Itt: things that anime watchers say that instantly makes their opinions invalid

>itt: things that anime watchers say that instantly makes their opinions invalid
I'll start:

>Lol bro you're looking to deep into, it's literally just a cartoon

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>just because it's called "anime" doesn't mean it has to be animated

>plot is secondary to aesthetics

>dude, incest is only cool in anime. No one with an actual sister would want to have sex with her

>aesthetics are secondary to plot

Then why watch anime? If you're looking for plot then read a novel.

And so on and so forth.

It's true though

Thanks for outing animeonlies as thumb sucking retards who watch anime for MUH PRETTY PICTURES

No, that's just how you identify crossboarders

You do realize for the most part, anime is escapism? Of course there are good plot driven shows out there, but that is a rarity. This isn't the medium for super serious, 2deep4u stories as you can tell what's popular with the general audience.

>I watch anime to escape my shitty life, I don't want to see [the MC not being OP, ugly girls, the MC losing, etc.]
If you're consuming something to see what brainlet twists come up next or what epic plan the MC will put into motion next episode then you're a brainlet, whether it's a book or an anime.

Gosh, you managed to trigger both parts of my post. I didn't even read yours before I posted

add cope and you got Yea Forums and /vg/ scum

Why do you watch anime?


>the manga goes downhill conveniently at the point where the anime stops

>No no no this isekai is different I swear

Why can't there be both? And it doesn't have to be deep just something more serious and maybe bit of realism.

I like incest in anime.
I wouldn't be caught dead even entertaining the thought of fucking my sister.

So Berserk 97 isn't an anime?

Yeah anytime I see those words I just stop reading, they never have anything worthwhile to say.

I didn't say there cannot be, I'm saying that this medium is mostly escapism.

>You do realize for the most part, anime is escapism...
Well, that's why I don't blindly consume every shitty show they throw at me. I hope you do realize most books and movies are also shit. I honestly can't imagine how someone can consume stupid crap while being proud of it and mock the people who look for something more.

There’s no such thing as a “deep” or “intellectual” piece in this medium

To watch a good story. This is different from watching for the plot.
To show the difference, I'll compare Death Note with Space Dandy. You watch Death Note because you want to find out the next twist and turn in the plot; you want to know what mystery will be unveiled, what stratagem Light will use, how L will counter it -- IF L will counter it. But nobody watches Space Dandy to know what epic plan gets used, or what twist will be revealed. You watch it to see the characters be characters, and to see their journeys as people.
Or, to use a more poncy example, everyone knows the story of Beowulf, but it's still fucking fun to read about a Chad Geat beat the shit out of monsters only to die at last.

Yeah, that's definitely one of the things that definitely make your opinion invalid. But it's really similar to what's in the OP, try to come up with something original.

It's not only escapism, but also quite alot of times a social commentary on japanese society and a mostly a man living his own dream or imagination through a highschool boy. Something about that really melts my heart

Never meant to say fucking your own sister. I have a sister too, and I would never want to have that relationship with her. But when I saw yosuga no sora, it really pulled my heart seeing that sort of a relationship. It felt actually genuine, in a world where no male-female relationship actually is.

But it’s true, you fucking pseud.

>the anime is the finished product and is more canon than the manga

I do realize that most books and movies are shit, but they don't do anything for me as opposed to shit anime. I'm like a homeless person trying to find edible food from garbage, personally I prefer anime garbage.

>the manga was just a storyboard for the anime
>the mangaka made the manga the way it is specifically for it to be animated

Yea Forums truly hates anime more than any other board

...he says while being the only one who displays pseudo intellectual behavior. Are you some kind of an infallible arbiter who decides what's intellectual and what's not? What gives you the right to arrogantly dismiss an entire medium?

Every board hates their own stuff.

I see your point, but in a honestly it's going to be a while until good shit starts to be release again.

What's the last book you read? Don't worry, I know the answer: it's either genreshit or some ridiculously basic bitch literature.

What is pseudo intellectual about saying deep or intelligent anime doesn’t exist?

the hobbit

>IP count increased

Legacy of Goku II is the best Dragon Ball game ever made.

ya got me.

The fact that you think you posess the intelligence and knowledge to decide such a thing.

They’re just cartoons, man.

>Lain is better than tex and haibane

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even japan isn't open enough to allow an anime that would be intellectual enough for everyone's standard. Most anime is just feelgood stuff.

depends on the anime

>Tex is better than literally anything

Anime is just a medium to tell a story. It doesn't matter if somebody animates the character, or if a camera captures some Hollywood actor imitating the characters. There are tens of thousands of shows from thousands of authors with different visions, capabilities and goals in their mind. You can't condemn an entire medium like that. It's just about as retarded as saying movies can't be intellectual, or even books can't be intellectual.

Emotional impact: Haibane > Texh > Lain
Profoundness: Texh > Haibane > Lain

>Avatar the last air bender is the best anime ever written

Well i understood it wrong. I just have seen too many people with opinion that anime should only most unrealistic and not serious.

Anyone that uses badass to describe an anime can usually be ignored.

When did I ever condemn it?
I just loathe the retards who make mountains out of molehills about how “deep” an anime is.

>When did I ever condemn it?
When you said "There’s no such thing as a “deep” or “intellectual” piece in this medium". That's condemning the entire medium. If you, instead, said "Most of the pieces people praise for being intellectual are actually not intellectual", then I might have even agreed with you, and it might have sparked some kind of a discussion. Saying every single piece in a medium has to display a certain quality or lack of thereof just makes you sound stupid.

Fuck off, retard.

I primarily fap to incest/okanoyaki manga, the thought of actually doing it with my mother or sister makes me want to vomit and snap my brain stem

>I can't get into One Piece because it's too long and the the artstyle is weird

I unironically don't get the deal about incest. If I had a sister, you're damn right I'd be fucking her silly.

What if she's super ugly like you?

Then why should I expect better than what I myself have to offer? Besides, I have a paper-bag-on-head fetish.

>itt: things that anime watchers say that instantly makes their opinions invalid
What? So this makes his opinion invalid and he actually wants to get into One Piece?

>no I've never read the manga

I can see the argument about it being too long. I started reading it nearly 20 years ago but I haven't read it for a few years and don't even feel like catching up with the over 100 chapters I've missed since then. Getting into a nearly 1000 chapter/episode series, even with me having read One Piece for a long time, seems pretty crazy to me.

I cannot imagine wanting to actually read 950+ chapters of a battle shonen. It sounds like pure hell.

Not if you get into it.

>Bro you can't measure how "good" an anime actually is, it's all subjective.
I was arguing with someone over SAO being horeshit and this was the argument they used.

its afucking storytelling medium
if i wanted PRETTY PICTURES id look at a painting

>it's a story telling medium
No it's not

>lol go back to [board]

haha nice one

hello Yea Forums.

>telling someone to fuck off

>one piece is good.

It is the best standard long running shonen.
Wasn't a lot of the series animated in Japan anyhow?

>It is the best standard long running shonen.
nice one, user.

Yeah, hate this attitude. I wonder why they even try to engage in a discussion if everything is entirely subjective to them in the end.

maybe they're just defending themselves and not really trying to engage in a discussion.
some people can be a real pain in the ass with their hatred for shows like SAO and start shit for no reason.

Whats better than it? Naruto, Bleach, and Dragon Ball went to shit in their final acts.

One Piece is close, but its never had the impact that Avatar did, nor the maturity. Its also not over.
SnK is actually close to being better than ALAB but its both not over again, and not quite there yet.
JJBA never got better than Avatar until it went seinen.
HxH isn't as good, and isn't finished either.
There are better Shonen manga, but they are not as long running, nor do they fit the same style of plot structure.

If you are against what i am saying because Avatar isn't Japanese and because of that isn't 'shonen', then I'll say that Avatar is the best long running adventure based show directed at the young male (and female) demographic.

>then I'll say that Avatar is the best long running adventure based show directed at the young male (and female) demographic.
Add in the animated caveat to the descriptor if you want

>For kids

Like kids should watch shit shows or something

>but its never had the impact that Avatar did, nor the maturity
what? You don't seriously believe this, do you? OP deals with way more mature themes than Avatar.
Even DB and YYH with all their problems is more entertaining. Gash Bell is better than it.

It is the deal, only faggots with no sister would fantasy about that shit. Regularly it would feel icky as fuck to even think about it

Yeah but if she weren't so old I think I'd fug my mum.

>I dont read manga

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> Naruto, Bleach, and Dragon Ball went to shit in their final acts.
You're gonna tell me avatar didn't go to shit either? Also, the final act in most of those shows you named are so short compared to the full run. Part 1 of all those anime > Avatar

For me it never felt like OP has ever approached topics with the same maturity as Avatar. Avatar's treatment of topics like child abuse, the effects of war, and what it means to be an adult are unmatched in quality and intelligence compared to OP's treatment of the same or different topics.

While OP might have more violence, and be more 'mature' as a series in terms of the characters and even at times the tone, but it isn't as mature in how it handles itself - if that makes any sense.

finally, a post that I agree with.
but let's add
>I don't read the source material

As someone who likes one piece more than avatar, I can't agree that one piece has any evidence of maturity.

Usually touted by dubfags as some bizarre form of cognitive dissonance.

>if i had a sister
Thant kinda proves the point.

>Why would I ever watch the sub?

Usually pronounced uh-stet-ick.

>why would I ever watch the dub?
even on the rare exception that the dub is good.

The most maddening of all, though, is
>Where can I get a Japanese dub of this Chinese animation? I'm just more used to hearing Japanese words...

Just about any argument manga elitists try to make. Some of the saltiest fedora tippers who feel enlightened because they don't need color or voice acting.

>I watch dubs because I'm not a weeb.


>I'm such a fucking weeb lol
(no actual weeb admits they're a weeb)

>even on the rare exception that the dub is good.
I won't even watch Dragon Ball in English. Even Yea Forums will give you shit for watching Dragonball subbed. It it really that hard to understand that at a certain point you just don't care about dubs?

Yeah. Why wouldn't you watch a good dub? There is actually one reason I can think of, which is that subs are by their nature more faithful to the original Nipponese.

OST: Tex>Haibane>Lain

Nah just tryhards. There is a lot of fun here if you filter them out.

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>all shonen is bad because its shonen

>jojo is the only good anime
i'd rather rip off my eyelids than hear another normie say this

I miss the day when Jojo threads only had like 4,5 anons discussing the manga. It was comfy as fuck

The anime was truly a monkey paw

I have grown so tired of westerners shoving their opinions in my face that merely hearing anime characters speaking English has the power to instantly make me furious. I also speak a little Japanese so I can actually understand them. American women simply cannot voice cutesy characters, that manner of speech simply is not in our vocabulary without sounding sarcastic.

It's not a coincidence that animes with cutesy characters don't get good dubs.
I personally feel nothing but rage against cuteness, though, so I bet it impacts me a lot less than you.

Big red flag when people say the title like "Joejoe's".

when people say that something has a "good dub" they always mean an excellent male mc, and they're often right
but my god there is genuinely no dub in existence where the girls or any child characters don't sound just awful, and the same is true to a less ear-bleeding extent for any other minor characters

With that in mind, could a good Kaiji dub exit (or other anime with an older male cast)

Nah, Valentine's good.
Minor characters are ALWAYS shit though. Also, everyone has the same cheesy American accent no matter what.

>I personally feel nothing but rage against cuteness
Go to sleep, Gregory.

>Defending your own taste in anime by claiming that you can't objectively judge how good an anime is and that it's all subjective

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Sex with children should be frowned upon. Its wrong to sexualize artistic depictions of obviously preteen or young teenage girls.

anyone that finds fan-service 'distracting' is someone whose opinions i could never relate to

>the dub for that show sounded really great.

>I prefer watching dubs because I'm doing 'multitasking' while watching the show.

>I'm waiting for the dub to be released before I watch that one.

>One piece has the most literary depth and consistency of any piece of media I have ever consumed.

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Westerners are conditioned to reject beauty. Hot girls are one of the cornerstones of anime and manga.

>I prefer watching dubs because I'm doing 'multitasking' while watching the show.
This one kills me. Not only are you a dubfag but you don't have the attention span to sit down and watch a t.v. show.

>lolicon isn't meant to portray real lolis
>incest is only ok in anime
>lolicon is only ok in anime

Or, you know, you are the one who lacks the bandwidth to do two things at once.
I like to work (code or 3d shit) with a TV show on occasionally. As long as it's not action-heavy most shows work fine with the visuals mostly in your periphery and looking over only when it's contextually relevant.

I would never do this with anime though, and dubfags must die

Watching t.v. is for relaxing after work is done. You lack discipline and a proper schedule.

not sure droneposting helps your case


>she's 1000 years old