Why does Yosuga no Sora trigger Yea Forums so much?
Why does Yosuga no Sora trigger Yea Forums so much?
YnS has such a cult following, hundreds (topping out at a thousand different users) of us get together and re watch it every year, even the mods likely watch it with us
Yea Forums is an imouto fucking board
Because Yea Forums will never fuck their sister(s).
Speak for yourself
Because we'll never get such a thing again?
maousen HxH will save the incest genre
Because they will never run away to Scandinavia with their sister
ywn come inside this, feels bad
take your meds
>hardcore child pornography and incest
How can other anime even compete? It is still in my backlog though
Haha, deleted!
Don't get too excited, there's nothing like that in the show
the incest is pretty tame and relegated to only a few episodes, majority of the anime adaptation is following other romance lines
Yea Forums is always contrarian. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
But nothing changes the fact that Sora ending was peak anime in all of 2000s
Goddamn how could I have not heard of this?
Wait another 6 months and I'm sure there'll be a thread with a link come feb-march
also this was the reaction back when it aired
if there was a required viewing sticky, YnS would be somewhere on it
damn, that sounds fun. I just really love seeing haru and sora happy, and now I can do it with basedbros
Whether you know it or not, there are always fellow IncestCHADS all around you, waiting patiently
don't get my hopes up. Most of them are ironic and will jump ship at the blink of an eye when asked their views on incest
>Why does Yosuga no Sora trigger Yea Forums so much?
Legit what in the fuck are you talking about you subhuman mouthbreather?
It's a bastion for incestfags on here.
God why is there so many retarded newfags on the site today
Traitors will be dealt with according to their transgressions
Yea Forums is an imouto \ nee san copulation paradise
holy shit, these threads seemed so comfy back then... Those times must have been golden.
Not to mention, uncensored Yea Forums Yea Forums.
based incestbro. You have my respect for having actual progressive views.
It's too much for Yea Forumsddit
is there a better place for old Yea Forums?
the post-irony nihilism culture didn't take root yet, everything went downhill in 2012
The raids worked against the site, in the long run huh. What a shame
Our time will come soon friend, soon the scourge of isekaishit and harem will be replaced by incest isekaishit and harem
What in the fuck are you going on about?
People that go spouting about everything being ironic aren't better themselves.
Go jump off a bridge.
If only japan loosened censor laws which didn't hamper actual creativity and difficult relationships. But still, I shall hold on to hope
yes satan san its called /jp/
I haven't been on 4+4 chan in a while so I can't comment on the quality of their anime board, and it seems their sites dead now so that's off the table
Just like the vn
/jp/ is full of trannies and mentally ill posters like who scream at clouds
so, like Yea Forums?
Nice pic
Calm down, take the incestpill and chill. OP talks about the type which go
>UHH, I only like incest in anime, no one with an actual sister would actually want to have sexual relations with her. HURR HAVE SEX SWEATY
Like if you laugh every time.
How did futaba maintain its integrity till now, even though it was established YEARS before Yea Forums? Is the language barrier really that big a pleb filter?
half the chan, half the publicity
cult following of mexicans
based mentally ill poster
I'm willing to bet it's mostly americans and europeans. Mexicans aren't developed enough to have the capacity to comprehend incest
Triggers my dick
It should come to no one's surprise that we Austrians make up a larger than normal percentage of its followers, I hear Finn anons know if it cause it's one of the few franchises that acknowledge they exist
Yea im sorry i have been on the board for long enough to remember most of the Yosuga threads we have had here and hate retards that template Yea Forums OPs
Honestly most of you people are the problem with this board that you like to complain about so much.
You retards make up none issue threads veiled as discussion instead of actually discussing anything relevant and im sick of it.
Find another forum to use then.
based. in a world where anime has been reduced to rowdy gang wars between moefags and shounenniggers, it feels nice to see a few men who refuse to compromise on their ideals
it's always a good day when there's an incest thread on Yea Forums, men of culture and renown can finally convene, albeit briefly, and relish in our superiority to shounen kiddies and isekuckolds
Keen observation man. I wish we had met under better circumstances (before 2012) but alas. Perhaps it's best left this way.
I will take my leave now user, but at the same time, you really made my day better by being patient. Good night, user.
Good tidings and imoutos to you as well user, see you in the next incestkino thread
It triggers me that there were way too many episodes without Haru pounding Sora's cunny.
very sad, I'll start the crowdfunding
>These gigantic trees
Didn't know Japan was famous of its ancient redwood forests.
it doesn't
Because that faggot never fucked best girl.
It does? I thought we liked it?
Well, only Sora part though
Japan isn't America
It's also region locked and solely focused on Japanese stuff
Amatsume route starts at episode 5
Some are jealous because they don't have a life companion who gives them slurpjobs for breakfast.
I keep thinking of those Twix commercials when I see that scene. He should pull out some Twix and give one to his sister/lover and then try to come up with an excuse.
Unfortunately most of Yea Forums didn't even watch that masterpiece. It's almost 10 years old now after all.
Yosuga no sora gets a special place in my heart. Absolute masterpiece. Not only was it my first harem anime, but the taboo twincest was something that opened a new world for me when it came to erotic anime/manga. As we speak, I still read incest hentai and it gets me solid everytime
Just some crossboarder making shitty template threads again.
Don't know why newfags feel the need to do this.
I fucking love little sisters and twin sisters
I wish this was true, but /jp/ is nothing like old Yea Forums.
Even I felt shame watching this scene
>fucking your imouto so good they can hear it outside the house
Why do they leave their front door unlocked? It's not safe.
>not asking them if they want to be next
overall beautiful with amazing OST too
Studio FEEL really put money into it
>asking them if they want to be next
beautiful, keep that up
Gives amazing head while you enjoy breakfast, enjoys sex with you so much people outside the house can hear it, and is unabashedly in love with you. How do any of the other girls even fucking compete?
I think both of them could help keep him up too. Why did only one have a sex scene, and the worst of them too?
Which do you mean one sex scene? Nao had about the most sex scenes if that's what you mean
The OST was quite amazing.
for that one person viewing the thread who has no idea what's going on
They're right though.
I have 2 sisters and I don't want to fuck my own sisters.
3DPD incest disgusts me.
Anime incest I can get behind.
shut the fuck up satan
So incestbros... What's your view on Mother son incest now that mamako is taking over and there are no imouto animes this season?
I swear R402 is a goldmine for reaction macros
too bad no new chapters have been out/tl‘d in the past 4 months
>Yea Forums
>triggered by incest
Only if you mean boner triggered.
jealous roasties btfo by superior imouto
>western bed on tatami
As long as they don't violate the NAP I don't give a fuck what two humans do
>3DPD incest disgusts me
I have 3 imoutos, all between 18 and 20 years old now and I wouldn‘t touch them, besides punching them.
but 3DPG incest if others are doing it makes me rocksolid
their families nordic as well, doesn't excuse it I konw
And now I have to masturbate again.
they have better post quality, and there's more than one anime-dedicated board on infinitychan, remember. The site doesn't see constant shitpost traffic like here but new posts are made on a daily basis.
I liked the part where he fingered his sister
Shame I didn't visit them much before they died, I would've browsed them more if there was a similar extension to 4chanX for it
my penis is very sad as well
I've never posted this one
Incest is hot as fuck
>before they died
again, they still have new posts
that extension breaks this site more than it fixes it. the only feature I miss is the ability to view deleted posts.
The 8/a/ board DID have a backup plan setup for years. Thats where they all went.
Because the VN is better.
Oh well, guess I'll figure it out eventually
are you talking about the bunker?
one of my favorites
>why yes, incest ecchi romances are my favorite kinds of anime. How could you tell?
What else would i be talking about?
Based chadposter
I can't fucking handle this translator
cause you're a chad
incestfags conquer europe, as history shows
>there's more than one anime-dedicated board on infinitychan
So 2^3chan is like reddit except with anons and tripfags?
To show off and assert dominance
In that version, a more proper example would show up fully naked, except maybe for something running down a leg.
if imoimo novel doesn't deliver we riot
Yeah. Fuck that translation.
Prove it
>why yes, incest ecchi romances are my favorite kinds of anime. How could you tell?
Take your shitty meme back to the shithole from where you came
Mikan >>>>>>>>> all imoutos forever and ever
I can't handle the comedy of it, I love shitting on britbongs
I liked the part where her brother finger fucked her and it didn't cause a public outcry
Stuck in a harem, so she can't be the best.
you mispelled Miyuki
>NBR trash
Yosuga no Sora is actually the most underrated anime of all time
how is it underrated if people went head over heels for it at the time? perhaps forgotten is the word you're looking for
I know this is more or less an incest thread and I love Sora but I thought the Miko girl was great too. The other ones were meh in my opinion.
The only thing it triggers on Yea Forums is our pee-pees
as nbr as Mikan said that one time
>Why does Yosuga no Sora trigger Yea Forums so much?
>trigger Yea Forums ??????????
Is curious how Yosuga no Sora threads only get replies when OP goes full cancer.
Even people that like it think it's shit for the first 8 episodes or so, so you are wrong in more ways that you might concieve.
>caring about porn VN adaptations
Beyond stupid , only adapted songs into anime is more stupid
Based and chadpilled.
>Why does Yosuga no Sora trigger Yea Forums
In what timeline? Because it wasn't this one.
Spics ruined Yea Forums
They are too malleable as an audience, probably due to their low IQ (brainstats.com
Every thread that has potential to have meaningful discussions about something just gets turned into a spamfest of extremely low quality shitposting (a very common practice in spic groups from facebook) or extremely shit normalfag tier opinions that are completely disconnected from Yea Forums's culture (spics who come from twitter or reddit tend to do this).
I'm not saying spics are the only reason YnS threads (or any other imouto/okaa-san/loli/CGDCT thread) get turned into a shitfest, there are other reasons too (like the massive influx of newfags after all the publicity Yea Forums got in the last 12 years), but I think spics are a major factor in this disgrace.
>harem incestkai
Only a matter of time before someone writes it.
Second season never ever
Spics can't read moon
I had trouble reading the VN because sometimes i just stopped to listen to the OST
>but 3DPG incest if others are doing it makes me rocksolid
Depends on how good-looking they are and depends on how far they take it. If they make children then it disgusts me.
Because they wasted more than half of the episodes on girls that weren't Sora
Amatsume was great fag.
It wouldn't be hard to hear considering they were both right there by the door.
That sites dead man. Cloudflare thinks it’s an arbiter of morality so cut services.
Normalfag filter. That's it.
speak for yourself, you probably got shitty sisters
I would fuck my sister all the fucking day, sadly she will never know though.
Amatsume is cute and I'd love if she were my imouto but I'd still rather watch more Sora fucking Haru
This shit made me choke to death on my drink the first time I saw it.
imagine the pure ecstasy of coming inside sora
what's hell like?
Since when YnS triggers Yea Forums? what did I miss?
triggers Yea Forumseddit
>both vn are yet to be translated
And probably never will
Learn moon or stay a pleb
I can't actually, Sora is probably my favorite fictional girl in general but she's not even my waifu. She's more like a goddess to me and I can't bring myself to imagine myself doing anything to her.
I forgot, we're Cult of Sora in here
What chapter?
How can ordinary sluts even compete?
She couldn't win, but there are options she could try to reduce the gap.
The only people that deny the obvious reality of Westermarck are incest fetishists who feel insecure about nature undermining their fetish. A truly enlightened siscon however understands that it only brings more validity to his feelings, not less, as it's not just societal norms that he has to overcome for the sake of his love, but his very human nature.
>It's wrong though!
No logical violation of any ethical principle I can think of. Taboo, sure. Culturally unacceptable, sure. Ill-advised probably, I guess. Rape and coercion are wrong because they violate ethical principles, but incest on its face, without all the connotations and cliches is just sex between 2 people with the same parents. "Wrong" is simply an authoritarian dictate when it should just be sound advice.
That's because you're a loser.
I get you, I basically feel the same way about every imouto.
Why do retard OPs make shit up so much?
Agreed. I played both the game and it's sequel and honestly the anime could have been so much better if they dropped the omnibus format and just adapted the Sora route and it's epilogue in Haruka na Sora for 12 episodes instead.
This, Haruka no Sora is arguably even better than Yosuga no Sora. It really shows how Sora in particular changed due to her relationship and how much she really loves Haruka.
Yea Forums loves YnS though. Yea Forums loves anything including incest as long as it's straight.
na, I keep forgetting. Also Iinchou redemption was unexpected.
What did they mean by this
Nezuko is going to be the final boss.
He has to watch her for the rest of her life, she will never be as close to a man as she is with her brother. They might as well be married.
Because worst girl aka the flat-chested midget won
YnS is well liked and welcomed anime here as it was only one of its kind. It's been close to 10 years already holy fuck and we can still talk about it.
Yea Forums likes imouto after all.
Well the anime had good visuals, good directing, nice bcgd, nice ost and all. Girls were cute as well.
Overall 8.2/10
At most it's just Oreimofags getting asshurt that some people prefer it to Oreimo
can confirm it. i'm his sister
Of course I'm not expecting any incest from shounen jump, but this episode was really great, I could feel the author's admiration for siblings relationships.
>It's been close to 10 years already holy fuck and we can still talk about it
The visual novel's translation is also picking back up with the creation of a new team as of around 8th August. I hope they do Haruka na Sora next
Sora route is translated so they should move on to that already, honestly
there's an anime of one airing this season
if you mean momako nothing happens beyond a scene where they share a bed. thats it oh she almost gets gang raped at one point but dues ex powers out of it
Nice falseflag
Cumming inside is the whole point though. I didn't fuck my oneechan to not cum inside her, that is what pills are for.
God I wish I had a twin sister and I was fucking her too
Yora is superior though, the sisters better and she actually shows genuine feelings, unlike Hyper Bitch Kirino or Sagiri, honestly Sagiri is worse.
which one was the retard that thought fucking at the front door was a great idea. it's pretty hot but goddamn dude.
It singlehandedly annihilated all future blood-related relationships in anime.
honestly, that was the bit where you could see they loved each other so much that they only felt complete together.
>that some people prefer it to Oreimo
Rightfully so. Oreimo is hot garbage.
the doujin where sora bounds haru and gave him a footjob made me cum buckets. that shit is hot and anyone who denies that is a homosexual
but that's pretty good, no?
>that is what pills are for
I hope you're talking about fertility pills, user.
Does Sora enjoy anal sex?
No real sister truly enjoys anal sex, since you can't make babies that way.
better why people care about this shit so much because incest porn? dude it's a adaption of a porn game
I miss random eroge getting adaptions, particularly fairly high-profile ones with A-list VAs.
Then why are imouto butts always so delicious?
Because incest, you don't get any of that nowadays. Especially Onee-chans.
My cat meowed at this exact moment. Nearly woke up the whole house laughing.
Because it is an eyecandy as well as fap material. You don't find a lot of that nowadays. Most porn are filled with QUALITY. YnS was art that you can fap to.
What is it with imoutos and cats? Authors constantly give imoutos cat ears, tails and eyes when their onii-chan is involved. Is having a pet cat anything like having an imouto?
She enjoyed giving him blowjobs and footjobs though, wasting his seed.
She needs her butt filled with it.
Little sisters are like cats, either they love you or they hate you. You have no say on the matter.
Recently I've been liking the idea of another girl joining Haruka and Sora for threesomes. Nao would be a good choice.
Nao is a rapist and does not deserve Haruka's affection.
But she deserves to help Sora being sexually pleasured.
I can still remember the OST clearly in my head, such a beautiful track
If there was any potential for a threesome it was actually with pic related. In the fandisk she fantasizes about Sora almost as much as she fantasizes about Haruka. Sora herself likes her more than the other heroines too since she's a lovable idiot. If Haruka played his cards right a relationship where all three of them are dating each other was completely possible.
Also a good choice.
>hear the sounds of fucking
>rush in and intrude on them
What the fuck, I thought the Japs were supposed to be polite.
Chris does.
It's Japan, not your 3rd world shithole
the anime
guys I think my cats broken
I can only get excited for threesomes if they're being used to show how much better does it feel with the imouto in comparison
like in aki sora?
Purest form of love.
This. Sisters are for impregnation only
Didn't read that one since it's an older sister
There should have been a way to have Sora helping out with her first time.
I have such sights to show you
More than 10 year and I still can't watch it past episode 9. Yes i have imouto, I like imouto doujin but for some reason i can't watch YnS
do it or else you'll die without ever experiencing the magic
>OP makes completely false statement
>user joins in his delusion by making completely false conclusion
Yosuga no Sora desensitized me. Bless Sora
kys faggot le grande
Better than any of those in Game of thrones
>violating the NAP like this
In any civilized country they would be pacified with recreational cluster bombs by a private army of child sex workers.
I watched it at like 12 and even though I wasn't a siscon yet back then, it didn't disgust me or anything like that. Maybe I was broken to begin with or Sora is just that good.
>MC gets raped by one of the girls
>years later he rapes her back
>not watching best girl win the oniibowl...
You disgust me, user.
based best friend
>Download game
>Fucking thing isn't running
>Can't find any other download link
Help me Yea Forums...
damn, I guess it could be worse though
Based fellow NAP abider
It's not rape if she enjoyed it
>first aki sora thread
>now this one
why do white haired siblings keep performing incest?
this is what all siblings should be doing
as long as they're cute
I'm not even close to being a footfag but the footjob scene in the VN makes me diamonds
someone has to since the holy roman empire fell
does mushoku tensei count?
Anime is already ubiquitous and not a new phenomena, thus there's no "mystery" to be solved. Its a boring shit show there. Where as in the west, its a new phenomena every year because there's no domestic anime company.
Does the VN have an official translation? Can i buy it somewhere?
Only an incomplete fan translation (Sora route is translated though).
Wtf, so it's not licensed at all? This game is a gold mine.
Abe would be proud of me. Got 3 kids with a 4th on the way. All pure Japanese blood. Now I just have to move my family back to Japan.
Such is the painful life of being a westerner
[Achievement Unlocked]: Nirvana
Rest in peace thread
That time can't come soon enough
At least the other guys don't go against the Westermack(?) effect
A truly enlightened siscon however understands that it only brings more validity to his feelings, not less, as it's not just societal norms that he has to overcome for the sake of his love, but his very human nature.
Don't reply to this kind of people for the love of god, this is literally, and I mean literally redit tier.
>imouto panting his name in passion instead of sounding like a raped chew toy
was probably the hottest thing about it
When it was originally airing the show didn't have much of a following. When they hit the little sister arc it was nice but nobody in their right mind expected three outright sex scenes in a single episode. Yea Forums exploded in disbelief that it was on television.
That facial expression was perfect
>I was just....I fell and....uhhh.......crap. This is exactly what it looks like.
Well Japan has a low crime rate, nothing to fear but Govt employees measuring radiation or disgruntled neets carrying gallons of gasoline.
Yes thats the main flaw of cripplechan anyone can make their own board so discussion segregates and dies down.
This was a good read.
>the continuation will be H
Did he (or is Mikami Mika a she?) release it this comiket?
She. And no, she released an Oyasumi Sex sequel this comiket (Akira visits Yui's school for the school festival and sex ensues at school)
So my current holy trinity of lovey-dovey ani/imouto mangakas (MIkami Mika, Hano Haruka and Sekiya Asami) are all women? Who's next, Ichihaya?
Yes, actually, Ichihaya is a woman. Off the top of my mind I'm pretty sure the Imouto no Otetsudai series's author as well, but that one is fairly obscure, and Okada Kou too.
Lol at your life, EOP.
I wonder if they self-insert as the imouto, or as the brother and they just like imoutos like men.
i like how he just stared at them for like 10 seconds while his dick was still in his sister, just the funniest shit
It's not even that good
Dumb Wojak poster
up yours, COP
It triggers a lot of movement in my pants.
A miss then.
i dont speak english
>you don't get any of that nowadays
Masou HxH says hello
Different user but I downloaded the raws for the anime because translators used garbage quality compression. One of the least wasted 50 gigs on my HDD. My dick was like a pet bottle full of shaked carbonate drink from start to finish.
You are making me want to download it too, damn!
absolutely based
This will never not remind me of my first time.