Sweet Jesus, it happened.
Nee-san finally got a boyfriend
Sweet Jesus, it happened
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She had one before didn't she?
So she's a Hapa.....
Oh shit, and it turns out Nee-san is half-white
I love how neither her nor her father can figure out what she is saying.
Where is the model on her head?
Why is her head so naked?
Ah, sometimes I forget how enjoyable this anime is. I should read the manga, I had caught up on it and then stopped.
Is Maki-Maki still best girl?
I got bad news
>Where is the model on her head
>Is Maki-Maki still best girl
I see, so both questions are answered so quickly...
I think I'll need to drop the manga again. How can it be +tic Nee-san without the +tic?
That's what I'm thinking too, but I'm sticking with it in the hope they get their models back later on.
>Missed opportunity to meet Nee-san's parents and have them have models on their heads as well
Do we at least get to meet nee-san's nee-san?
No indication of one
So far only father and now recently mother.
>How can it be +tic Nee-san without the +tic?
She get it back after the training arc
This is a joke translation isn't it.
On a more serious note, I'm actually having trouble telling who the girls are without their head models.
She might actually have completely gaijin genes, she was just raised by her father.
nee-san is like a joke translation by default
add tourettes?
Yes, but adding extra jokes isn't needed then.
She doesn't have a big gaijin nose like her mom though.
So will Nee-san grow up to be tall and stacked too?
Not Makimaki and Okappa too!
You should know by now that they are powerless before nee-san
Why won't the formerly +tic nee-san use her powers for good?
Why is Maki-Maki so lewd?
The author dropped the model premise like ten chapters into the series.
Had no idea someone picked this manga back up, thanks OP
Maki-Maki x Maki-Maki is OTP!
I know but still. It seems like the art just got lazier and lazier until they couldn't even be bothered to draw the shapes on the heads, but now the art is so crude that when names aren't being used I can't tell who people are.
Does this seem lewd to you?
The lack of Okappa is a sin.
Okappa is worst girl except for the others.
Makimaki? More like fatty fatty.
She looks thinner than Nee and Okappa
yeah, but she abused him
one of the few comedy manga i find actually funny
so when Nee-san finally hits puberty will she get breasts?
>Neither girl can get a boyfriend
Japan deserves its fate.
Bullshit, look at Iroue and Sasaki
look how easily they made it seem.
Is this still plastic nee-san or is it a new series?
never, her mom only gave her the blonde genes