Fuck, I love nihilism

Fuck, I love nihilism

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>most optimistic character in the show

He is obviously referring to the form of nihilism inherent to the worship of science, where existence is meaningless as the laws of physics point to the entropy of everything, including the universe itself.

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Yet the greatest scientists of past and recent times all were optimistic people entangled with the beauty of the world.

Because someone who is smart enough to truly embrace nihilism once they accept it wouldn't have the motivation to become a great scientist. The argument your post is trying to make is fundamentally flawed. It's like saying all fast runner like running

Fedora lords don't make great scientists and Niggers like running

Modern scientists that get pushed into the media (Dawkins, Carroll, Krauss, etc.) are more concerned with going on self-congratulatory atheism tours than actually contributing to their fields or encouraging a healthy interest in science. I've met many optimistic and driven scientists at university, but these aren't the scientists getting lauded by the public.

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Why is there a non scientist like Bill Nye there?

Senku is literally the opposite of nihilism.

This is a HUMANITY FUCK YEAH series.

It's literally Gurren Lagann but slower and without robots, yet.


And actually good

based thread. dr stone is peak shounen.

Although Tyson and Nye have degrees, they are not scientists, but are pushed by the media as authorities on scientific subjects.

I'd rather Nye than Dawkins be the face of science to the public. Dawkins is a joke. And Tyson is a scientist even if he's also a joke like Dawkins.

I haven't heard a peep from Dawkins in years.
>but these aren't the scientists getting lauded by the public.
Well, no shit, those scientists aren't looking to become public figures and the ones you listed gains infamy because they make people butthurt and cause arguments over religion.

That's because he went Islamophobic

Who hasn't?

Anyone with a working brain

Senku's personality is actually fucking hot
I love his smugness yet he's such a nice guy

really makes you think

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What? No. Senku is nothing like Rick. Senku loves civilization, enjoys learning and applying science, and takes every opportunity he can to educate those around him.

I mean I have nothing against the theism itself but leading your life after guidelines made for people living in scarcely fertile hot lands past the modern times is just retarded

It's a shitpost, user.

Is this show actually good? Most threads I've seen seem to be shit talking it in the OP.

It's good. Yea Forums is just shitposting.

Read the manga, it's fun.

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Faith has been responsible for dragging science into reason long before it was a meme for the opposite

Blame American Evangelicals and Saudi Wahhabis for being exceptionally stupid in modern times.

He's not smug though. Smugness is excessive pride on your achievements and well Senku is pretty much bringing humanity back from extinction. His confidence is well deserved.

I gringed.

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Senku is clearly not a nihilist. He's obviously both a positivist(His belief that only science can supply him with knowledge) and a humanist(his love for the potential humanity has by grasping reason and utilizing it to better our lives).

If he was a nihilist, he would be trapped in a logical paradox. His greatest desires would be meaningless and he would lack motivation to do anything, he wouldn't even be capable of putting his friends before himself if he cared for nothing at all. Considering his love for logic, he most likely is staunchly against it in all it's form. Epistemological nihilism(extreme skepticism), moral nihilism, existential nihilism, metaphysical nihilism, Senku would reject all of them.

>the laws of physics point to the entropy of everything, including the universe itself.
None of us are going to live that long, nobody we know will ever know anyone who will live that long. Why do you care?

Yeah he never really acts smug at all
He has an extremely smug looking face though which is where I guess the smug comments come from

OP was obviously baiting you with a shitpost.

And you just bumped it.

ok, so what is the reason why people are made stone in dr stone?


“One cringes to hear scientists cooing over the universe or any part thereof like schoolgirls over-heated by their first crush. From the studies of Krafft-Ebbing onward, we know that it is possible to become excited about anything—from shins to shoehorns. But it would be nice if just one of these gushing eggheads would step back and, as a concession to objectivity, speak the truth: THERE IS NOTHING INNATELY IMPRESSIVE ABOUT THE UNIVERSE OR ANYTHING IN IT.”

― Thomas Ligotti, The Conspiracy Against the Human Race

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i hate Nihilism

it seems we are enemies

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I love Senku, but he is clearly autistic and doesn't seem to care about anything, though I guess that's a blessing in some aspects. He does have a shit load of self confidence and self esteem. I'm somewhat envious of that because I have zero self confidence.

i also love his wicked sense of humor, he reminds me of me

That’s a writer, not a scientist.

Truly spoken like someone who doesn't understand e^(iπ)+1 = 0.