The image that killed Yea Forums
The image that killed Yea Forums
Why are you posting ragefaces in 2019?
Fuck off back to Yea Forumseddit, eunuch.
Now kill Yea Forums
t. Cumbrain
as much as I wish this board was about anime and not about anime girls, there's not much that can be done about it, is there
I believe this was the image that killed Yea Forums actually, heard about that incident and the word actually got filtered that quickly. Don't even know where it came from, probably from the same board but yeah they have the worst shitposters around
it came from /pol/
Answer the question.
Not surprised one bit.
whoa sexual craving which is the most basic and natural of human function and also required to propagate the species is stronger than the need to get high?
who would have known
>Yea Forums
Yea Forums is cunnybrain
No it didnt
/pol/ doesnt make oc
If this research was sound, wouldn't politicians push for porn bans?
Cumbrain is the weakest fucking meme, and i’m /pol/ as adolf himself. Step up senpai or get fucking dabbed on normalfaggot shit
>nofap cultists
Get your pseudo-scientific bullshit out of Yea Forums.
Point being memes popularized by /pol/ are never made by /pol/, in recent memory clown pepe, boomer/zoomer, and npc come to mind
not going to stop me from fapping 4 times a day to drawings sorry
I first saw it on Yea Forums
3dpd shit