I consider naked little anime girls to be equivalent to child porn, and I consider lolicons to be pedophiles...

I consider naked little anime girls to be equivalent to child porn, and I consider lolicons to be pedophiles. A lot of people have disagreed with me, but none of them have articulated a meaningful counterargument.

>They're not real
Child porn is a sexual depiction of a child. The definition for "child porn" doesn't mention anything about the child being real.

>It's not hurting anybody
I'm not arguing about whether or not it's harmful. I'm saying that it's a sexual depiction of a child, and thus it should be classified as child porn.

>I'm not a pedophile
If you enjoy masturbating to sexual depictions of little kids, it means that you're attracted to little kids, and thus you're a pedophile.

>I'd never touch a kid
Good for you, but you still masturbate to sexual depictions of little kids, so you're still a pedophile.

>Not all pedophiles rape children, pedophiles and child molesters belong in two separate categories
Irrelevant, doesn't change the fact that you should be classified as a pedophile if you masturbate to sexual depictions of little kids.

>Actually, if pedophiles are supplied with child porn, it keeps them busy, so they don't go out and rape real kids, so child porn is good for society.
Irrelevant, doesn't change the fact that naked little anime girls are equivalent to child porn, and you're a pedophile if you masturbate to them.

Why do so many people refuse to categorize naked little anime girls as child porn? If artwork is created for people to masturbate to, it's porn. If it features a child, then it's child porn. How can anyone argue against this?

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tl;dr post cute and funny pictures


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Good thread OP

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Fuck off normalfaggot

>Child porn is a sexual depiction of a child. The definition for "child porn" doesn't mention anything about the child being real.
That's literally just semantics. Such an argument means nothing to anybody who isn't a massive brainlet. Words just capture ideas and if people have different opinions on what ideas a word captures, there's absolutely no intrinsic meaning in using the word in a dialectic.

tl;dr you're a pathetic second rate intellectual who can only act think through a pathetic form of sophistry.

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It's not like anyone really considered you a candidate for sound logic since you can't tell the difference between real life and fiction in both the physical and moral though.
Ultimately you're just a subhuman baboon.

someone post that webm
that one

Reminder that drawings are not sentient beings and that it is impossible to commit ethical crimes against them. If you disagree you LITERALLY cannot distinguish reality from fantasy, the definition of insanity.

What child is lolicon shit depicting? Seriously, what loli character resembles any real child in both looks and behavior?
Most loli borrows aspects of childishness and youth, but almost all lolis act wildly differently from their real life counterparts and have designs that borrow aspects of young adulthood.
Plenty of people fap to lolicon without being in the slightest bit attracted real children for that reason.

that one buff anime dude from jojo with the pompadour getting shaved?

"They're just drawings" doesn't work as an argument as we already know that people like the Kenshin author graduated to actual 3D child exploitation.

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That's non sequitor. Also there's nothing to suggest he was loli only then went to actual CP

it wasn't that one but now it is

have sex

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>If you enjoy masturbating to sexual depictions of little kids, it means that you're attracted to little kids, and thus you're a pedophile.
Then explain why I've never once found an actual child attractive? Loli and real life are totally different.

But it's not a child, it's a 10000 years old vampire.
Checkmate, FBI.

I've asked an expert on the matter and he said jerking it to loli is the thinking mans choice of masturbation so you can fuck right off normalfag.

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Correct, no harm is being done to the character. You can't commit a crime against a character, because they can't exist. But, that's irrelevant. That's not even what I'm talking about.

I'm not saying that a crime is being committed against a fictional character. I'm saying that a sexual depiction of a child is child porn, and if you masturbate to depictions of children, you're a pedophile.

As usual, the "counterargument" is irrelevant to the actual point I'm making.

To be a child a person must be of age 11 or less
OP is a media sheeple
This thread is just shitpost and should have been made on Yea Forums
anime lolis looks like squished bugs and nowhere close to actual children
behold my 3

>and thus you're a pedophile.


A drawing is not a child, hence your autistic semantic argument is completely irrelevant. Fuck off :^)

Respond to my fucking post.

Nah, the first point is correct.

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I consider people like you as major allies of real pedophiles, your retarded double think waste tons of resources that could be use to fight actual pedophiles who harm little kids but you rather chase some boogeyman because it hurt your feelings.

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Trips and OP is public banned

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But the protagonist of Welcome to the NHK uses 3D child images as inspiration for his 2D loli game.

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I wish that were me

with children

not the one you wanted but this one is good

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Someone looking like a child does not mean they are a child. A child is someone who is under the age of 18, which is verified by their date of birth and official identification showing this such as passports, birth certificates, etc. A fictional character does not have any of this official documentation because they are not a real person, therefore they cannot be classified as a "child" legally, therefore it is not child porn.