Read the manga so spoiler warning.
Why where there only 40 people in that village after 3700 years.
At the rate people reproduce especially when uneducated (see Africa and Middle east) they could have basically repopulated japan.
Read the manga so spoiler warning.
Why where there only 40 people in that village after 3700 years.
At the rate people reproduce especially when uneducated (see Africa and Middle east) they could have basically repopulated japan.
Even today there are isolated villages that have stayed that way for a while. It's unlikely, but not impossible.
>At the rate people reproduce especially when uneducated
Doesn't matter when your mortality is too high. Child mortality basically REQUIRED people to have that many kids in order to maintain their population levels.
To be fair those isolated villages are usually In seriously inhospitable environments that cant support farming or islands that are just way to small for such a thing.
These guys basically settled in japan and at a time when most infrastructure was probably still intacked and while its not the most fertile place its fertile enough to support more than 40 people.
Honestly i am supersized none of the space survivors remembered to just maybe find a wind farm and settle there and have electricity.
>speedreader missed the part where they confirmed famines in the past
And yet still those places usually have families of 5+ living children.
Not to mention the mortality rate of those places is mostly because of wars and inhospitably. Japan is anything but inhospitable
>Honestly i am supersized
Have you considered dieting?
>Not to mention the mortality rate of those places is mostly because of wars and inhospitably.
It's mostly child mortality + women dying while giving birth.
So yeah, you have lots of kids running around, but half of them are not going reach adulthood.
>i am supersized none of the space survivors remembered to just maybe find a wind farm and settle there and have electricity.
Stupid phone poster. You don't need to know merely about electricity, you also need to maintain the whole infrastructure surrounding it.
When your tools break, you need to know how to make good replacements.
When empires of the past fell, the tech level routinely fell to rock bottom and had to be slowly recovered.
more importantly
why did their language not change in 4k years
they would speak something completely unitellegible
The author doesn't want to, and probably can't, deal with politics. Thinking about these things is a total waste of time, because this story isn't about anything other than making chemistry and physics look interesting to children. Manga readers have been saying this since episode one, and you still refuse to accept it.
Author is a hack that's why.
>not sticking fish up your ears to translate everything for you
Because no writer wants to waste time in the story dealing with a language barrier, especially for their MCs. Even language nerd Tolkien made up a universal one.
Cutest skeleton.
Do you think language will change when people are petrified and can't speak?
Does this fanbase really care this much about spoilers? Fuck there are too many normal niggers here
>When empires of the past fell, the tech level routinely fell to rock bottom
What are you on about? Useful technology hardly disappears because even if a country disnabds or an empire falls the people that made that country/empire don't magically vanish. Wars are almost never fought to the last man.
Maybe you could lose mathematical studies, chemistry and other theoretical fields (read as knowledge that doesn't trasmit to an immediate use) but stuff like metalwork, agricultural knowledge, animal husbandry and most importantly medicine are things that are hard to lose, especially if you think the progenitors are supposedly highly educated engineers/scientists.
>he doesn't know
>dr reddit
Pull the trigger
>Useful technology hardly disappears
It does though. After the Roman empire fell, their aqueducts slowly fell apart. Their streets too. All their industry was discontinued.
>the people that made that country/empire don't magically vanish.
They don't vanish, but the society that supported specialized jobs disappears, and so they have less opportunity to practice their craft, and none to pass it on to the next generation. Are you going to learn a job that people won't pay you for anymore? How about becoming a professional fletcher?
>Wars are almost never fought to the last man.
I never mentioned wars.
>stuff like metalwork
Metalwork would disappear first because a major problem with them is that many of the machines deal with liquid iron. As soon as you turn them off once, they're fucked and cannot be repaired any more.
>agricultural knowledge
"So, first we'll order our seeds from... Damnit.
Okay, let's take shit seeds. Now, for the machinery, DAMNIT.
And so on.
>animal husbandry
Runs on totally different principles nowadays than what a village would want.
>most importantly medicine
Who actually knows how to mix medicine from local herbs? Not a pharmacist, that's for sure.
>says he read the manga
>didn't understand the explanation in the manga
Explain yourself
cheap excuse to start a pointless thread or really another example for the general IQ of this fanbase
>inb4 he is the falseflagger
Why do you feel so threatened by leekboy? Is it cause he's a galaxy brained Chad with a cavegirl guard willing to kill for him on a whim? Are you jealous user, you can admit it, we're all friends here.
I don't really know what you just said, but I'll assume you mean senku.
He does not have a cave girl guard willing to kill for him, she's a typical feminist type character that's just there to point out "boys are just stupid despite thinking they're smart" and "girls are the real power of this whole operation", which really doesn't make sense considering the times shouldn't really make it possible for that character to develop.
Other than that, the science part would have been bearable, if not for the absolute O MY FRIEND type of storyline being followed till now.
>constantly asks for permission to kill anyone that might be a foe to her husbando
What manga are you reading friend, it's not Dr.Stone.
which girl are you talking about? I'm talking about the one senku saved from under the tree
They have poems and kid books that are taught every gen. That should diminish the language variation.
they starved.
>They have poems and kid books that are taught every gen.
Did you just imply that poems and children's stories are a Japanese-only thing?
>These guys basically settled in japan and at a time when most infrastructure was probably still intacked
They didn't settle there right away. They were stuck on an uninhabited island for who knows how many generations/centuries before a splinter group broke off and went to the mainland.
>falseflaggers BTFO
>implying she wants to kill him for Senku
Absolute disgrace. She's obviously doing what she's doing for self preservation. There has never been any sign of love between them.
And since you haven't refuted my other points, I'll accept this as your defeat
These poems were specifically created by their ancestors who knew the modern world in order to keep certain modern concepts intact. If that is the case, maybe the rhymes were made to keep all the modern sounds of Japanese. It is a bit farfetched, but probably not impossible.
Given that they might have hoped for the statues to come back to life, it might be less far fetched than you think.
>ready to revolt against her whole village cause some punks don't show her husbando the respect he deserves
>falseflagger BTFO again
How will he ever recover?
>oooh strong feminist character
(You) cannot possibly win
Childbirth kills about 25% of women in preindustrial societies and only 50% of the children in preagricultural societies reach adulthood. Population in a fishing village like this one should grow very slowly. Add the fact this is Japan and you could have Tsunamis and volcanoes killing a ton of people on occassion.
>he outs himself as a falseflagger
>scared of strong girls
Not to mention they straight up said that the village had problems with people freezing and starving to death in the winters until Senku taught them how to make preserves and built them heaters.
>Claims to have read the manga.
>Ask about something that it was explained in the manga.
Fuck off.
Not scared, but I think authors should stay away from such annoying character types. Not that it would make a difference in another typical shounen shit series
this. the village hadn't even began farming or herding. they simply didn't have the knowledge or man power to expand
Brainlet here.
How did they survive the whole incest thing?
I mean why aren't they like based Charles II?
This just screams that you're weaker than her. Just get stronger user, watch that dumbbell anime, then come back and a cute grill won't upset you anymore.
>How did they survive the whole incest thing?
Humanity was reduced to a single tribe of similar size repeatedly before getting started.
We all share the same forefather.
Incest doesn't need to kill you. Though it does help if you can exchange genes with some other tribes.
If your dick is diamonds, maybe you can pierce through stone?
Because the mutants died off leaving the most healthy to procreate.
Pic related. Also, they're inbred as fuck, have you looked at the women?
Here is your explanation, in the manga you claimed to have read, lying faggot.
Because its been almost 4,000 years and given the how harsh their lifestyle is all the ones with the truly debilitating shit genes died without reproducing.
>If that is the case, maybe the rhymes were made to keep all the modern sounds of Japanese.
I've thought for a while the stories were the key for language continuity in this story.
Small population + no contamination + mandatory, massive word-for-word (perhaps sound-for-sound) language base among ruling class makes a non-changing tongue much more plausible.
Now, what I'd like to see is the priestess from Treasure Island, implied from Kirisame's referencing the stories, meet up with Ruri and them compare versions.
There's more than one village
No agriculture so population gets culled from droughts or famines. No medicine so population gets culled from epidemics.
I do t mind that language was similar but they should have some made.up terms for something not covered by their oral tradition.
They didn't know what science or eruptions are. They most likely don't know other scientific terms.
The problem with the 3700 years ago is mainly that all those smart and healthy astronauts put together are not nearly as smart as Senku. Realistically, they should have either been able to bootstrap themselves at least to the Iron Age or all died. It would be interesting to have actual kingdoms to deal with not just primitive tribes.
They didn't have the manpower at there disposal senku has. They didn't have access to a storage shack full of different ores and materials like senky had. They didn't have a skilled craftsman at their disposal like senku had. They had a shitty uninhabited island they couldn't escape from and had to build up everything from nothing. A couple of the founders also died of basic diseases (no medicine and shitty living conditions) and others died trying to leave the island by raft.
wasn't the island they landed on quite small though
And it's easy to forget that they're human.
Shamil had pretty much resigned himself to a survival existence rather than trying to rebuild civilization or anything so ambitious.
pretty sure library books didnt turn to stone. even if digital databases become inaccessible, books were still around. theres really no reason to fall down to full africa, especially after thousands of years.
paper rots quickly in humid environments
>pretty sure library books didnt turn to stone.
Did the tribe have access to them before they rotted away?
And notice how in zombie apocalypse stories, people are basically just scavengers, taking whatever they find lying around? With 40 people you cannot maintain civilization.
>others died trying to leave the island by raft
Unconfirmed. But if we come across another group of survivors with a founding pair rather than a group of six, get ready for the complaints.
Everybody who likes this sucks at life, and sucks at watching anime (which is shocking, because how can you suck at that?).
Dude, most books wouldn't last even a century without being preserved in some way, much less 1,000 to 4,000 years. Hell, most modern buildings wouldn't remain intact after even just a century without regular upkeep by humans, meaning any books on shelves begin to be exposed to the elements, assuming things like rats and insects didn't chew them apart desperate for food by that point. The things we make do not last nearly as long as you think they would without humans maintaining them. Not to mention after a few generations they were probably all illiterate due to lack of needing to use the skill for anything and not bothering to pass it on.
Why do you think old documents have to be treated so carefully? It has to be in ideal conditions for it to survive a thousand years, much less 3700. They also started on an uninhabited island without access to books at the beginning.
Because is a dumb manga trying to be smart.
>rate people reproduce especially when uneducated
go back to /pol/ retard
Correct, but that being said it wouldn't surprise me that by the end of this series they will find some hermetically sealed time capsule buried away somewhere that was able to save some remnants of our civilization.
It's woman's education specifically, and it's true.
>they find Miura's stash of idolm@ster doujins
>Yabuki's stash of official TLR sex scenes and full nudes.
So the new world can rediscover anal sex?
I don't think we need some lost knowledge from an advanced age to get the idea or desire to stick a penis into a butthole. Especially considering the frequency apes do it in the wild.
You fucking stupid speed reader it was all explained go read it again now properly
galactic guide for hitchhikers?
Anime when?
He speaks like islanders aren't descendants of people who came from the continent.
Villager are people who escaped the original Soyuz crash site where a much larger village is. But they settled for enough generation for them to forget about where they come from. Also it is said there was a famine years ago decimating the village.
>Honestly i am supersized none of the space survivors remembered to just maybe find a wind farm and settle there and have electricity.
I work at a wind farm operation center. This isn't as straightforward as you think.
For starters, no one can actually make do with wind power because all of which is meant to be distributed on the grid, so all wind power is fed to a substation, which then transform it to a high voltage AC power and then distributed to the grid. Since all humans have essentially been petrified, the SCADA system of the ISO will most likely have tripped a wind farm due to...lack of human intervention (and most likely ground faults, and other trips happening over across the country). Local control exists for a wind farm as well, but even then, because of all the security (both physical and cyber) they probably won't progress very far.
Even if they did manage to figure out the control stuff and manage to scale the power from a wind turbine down to usable residential power to charge their smartphones, wind turbines go down all the time under various conditions and require upkeep and these survivors don't posses the required tools or materials to do such up keeping like refilling a transformer coolant (which can potentially cause a fire and burn down an entire wind turbine), or repairing/replacing internal components that has been worn out over time. Also, it takes FOREVER to get from one wind turbine to the next. You literally need to drive from one turbine to the next because of how spread out they are. These survivors (as far as I can tell) didn't even bother inventing a bicycle.
I would think that for small scale energy needs, you want a watermill since it's more stable.
So would I. But my guess is that none of them have tradesmen skill as they didn't bother setting up the most basic and most helpful of tools.
Given that, I think even a watermill is quite outside the survivor's reach.
Oh this explains it.
I only red the manga only up to the end of the sone war arc.
fucking cursed
This is why retards shouldn't try to write smart things i.e. 99% of manga/isekai writers writing about science, society building, philosophy, etc.
theres another page that says they have no way to preserve food either
stop being so autistic about these irrelevant details they make this shit for kids
>just turn your brain off bro
>he didn't know what emc2 meant prior to this series
Every time
I doubt people know now.
Go visit a farm and ask them if they have time to read books
They do. Farming comes with longish periods of no work.
>after thousands of years
Why do people try to think when they obviously failed kindergarden?
But it's a barrier that can be resolved in an interesting way by using science, the main fucking theme of the show. EG Arrival.
They address the lack of writing skills.people are already complaining about the slow pace in the anime and you want it to go even slower. Sometimes I think these suggestions are posted by people that want the series to fail.
The science is mainly hard sciences, topics like linguistics are barely mentioned, and even then it's pretty much limited to Gen talking about it
>that question
>read the manga
Are you sure you read it? Because they do explain it
every girl in this fucking series
TEAM JUMP: How did just six astronauts create a healthy community that could last for 3,700 years without serious problems from inbreeding/lack of genetic diversity?
Inagaki Sensei: The basic answer to this is, nobody knows whether this is possible or not. The reason is because nobody has ever tried it. But there are situations where islands were populated with small numbers of people. But nobody knows if it started with four people, or ten people. So if nobody really knows for sure, then the god of the world can decide it. And I’m the god of the world in Dr. STONE.
By having the three couples have a shit ton of kids and prevent said children from hooking up with their siblings. In 4 or 5 generations you'll start to have quite the diverse gene pool.
You do know there are agricultural oriented schools and university courses, don't you?
Paper has been around for at least a millenia and you want me to believe these six astronauts didn't bother teaching their children how to read and write so they could obtain information of the old world and when needed rewrite it/take notes?
These savages don't even have mud tablets.
>Paper has been around for at least a millenia
its been around for a lot longer, it just doesn't survive long in non-arid climates. the astronauts were also stuck on a small island with no means to make paper.
>These savages don't even have mud tablets.
native americans also didn't have any form of writing before europeans came. theres simply no way to preserve information for 4k years besides oral stories
What is the point of writing though?
If you have only a small community, then all the effort required to produce paper is basically wasted effort.
>so they could obtain information of the old world
After the books had already rotted away? You mean they should have read the names of supermarket chains on plastic bags to learn more about their glorious past?
Even if the astronauts taught their children to read and write, it's such a marginal activity that it would be dropped of the curriculum in the very first generation after the last of the astronauts had died.
Plenty of civilizations survived and accomplished a lot without writing, and the village was mostly focused on immediate survival
Are you people serious? First of all, one of the main factors in the differences in ancient civilizations technological progress stems from the means of communication, Without written language it's impossible to create higher magnitude communities and have people to graduate from tribalism.
Native americans were technologically centuries behind europeans.
The point of writing is to convey information without needing to be present and also set said information 'in stone', so that it cannot be changed by mistake as it would happen to spoken words,
Plenty of civilizations survived and started without written language. Without it they will eventually crumble. Written language is necessary for an economy to be born, and economy is the main driving factor of innovation.
no one is saying otherwise, we're saying there was no way for them to do it with what they had. books wont survive, carving clay tablets/stone is too labor intensive to record any large amounts of information before the astronaut generation dies and then your banking on those tablets surviving 4k years. there are very few things that have survived in our world that long let alone within a small tribe barely able to feed itself
Okay... So whats your argument? Your point? Nothing you said is an argument against anything else said.
>Without it they will eventually crumble.
Well the native americans were fine for 14,000 years and still going strong when Europeans came. Incans existed too. I dunno what this basis of "your civilIzation will crumble without a writing system" is, it may stagnate but theres little reason to believe it will crumble as a guarantee.
What are you on about? They had absolutely no idea when or even if the pietrification would come undone. They believed it would, but had no clue on when it would happen.
Their first and foremost duty would have been to pass down their knowledge. They didn't have to think for something to last millenia, they had to think of something along the line of a few generations in the future, so that their grandchildren and grand-grandchildren could thrive and recreate a semblance of civilization.
Also you guys point out they had no meanings to create written language but they are seen wearing what resembles leather or fabric, both precursors of actual paper.
>theres simply no way to preserve information for 4k years besides oral stories
Amanuensis. As long he's doing his job properly, there's shouldn't be any problem and even if there is, actually having a proper education system thanks to having fucking books means people could notice and correct any mistakes.
>What is the point of writing though?
>If you have only a small community, then all the effort required to produce paper is basically wasted effort.
The moment you get technical, a way to note things is needed.
Writing helps a fucking lot when you're trying to learn to count and good luck passing down blueprints with an oral tradition system.
All of the civilization that survived without writing ended adopting a writing system adopted and all of those who didn't fell and are lost to History.
He probably meant "will crumble the moment an unusual factor is introduced" like a disease outbreak, several harsh winters in a row, a war with extreme casualties rate or the arrival of people who out-tech you by several centuries.
As for the native americans, the Aztec and the Maya both had books.
I'm talking about civilizations, Tribes survived to this day around the globe, I can't really call them civilizations. Small settlements can survive indefinetely with some luck, but to grow bigger they need written language.
Ideas die fast if they are only conveyed orally. All it needs is an uniterested listener and some time for information to die.
this fucking guy
Nice quads of reasonable thought.
I'd like to point out that all this debate could be solved by considering the 6 astronauts as kinda incompetent or/and naive.
Okay so then it doesn't have anything to do with the village in Dr. Stone.
so his answer is he is an idiot and didnt know 53 couples are enough to start man kind with out inbreeding because simple math alludes him. This author is a fucking idiot.
>Native americans were technologically centuries behind europeans.
Which is actually an impressive feat, as they had started at a much lower point and advanced much faster than the Europeans.
>the means of communication
Who are you going to communicate with?
>Without written language it's impossible to create higher magnitude communities
Incans would be the main counterexample, they didn't have shit except for some knots and roads but still had an empire. Then there's Greece, who relied on oral tradition so much that Socrates is famous for saying written language was shit. For a slightly more relevant example to the island village, there's Hawaiian which was oral until recent history. Obviously writing is important for large scale civilizations, but in terms of short term benefits there's not a lot. The villagers were focused on surviving on the deserted island, because as far as the astronauts were aware, if their group died then humanity was extinct. For what it's worth, it seems like the village does have carved symbols on their gravestones, so it's possible they do have some kind of pictographic system.
wait does this author know what Astronauts are specialized in? Science? they arent just retarded test pilots.
I'd argue that the lack of a written language is the reason why their descendants are like 40 people after a few millenia and not even close to middle age level of technology. That's also what sparked this debate, btw,
To be fair, I find hard to believe they didn't create a new written language along the way, but that isn't comepletely impossible, so I'll let that slide.
what the fuck are you talking about? You're the idiot here, he said exactly what is true. No one fucking know because no one has fucking tried it. There are conjectures, but it's nothing more than completely untested estimates, and there are examples of communities starting with as little as 20 people and possibly less.
>The moment you get technical, a way to note things is needed.
>Writing helps a fucking lot when you're trying to learn to count and good luck passing down blueprints with an oral tradition system.
Medieval people just scratched stuff into the dirt or alternatively drew it on wood.
The point is not that writing is stupid, it's that for a small community, the extra specialization of having somebody responsible for creating paper is an expensive luxury, and that there are far fewer things to write down at such a primitive level of civilization than you seem to think.
>Socrates is famous for saying written language was shit
It didn't stop people from recording what he said.
And I bet he was glad someone actually written down what he said when he had to kill himself.
>I find hard to believe they didn't create a new written language along the way,
Differently from speech, writing does not come natural to people. And these guys all live within shouting distance of each other. What do they really need to write down?
>To be fair, I find hard to believe they didn't create a new written language along the way
They did.
thats saying you cant prove god exists because no one has never seen him. We have fucking geneticists we have scientists to figure this shit out, its like saying we cant know how old earth is but we have something called Carbon Dating, stop being fucking stupid.
>thats saying you cant prove god exists because no one has never seen him.
Have you seen him?
All civilizations start from small communities, you can't go lower than that.
>Who are you going to communicate with?
Those you can't otherwise communicate with? Someone far away, both in space and in time? Are you baiting me?
Incas were still at the level of ancient egypt with drawings instead of an alphabet based written language. Not the best way to convey knowledge but better than nothing I guess.
>Socrates hated written language
You wouldn't know that if it wasn't written down by his contermporaries.
And again, Hawaiin population is small scale.
and there it is, the clown who thinks he is a scientist with 0 answers other than "well you cant prove he doesnt exist." Science exist with proof, thats why we call it science, the mangaka treats science and genetics like its magic. I bet you think magnets are actually miracle.
OR the lack of writing system is a symptom of being a small village that has no need for it. Many things come before writing systems, including agriculture which they also don't have.
>To be fair, I find hard to believe they didn't create a new written language along the way, but that isn't completely impossible, so I'll let that slide.
Why? People have been giving examples of societies that existed for far longer without writing systems than theirs has the entire thread. It's not only not not completely impossible that they wouldn't develop writing, it's more likely. Reminder that humanity went a VERY long time before writing was ever developed AT ALL, an amount of time that makes their 3700 years look like nothing. 3700 years is a drop is no time to develop a writing system.
It's not like saying that at all. The number that they came up with isn't hard and fast and has changed a lot in just the past few years
>All civilizations start from small communities, you can't go lower than that.
If you go to a new continent with a few guys and your tech level is behind the guys who stayed behind in the old world, then you have some catching up to do.
>Those you can't otherwise communicate with? Someone far away, both in space and in time? Are you baiting me?
I am talking about motivation to develop writing.
Writing generally develops for 2 reasons:
1) Your society is complex enough for you to need an actual inventory of your property, so that you can collect taxes and stop people from stealing your shit.
2) Your society is complex enough that there is another large human settlement that you are in regular indirect contact with and such want to communicate with them in a non-verbal way.
Neither of these things are true.
Writing is the natural evolution of pictograms. Be in the form of an alphabet (representation of sounds) or through ideograms (stylized drawing), written language will be born in long living civilizations. Unless they die out before they manage to,
I missed that. My bad. I would have preferred they retained an alphabet based language. If only there was someone who could've taught them that...
>Be in the form of an alphabet (representation of sounds) or through ideograms (stylized drawing), written language will be born in long living civilizations.
This is a fucking village, not a full-fledged civilization.
Reminder that this gorilla skipped right past pictograms and directly created a written phonetic language based on nothing more than lies from the village scumbag.
>Medieval people just scratched stuff into the dirt or alternatively drew it on wood.
Works for me, as long as the Amanuensis does his job properly each generation.
Also the Middle Age, contrary to popular belief, is not an era filled with obscurantism, quite the opposite even.
The concept of "Bourgeoisie" was born during the Middle Age FFS, knowing how to write or at the very least read was essential.
>The point is not that writing is stupid, it's that for a small community, the extra specialization of having somebody responsible for creating paper is an expensive luxury
If your goal is surviving and nothing else, sure but it will become a necessity sooner or later if you actually want to do more than that.
All the knowledge that could have been saved has been lost because of the lack of a writing system.
>Reminder that humanity went a VERY long time before writing was ever developed AT ALL, an amount of time that makes their 3700 years look like nothing. 3700 years is a drop is no time to develop a writing system.
And the moment they developped a writing system, humanity did what they couldn't before in a relatively very short amount of time.
no you moron we have genetic mapping, plus astronauts are scientists in their own right, along time and decomposition with matter around them humanity would have never reverted back down to the stone age. plus the number they came up wasnt a process of 0 to 53, you have to have people genetically different of 53 couples to bring humanity back with out inbreeding. Do you know anything about genetics?
Nobody is saying that writing isn't useful, just that for a small scale village (6 + however kids they had is pretty fucking small) it's not as important as other skills. From what we've seen, it was basically just Byakuya and the kids for a long time. Shamil and his wife died from pneumonia, the other couple left on the raft, and Byakuya doesn't look the old when he's shown holding Lilian's corpse. One man and a bunch of little kids is not ideal conditions for survival, learning to write is a waste of time for them.
>it will become a necessity sooner or later if you actually want to do more than that.
Generally you first get more villages. And then towns. And then the towns start developing specialized professions.
>And the moment they developped a writing system, humanity did what they couldn't before in a relatively very short amount of time.
Not really, there were still several civilization set-backs before things suddenly started going bonkers.
i am more and more convinced that who ever writes this mangaka is a fucking flat earther
First of all, I was debating the fact that native american were impressive in their development because they started at a much lower level than eurasian civilizations. They certainly achieved feats we find incredible considering their technological level at the time. Their ingenuity is to be praised, not their cultural/technological progress.
I do agree that the main reason (not counting religious needs) for the development of written language is the need to record property and its exchange. What I'm pointing out and you guys keep on waltzing around is the fact that long term speaking passing down written language would have been a great idea.
It's similar to your first point, obtaining info on higher tech civilization and learn from it. They could have advancend really fast in little time once their numbers increased if the knowledge of the astronauts didn't die with them Also, transforming knowledge in stories doesn't count because you lose the cause of events.
It seems nobody has actually read the manga, Byakuya is clearly shown writing down one of the stories here. It might've just not survived over time for some reason.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Dr Stone. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Senku's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Dr Stone truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Senku's existential catchphrase "ten billion percent chance" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Riichiro Inagaki's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
>Generally you first get more villages. And then towns. And then the towns start developing specialized professions.
Hence why said "sooner or later ".
>there were still several civilization set-backs before things suddenly started going bonkers.
Humanity did in 5000 years what they couldn't in a millions for a reason.
I don't know if writing if the sole reason of this but I know it sure helped a lot since everything that surround us was made through the help of writing.
>What I'm pointing out and you guys keep on waltzing around is the fact that long term speaking passing down written language would have been a great idea.
Everybody agrees with you there though.
You are really missing the point people are making.
>hmmm let me write it in sand so i can remember it later
i really wonder if people actually think like this. I mean there are flat earthers, starting to think instead of spreading knowledge the internet just breeds stupidity.
I get there are circumstances around the subject. Luck (or the lack thereof) is a big factor.
I still stand by the fact that written language would have managed to outlive the astronauts.
>Nobody is saying that writing isn't useful
Some people are doing that though. See
Joke is on you! I don't even watch this show and don't plan to.
Instead, I'm watching the superior Sounan desu ka
>Humanity did in 5000 years what they couldn't in a millions for a reason.
I'm not sure what reasoning you have for that 5000 year scale. Civilization went up and down quite a few times during the past 5000 years. Europe, which arguably invented the scientific method, got barely any writings from the civilizations that came before it. It stole plenty of knowledge during the crusades or got it through more peaceful interactions with its neighbors though. That's direct interaction. Not mere reading. Writing helped, but infrastructure and culture were of substantial importance.
>Hence why said "sooner or later ".
I will take that as your admission that it's not time yet for them to develop writing then?
See I'm done debating. This is silly.
Whoever writes this mangaka?
You're a goddamn fucking idiot. Post your fucking source because I can't find any bullshit about 53 couples being ABSOLUTELY NEEDED to create a population. It's all dependant on a shitload of variables, many of which may or may not have been modeled in your supposed 53 couple estimation, you stupid fucking shit. What if they had no very bad recessive genes? Huh? Huh? They're all cream of the crop astronauts, you can't even become an astronaut with bad eyesight. They're also from different races and genetically diverse. Theoretically it's perfectly possible for the situation in the manga to happen. There is NO absolute rule against it.
>Tristan da Cunha recorded a population of 251 in the September 2018 census.
>The current residents are thought to have descended from fifteen outside ancestors, eight male and seven female, who arrived on the island at various dates between 1816 and 1908.
Too bad here we had no chance for direct interaction in our scenario. If only we didn't write down all of our knowledge on the sandbeach. One tide and it was all gone.
5,000 years is the amount of recorded human activity
Yeah, you are missing the points people are making.
Two of those posts discussing the immediate and obvious advantages of writing as they appear to the villagers. The discussion is on the topic of whether or not they would learn to read and write. So their perception of things is important. Writing is good for a civilization, but for a little village that is mostly occupied with feeding itself, it's a luxury.
The other two posts aren't calling writing useless at all. In fact one of them said " Obviously writing is important [for large scale civilizations]".
But it's not the length of time of our current uptrend, which is rather shorter.
>I'm not sure what reasoning you have for that 5000 year scale.
You're right, I remembered the age of the Epic of Gilgamesh wrong, it should have been 4000 years instead.
>Civilization went up and down quite a few times during the past 5000 years.
Not the point, I just wanted to point out how no civilization before the first invention of writing ever came close to the civilization after.
Nope, if anything, human History show perfectly that you're absolutely not guaranteed to rediscover things, hence the necesity if a writing system.
>If only we didn't write down all of our knowledge on the sandbeach.
What would pre-iron age people do with the knowledge of astronauts?
>Ughnut, yesterday I learned that perl is better than java. I'm going to study it in the next semester.
>if only somebody knew how to build a computer.
>human History show perfectly that you're absolutely not guaranteed to rediscover things
like a writing system
exactly. what's even more jarring is the fact the finest specimens humanity had to offer couldn't teach their progenitors enough rise above mud and stick medieval level of technology. they had 3700 years
Shit writing
The reader is mostly teenager.
The immediate and obvious advantage was having the astronauts knowledge still at their disposal had they died you retard.
>no civilization before the first invention of writing ever came close to the civilization after.
The Romans had the Europeans beat in many ways for about a millennium.
Then the "Hence why said "sooner or later "" thing was just you making random noises?
See .
A strong oral tradition and a tiny centralized population does not lend itself well to rapid language change
there is when you have fucking inbreeding, that creates regressive gene pool that create retards like you. The reason you cant find it is because you typed in google to give you the answer with out fully understanding the situation. all the shit the manga does is speculation not theory, even theory has an ounce of understanding the topic at hand. This mangaka probably took the Adam and Eve story and went OH YEAH THATS HOW HUMANS CAN REPOPULATE YOU JUST NEED LADY PARTS AND MALE PARTS. You need to have a diverse gene pool to stop regressive gene caused by inbreeding. INBREEDING causes regression and makes the Disgusting Hills have eyes freaks. Any astronaut would fucking know this, plus they would be able to make new tools and reuse items left behind from the previous civilization like HUMANITY DID SO MANY TIMES BEFORE!
>microbs exist, wash your hands boys
>if you ever find red sands maybe there's iron. You can smelt it and make tools out of it
>rotate your crops in this order. Not the order the forgetful elder with alzheimer tell you
Higher level tech knowledge might come in hand later on. Better knowing the origin of penycilln and try to make it when we have the resources than having to find out by chance 2k years later.
but there is 5000 years of human history left behind. it just doesnt disappear because humans turned to stone. It all doesnt decompose over the course of 3,700 years, we still have ruins older than that and some how in this manga none of that is still standing?
Giving such a precise '53' number to the minimum viable population should let you know that person is throwing around concepts they don't really understand.
The sheer amount of assumptions behind any population model like this would make your head turn.
>but genetics
Okay, what about deliberate culling? Wasn't that in the 17th of the 100 stories when it said that if a kid is born weak you cast them out?
How about epigenetics? What if environmental demethylation resulted in gene silencing that lowered inbreeding depression?
Any specific number thrown out is pure bunk unless they can show the model behind it.
>Nope, if anything, human History show perfectly that you're absolutely not guaranteed to rediscover things, hence the necesity if a writing system.
what is the Rosetta Stone. thanks to that we discovered how to translate ancient Egyptian.
But the Romans had a writing system while the Europeans didn't.
Yes, and fuck you I'm tired.
But yeah, better write things down because I know my retarded descendants won't be able to rediscover shit we currently know.
>wash your hands boys
Your mother had you read a book on how to wash your hands?
>You can smelt it and make tools out of it
No you can't, unless you also learn how to make a smelter, which the astronauts can't teach you.
>rotate your crops in this order.
They are doing this every year. No need to write it down. That is what civilization is about: living memory.
Also, again: Why would astronauts magically know this? Do you?
>Higher level tech knowledge might come in hand later on.
No, it won't. Because that would require them to magically produce the same tech that the astronauts are used to.
>knowing the origin of penycilln
Do you know that? If so, is it because you are training yourself for the zombie apocalypse/isekai adventure you are expecting?
Nah these retards cannot fathom the idea of human curiosity and greed. The descendants of the astronauts stayed in small groups, did not colonize, never tried to understand the meaning or origin of the ruins around them.
For 4000 years they were busy surviving 24/7.
What about the countless civilization that are totally lost to time and History and we'll never learn anything about them because they never had a proper writing system?
Also I didn't said it was impossible, for example, it took "only" 700-800 years for Gutenberg to rediscover the concept of printing after China.
>it just doesnt disappear because humans turned to stone.
Much of it pretty much will.
There are 3 kinds of sources, basically:
1) sources in places like Egypt, which are well protected from the elements. Anything that's buried in the ground elsewhere also counts. But you'll have to find it first and then decipher it. Most of it is not in English.
2) Old sources in museums. Those things used to be well protected from the elements. But once the museum is no longer maintained, these sources are going to die.
3) Contemporary sources. They are not going to leave any trace whatsoever.
> Yea Forumsutists arguing about minutia that was brushed aside because it's a shonen and needs to sell to kids
Feels like the good old Dr. Stone manga threads, we just need some debates about katanas, shitposting about getting axed, and that one mesoanon
thats fucking stupid. even cave men survived for longer and they began farming. the start of the series Senku is farming and trapping. 4000 years of surviving!!? Humanity would have to not be the apex predator anymore for this to happen, it makes no sense!
>the Europeans didn't.
What are you smoking?
>It all doesn't decompose over the course of 3,700 years
It actually does.
>we still have ruins older than that
Yeah, how many ruins are that old again? Random giant rocks like Stonehenge and a 6 million ton pile of limestone like the pyramids. Everything else (which still isn't much) is buried deep underground.
Pretty much nothing in our current society besides nuclear waste is going to last that long, especially what holds our history, books.
Not specifically the writing, but that does sort of beg the question of how Byakuya was able to transmit the stories to the #2 person in line, whoever that was, when he was supposedly being a prospector coot in that creek for the rest of his life.
Senku wasn't farming at the start, in fact he doesn't even introduce the idea to the village until almost 100 chapters in
>we still have ruins older than that and some how in this manga none of that is still standing?
Several reasons. Most of those ruins we know from thousands of years ago are preserved by either being buried under the earth or by being in very dry and arid places.
Modern architecture is also not really made to last. Most things start falling apart within just 100 years and after over 3,000 there wouldn't be much left of anything made of wood or steel or even some stone after being exposed to the elements.
Japan is also very prone to natural disasters. Mt. Fuji erupted multiple times over the course of the 3,700 years, they get hit by annual hurricanes, and they get a lot of earthquakes.
And there are some things still around. A lot of the caves you see if you look closely are actually pieces of the collapsed remains of buildings covered in earth and vegitation over the years. There are also things like the Buddha statue and some the astronauts managed to preserve using concrete to encase it.
The one thing the series really glosses over is that there should still be a bunch of plastic things left around.
Why is there only japanese and whites in dr stone?
For example, India has one of the biggest population ever and yet they're not in dr stone, even thought some must have survived
Because they are in japan territory?
you mean civilozations that we found evidence they did exist? most of it remains a mystery? like the egyptians until we found the rosetta stone? Geee i wonder we eventually found them again. how because population continued to grow. records continue to grow and catalogue. god its like some one who never finished school thinks they are a scientists because the memorized hydrogen and oxygen makes water. like holy crap dude.
Most europeans civilizations like Celt or Gallic were very much into oral tradition and they got assraped by Romans.
>No you can't, unless you also learn how to make a smelter, which the astronauts can't teach you.
Not to mention that iron was pretty high tier smelting. Most ancient civilizations never got past bronze because they couldn't figure out how to build a blast furnace that could generate enough continuous heat at high enough temperature to actually smelt and work with it.
Explain the white guys and women in it
I have a PhD in biochemistry. I would have no fucking clue how to make paper from scratch with no infrastructure. That's not in my training or specialization.
You are going the wrong way in time you fucking retard.
We are discussing this nonsense:
>>no civilization before the first invention of writing ever came close to the civilization after.
So you would have to compare the Romans to what came AFTER the Romans. Stop posting when you are too tired to actually read.
oh my lord you are retarded. you are pretending civilization just halts for any explicable reason and forgotten unless we have museums. Museums and shit exist today because of past civilizations not the other way around.
Dr. Stone starts in 2019 unfortunately, if only it took place a year later, India would have been a superpower and on top of having a colony on the Moon and Mars, they would have been able to stop the petrification before it even started.
Did you read the other two points
>Your mother had you read a book on how to wash your hands?
Oral information can be lost unless there's a clear reason behind the action. People always teach their children to stay away from dangerous places like forests because there are direct threats. Washing hands isn't a natural action. If they seem clean why washing them. Let me touch this wound with my clean-to-the-eye hand. I certainly won't die of sepsis because of it.
>No you can't, unless you also learn how to make a smelter, which the astronauts can't teach you.
You can smelt things on a campfire. Higher temperature smelters are required to make high quality steel.
>hey are doing this every year. No need to write it down. That is what civilization is about: living memory.
Then someone dies and some knowledge is lost. Look, dad died and no one else knows how to forge a pitchfork. Damn.
>Because that would require them to magically produce the same tech that the astronauts are used to.
>Do you know that? If so, is it because you are training yourself for the zombie apocalypse/isekai adventure you are expecting?
At least one of them HAD to be an engineer. Astronauts have to do shit tons of maintenaince, Basice engineering doesn't require high level tech. You can use it to plan to build a shack.
It's not a fucking civilization, it's a tiny isolated village. It barely qualifies as a culture. They don't even have agriculture or true division of labor, without which, civilization is impossible.
>It actually does.
not into nothing it doesnt you fucking moron. Hell we have items that cant decompose for thousands of years today because they are made from Styrofoam. Not every building is made stone and even then our civilization even after 4,000 years if left alone would still be standing only with plants and wild life living it it, not completely intact but enough for people to see there used to be thriving metropolis.
Explain the white people present in Japan's territory.
The people who founded the current villages were made up of white America and Japanese astronauts who were in space as part of a collaboration mission between the two countries when the petrification happened.
Well, they make a record cd out of a glass bottle bottom and make a record recorder out of shit they had and a diamond as a needle.
Is that what they're called? Record recorders?
Anyway drop a couple quantum physicists on a deserted island and see how well their science background helps them.
dude you are fucking stupid, you have no idea a lot of those are temples, Hell we even have cave men paintings left over today. Why are you being so stubborn when history is still there and found and we continue to unearth more. How old are you?
>most of it remains a mystery?
I can guarantee you that we don't know jack shit about how the common people lived in these ancient times beyond the random anecdote because no one who could write cared enough to write about their everyday life.
>you mean civilozations that we found evidence they did exist?
>we know they existed so we know everything they did
Are you retarded?
>muh rosetta stone
Great, it allowed people to understand the writing system of a civilization that actually developped a writing system.
Which is the whole fucking point.
Do you even understand the crux of the argument?
>how because population continued to grow. records continue to grow and catalogue
Records and knowledge don't grow because the population does.
You're a fucking retard.
Dude, the iron age came before the bronze age. That's way back in the BC era.
There was a blonde american singer on the ISS as a space tourist
>You can smelt things on a campfire.
Yeah, really weak, soft metls like gold and copper. You aren't going to be smelting iron or bronze on that.
Not according to the materials scientists they consulted for these specials:
So the author is a hapa supremacist?
It could grow into one if they had more knowledge of mundane technology to start with, you dingus.
none the less an astronaut knows where high ground is and has a higher chance of surviving when there isnt a massive population running for the hills. Yes shit could happen buy if there is any descendants left behind then they fucking survived and 3,700 years later there should have been knowledge left behind that wouldn't kept humanity into the stone age. This manga just pulls that out of its ass so Senku can be the savior. Its fucking stupid.
So the author put a propaganda such as "race mixing with white people is ok" huh?
I was aware that japanese are obsessed with white people but didn't expect them to go as far as creating a hapa village
Can you just fucking look up the stupid shit you say before posting it? No styrofoam isn't going to fucking last 1000's of years.
And even if it did, how many fucking structures big enough to make ruins are made out of styrofoam? Oh yeah I forgot the tokyo tower is made of of styrofoam, how come they didn't find after going outside.
>Oral information can be lost unless there's a clear reason behind the action.
That's why we still say Bless when somebody sneezes. No reason, but this shit has been with us for millennia.
Culture is pretty stable because it needs to be. Without other villages to teach yours stupid shit, they'll remember to wash their hands.
And being told about tiny demons (or bacteria or whatever) won't help with that anyway. Doctors in hospitals often neglect to wash their hands. Hospitals can kill you with all the diseases they have prepared for you.
>You can smelt things on a campfire.
Not iron.
>Then someone dies and some knowledge is lost.
No, you have a village. At least 50% of them will be actively involved in the fields.
>no one else knows how to forge a pitchfork.
No one knew to to forge a pitchfork in the first place, so that's no issue.
>At least one of them HAD to be an engineer.
And he will be able to give them hands-on teaching while they build their village together.
How stupid are you? I literally fucking said all that shit is buried deep underground? God it's like I'm talking to blind 10 year olds. Can you really not fucking read?
Goddamn some of you are real fucking idiots.
Primitive kilns aren't that hard to make. Closed environment made of bricks, constant flames. Push in air so it can keep burning.
It's hard if you don't know combustion needs oxygen or that you can smelt metals at all. If you didn't know it was useful most people wouldnt even bother.
if you plop them on a deserted island completely naked and have amnesia of civilization and willfully stupid then you would have a point. But this entire series is about science and the author just forgets science just doesnt stop when he tells it too or his story is unbelivable.
>You can smelt things on a campfire.
What, marshmallows? I'd love to see you smelt iron on a campfire lol
That's wrong.
Iron is hard to smelt. Bronze is easy comparatively.
>I can guarantee you that we don't know jack shit about how the common people lived in these ancient times beyond the random anecdote because no one who could write cared enough to write about their everyday life.
o can guarantee you we do, ever been to a renaissance fair? we dont know everything but we know the common life style that went on, not because we speculate like UFO chasers do.
>It could grow into one
Yes, normally they would have splinter groups and set up new villages. That's stuff that even animals do. You don't need high tech for that sort of shit.
Nope, I don't know what you're smoking but it's copper>bronze>iron.
Not even him but the way I understood his post prove exactly your point.
"You can't melt shit worth melting on a campfire hence why a kiln is needed"
No, I have a point with what I originally said.
His camp fire is 3000°F.
>ever been to a renaissance fair?
>The Renaissance
>Ancient civilization.
How fucking stupid and ignorant of history are you? The Renaissance was less than 1,000 years ago and is a time period where there are a plethora of writing from in known non-dead languages.
Tell me how the common people lived in Assyria in biblical times then.
Wait, is there really a hapa village in this manga?
If true, how was this allowed?
>ever been to a renaissance fair?
>Great, it allowed people to understand the writing system of a civilization that actually developped a writing system.
>Which is the whole fucking point.
>Do you even understand the crux of the argument?
do you!? do you even understand anything outside of throwing away facts with stupid memes? you are a fucking idiot. Things get passed on and with astronauts a lot of shit would have been passed on. Books would still be around. If left in a safe place like a library UNTOUCHED by human hands mind you, they would have survived for well over 10,000 years. Decomposing doesnt happen so quick that 3,700 years wpuld wipe out any form of humanity especially in japan where they are on of THE MOST traditional people when it comes to human knowledge and cataloging it. They take care of knowledge like its a gift from God and 3,700 years they cant find a porno mag? common I am sure they can find a futon with one hidden underneath.
>comparing saying bless you after you sneeze to washing your hands on which you sneezed on before eating
>You can smelt things on a campfire.
>No, you have a village. At least 50% of them will be actively involved in the fields.
I bet they would remember stuff they need to do to survive day by day. It's other things I'm more concerned about. Like what to do if there's an epidemic. Make a quarantine maybe? Wash your hands after you touch the ill? Don't wash and reuse shit or puke stained clothes from ill people. Burn them is safer, but at the very least boil them before reusing.
>no one else knows how to forge a pitchfork
They would if it was written somewhere and someone knew how to read.
>And he will be able to give them hands-on teaching while they build their village together
Yeah, he'll teach them basic stuff. But down the line, if they work hard, they might have more resources/time to do more complex stuff. Dad is dead though so forget about it. Let's just stick to basic stuff.
>Records and knowledge don't grow because the population does.
yes they do, They actually do, how dumb are you?
i know because I went to school retard. do you know the process of decomposition? How its done? You need sunlight or prime locations for things lile mold to build. Do yourself a favor and look this shit up before responding, thats your homework.
Please for the love of god just leave the thread for 2 fucking minutes and look up how long it takes for shit to decompose before going on with your insufferably stupid posts
I literally mentionned this twice and I'm going to say it a third time just for you.
I'm not sure why you think no one is going to make a copy of that knowledge if they realize the current copy is not in good shape.
If that was true, Africa should be more advanced than Europe by virtue of having more people.
Same shit for China who should have been a technological leader for a long time by virtue of being the most populated country since fucking forever.
It was an example, calm your tits. Copper can be smelted on a campfire. Iron needs a kiln but the concept of a kiln isn't hard to convey. I'd bet it's hard to come up with though.
>If left in a safe place like a library UNTOUCHED by human hands mind you, they would have survived for well over 10,000 years. Decomposing doesnt happen so quick that 3,700 years wpuld wipe out any form of humanity especially in japan where they are on of THE MOST traditional people when it comes to human knowledge and cataloging it.
You should really educate yourself a bit. Here's an interesting timeline of how long the shit we make would actually last without us around to maintain it.
holy shit you totally missex the whole concept. The point is we reenact things in our past with accurasy. Let me ask you something, how did we know how the mummified their corpses? How did we know egypt had slaves? how did we know that their society believe the Pharoah was considered a god and when they died they believed they would take their wealth with them in the after world? Did you know that theu believed that the caste system they built on was their society and if you were born a slave you die a slave and in the afterlife you are a slave. Wow its called recorded history! We found that out thanks to rediscovering the Rosetta Stone. Wow what a concept, look I know you dont go to school because you think google is such a good teacher but the reason we have school so retards like you just don't grab knowledge all willy nilly and make connections with out thinking.
i didn't study their history, ask an actual historian that you mud flap.
>They would if it was written somewhere
Their forefathers were astronauts, not blacksmiths. They did not know how to make pitchforks.
>Yeah, he'll teach them basic stuff.
Right. The stuff they need. Don't forget that they are using tools he has no experience with. Stone knives and stuff. He'll be learning just as much as them.
He doesn't know the stuff they need to know. They have to develop their own tools, not build some impressive 2 story houses.
>Like what to do if there's an epidemic.
That would be an interesting point.
you do that. You dont seem to know how its fucking done and think its magic
>You should really educate yourself a bit. Here's an interesting timeline of how long the shit we make would actually last without us around to maintain it.
>without us around to maintain it.
Books last several years if they are in dry places and dont get eaten by rodents. Once found, a book could be kept and when consumed could be copied.
Tell me what school you go to so I can make sure I never engage with anyone from such a black hole of knowledge. With your stupid fucking logic, absolutely nothing underground would decompose ever.
Seriously this is what they teach you guys at school? Things decompose only with sunlight and mold? Or are you just in like 6th grade or something, either way it doesn't reflect well on your school.
several years yeah
not several millennia
The astronauts washed up on a uninhabited island with no man made structures on it to raid or preserve things from. None of the original astronauts managed to leave the island and go back to an inhabited area (As far as we know, the people who tried a raft were never heard from again) and we don't know how many generations it took after they died to get off the island and to Japan. By that point they may have all been illiterate or the majority of paper books decomposed past the point of legibility.
>with accurasy
Yes, with "accurasy", not accuracy.
It's easy for recent periods and periods with lots of writing about them. But the further you go back, the more guesswork or simple blank lack of knowledge you will encounter.
>how did we know that their society believe the Pharoah was considered a god and when they died they believed they would take their wealth with them in the after world?
We don't. All we have is the official sources of the top guys, and those are somewhat biased. Compare that to periods of which we have 10s of thousands of sources from every possible angle.
Because we can't you drooling retard, as said previously, most ancient civilization didn't write about the common people.
>damage control
So tell me how the common people lived then?
And I'm not even asking for the egyptian civilization but any ancient civilization. Celt? Gallic? Turk?
And not, the Renaissance is not ancient.
> I know you dont go to school because you think google is such a good teacher
That's extremely ironic coming from sone who only ever use muh reosetta stone as his sole example.
I don't care about pitchforks particularly. A knife would be nice. You can sharpen one on a wet stone.
>Right. The stuff they need. Don't forget that they are using tools he has no experience with. Stone knives and stuff. He'll be learning just as much as them.
He doesn't know the stuff they need to know. They have to develop their own tools, not build some impressive 2 story houses.
The point here is giving their descendants more opportunities. Sticking to the bare basics needed for survival forgoes the whole concept of slowly rebuilding modern civilization.
Once again, I want you to understand that they didn't stay on a desert island for 3000 years then decided to move out. With population growth people naturally go look for new land. All they needed was reaching a previously habitated area to find relics of the old world.
>A knife would be nice.
Again, they were not blacksmiths.
>The point here is giving their descendants more opportunities.
I actually said before that I imagine that the first generation may actually have learned to read and write, and possibly even gotten some form of texts (on bark or whatever) from the astronauts. But they would have seen little value in it, and it would have been lost in the next few generations.
You Dictation? Recording shit that you have left behind? That shit doesnt dissapear especially if you just leave the modern era in contact and turned every human into a fossil. Steel and other metals just disappear either. They could have salvaged modern society because it was built to last.
>If that was true, Africa should be more advanced than Europe by virtue of having more people.
>Same shit for China who should have been a technological leader for a long time by virtue of being the most populated country since fucking forever.
holy shit you are dumb since you ignore the fact the areas you are talking about have been frought with war and things like the dark ages happen because people wanting to control things. We would have lost All of our greek records if it wasn't thanks to persian empire.
knowledge still gets passed on, hell I bet you didnt even know the Romans invented concrete.
They managed to perfectly pass on 100 stories orally for 4 millenia. And they didn't manage to make people remembers the alphabet. Genius.
>educate yourself on a fandom site that plays with scientific theory like it was magic.
>Reading something drawn by a filthy gook
>Again, they were not blacksmiths.
Melt metal. Cast it in a mold. Hit it into shape.
It's rudimentary but it's a beginning. The fact that after thousands of years they still use stone tools makes me pretty certain a little aid could've done wonders.
>Books would still be around. If left in a safe place like a library UNTOUCHED by human hands mind you, they would have survived for well over 10,000 years
On the off-chance that anyone is taking this person seriously, here's the actual estimate from people who should know. The U.S. Library of Congress:
By the way, a closed, airtight environment may not help, and in many cases may even hurt when dealing with paper decomposition.
>Because we can't you drooling retard, as said previously, most ancient civilization didn't write about the common people.
yeah they did they were called slaves, we have rules set in Mesopotamia discussing laws of the common people, Pottery that had told tales drawn on the side, we have all kinds of fucking records of how they farmed and how they built a society. This is why historians exist, to research these items and GIVE IT FUCKING CONTEXT.
>Hit it into shape.
4. Watch it break into little pieces.
They would have had to work to develop the proper method of turning ore into iron and separating it from all the junk inside, and all the other steps.
If the astronauts didn't get around to these experiments, they didn't have anything to teach their kids.
>Muh Rosetta stone!
>Muh Rosseta stone
The Rosseta stone was a fucking godsend and like winning the fucking lottery when they realized what it was. There isn't a Rosetta stone for every ancient civilization. And even then we still haven't fully figured out the Egyptian language because the Rosseta stone was just an ancient decree jacking off the new ruler in a couple different languages (The important one for us being ancient Greek because it gave us an idea of what the other portions were saying), not a comprehensive guide to Egyptian language.
>Celt? Gallic? Turk?
they lived in small villages governing by villiage law with hunters and gatherers and farm stead, wake up early in the morning finish till sundown and depending the religious belief system
and day they either celebrated or prayed. Its not that hard dude.
>You Dictation? Recording shit that you have left behind? That shit doesnt dissapear especially if you just leave the modern era in contact and turned every human into a fossil. Steel and other metals just disappear either. They could have salvaged modern society because it was built to last.
What the fuck this has to do with the concept of copying the content of a book?
>the areas you are talking about have been frought with war and things like the dark ages happen because people wanting to control things
European countries never waged war amongst themselves, right?
>knowledge still gets passed on
But this has nothing to do with your previous statement, see Just because your population is big doesn't mean your tech level is, I even fucking gave you two examples, and even in our current world, the most advanced nations tend to be the least populated ones.
did you read any of this?
Just look at the words, and close your eyes at the art
Its a fandom site of a well known documentary series based on interviews with experts in dozens of fields and whose facts are backed up by research and history.
Can we stop engaging with the ESL who doesn't seem to know how the shift key works yet?
Yes. Particularly the multiple parts where it said "hundreds" of years rather than "thousands".
Unless I missed the "thousands" part. I'm sure you'll help us out by pointing that out.
>What the fuck this has to do with the concept of copying the content of a book?
thats fucking dictation do you even look up the fucking word you even mention before using it.
Learn to pronounce
a literary or artistic assistant, in particular one who takes dictation or copies manuscripts.
>Just because your population is big doesn't mean your tech level is, I even fucking gave you two examples, and even in our current world, the most advanced nations tend to be the least populated ones.
just because there is a big population doesn't mean technology just stops all together by what you are insinuating.
Well, unlike you, I actually read the manga. People left the island at least once but they didn't come back. When? We don't know.
But even if it was as little as 300 years later, they wouldn't be finding many books. First of all it's not like every 10 steps you take there's a library. Secondly, you know what happens to libraries that aren't maintained? They start to crumble. You know what happens when libraries start to crumble? They get cracks and holes. You know what happens when buildings get cracks and holes? Rainwater gets in. You know what happens when rainwater gets into a library? Books decompose. Very fast. Japan is a very humid place as well, being a fucking island and all. Not to mention the monsoons and shit. Unfortunately Japan isn't an arid dry rodent free desert like you think.
its a fandom site that relies on science fiction. If you want real research go to your local library, but it seems you use magic science to dumb things down for you so a library is probably too much for you.
>yeah they did they were called slaves
>You're either part of the 1% or you're a slave
Or more seriously, do you honestly believe everyone that wasn't part of the nobility was a slave?
>we have rules set in Mesopotamia discussing laws of the common people
Laws gives context bu don't tell us how they lived.
>Pottery that had told tales drawn on the side
None of those are about the common people.
>we have all kinds of fucking records of how they farmed and how they built a society
All of those were written by people who actually know how to write and don't mention the common people.
I speciffically chose the Assyrian because the King literally spoke on behalf of everyone in his country and he was the kind of guy who couldn't care less about your average dude.
Turk lived in tribe and were nomads so no village or farming for them.
They migrated several times over the years in diverse places because of [reasons] but there's little we know about them before they settled where they currently are.
So yeah, it is actually harder than you think.
You're literally repeating what I said then and the part with metals and steel still doesn't make sense.
I'm not, I'm just saying tech level is not correlated to population, unlike the autist I'm arguing with.
so based on just them using the word hundreds of years, because idunno the libraries there is only hundreds of years old, you assume these books cant survive passed that.
not all books are left out in the open like your children section user. A lot are kept in safes to which also have a thousand year life time even with the natural elements around.
Not him, but post your fucking library sources for all the stupid shit you're saying then.
Because so far
site detailing stuff from a documentary using information from experts > random bullshit pulled out of some anonymous retard's anus with no source whatsoever
>Steel and other metals just disappear either.
It really doesn't. Most metals rust and deteriorate at a rate that would shock you when exposed to rain.
> They could have salvaged modern society because it was built to last.
It really isn't. We have real life examples of fairly modern abandoned towns that within just a few decades the buildings are already in terrible shape and deteriorating. Hell, look at the ghetto of any major city that doesn't bother to upkeep the area. They're full of collapsing buildings, poor condition roads, rusted pipes, etc.
context is the HOW you fucking simplton you just proved yourself wrong by just being stubborn asshole. Man you are dumb who just loves his jap cartoons too much.
>It really doesn't. Most metals rust and deteriorate at a rate that would shock you when exposed to rain.
its called rust you retard and RUST takes decades and even then not all steel is the same and some metals dont rust. You are mentally retarded it hurts to converse with you. you are so fucking stupid. We done
>a lot of books are kept in safes
Have you ever been to a fucking library? Did you happen to go to the library of congress and then never step foot in your average library?
>a lot
No. Most aren't. I don't know why the fuck you're talking about highly specialized stupid cases that wouldn't apply. They were on a deserted island in Japan, they weren't near the fucking capitol hill you dumb fucking idiot.
>They could have salvaged modern society because it was built to last.
I'll follow your advice because the more I speak with him, the more his speech is becoming disjointed.
Also rather than an ESL, I think he's an ETL.
Last post from me, you're free to shit the thread as much as you want after that.
Context doesn't mean everything, to take your example about laws:
if you have a set of laws that basically says
>pay your taxes
>don't kill
>don't steal
>don't NTR
>don't etc
It does give you context, but it absolutely doesn't tell you how people lived beyond shit that happen and is necessary in all civilized societies.
Also I love how you dodge every point where you got BTFO.
And your english is so bad, it makes your posts easy to spot.
>its called rust
I said that. In the very section you quoted. And yes, it takes decades. The descendants didn't leave the island for possibly CENTURIES, not decades. And yes, most metals rust and pit with enough time with only a few exceptions and steel is not one of them. Especially the ones we use in construction, which we primarily protect against rust by coating with special paints. And when exposed to the elements that paint eventually deteriorates and exposes the steel underneath, which begins to rust.
Rust only happen with iron you retard, he's talking about erosion.
>talk shit about how everyone arguing with him never went to school
>doesn't have highschool knowledge himself
Dumb ESL.
Maybe he's posting from El Dorado and thought everyone else in the world used mainly gold in construction.
Clearly he lives on the moon where everything remains perfectly preserved for hundreds of thousands of years on its own outside of the occasional impact from space debris.
Will the literal goddess on the right appear next episode?
The literal goddess Ryu-san won't appear for a while, no.
If we continue at the pace we've been going for the past couple of episodes, she should appear near the end.
I think we'll get a glimpse of her fairly soon right? When everyone in the village is talking about Senku first arriving there and their dad says so long as he's not doing anything and doesn't step foot in the village, they have no need to go antagonizing him.
Maybe we only hear her voice though
Ryu-san isn't Ruri
Ryu-san = Sulfy chan
>Why where there only 40 people in that village after 3700 years.
Well genius if you actually read the Manga it's explained. Famine, many starved to death and they aren't originally from the mainland to start with
>At the rate people reproduce especially when uneducated (see Africa and Middle east) they could have basically repopulated japan.
There is actually an island off the mainland that the village descended from..
Actually read it before making another useless thread baka.
Can we get the mods to ban OP for being such an idiot?
they do
what a thread
Ruri's hip is amazing.