Does a female character being atractive detract from her personality?

Does a female character being atractive detract from her personality?

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Depends on how much fanservice there is in a series.

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there is literally nothing wrong with liking big tits

There’s a simple way to solve this problem: be attracted to nonhumans. Your dick can’t say yes to a woman with less than 6 hands and 3 mouths

If the design is good then no

>being atractive detract from her personality
No? Just like in real life, that characteristic trait shapes the personality and influences behavior.

I like men with 3 eyes

Shitty personalities/quirks only make attractive women more attractive

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No. It just so happens that most artists are better at drawing attractive female bodies than at writing compelling female characters.

objective truth

Sorry, man
I’m a lolicon

I love Stocking's looks and personality. I guess that's why she's my waifu.

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Panty and Stocking are both shitty in a way that's genuinely entertaining and endearing, same as Tsunade.

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ass > tits > tummy > feet

I love this pirate

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there are no deep women characters

Very true


There are no deep women in real life either, so they're at least believable

Pits>everything else

Hands>>>everything else


Boobs are the best

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why did it became so shit after Aizen?

It lost it's soul and fun

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those are some really nice milkers

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There are very few anime/manga with genuinely unattractive female characters. Even if someone is considered ugly in-universe, they are typically drawn as cute for us readers.


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eyes > lips

I blame Tsunade for my Milf fetish.

if her attractive features complement her personality then no

Tsunade's big boobs actually enforce traits in her like "mature, motherly/caring, healthy, strong" in her, while she showing off her attractive looks also being a way of her showing off her ninjutsu skills. Her having small boobs would literally take away from her strong presence

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I am reminded of a comment from the author of World Trigger saying that he and his editor decided to give the character Kitora a bigger bust size, because otherwise she would be disliked by readers for her abrasive personality.

>the only thing women have of value is their bodies

Based FGO and Naruto posters.

only if you're a cumbrain

b-but user that's where you... kiss

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She's great.

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Fubuki is one of the most popular characters in One Punch man yet she is one of the least memorable. If she wasn't hot no one would care. I imagine this happens in many other series, so if anything I guess it can add on?

Shame she and Jiraya never ended up together.

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>compelling female characters
Why the hell does anyone want that?

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it's hard to detract from something that doesn't exist for most female characters cause most mangaka can't write them worth a shit
tsunade, while i hesitate to call any character in naruto "well written" was probably the least worst of the female cast, in addition to being bammin slammin bootylicious

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depends on how well the character design reflects the personality?

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S-summer soon!

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No it adds to it what are you gay haha

Obviously Wada's servant this year will be Drake.

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It better be

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She needs more love.

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All of it

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And I am willing to give it.

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Because they forgot that the main characters have personalities and that ichigo isn't fucking mega man.

She's tiny but she can take a lot of love

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>not wanting compelling characters period.

Good to go as long as there is booze and gold.

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I love Baik-Drake

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Her bartender version is criminally underrated.

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Is female characters having an attractive body odor distractive to her more serious characterization?

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And cowgirl

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too big

And Dahut

Attached: Drake 75.png (1134x1713, 866K)

Too gay
Simply put; More Drake

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>wanting your 2D women to act like 3DPD women

Do you want a good story or waifu wish fulfillment?
Because you can't have both.

I don't want either. You cannot have a good story with realistic women because they're either going to be hopelessly annoying or trashy fujos.


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Treasure trunk

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When did i say realistic you fucking moron?

Filled with promises of adventure and freedom.

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Where did all this Drake appreciation come from and why can't it happen more?

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If you spam Drake too often you'll atract shitposters. Doing it from time to time is fine.

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Same could be said for any Fate character

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Too bad it didn't work.

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