Is there a cuter demon-girl than Jahy-sama?

Is there a cuter demon-girl than Jahy-sama?

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Cunny form Jahy


the budget Jahy.

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God, I love cute brown girls.

Me too, but only when they’re smol


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Would you still love her if she were white?

absolutely, as long as she was small

Yeah, but I still prefer brown Jahy

What is this hand motion supposed to mean?

No, but Salwa is the cutest demon-boy

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>cutest dog


No. Jahy sama is perfect and eternal!

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potentially but the jury is still out

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wait what Salwa is a boy

With her body she might as well be one

Hell's #1 is cuter than #2, obviously.

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If you mean skin color then sure, if you mean race then no.

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Will magical girls participate in voting?

absolutely, as long as she was grown up

>red eyes

ya blew it

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dumb snek

I decided to drop the manga after 15 chapters, I feel too bad for her.

Too white

You turned her into a nip.

the jury is currently being beaten up by mahous, yes

How can Jahy even compete?

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pay the rent Jahy

she's starting to win, lately

Which Jahy is the best Jahy?

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all Jahy are best Jahy

Is there a more pitiful one?

>in the girls bath
cmon son use your common sense and don't believe everything you read.
Think of her as someone like Naoto or Kino

She’s a good boy

How could you?
how DARE you?!

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I thought it was just some boring flatty but if it's a cute twink I'm down

A boy intentionally in the girls bath who doesn't see anything wrong with it doesn't happen enough.

yea this confirms it
still cute

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Why did you take her hair "ears"?

it's a meme with somebody somewhere, they keep doing it

Well he should stop because I don't like it.

Get out of Yea Forums Druj.

I believe that's why he does it

How rude.

i like it

>her hair "ears"
These are actually her horns / bones

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Where is my isekai thread you slut?

fuck off

What does her tshirt say?

The pleasure of being cummed inside.

Hair covering the horns.

mega milk

>isekai thread
It seems like nothing of value was lost

How high is her level of smugness?

t. Sex tourist on Southeast Asia

she's less smug when she's winning, bizarrely

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Her humbleness is cute.

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>on Southeast Asia

t. actually from southeast asia

daily reminder Kokoro is the reincarnation of the demon lord

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deepest lore

>no Etna
Yea Forums is dead.

Jahy is the queen of Yea Forums, user

Based smug loli

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Why are demons and half-demons always dark skinned?

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loli vsersion

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I like Jahy, but sadly her series just attracts creepy pedophiles, yurifags, and brown skin fetishists (I guess that's the target audience?). She deserves better.

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she won't be cute next chapter when her horns get chopped off.

>always dark skinned
I wish this was true

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And where is that republic? Asking for a friend.

On the island with the same name. It has huge bay of particular form. It is hard to miss it.

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I probably have less cute Etna and more lewd Etna.

Rule 1: We do not talk about The Republic

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please don't write weird things on Kokoro's shirt

It's a pretty common trope. There are some characters that break it but it's mostly true.
Because dark colors always represent impurity, sin, evil, bad, the darkness, etc. Humans correlate bad things with darkness -Darkness representing the literal darkness, how we can't see in it and how it can be dangerous-, and good with light -Daytime and how good it is, peaceful, known, and safe.

Hence, darker colors are always reserved for bad things and people, and lighter colors for good things and characters. Sometimes people flip this for an ironic twist (Good is actually evil, jrpg's do this a lot), but it's set in stone at this point.

but she is the president

this is Kokoro. she has her own KUNI. a very nice KUNI. say something nice about her KUNI.
(kuni mean country/nation in nip)

Attached: Kokoro2020.png (230x216, 44K)

>It's a pretty common trope
So how can you explain all those Satania's expies and other demon lords with pale skin? I think that it is more of an exception now when demon girl actually has at least some sort of a tan.

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>So how can you explain all those Satania's expies and other demon lords with pale skin?

Pitch-black or burning red hair, reddish or warm-colored eyes, pointy ears and/or fangs are common on white-skinned demon girls.

>light side vs the dark side
>heaven vs hell
>yin vs yang
>day vs night
user this is like on of humanities biggest tropes. Kind of like how children represent innocence or muscles represent strength.

I agree with all that but it still does not change the fact the most of the demon girls in anime are white.

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Imagine if this was done by a studio that actually cared about their work.

I dunno. It is actually quite well made. Comedy is not funny but it looks really innocent and cute. Also it is impossible to look at Shamiko without awakening your desire to protect or bully her

the sound direction and voice acting/direction is extremely competent but the animation was animated on a budget of a few packs of ramen

I would still pump her with semen

I'm sorry but race doesn't matter when it comes to cunny

>hobo with a shopping cart chic

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>dat toob belly

>feeling sorry for Jahy
This bitch would murder your family and then enslave you to work in her mines until you die from exhaustion without thinking twice about it. She's pure evil

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how do you all feel about maids?

maids are good

No thanks

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Just google it.

top cute

Chocolate always is best.

White chocolate

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Fuck off already

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Tryin some stuff

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I can't cut clean

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Looks like she got a crit in Persona.

Rapists aren't cute, user.

it's not really rape so much as "sexual assault"
it's not really rape if they're both screaming

Dumb sexy demon

>Comedy is not funny
I dunno, I've enjoyed Momo duck season/wabbit seasoning circles around Shamiko

Liking brown skin is a fetish?

I love dumb demon girls. Dumb demon girls are the best.
The holy trinity of dumb demon girls.

probably. though brown skin really works well with the rest of her design.

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I think this one must be the dumbest demon girl. That's why I love her the most!

Satania has shown that she can easily outsmart dumb junior angel girls. And Jahy is just temporarily down on her luck. She'll be back on top any day now!

you've got to believe and keep trying with all your might

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You can do it! I believe in you!

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Well, not with that attitude, Jahy-sama!

Answer truthfully: Can this loli do more push ups than you?

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29 or 30? No. I can do at least 31.

I typically do 45 for a workout, but I could probably do more if I had a buff dude or a hot chick yelling at me

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gambare Shamiko! Btw, I like how her tail changes its shape depending on her mood.

Everything is a fetish.

>cunnilingus gesture


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just erase the edges and redraw them
It's not hard considering they're straight lines

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>Jahy is just temporarily down on her luck. She'll be back on top any day now!
The fact she thinks that makes her the dumbest and best!
She won't fail forever because she'll die eventually!

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Yup, still cute.

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>not liking combed jahy
superficial faggot
>not liking white jahy

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The dumb little demon girl ancestor of my wet dreams.

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> forced drinking cola all day because Shamiko is poor and does not have a lot of occasions to taste different drinks and food
It is quite sad to be an demonic ancestor of a poorfag

Forgive me for I have sinned

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can you make a white version of this too?

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I'm doing that one manually like a caveman, you expect me to do another?

so i take that as a no. also you missed the ear

this took too long to happen

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Can you fuck off with this fake loli?

That's the only good edit in the entire thread

>Not micro bikini tanline

Jahy is not a slut !!
at best, she'd have a school onepiece swimsuit tanline

Tanlines are gross. They remind me of what skin looks like under a cast or a bandaid.

what a faggot mindset

Tanlines should remind you of a pure, untainted baby-like skin under a harsh sexy tan
it's like two worlds combined, lewd and cute

I'd rather just have loli-Jahy in a micro bikini.

Fat Megumin.

big Jahy would just have her regular clothes tanline if anything, she only has the one set

Like this?

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ah, yes, excellent

Oh, hey, Velvet