just not that interesting to me and some characters are really annoying like that drill ohohoho dork and the blue haired one who talks weird. It's an okay show, definitely top 10 this season, lower five though.

>I just felt like for some reason I'm treating the show like it's better than it really is.
It's because of the direction, it elevates what could have been really boring and conventionnal material.

Is Mangetsu a janny?


Did everyone forget about best girl Nenenenene?

Just like her mother

Honestly if it were your ususal Magical Girl show you'd be right to compare it with MSIK and Yu^3. The mecha gives it a nice aspect and I have to wait until next episode to see if people can die for real.
>I just felt like for some reason I'm treating the show like it's better than it really is
That's called expectative, and until it ends you'll keep thinking that way.

That would be bad.

Fuck You Giant Mechas

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I'd still volunteer to be her boyfriend if she ever gets tired of Kibou.

>gets tired of Kibou.
Yeah, but would you want to be the BF of someone with shit taste?

Sd mechs are the pleb filter for their second forms

That explains a lot. Also, end yourself, kudasai.

I feel like the action scenes are going to be boring now, Nene added a unique dynamic to the battle. The rest of the mechs have boring abilities.


Just like Momma's memories.

I wish their eyes appeared more often, but we've only seen them in extreme closeups

no one gives a fuck about nene


She will end up stabbing or getting stabbed by someone.

I'll give Nene a fuck.

I thought this was the next ep PV and was somewhat confused.

Attached: eye shoulders.jpg (1280x1440, 224K)

I feel like their powers would probably be more interesting if they leaned into them more
Like how Anna's elemental is fire and Shingetsu's is guns and but they're kind of interchangeable when they're fighting close up

>element: guns

Yeah well I meant their irises. There's a better picture of them but I can't find it

Attached: irises.jpg (1920x1080, 94K)

fucking this. I've been getting hella Ruuko vibes from Mankotsu. Glad i'm not the only one

Attached: battoru ruuko.jpg (1280x720, 174K)

>Glad I'm not the only one
Someone post the chart.

I just noticed that in the OP the expression of the characters changes when viewed through the crystals
I feel dumb now


You should watch everything here and then some.

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How is it similar to Fate?

Is there even a shred of originality left in (this) anime?
It feels like it has all been done multiple times before. Late 00s/early 10s anime didn't feel like this.

They didn't feel like that to you because you hadn't seen it all before.

Mango, eye closed.
Ernesta, crying.
Anna, angry.
0 yen, angry?
Nene-nee, crying.
Suishou, winking at the audience.
Kuon, eye closed.

Mango and K-On are going to die. Ernesta will probably be the one who kills Mango.

How can a show with Youmu not be incredibly fast?

Attached: granbelm-ep3-24.png (648x365, 88K)

Umm, I need a happy feel-good show to watch this season, preferably with magical girls. Is this one fine or is it grimderp?

What a silly way to bump the thread.

Just watch precure.

Wholesome family life, sisters caring for each other, healing and smiles. I wouldn't call them magical girls, even if they are girls that use magic sometimes.

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Ouroboros confirmed for the big evil villain.
Donā€™t, weā€™re full.

>I love you dear
>but this chinese runt is a better mage, daugher, and lover than you
>just ask your sister
She could have been a little more diplomatic about it.

machikado mazoku

>element: guns

Attached: chrisseessomethingawesome.gif (600x450, 2.48M)

You have either this one or Machikado, unless you count Symphogay as a magical girl show. I'd say go ahead.
Fuck off we don't need more people in our thread, or not at least until January.
Not again for fucks' sake.

>happy feel-good show

Attached: symphogear oneeloli fisting.webm (800x450, 2.79M)

Aoi Yuuki is giving me a boner again

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That's just jam bro. She's fine. It was all just Milaarc mindfuckery.

ERNESTA's element is darkness.

No, Shingetsu's element is cat.

If anyone's element is cat, it has to be Suishou.

Darkness you say.

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Mechs with eyes you say.

Attached: snapshot008.png (1920x1090, 2.21M)

I miss it.

Nyo isn't nya. Also, she doesn't have cat ears and tail on her Armanox, and it doesn't have cat in the name. She also doesn't dress the part. Suisho's element is jazz hands.

>Muh talent.
What does that even mean with magecraft? Are her magic circuits just crap?

That's a perfectly normal reaction

It means no one loves her.

She's bad at envisioning

Neither. Both of those characters are defined by unhealthy amounts of self sacrifice. This girl is only getting involved because fighting is fun and makes her feel special.

Happens all the time, you get used to it

They had decent intentions. They just went about it the wrong way, if only because they never considered Anna's feelings on the subject. Like, they could have at least asked her if she wanted to become a mage regardless of her apparent weakness.

>Just what was so tragic about her life?
Being complete untalented in everything and having nothing matter.

When will this boy appear again?

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This is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It's me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you'd see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say "Yup, that's me". I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I'm assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I've found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It's really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it's almost like we're identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?

Haha literally me.

Mangetsu is literally us, no true friends just acquaintances and people only talk to you because they want something.
She finally got something grand, magic and maybe a real friend.
If you don't relate to mangetsu you don't belong here.

Attached: I Want To Die.png (739x416, 375K)

Can't she just get a male escort?

She seems to come up with pretty good revenge schemes though. That takes at least some vision.

REAL FRIEND MY ASS!!! She is using shingetsu to teach her magic so she can become strong enough to beat her and manipulate people.

So, apparently one of Nenene's sisters is voiced by Nozomi Kasuga, aka the voice of Kizuna AI.

Basically this. If you ever get hold of some sort of powers you'll do everything on your power to keep them. I'm not trying to justify her actions but she isn't in the wrong here either. Fuck the world.

Honestly, the one thing I did find very relatable was people telling her "But you have a good heart though". I've been told that so many times, and not only is it not true but even if it was it wouldn't matter anyway.

Honestly, I don't find her all that relatable simply because she doesn't actually seem to have any kind of serious flaw or deficiency. She's just kind of boring and average, rather than a walking car crash.

With that said though, one thing that did hit me pretty personally was Ernesta telling her that she has a good heart. I've been told that so many times, and it's never done anything for me. Not only is it actually untrue. But even if it was, so what? It doesn't guarantee you success. If anything, it actually makes it less likely that you'll amount to anything

Third is the charm

>yfw shingetsu is also voiced by female pedo warrior

First of all, stop deleting post holy shit, it get's annoying. If you fucked up you fucked up. Second yeah, that like if someone tell you "well at least you have good health", like if you don't have any other noteworty trait and roll with "yeah, you're a good person".


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>First of all, stop deleting post holy shit, it get's annoying
Sorry. I try to avoid doing that too often, but the mistakes in my first two attempts were really bothering me.

>that like if someone tell you "well at least you have good health
I would say it's even worse than that. Since at least good health is something you can actually use. Not being a complete shitbag is simply lacking a disability.

She (he) had been getting roles recently.

is that really nozomin?

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So... the mom is dead, right?

Post Nene thighs.

i want to protect that cute dork

>Also it's just episode 6 holy shit, wait until the end to shitpost about it being boring and shit.
This is behaviour that should make you worry about your mental health. Just saying.

>in the op and ed as much as the other characters
>has the same merch as the other characters
There's no way she's not going to reappear soon.

Closer to Madoka, but replace wanting to be of use with wanting power because it's fun.

>Templar Mech

Final boss confirmed or?

Care to explain why? Legit curious.

I haven't seen too many shows with a semi-depressed main character piloting a magical mech through puppet strings but that might just be me.

Isn't it harder to find mech pilot MCs who aren't some degree of depressed/mentally unstable?

>not all mages can participate in granbowl but only those chosen by magiacoitus

It's been rumored that they are more armanoxes and magiacoitus right?

>it's OK to consider women superior in magician families

Male magiacoitus confirmed?

>There's no way she's not going to reappear soon.

Eventually she will appear to do something very fuckery.

At least she has a reap reason for it unlike Mango who just wants some adrenaline.

will it involve Anna, a dark back alley, and a knife?

>She (he)
Can you elaborate more?

Maybe she'll kidnap Anna's imouto.

She'll probably save Anna from death.

Will she become Anna's consolation girlfriend after she gives up on Ernesta?

She moved to Love Live.


Too bad Love Live is dead.

She'll become part of Anna's new harem.

That tomboy is pretty loyal to Anna she will save her or help her heal from her suffering.

Realistically, nah.

Nice joke

Nah, she's just stunned.

Mangetsu will probably suck out all of her anger when she sentences her to a life as a dirty mundane.

Mangetsu will give Anna the power to grow a gigantic rage boner so she can take true revenge on Ernesta.

You sure that tomboy will do anything to sacrifice herself on helping Anna.

More like she'll perform ritual sacrifice to get back at Anna.

She should ritually sacrifice Anna's sister.

Only if rape is part of the ritual.

She will stab Anna to near death.

This is ERNESTA's fault too.

She probably cursed Kuon's neesan too.

What a cute adult!

Attached: granbelm18.jpg (300x600, 56K)

She's a stay at home wife.

Nigger what.

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Just the designer messing around, he says in his headcanon hundreds/thousands of Armanox were used during the crusades and such.
There's also a frame of Armanox knights in the OP mixed in with the Egyptian stuff.

He said that before magic was sealed armanoxes were used as weapons normally.

If my flaming daughter Anna does not get a good end, consequences will never be the same.

>Don't chase the midnight moon anymore
>You no longer have to carry the burden alone
>Even this once blank, empty heart
>Is now overflowing with memories
>This surely is the answer
Makes me wonder if the OP has been spoiling the ending all along.

Fuck off back to your Shitphogear thread, Ogawafag.

>There were consequences for losing
Maybe in S1.

I really wish other seasons were as good as s1.
After amazing build up and a cliffhanger end s1 had what we saw next was huge disappointment.

s4 wasnt good but its mc was cute

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I'd say the last two episodes of S1 were already bad enough, like that scene when Hitoe remembered everything because fuck you. Peeping Analyze is still the best part of the franchise.

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fuck you user, it looks like ojousama doing ohoho laugh

Attached: ohoho.jpg (250x250, 27K)

Where did this "mangetsu is a magical terminator" came from?

>She finally got something grand, magic and maybe a real friend.
>posts picture of girl who fucked her sister in the final chapter.

On the grounds that she showed up in this fight with no lineage as a mage or no real reason to fight to become princep or know knowledgeof magic at all and yet she still feels compelled to join this. And one of the biggest details or should be is that she legit lost Nenene, her mech took the full brunt of that attack in she went berserk not at the last moment but literally when it was clear she lost. It's like when you beat an unbeatable boss fight in a game. What Mangetsu might be is an absolute wildcard fighter brought in to hurry the granbelm along because it's been taking way too long to resolve itself, but in order to have solid basis for this theory we need to how long this one granbelm has been going on.

Attached: ohohohohoho.jpg (298x370, 29K)

Is this one of the biggest failures in anime ever?
>anime original
>no manga
>no novel
>no game
>no nothing
>barely any merchandise
>almost no fanart
>very little interest
>BD preorders are terrible
>streaming probably not-so-great either considering a lack of discussion online
And so on and so forth

She has nothing, she dreams of nothing, she breaks the rules of Granbowl by joining mid battle, she has no magical lineage, she has different eye color than her relatives, her sister transmits the feeling that something is amiss, she can't be mindwiped.

Probably Suishou has been repeating it for the lulz and magia thing created Manko to wreck everyone and restore the proper order.


Underrated and Huey Lewis pilled



Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 06 [720p].mkv-0004.jpg (1366x768, 125K)

I would say Cop Craft is a bigger failure because it also looks like shit in addition of being a flop


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 05 [720p].mkv-0002.jpg (1366x768, 147K)

the oc is good and the threads are fun though

Cop Craft isn't an original though, it's a light novel series, so even if the anime flops, there are still the books to rely on. Granbelm has nothing, by contrast.

The fact that salesfags still think they're relevant at all is the biggest failure in the universe

The novels are a flop too


Cop Craft doesn't look that bad, frankly. It's not great, but i've seen way worse.

As for it being a flop. That kind of a shame, but really not too surprising. I doubt most anime fans give a fuck about buddy cop movies.

Then, why did it get a anime in the first place?

>Cop Craft doesn't look that bad, frankly
No, the action scenes are a complete clusterfuck of stills and awkward close-ups.

>It's not great, but i've seen way worse.
Not an argument.

The action scenes aren't that great. But i've seen way worse action scenes. Even if that doesn't make them any better, I just can't be all that bothered by them.

Anyone want to do drinking game for next episode?
We'll keep it simple. Drink every time Anna screams ERNESTA

That's not a drinking game, that's a form of assisted suicide.

>The action scenes aren't that great
Stop glossing over, there's a term for it: shit.

>I just can't be all that bothered by them
Then I guess you're just watching it because of the loli. Way to out yourself, pedo.
For me episode 5 was where I drew the line.

>Stop glossing over, there's a term for it: shit.
Fair enough.

>Then I guess you're just watching it because of the loli. Way to out yourself, pedo.
I'm watching it because I like the story and premise. It's like Bright, but not shit.

Now that Anna has learned that everyone thinks of her as talentless and that being the reason for Ernesta being adopted, what else is Anna going to blame Ernesta for?

Considering that she's kind of past the point of rationality. I imagine she's going to start blaming her for everything.

Attached: EB13bOuU8AAatWC.jpg (1200x952, 238K)

Just about everything in the premise?

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It's too bad Eir Aoi fans didn't give this show a chance.

>deciding what to watch based on the fucking OP singer
Is this what brain damage looks like?

Why not? I've watched a lot of things for dumber reasons.

>implying it's not a legitimate method
Ever heard of JAM Project?

It's pretty much the same as watching a show because of the voice actors, and nobody likes seiyuu butas.

Mangetsu has probably already won the game before and was enjoying it such that she made the wish to repeat the whole thing again

She doesn't have bananas instead of hair, though.

Thigh meat.

Then why did she join only after a year instead of enjoying it from the start?

I don't think the tripnigger even watches any shows. He only cares about singers and sales.

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>Mangetsu using a fox mask
Is that a motherfucking C3-bu reference?

I know at least one of you fags must have seen it. I have the BBK/BRNK artbook coming in and I'll scan it when I figure out how to debind glue.

Attached: 1523548526140.jpg (940x1199, 163K)

use nail polish remover fag

There's a lot of shows I started watching because of dumb reasons and ended up enjoying them.

handicap user. Let other mages get their experience first, it's more fun that way.

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Post smiles you want to protect

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this one

>I feel empty, like I'm missing something.
Gee user, I wonder what Mangalamalaladingdong deal is.
tbqh every tripnigger is probably watching this, not just the pinoy.

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