This hurts too much anons, someone hold me i can't handle these feels.
Vinland Saga - 06
Other urls found in this thread:
Vinland saga is a masterpiece.
This is was such a good episode, holy shit.
I’m ready.
Was this more filler or were we back on track?
L O N D O N soon.
Why the fuck would an anime-only care about that?
The "filler" wasn't as bad as last episode, it actually showed key points in Thorfinn's development. But it finally showed some actual material from the manga, yeah
>This hurts too much anons, someone hold me i can't handle these feels.
Its not even filler. Stop making definitions of words you don't know. Its anime original,which contributes to the main storyline and the plot. Filler doesn't do any of those.
What the fuck? Why are they skipping the few chapters in France? Those were some of the best chapters.
>noooo stop calling filler filler
People have been using this word for over a decade now, stop trying to change our habits and fuck off
Don't be retarded, user. This is the exact definition.
>Urban dictionary
so that daughter totally got raped right
Urban dictionary unironically the most accurate dictionary for internet made words. Don't question its authority.
I am the authority.
Teenage Thorfinn a cute
christ kikery backfires.
based and redpilled.
Kys, pagan LARPer
Open borders was a mistake, send back the Danes!
Its really funny how its kind of the opposite happening. Danes getting invaded by southerners.
>so that daughter totally got raped right
I too would like to know that
Thorfinn should have claimed her for himself at least and rape her gently.
I'm glad that for once we have a MC that isn't a complete moralfag.
Ep 5 was filler though. It didn't really show us anything that important about Thorfinn's growth, it was anime original except for the bit with Ylva, and probably only existed to get the season to 24 episodes
at least teenfins smaller dick would have been gentler and less damaging than some full grown berserker treating her like an onahole
Thorfinn being an edgelord is supposed to be a negative trait and, spoilers, he grows out of it
> Urban dictionary unironically the most accurate dictionary for internet made words.
>. It didn't really show us anything that important about Thorfinn's growth
Yeah nothing at all except his first duel,which will help the audience compare how he improves with each duel in the future or Askeladd saiying that Thors's had a "normal-death",adding more to Askeladd's respect for Thors. And many more.
Karma is a bitch.
im quite sure he's a bit older in normandy than what was in this episode. it should be quite clear they're going in chronological order, not following mango.
I'm just loving how it shows the sheer evil of christ kikery. She gets everyone around her killed and raped. It's just so fucking accurate.
Does this retard ever stop shouting?
Until it isn't.
Imagine being such a subhuman that you would let a little boy die or let him be executed because he's from a different race. Thorfinn's a product of his environment. The english woman wanted Thorfinn to be her son since she had already lost one.
I have bad news for you.
>He didn't watch the OP
Thorfinn will become the ultimate moralfag. Not even kidding. It doesn't even stop there, since he becomes anti-killing and is basically a pacifist as well.
They're next episode
>he becomes anti-killing
Now I'm struggling not to drop it.
I bet you've read the manga, here's your (you)
Just go read/Watch SNK for a MC who loves to kill innocents.
Thorfinn doesn't even want to kill legit monsters.
Vikings don't rape. They sail the foreign women to their home gently.
People have adopted foreign or strange children before christianity, your hstred for it is retarded. Although I think you are just looking for (you)s.
Not killing innocents is ok, but not killing at all, not even those trying to kill you, is dumb as fuck. It's also a boring and overused trope in japanese animation.
It's a long way there and lots good stuff on the way, so you can just drop off later if you don't like it. Farmland saga is still great though.
It's will only get's relevant in third season, in first he is kill-all edgelord, in second it's approiriate behavior for a slave.
>series about how terrible violence is
>keeps glorifying it and making it look cool
Name 100 anime MC who don't kill.
Mike sold out.
I like how they are adding moments with the named members of Askeladd's band.
bro it's just the slow burn kino bro you don't understand bro look at this sick ass 3x3 cinegrid bro AOTY
Imagine being this assblasted
The cover it next episode you moron.
>third season
>implying we'll even get a season two
I don't think they really glorify it. If anything, it just shows how cruel the viking band is before they all die like cowards
WIT...finds a way
What would moralfag Thorfinn and Thors do?
Please drop it and piss off.
Pistol-whip him unconscious.
Berserk and Conan are hilariously enough more realistic than VS and both of those take place in fantasy settings.
I've been waiting for the first chapter to be animated since it's the best first chapter in manga history. So manly and awesome.
My lovely wife Canute WHEN
>guy in white can mind control people
>even the protag
>only allows him control over the trigger finger
In episode 11 or 12 I think.
I fucking love that Thorfinn and I'm sure I'm not the only one. He killed enough in his youth. Let the boy do what he wants.
B-But he's a c-cuck if he doesn't kill. Only people who kill are BASED.
Thorfinn is BEAUTIFUL! BEAUTIFUL! Doujins of him being used and passed around by the Vikings, WHEN?
Biggest problem with Thors and Thorfinns reasoning is that they can in theory only get away with their moralfag ways because they're so absurdly more powerful than anyone else.
Meaning their beliefs doesn't translate over to others unless they think that
>A, have someone like thors or thorfinn around
>B, git gud
go dilate you war loving muslim piece of taliban shit
Not being afraid to kill is only sensible. This was the lesson learned here
After countless hardships and setbacks, in the end Thorfinn finally comes to his senses and specs into the overpowered Barbarian-monk hybrid class
>Word aren't power. Power is power.
-Incest lady from that gay dragons show on HBO.
It's a fair point and I hope the next arc touches on that but Thors and Thorfinn only get in those kinds of situations because they were legendary warriors in the past.
This show is a pretty fun ride till Farmland Saga. After the show gets there, it’ll be time to exit the ride.
They're not skipping it, they're just doing it in a chronological way
Don't worry, with the rate we're going, we won't even get through a fourth of the first arc.
I can't wait for all the edgefaggots ITT to get BTFO in the end.
How about you exit the thread, filtered pleb?
But that's when it gets kino?
I'm just wondering if you completely ignored everything Thorfinn's dad said to him and was just under the impression that would never be relevant to the story
>glorifying it and making it look cool
That's not what I'm seeing
I mean, it obviously looks cool because it's a good adaptation, what the action should look like shit and have no emotion behind it?
Fuck off, no it doesn't.
Sure, Thorfinn's character takes a believable development, but the entire story around him becomes fucking dull as shit.
There's no antagonist. Thorfinn is the only on screen character that isn't reduced to fucking comic relief.
Vinland Saga went to shit as soon as Askeladd died. Everyone is just meandering around not knowing what to do at this point.
>haven't even got to the 'Rus, Byzantine Empire, the Mediterreanean and Italy yet
Well the next episode we will get some kino action wil literally nothing behind it but im alright with it.
He needs to get to Canada. The antagonist is the sea. Maybe he'll get another antagonist once he gets there. Either way you won't be missed and you won't miss us.
Everyone is always raving about Canute being a trap, but what about Thorfinn? I mean, just look at that image.
Imagine being this filtered.
Put spoiler tag idiot
>but the show will get good, honest
Great, we'll get to another entirely new setting where we'll have to introduce an ENTIRELY NEW CAST outside of Thorfinn's immediate party.
Omfg anglos are so fucking ugly
He has no feminine features though.
Hold on. I'm a dirty bum and I don't have lice since my head is dirty as fuck they can't live there. This is one hell of a plot hole that Vinny Sage can't recover from!
>britbong soldier getting btfo by a kiddo
Oh no no no
I mean manga, obviously.
I like how you aren't even disputing the point that the story has suffered. Farmland is arguably well executed. Everything after it has been complete shit because the author has nowhere to go with the character.
>spoiling 10+ year old plot developments
>mfw filthy Danes near me
>I mean, it obviously looks cool because it's a good adaptation, what the action should look like shit and have no emotion behind it?
It's really simple. It shouldn't look cool. It should try and humanize almost everyone that gets killed, even "enemies". Even random mooks like the ones Thorfinn has been killing until now.
Having Thorfinn's kills be just quick stabs to the neck is not a good idea, instead him in his unskilled ways should've had to cut someone's stomach open with their guts spilling out, enemies possibly even pissing themselves, calling out their moms, whatever.
You should almost always feel bad when someone dies and death should be more emphasized.
It not only conflicts with the theme and message, but can give viewers/readers the wrong idea since they can start to think that all the action and killing is cool.
>Jobs to a 12 year old with a knife.
Ok fine, I'll dispute it. Um, dispute!
>instead him in his unskilled ways should've had to cut someone's stomach open with their guts spilling out, enemies possibly even pissing themselves
This show still airs on Japan TV. Maybe the moms thing could work
And your entire argument is complaining about less fighting and killing like a literal 13 year old who wants every seinen manga to be Berserk.
>And your entire argument is complaining about less fighting and killing
You can't fucking, can you?
You keep regurgitating this shit meme because you faggots can't take any fucking criticism.
Guts has been exclusively killing literal monsters for years now
I dropped it,vs stopped being good 10 years ago.
Peaceful Thorfinn can beat the shit out of people with words alone making him Zero Punch Man!
* can't fucking read
I haven't complained about the lack of violence, I've complained about the fact that they don't have anywhere left to go with the story and how the whole cast of characters has become a shallow mockery of their original premise.
>it's a amerimutt is so desperate to have a culture he becames a pagan LARPer episode
His first kill this episode was sloppy. He stabbed him in the stomach but it didn't kill him so he had to keep stabbing him and when he's done he sees tears in the guy's eyes.
All the other kills are quick because he's getting better and fighting and has learned how to kill quicker.
Also literally every soldier having some over the top sad death would be cheesy as fuck. Sometimes people just fucking die.
Kek,my sides take those refugees whitey....
>You can't fucking, can you?
Losing your temper, huh. I bet you hate cute girls doing cute things yet you're in Yea Forums.
See this while you're on a walk near the river,what do?
Guys, you aren't asking the important question: how many Thorfinn x Canute doujins do you think there'll be?
make him bleed from another hole
Every time you reply without making a substantive point, I become less interested in continuing this conversation.
57 but 13 of them will be when they are young. Get ready for old sweaty man sex.
Women ruining everything.
The point is that if we just look at all fights up until farmland, how many of them would be considered cool? Pretty much all of them, especially the further along we get.
Fighting and killing should not be cool in VS unless you want to send conflicting messages.
I'd even argue that it's one of the primary reasons why a lot of people dislike farmland so much. The author (most likely) unintentionally made something that conflicts with his message cool and later on they basically say "yeah all that stuff you thought was cool? well you shouldn't have thought it was cool despite me making it look cool".
In fact, for this message, making it so heavily focused on action was a pretty bad call.
Oh, I'm not really interested in conversation so you're barking up the wrong tree. You don't have to like what I like and I'm not going to convince you.
The message is alright. Killing is cool as fuck when you're overpowered, but being cool doesn't make it right.
They didn't get her right? She escaped right?
>kawaii inexpierenced prince and sexually repressed ragetard
cute. would thorfinn go full on guts and choke him out?
Okay faggot.
Askeladd's death was the peak of the series.
Farmland should have been an epilogue and conclusion to Thorfinn's character and the story overall.
The story is fucking over and the author is running it into the ground by continuing it.
>being realistic
do mutts not have their own folklore
>They didn't get her right? She escaped right?
user I...
They gang raped her. They destroyed her pussy and anus, two dicks in the same hole.
>Okay faggot.
lol you're getting mad over a cartoon you don't even like.
So her mouth is still pure?
Sometime it's acceptable to kill someone to save people.
You could even argue that the reason Thors died and shit ended up the way it did is because he didn't kill Bjorn.
I think oral was only fashionable among the French during the 1900s so yeah, her mouth is "pure" just remember she's English so her teeth are fucked and in a way not pure.
>gang raped
I legitimately don't understand how people involve themselves in faggotry of that scale
Its as gay as fapping together with your bro.
It's the most efficient way for everyone to violate the same girl. If anything it's good productivity and team building.
imagine being so scared of dick you can't a fuck a girl together with your bro
get over yourself
>not wanting to fuck a woman while getting closer to your war buddy
>You could even argue that the reason Thors died and shit ended up the way it did is because he didn't kill Bjorn.
holy fucking shit why are you people so retarded? Thors could have killed all of Askeladd's men on both boats and still would have gotten killed by the archers on the cliffs
closeted homos
> fucking a girl
> homosexual
He could have killed the archers on the cliffs too. With his bare hands.
Did any of those dudes have shields?
They could just throw rocks too.
Yeah I don't understand group shit either, its gay as fuck.
This last shot hit me harder than a truck. Was this in the manga?
visual representation of the girls hymen
What if the balls touch?
Yes the entire second half of the episode was canon
Thors would not have been forced into a situation where his son was taken hostage. If you can't connect the dots from there then you're just slow.
This is beside the point anyway.
does it really matter
No,I mean that particular visual of the broken comb.
the girl had gallons of viking cum poured into her fertile young womb whilst she stared at her mother is lying in a ditch with an axe through her head
Oh, you must be new here. Or gay.
Fucking Thorfinn could've at least hid her somewhere.
>Thorfinn could've taken her for himself*
Would Askeladd really allow a woman who isn't a sex slave into the band?
Is the next episode going to be the first episode of the manga or what? Also what the fuck is up with captcha, is it intentionally designed to not fucking work?
>mad he's a rapebaby
>allows his band of spergs to do the same shit his dad did
>Its a select all fire hydrants episode
>women let in a "poor little child" who killed people
>clothe and feed him
>hide him from authorities
>this poor little child proceeds to get entire village slaughtered + some soldiers doing their job of protecting the people
>all because of women
please think before you type
Those are the only ones that actually consistently work. Fucking cars, buses, traffic lights and sidewalks just kill me. It just keeps giving me next, next, next on an invinite loop holy shit.
> vigings kill his dad yet he continues to help said vikings kill innocent civilians.
Okay retard
I fucking hate MAL because you can't reply to people that write retarded shit in their reviews.
>non-animated 2D stills in 3D background with camera movements
>2D moves through 3DCG
Like how retarded can you be and pretend you actually know animation? There is no instance where there has been a 2D object that has remained still during a camera movement. Mixing 2D and 3DCG has been done with every new anime and the only way to do that is to hand draw the animation that can be replicated in 3D animation and Vinland Saga does it perfectly fine. The main animation problem is that the 3DCG people look bad and that's because the studio doesn't have enough time to polish it so it looks like fucking Pixar.
Imagine your mother seeing this post. How would she feel?
He is a child, and they are his only chance of surviving right now really.
>reading MAL reviews
Yes it's a well documented fact Thorfinn is retarded.
>absolutely shits on his father's legacy and wishes because he wants to kill the one that dealt the final blow to his father
>continues to do dishonorable and terrible deeds yet wants to kill askeladd 'honorably'
Most important post in this thread.
>Imagine your mother seeing this post. How would she feel?
Why are you torturing yourself? You know those people are beyond salvation. User MAL as a tool not as a place to look for recommendations.
Are nip fujos even watching?
Is it just me or is teenage thorfinn kind of fat
Why are medieval soldiers always killing random villagers and burning their villages
I'm sure there was a reason for that but I never thought about it
It's not as if the series has had any less fighting and killing than before. The issue is that the tone of the entire series has shifted while the killing is going on.
Oh, Sigurd's trying to chase us down and kill us to reclaim his wife? Let's just joke about it and then talk about how Gudrid can't produce breast milk. Then when he catches up to us, we'll do a comedy skit where we try to give him the slip.
Sigurd gets raided by pirates and becomes a slave? We'll just joke about how high spirited he is and have his friends crack jokes.
Main cast is trying to escape during a fierce siege where they could die at any time? Absolutely no tension from the dialogue whatsoever.
kids have chubby faces.
Human nature
Because they way this guy writes his reviews make me pretty confident that he shitposts on Yea Forums so I'm hoping he comes across this post to realize how retarded he actually is.
Because fucking shit up with your buddies and scaring people is fun.
There was this autist in some recent threads who couldn't stop crying about the "corner-cutting cg". Bet he's in this thread right now.
>instead him in his unskilled ways should've had to cut someone's stomach open with their guts spilling out
He does in the manga, apparently too gory for TV though.
The fact that you willingly walk through the dump that is MAL reviewes doesnt exactly make you less subhuman.
Damn this scan looks good.
something something cutting enemy's food supply and getting some food for yourself
>killing is bad because it looks and feels bad
Actually glad they arent taking this angle.
>Why are medieval soldiers always killing random villagers and burning their villages
They didn't do it in the way it was portrayed in say anime.
Soldiers plundered and raped. They went in and stole things they could sell, use or eat. They then raped men and women if they felt like it.
Allowing pillaging and rape could serve as a morale boost for your soldiers because being a soldier was a flat out shit job.
For example, vikings didn't pillage churches because they loved murdering people. They did it because churches had a lot of riches and were poorly defended. They were valued so highly that they'd mark them out on their maps with a cross. This is where "X marks the spot" stems from.
>thorkell oneshoting 5 people with a spear wasn't supposed to look cool
Why were they afraid showing the crow holding an eye in its mouth? It was just too dark.
Points 2 and 3 I agree with.
Points 1 and 4 make me want to kick him the nuts.
I can't post images of cute Thorfinn because my faggot countrymen have gone on spamming spree again and I'm banned from posting images FUCK YOU
he's a child
If they were afraid they would have just censored it.
There was this shot
No, spurdoland
Part of the message of the series is that violence and murder aren't good things and should be avoided.
If you then glorify violence and makes murder look cool you create a disconnect.
As I said before, this is why a lot of people feel that it becomes so jarring around the time of the farmland arc.
Good. Finland should be range banned. You people shit up every board with your faggotry
anyone else find it a shame that askeladd died so early? perfect kino way to end the prologue, and farmland saga wouldn't have worked otherwise, but damn I wish we'd gotten more of his scheming with canute and mentoring thorfinn.
>mooks being able to win against the protagonist of the saga
>becomes so jarring around the time of the farmland arc.
Its only jarring for people who ignored everything about Thors.
Askeladd being a hypocrite isn't exactly the most groundbreaking of realisations
>Travelling with your dads killers and helping them slay the enemies and making gold and fucking bitch.
Surely this is some kind of cuckoldry Thorfinn is involved with.
No inner human organs on japanese tv or videogames
Actually everyone else should be banned and only finns allowed on the internet, but other than that I agree
the lads would prob let thorfinn keep her for himself, in the manga they thought he was a gloomy sperg who just needed to rape some girls
he's not a teenager
>Its only jarring for people who ignored everything about Thors.
It's jarring because Thors died in the very beginning of the series and after that it kept glorifying violence and murder, featuring A LOT of fights that were made to look cool.
I don't know if the author didn't realize this or if the ones above him basically told him that it wouldn't sell (or be published) otherwise. But it does cause problems and a disconnect.
>No inner human organs on japanese tv
Demonstrably false
they gave us spurdo, you show some respect
>But it does cause problems and a disconnect.
Not really. Something shown to look cool isnt necessarily what is right.
As long as you are aware of this simple fact, its not an issue at all.
Miten sut on bannattu kun mä täällä postaan ihan hyvin?
>There's no antagonist.
Jesus fucking christ. I share the board with people like this pic related shounenfaggot.
Please, stop watching and reading VS. Never get into a manga/anime that isn't from SJ and stop posting anywhere else.
>Wit's visual masterpiece
They would rape her while Thorfinn was asleep or away. Those savages are the cumbrain meme incarnate.
Only 3 more innocent villages until the next duel
who is she lads
Varmaan vaan Hesen alue
What the fuck happened? The capcha was all fucked and I couldn't post.
Thorkell will save the budget
Punished Thorfinn looks like the lead singer of the OP
This song sucks and it's a terrible fit for the show.
Yeah, imagine mastrubating at the same time as anyone else on this world, gay as fuck. Yikes.
Just think about it, you are touching yourself and most propably the same time as someone else.
Thats why I never fap.
This but unironically.
They still haven't recovered and resorted to banning knifes
please tell me at least the daughter got away
I'm sorry, user.
fuck man granny, she was really hurt
It is pretty gay that this basic ass OP is tacked onto a good show.
It's okay, if she got caught she just got raped and enslaved
Read the lyrics. It fits perfectly.
Askeladd gets all the women. All of them. I like to think it amuses him to watch Anglo-Saxon women getting dicked down by unwashed Danes.
>I'm glad that for once we have a MC that isn't a complete moralfag.
hahaahahhaahah user I.....
I like this show's OP but I cringe every time the guy screams DAREKA KOTAETE MITE KURE
Just don't. These low-taste plebs shittalked the OP in the last thread, too. If it isn't some idol slag, shrieking like a harpy or squeaking like a doggy chew toy, they don't want to like it.
Anything else would have been a better fit than this.
>theres only idol shrieking and generic jrock
When you're in the field army like that and bathing/shitting openly next to one another it breaks down barriers.
They weren’t even the same race. Back then it was the same as killing a nigger today.
>watch bbc show
>when an English character is speaking around Vikings that don't speak English the show has them speak Old English on screen
>be vinland saga
>everyone just blurts out nip all the time
Shit makes no sense. At least manga will switch their dialogue to be in katakana.
What do you expect them to dub it in old norse and have japanese subtitles? I would still watch it but the target audience probably not.
Cute father and son.
That's nice and all. It's still a shitty song and the type of music doesn't work at all. It isn't memorable.
Are people ironically praising this episode? Are Vinland Shills just going to say every episode was great? I thought it fell kind of flat. The bond with the lady that saved him and emotional regret/betrayal they tried to make us feel just wasn't there for me. The action wasn't great, actually bad at times. I just dont understand why this episode gets so much hype, explain to be anons
Askeladd looks like me but I have a black hair and beard, and hair is a bit longer.
It was kino.
but why? It felt like soft-seinen with unconvincing forced emotions
I thought it was fine but somehow worked better in the manga
> not having a pass
Unironically had to buy a pass because apparantly german IPs are popular for spamming so much the country gets regularly range banned.
>Paying to shitpost
i was forced to buy a pass after 4 years of posting without issue then i got suddenly rangebanned and i live in england
>When this comes back in Farmland Saga
Satsuriku no Tenshi?
Succubus ni Tensai
Farm is peak comfykino.
Because it's in manga story wasn't in chronological order, so this part were more impactful there.
I can't wait for farmland saga. All the plebs will get filtered and we'll have comfy threads again.
No, but how about you actually read what he wrote.
Its fine, needless killing is pointless, but to never kill under any circumstance is purely naive, his fathers words are just right, they are pure stupid moralfag bullshit.
He doesn't want to kill innocents, He just WILL kill to achieve his goals, huge difference.
You're probably a northerner
Is farmland the E8 of Vinland Saga?
Part of that filler was actually from the manga
One entire season of just farming.
Preciate it. Cropped images and all cant sauce.
I think it had more to do with the silly language thing not working in anime and that the episode was basically in two different parts. Also in the manga it's somehow better when there's no sad piano music playing when you turn the page and just get a quiet full page of crying mommy. But maybe I'm just analyzing it too much
Did you brainlets actually deluded yourself into think farmland is good character development?
It's so shit tier poorly done, instead of a character naturally growing and developing over the corse of the story, yukimura has to make some traumatic event happen which completely changes how thorfin acts. This is such a childish poorly done way to *develop* your character.
Really it's just changing the character, there is no development, a big event happens and he just changes period, like it's not good at all and shows a huge lack in competent story teling and character writing.
So when you retards, claim vinland is good, and site "character development as your justification I can only laugh at you.
>This is your brain on speedreading
>pleb status: filtered
Big event happens, Thorfinn changes and then you have 50 chapters of him changing more. Where's the problem?
No longboats to do a soijafaise to.
Ok, this is retarted....
I like farmland and I'm still tired of everyone acting superior for liking it.
grow up
Where was this misty place supposed to be located at?
There wouldn't be need to act superior if we didn't have shonenbabbies crying about it in every thread
Looked like some place in southern japan.
this looks like my first bob ross painting
Can I see it?
Why, England doesn't have mist and hills?
No,its just I saw Silence and it looked very similar.
>50 chapters of him changing more
Yeah sure
chapter 47 btw, this is all his character is, based off of a single traumtic experience.
Until another tauumatic experience, turning him into an NPC. He has so little character that losing his goal life turns him into paper, and he stays this way until his next traumtic effect.
Then be becomes a generic moralfag shounen protagonist, and his stays that way until current chapters.
There's no organic gradual growth, his just that shallow and poorly written
You already posted this trashpost in the the last threads. Stop.
>how can you guys possibly like somthing that i don't like?!
Thorfinn is a completely different character at the beginning and end of farmland and you see every little step of his development. Maybe you just forgot to read
Ok, source?
Is that Thorfinn's VA for the rest of the season?
Is it good? Looking for something to watch tonight
And his still right because no one can come up with a valid counter argument.
zoom zoom somewhere else retard
some people need to hit rock bottom bevore the change
Nobody gives a shit about your bait user.
Nope I've read it all.
No where do I claim he isn't a completely different character before an after farmland, i'm just saying the development is no existent, really he just dramatically changes from no personality paper, to generic moralfag #37 after a single traumatic event.
It's really a "slow-burn"kino (like the VS anime) but it is really good,not really comfy though. A Lot of punishment.
Liberal whore destroys her people for muh feels, totally accurate
Sure, but change is gradual,
You don't got from.
*Shitty person ----> *No person---->*good person
but thorfin does, due to some incredibly amateur character writing.
Did you even read your post before sending it?
>No where do I claim he isn't a completely different character before an after farmland
>i'm just saying the development is no existent, really he just dramatically changes from no personality paper, to generic moralfag #37 after a single traumatic event.
What traumatic event did he suffer during farmland that suddenly changed him?
>not Londinium as they would call it
Tell that to yukimura, maybe once his grown he will understand how to write organic character growth.
In a better world,these two would be married and have ten kids in a big english farm.
You can like whatever you want, my comment has nothing to do with wether its likeable or not.
Just the rationale that farmland is good character development is completely false and lacks and understanding of literature and competent character writing.
Aren't you tired of making the same post in every VS thread? Surely there's a different thread more interesting to you you can shit up
Did you read the manga or not? fucking retard
i live in halstead and that's in the south part of england
I guess his "good person" self is just an act right now he's trying to fake it till he makes it.
Nope, i've only hand this conversation once before.
Turns out i'm still right and justified in my opinions as no one can make anykind of valid counter arguments, just deflection like you're trying to do.
How is a dream traumatic? That was one of the first step of his development, he continued to develop for another 30 chapters after that. Seems like you're the one who wasn't reading
It's not, Thorfin is a genuine moraltard, even begging for forgiveness and going on a apology tour. yikes
Someone should just fandub it
name something with better "character development" go ahead. ill wait.
>How is a dream traumatic?
Did you not read the chapter? Do you not know what the woud taumatic means? Are you so retarded that it's not even worth talking to you?
>He develops for the next 30 chapters
No, he just changes after that single traumatic events and his been the same since then.
He faces every moral dilemma with the exact same rational, absolutely nothing about his character has grown or changed since that moment.
unironcally naruto, pretty cure, or any run of the mil shounen shit
Manga question, how many chapters are there and how often does it get updated?
As a baltic pagan, this episode was particularly delightful for me. I hope there's even more episodes of kikeianity getting BTFO.
you trollin me bro?
This episode just made pagans look like disgusting savages while the christian english looked like peaceful believers. It BTFO'd all modern pagan LARPers.
>baltic pagan
if only there was a show, maybe even one this season, with far better development and more likable characters...
I know what traumatic means and it doesn't mean having a spooky dream. Since you are a drooling retard, I'll tell you how it went
>depressed thorfinn
>making his first friend
>learning through farming and einar, snake and old master that he can create life instead of just destroying it
>goes back to violence and has spooky dream so we swears not to do violence
>breaks his promise to fight because he wants to save a human being and fails
>develops a dream of vinland and uses it to sway canute
Did all that happen in one single chapter? Fucking retard
Oh no no no no. Now you've proven yourself a baiter.
user is a retard, leave it.
are we going to continue pretending the animation is good?
I mean I know you're the "shounen BAD!" brainlet type since you're reading vinland(which is just as bad as any other shounen shit).
so mentioning naruto would surely make you made, but yes, it unironcally has gradual organic character growth and development.
>unironical paganism in XXI century
>thinking that this episode was delightful when pagans literally butchered and raped peaceful village helping everyone
why does a 10 year old have a 30 inch vertical?
She calls it in...
she survives and calls for reinforcements
You wanna see my 30 inch vertical? *unzips dick*
>d-dont argue with him!
This is how you know your arguments aren't justified, the moment anyone makes this kind of post you've lost.
I can go all day since my arguments are based in fact and basic understanding of literature, while you're desperately hoping i dont reply since you have no counter arguments of you own.
so she survives the brutal viking rape and crawls off to fetch help?
I want your 30 inch vertical you know where
These are the low iq retards who fall for cucktianity.
I want your knees
>he's just a kid
Falling for any kind of religion.
I remember when I was in a restaurant once and one kid looking like him but with a black hair looked at me with eyes like that.
He was staring like a fucking murderer.
I'll help you out poor retard-kun.
"A traumatic event is an incident that causes physical, emotional, spiritual, or psychological harm."
His experience in vahalla is very clearly a traumtic event, no one with a brian disagrees with this fact.
You're just recounting plot points and events that happen, that's not character development, he learns farming yet he remains an empty boring husk. He makes a friend yet he reamins are boring empty husk.
He for a moment reverts to who he once was a lets anger take over, and immediately changes into a moralfagging retard afterwards, and his been the same ever since.
A very cute kid.
>that deep breath Thorfinn takes right before he mentally says fuck it and joins back in with the pillaging
That hurt.
literally garm
Try and say that to their face.
How about you try to stop typing like an idiot as a coping mechanism?
Will we spend the whole season with Thorfinn trying to catch up to Askeladd or will he kill him within the next few episodes?
Maybe it'll get shown with the bluray
the only likable character in KnY is Tanjirou. Inosuke is just a generic loud guy and Zenitsu is the most cancerous shit I've ever fucking seen in my life
Go away
Please take a deep breath, you're making so many typos I'm having hard time reading it. But no, having a dream is not traumatic, regardless of what happens in that dream. It's a fucking dream dude
>he learns farming yet he remains an empty boring husk
>depressed PTSD thorfinn
>optimistic thorfinn with a dream and friends
Yeah totally same people. You're just deliberately going "I-I don't like that so it doesn't count as character development!!"
The real plot twist is that Askeladd isn't real,he's only a projection of Thorfinn hatred and wanting something to project his father's death to.
>I fucking hate
retards who drag unrelated garbage into Yea Forums. Why don't you stay over there if you care that much about what they are doing you massive faggot?
Why don't you kill yourself instead of ruining good things with your ugly presence?
How wide is your butthole?
Can someone do an edit where the arrows are changed to black guys and england is a blonde white girl?
Damn that's like an hour from here
good day, my fellow bong
>duel failed 0/100 peasants until next try
>harbor murderous viking scout into your home because you're a dumb woman
>he betrays you and signals his viking crew to come in for some pillagan and rapan
who could've possibly seen that coming
War never changes
>But no, having a dream is not traumatic, regardless of what happens in that dream. It's a fucking dream dude
You're arguing in pure bad faith it's ridiculous.
Even the biggest vinland saga dick rider will admit that Thorfins trip to valhalla is easily the most traumatic event his experienced/the most important.
Point is, a thing happens and thorfins character is suddenly changed forever.
>Yeah totally same people.
More bad faith arguments huh? As I said, his a completely different person before and after his traumatic event, i'm not arguing wether he changed or not.
I'm explaining that his change doesn't come organically, there's no gradual well developed growth, he simply changes after another traumtic event.
I'm honestly beginning to think your retarded, and we can't even argue if you refure to argue in reality.
Dreams can be traumatic events, let me break it down for you.
"A traumatic meaning "causes physical, emotional, spiritual or psychological harm"
A dream can cause any one of these things in a person, here's some real life representation of that.
The christian mother knew the risk and still didn't let Thorfinn to the english because that's what christ would do. Not that a fedorafag like you would understand.
This show is going to flop, wont it
I'll need some evidence of that.
If only there was an easy way to find out.
If only you weren't some stupid newfag who posts shitty 3DPD pictures.
Try going to see a therapist and tell him that you're traumatized because you had a bad dream. I'd like to see his reaction.
>thorfinn decides to abandon violence
>thorfinn decided to break his promise to abandon violence
>thorfinn decides that since he can't avoid violence, he needs to run far away
According to you, only one of these three counts as character development. Are you sure you understand what character development means?
Brainlet who needs a checklist of concrete items, become a Chad who notices emotional development
Vinland Saga is edgy shounenshit before farmland and sanctimonious shounenshit after it.
If you like the former, you're a teen kid. If you like the latter, you're a teen kid trying to impress his peers by pretending to be mature.
>bad dream was the most traumatic event thorfinn experienced
>not watching his father get killed and spending 11 years as a child soldier
Might as well just not read the manga at all if you're a faggot like this user.
it's the same problem as Berserk the manga has drawing too beautiful, in this episode all the soldiers were shit, too many lines for character, too complex with little money and time
who is this girl
>because you had a bad dream. I'd like to see his reaction.
What makes you think a therapist has any kind of authority?? and i'm sure any therapist would take the complaint seriously?
This is such a stupid no sequiter that in no way counters my arguments that dreams can be traumatic for people. You have no arguments., you're just mad.
>According to you, only one of these three counts as character development.
No? His already changed as a character at this point, you're just summarize what happens when throfins moral axioms get tested, and is rationale response giving his new found character.
You've long since lost this debate and your not even making counter arguments at this point, give it up.
how long until a Victim Girls doujin of her?
i'd say being faced with the 100s of people his killed as he looks on at pure hell and dangles on a cliff for his sanity is faaaar more traumatic
never because all fucking japs draw these days is fate, boats, touhou and other gacha shit
I don't. I last read it like nine years ago.
But it got an adaptation and its fans are obnoxious, so I occasionally come into these threads to inform you that you're plebs.
Never. She escaped and is currently my wife.
Okay, so every person in the world is traumatized because they had bad dreams once or twice. Yeah I give up, it's pointless to argue with literal retards. Though I think you're probably just trolling
Oh no a zombie in a dream, wow I got traumatized by looking at this spooky picture
>viking zombie apocalypse arc
My favorite.
it was more like a vision than a dream he didn't sleep
>Okay, so every person in the world is traumatized because they had bad dreams once or twice
No. more bad faith arguments because you can't actually respond to what i'm saying and it's incredibly sad.
Traumatic dreams, and bad dreams are two entirely different beast, I linked you a great article, you should read it.
You dont have better ways to spend the time?
She was not angry or feeling betrayed, she was sad that a child would have to do such things.
It must be difficult living like that
Go to sleep mate
I wouldn't even say it was a dream at all or a vision,I feel like he actually crossed over into valhalla for a moment.
That conversation with asklead was real, not just a projection of what thorfin thought of him or what he'd think he'd say like in a dream.
BUT! that's besides the point
This guy is retarded, dream or not it's was a traumatic event that radically changed throfins character.
it's only half 12 fuck off, i go to sleep at 6AM
He pushed off from the back of the dudes leg.
freckles girl's holes must have been unrecognizable once they got done with her
I'm pretty sure Vinland saga is a seinen manga
Brit bongs stand strong.
why do faggots keep spamming this image like it makes up for shit writing?
This is maybe the third thread about this series in which I've posted. I'm certainly not the only detractor it has.
You can barely even write dude, who the fuck are Asklead and Throfin?
Well no, it was originally publish in a shonen magazine, it didn't switch magazine because the content changed it just switched so it could be on a monthly schedule.
But right down to the fiber of the start of the story that got greenlit, it's pure shounen shit right there next to naruto! Where else do you expect to find stories about teenage boys killing fully grown adults?
Why does everyone keep posting garbage quality scans when there are way better scans of the official release available online?
>Swing tree trunks like nothing
>kids jumping 20 feet in the air
>Can survive a rain of arrows like nothing
I never knew Scandinavians were capable of such feats
>Where else do you expect to find stories about teenage boys killing fully grown adults?
Uh, historical non-fiction? Alexander the Great was, what, 17 (?) when he conquered the world. It happens.
What are you even talking about?
>Old English Woman is capable of teleporting to safety during a Viking Charge.
The Danes got nothing on them.
asklead is the guy who killed thorfins father, thorfin is the mc of vinland saga trying to get revenge for his fathers death,
At least read the manga you absolute retard holy shit.
There were dudes in Iceland lifting 1 ton boulders off the ground around the same time this anime hapens
16 was an adult male in his time, throfinn is 6 and he out killed a grown man.
They are written Askeladd and Thorfinn. How can you read a manga for 160+ chapters and not know their names?
Am I supposed to be impressed?
>Women doing the laundry by hand instead of using a medieval washing machine
Now that is impressive.
Shounen is not a genre you stupid nigger. The moment you go "well I know it's in a seinen magazine but ACKCHYUALLY it's still shounen" you instantly reveal that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
so it switchwed to a seinen magazine? thanks for proving my point
Was dual wielding 2 knives actually a thing back then?
Woops. The post wasn't intended for you:
I know their names, i just spelled them wrong, but anyone with a brain knows what i was refering to.
And anyone with an actual argument wouldn't deflect like you did to something completely irrelevant when we all know who we're talking about.
>Shounen is not a genre
He knows that, you stupid nigger.
He makes a decent argument as to why this is an interesting corner case.
You would understand that if you weren't to busy showing off your oh so amazing entry level knowledge, which just reveals that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
I'm just saying that you've been writing very poorly throughout the entire thread and don't even know how the main characters' names are written. The ability to write and read tends to say a lot about a person's intelligence. I started to feel a bit sorry for you now
steel ball run is shounen because the first few chapters were in WSJ
>Shounen is not a genre you stupid nigger
I never said it was?
Shounen just means "for boys", this mangas original script and first chunk of chapters got greenlit under the pre-tense that this is suitable for a shonen magazines demographic.
It's only in a seinen magazine currently for schedule purposes.
I just now, associating he word shonen with the garbage you like really pisses you people off.
That being said the story follows similar story beats, cliches and tropues that'd you find in something like naruto, another action manga published in a shonen magazine as well!
>He makes a decent argument as to why this is an interesting corner case.
There is no argument. VS was shounen when it started and then it became seinen. That's all there is to it and everyone jerking off about demographics is treating them as something way more important than they actually are.
Yes, but it has nothing to do with the content, and everything to do with yukimura being unable to handle a weekly schedule.
When it comes to content this is a story that was greenlit with little boys as the target demographic, just like naruto!!
I can't believe how shit Vinland Saga threads have become
You're just exposing you have no competent arguments and so you latch on to something completely irrelevant, to get something other then defeat in this thread.
user I...
And then it switched to a seinen magazine
>I just now, associating he word shonen with the garbage you like really pisses you people off.
No, you think calling something shounen means it's "bad" which is why you use it to attack manga you don't like, because you don't actually know what the word means. In reality everyone else just sees that you don't know what you're talking about and realizes you're a total dumbass.
Arguments don't work on retards apparently. But at least I know what the main characters are called
Don't bother, he's a reddit spacing narutard, you won't get through to him.
>No, you think calling something shounen means it's "bad" which is why you use it to attack manga
No? lmao, read the thread.
The implication that 'shonen bad' came from the user I was mocking.
This manga is just as bad as something like naruto because it follows so many of the same tropues is all.
anime was a mistake
oh sick burn, you're still wrong and deflecting to irrelvant things to argue doesn't make your original argument right! sorry!
No one is refuting this! I just gave context to the fact that it was originally in a shounen mangazine, so that user isn't wrong to call it shounenshit.
Shame he went through puberty and became Chadnute
Yeah yeah, good job kid, go tell Asklead about it
Who are these autists, and why are they arguing about some retarded shit in my Vinland thread? Why can't we just talk about carrying longships.
Vinland Saga Based Rankings:
1. Thors
2. Askeladd
3. Thorfinn
4. Thorkell
5. Halfdan
6. Bjorn
7. Canute
8. Thorgil
9. Willibald
10. Leif
9001. Olmar
But Olmar becomes pretty based in the end
There are many things you don't know
Olmar preens like a jackass, pisses himself in fights, nearly gets Ketil farm seized out of stupidity, and finally ends up as a half-decent farmer.
>Leave Vinland to me
He will try to imitate Thorfinn and become a chad farmer
That's pure speculation on your part.
Even Baldur has a bigger sack than Olmar.
Well no fucking shit, at least we know he will try
He says he wants to become like Thorfinn though, whether he succeeds is another thing entirely
Oh wow, he will try to decently run a farm his brother and Thorfinn saved for him.
What a chad.
>Stop having enemies
Well, he's on his way to mastering Farm Thorfinn's "stand there and get pummeled" skillz.
So there's that. Otherwise he's a lazy smart-mouthed shit.
I said he will try to become a chad, not that he's a chad for trying to become a chad.
He's no closer than you are; I understand why you identify with him so closely.
The only Vinland Saga threads are Hox threads
I dunno what the hell you are talking about
Music hasn't been too great. It worked pretty well for the previous episode, but now it's starting to come off as melodramatic. Also, I hate the screamo OP. I feel like, instead of toning down the unrealistic combat we see in the manga, they've doubled down and made it even more cartoonish. With that in mind, they might as well have made the OP legitimately hype instead of choosing some edgy emo shit. This would have been perfect:
Ok I endured exactly 7 seconds of that.
Glad you will never create something for mass consumption that isn't a burger and order of fries.
>Glad you will never create something for mass consumption that isn't a burger and order of fries.
Wew, lad. I'm 30 and an engineer. Do you prefer SSTP?
Son, everyone on Yea Forums is an Engineer pulling 6-7 figures.
Did they really skip the longboads for 2 filler episodes.
Answer the question.
Is chronological order really that confusing to you?
>We have to endure 5 more months of shitposting.
Just send me to Valhalla already.
I have to amend that, there's a Tripfag on Yea Forums who's a Particle Physics Scientist working for the US Government.
It's been 10 years faggots, correct me if I'm wrong with the order or timeframe.
Do you prefer SSTP?
Not hard to keep up with the show. Just watch the preview for the next episode.
The best thing about this adaptation is that it most likely won't even touch the Farmland which is quite honestly one of the most obnoxious examples of moralfaggotry i've seen in japanese media.
Not like Baltic Sea War is better since Hild and the fucking shounenshit piece of trash called Garm exist.
>get drunk and eat food
Viking life seems comfy
It's a hollow life, settling down with a woman you love and raising your children while farming now that is comfy.
Literally everyone in Askeladd's band either ends up dead shortly, or enslaved, or mentally retarded. Oh and that one guy has to go settle and take care of the mentally retarded guy.
Real norsemen do both
They don't have time to take turns.
Surely there was a better way to go about them speaking different languages than having them both be speaking Japanese and then remark how they can't understand each other
Sure, they could have hired a Korean or Chink to do Englishmen.
Then they'd have to hire them for all the scenes full of English-speakers. Oh and Vietnamese to do the Weshmen.
there isn't really unless you want to hire people to speak a different language for non-Norse
Just have some nips speak engrish and put jap subtitles that's literally all you have to do
And no one is actually speaking Danish in the first place. Really they did as well with it as they could.
Yes, but then you need voice actor's like Askeladd's to be able to speak English, as he does several times in the story.
Oh and Welsh. Askeladd is at least tri-lingual. Does he speak French, I don't recall.
I was expecting the kid to start speaking broken old norse or something desu
just have them recite the english lines phonetically the nips who watch this wont see the difference
>Vikings don't rape. They sail the foreign women to their home gently.
I agree, but you're wasting your time. But on that note, Samuel Fuller, a WWII vet and filmmaker, described Full Metal Jacket as "another goddamn recruiting film". One thing Yukimura could have done is make Askelad's death brutal and realistic, with death throes and everything. That would convey a weird conflict in Thorfinn, and then maybe afterwards he sees some English villagers realistically bludgeoned to death as they plead for the lives of their children, but at his feet instead of outside of his immediate focus as has been the case so far. That would have been a more realistic catalyst for his transformation.
Even the chapter was called "The Dream"
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind Ep 16
Thorfinn gets hardened to human death in this very episode. It's brutal enough without going full Edge for your benefit.
Askeladd dies without fulfilling his own dreams, all he does is install a leader that wills spare the Welsh (for now). That's the best all his ambitions can get him. He doesn't need to thrash on the ground shitting himself.
Bjorn gets put down.
Pretty much all of Askeladd's band meet a bad end. The warriors in the Jomsviking fight recently are dying for nothing more than lordly ambitions, they aren't gloriously being swept up by Valkyries.
It has some fantastical action, but it really doesn't glorify warfare in the slightest, except for edge-kiddies who are bored by "story" and "plot: and shit.
>complaining and discussing the writing about actual wars, events and irl characters
Too bad uncultured nips don't care about languages other than theirs and historical accuracy like other people do
Have the Viking characters speak jap and the english speak english?
>Glad you will never create something for mass consumption that isn't a burger and order of fries.
quality kek
One of the only admirable things they did with this shitshow
You know there are going to be a lot of English characters (or Danes speaking English) later on right? At what point do you just dub the entire thing? Danish as Japanese already sounds weird as fuck. And what about the Franks? We are probably an Ep. or two away from Franks, and later there's Welshmen.
No, no, he's a Engineer, probably designing the Mars lander. He just shit-posts on Yea Forums while his wife is away modeling in Paris!
This. It's to Vikings what Kevin Sorbo was to the Greek Myths.
>Thorfinn being an edgelord is supposed to be a negative trait
The thing is, he ISN'T being an "edgelord." Sorry for the scare quotes -- I know the Nips would say something similar in tone to that word -- but the thing is, the English are his enemy and want him dead. Being merciful to your enemy in war is a sure way to get stabbed in the back, and everyone in that era knew that. The predictable Nip moralizing that ruins SO MANY anime is just a modern luxury of growing up in a peaceful country totally free from war, and it just happens to be unrealistic to the point of ruining the immersion of so many stories in anime.
Except the part where you are covered in fleas, constantly get infections, constant STI's, smell like shit, and can get your head lopped off by the guy next to you if he feels like it
I still can't believe they have the baby (Karli?) with them. Other than the combat, the manga has been semi-grounded, but them deciding to take a baby with them on a cross-continent journey after they found willing foster parents is so pants-on-head retarded that it breaks all immersion. You can't even pass it off as "these guys are retarded", it immediately screams "this author is retarded". I really think he's run out of good ideas and is just throwing out whatever pops in his head.
>It's brutal enough without going full Edge for your benefit.
I don't know why you consider realism "edgy". It's kind of the opposite, which is why Yukimura is bungling his stated thematic focus. The only PERSONAL death Thorfinn has experienced so far has been Thors', who is implied to have bled out rather peacefully. Violence is bad because it's horrible and cruel, not because it ends lives prematurely. That point is driven home better when there's personal attachment between the character dying horribly and the character witnessing their death. I mean, how many people who die natural deaths fulfill their ambitions anyway?
>but it really doesn't glorify warfare in the slightest
Is that a joke? Thorkell is the most popular character of the series despite him dicing countless nameless adversaries. Their deaths have no impact because the violence is handled like a typical shonen series. Hell, they even use the lack of violence for comic relief.
>The thing is, he ISN'T being an "edgelord."
Thorfinn gets so goddamn edgy that even Askeladd, Bjorn and Thorkell find it amazing.
>The only PERSONAL death Thorfinn has experienced so far has been Thors', who is implied to have bled out rather peacefully.
Thorfinn never gets personally attached to anyone in Askeladd's band (except Askeladd, in a way) so of course he's not personally affected by their various Bad Ends. Askeladd loses the closest thing he has to a genuine friend, a number of the band go miserably as well.
Askeladd dies and Thorfinn's entire world literally collapses in on him.
No, not a lot of people die in the Farmland arc, because its not a warfare story. No he doesn't go back and everyone is slaughtered in Iceland, because it's a peaceful bumblefuck nowhere, which is why Thors WENT there.
So far beyond that, none of his shipmates have been killed because they are merely sailing around and fleeing/avoiding conflicts. Leif gets hurt in the Jomsviking siege just as a bystander.
What do you expect?
Also, Arnheid dies after being brutally beaten, and she's basically the only person besides Einar that Thorfinn cares about on the farm. Its a terrible moment for Einar and Thorfinn.
Don't be dumb, user. That guy loves to kill.
>Is that a joke? Thorkell is the most popular character of the series
If you are 13. Askeladd is best character for adults.
Askeladd is for teenagers. Thorfinn is for real chads
My complaint isn't that there is insufficient violence. My complaint is that the cartoonish, impersonal violence we see conflicts with the author's stated thematic thrust. The action/comedy nature of the violence confuses the narrative and muddles the message to a point that leaves the author nowhere to go.
>Askeladd dies and Thorfinn's entire world literally collapses in on him.
Which is kind of silly. His nemesis dies, but instead of finding at least a little relief in that, he's totally despondent because he didn't get to kill him himself. He's been desensitized to violence partly because of his single-minded focus on revenge. That was a good opportunity for him to start truly seeing the ugliness of violence since Askeladd had become a sort of twisted father-figure to Thorfinn, but instead Askeladd dies quite nobly. And if I remember correctly, Thorfinn didn't even witness Arnheid's brutal beating; another missed opportunity by the author to make the presentation of events congruent with the supposed themes. You can't really focus on a message of non-violence in a violent action comedy averaging like seven dismemberments per chapter. The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced Yukimura has written himself into a corner, which is why he's going off on this asinine jrpg route.
I said "most popular" because I meant "most popular", dumbass.
How many miles of cock and how many gallons of danish cum did she take that night? Her doujin better have a stomach expansion tag.
You blathering imbecile. The whole effort is titled "Vinland Saga". It was never going to be about Thorfinn's Viking Slaughterventures.
It was always going to be about a journey to the New World.
Thorkell's violence isn't cartoonish, he's a terrifying force of nature on a battlefield, almost mythical. One of Askeladd's hardened vets shits his brains out his ear at the prospect of fighting him. He's (literally) larger than life, but even the most historically accurate comics/manga have these sorts in them.
You have seriously hit the filter.
>>Askeladd dies and Thorfinn's entire world literally collapses in on him.
>Which is kind of silly. His nemesis dies, but instead of finding at least a little relief in that, he's totally despondent because he didn't get to kill him himself. He's been desensitized to violence partly because of his single-minded focus on revenge.
That's why he literally describes himself as empty afterwards and with 0 reason to live. He offers his life so that Olmar get killing experience, since he values it so little without Askelaad to kill.
You can go all day because you have nothing else going on in your life.
>It was never going to be about Thorfinn's Viking Slaughterventures
Learn to read, retard. There's too MUCH unimpactful, often comedic violence to fulfill the thematic goals Yukimura was going for.
>Thorkell's violence isn't cartoonish
Jesus, your mother must have dropped you repeatedly and intentionally with bad intentions.
>That's why he literally describes himself as empty afterwards and with 0 reason to live.
Yeah, ten years of being fueled by nothing but the desire for vengeance. That's a shonen-tier writing cliche; an actual human would have started developing real attachments to people around him or died of loneliness. Askeladd's death could have been a plausible moment for introspection, inner-conflict, and reflection. Instead, he has to make a friend during farmland to begin the process because violence itself can't cause such turmoil to him or it would be totally incongruent with all the trivialized death we were presented up to that point.