Why are chuuni characters always bullied?
Why are chuuni characters always bullied?
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Because it's good for them. You have to teach them that it's not okay to be retarded.
Stop being different.
Ask the question in reverse - why are all bullies normalfags? There's your answer.
You aren't using that word correctly.
what the fuck
she looks way too young here
why do the most retarded ones always have the best bodies?
Aren't they supposed to be highschoolers?
>tfw never rappelled down from a balcony as a teenager
some girls are just short and flat
Then, you have to "educate" them that it's not okay to be retarded.
Vammaiskulliteoria, "retard dick theory"
So you feel compelled to breed with them.
big yuta dick in tight little rikka cunt
Maybe that's why he's taking things so slowly, to avoid breaking her.
Season 3 when?
Imagine the smell and feel.
This. I was a chuuni faggot in school and if I wasn't bullied into normality I'd probably be one of those neon-haired faggots who talk about their feelings every five seconds and get offended by other people all the time.
Bullying is never good. Treat others like you want to be treated.
Someone didn't have a good time growing up
Would we be here if we had a good childhood?
Was this scene really necessary?
I feel like a lot of people somehow missed the point of the show.
It's okay to be chuuni, you shouldn't have to behave the way society tells you to.
Picked the fuck up
But what if I want to be bullied but don't want to bully others?
>ywn slap rikkas soft butt after shes been a bad girl, only to comfort and cuddle her afterwards
Never, after the shit ending of season 1 and the waste of time that was season 2 why would you want a season 3?
Because I love chuuni autism
I think the movie was a great conclusion.
>Bare feet version
You fucking weirdo
Man, S2 would be so good if they went full SoL and omitted the pink abomination.
Don't bully Satone.
All kinds of mental illness are detrimental for the species. The brain needs to remain a rational predictor of reality. If it malfunctions, the other, relatively normal members of the species instinctively bully it into suicide. That doesn't mean there's something inherently wrong with the chuuni or that the bullies aren't fucking evil, but that's how it works.
It's a shitty species. Just like the most of them.
This. Extroverted weirdos are the worst scum on this planet.
while I don't agree that they should be bullied, I don't see why I should be forced to deal with chuuni weirdos on their own level.
they should be ignored and left to themselves until they feel like joining society.
The only good chuunis are Ranko and Asuka, the rest are trash.
Have ever spent time with some autistic delusional faggot who won't shut the fuck up about whatever stupid shit fantasies they have it's insufferable and it's never ever a cute girl its almost always some fat smelly retard. The best example in the western world is probably otherkin/otakukin or furries who larp all day
They're also compulsive liars who think so little of you and your problems yet demand your attention at all times and make their problems everyone else's problems. So why would you be nice to them?
You have a problem with that?
It's the lack of hips
god yuuta is so lucky
Please delete this
Because unlike them you're sane. It's your noblesse oblige.
They liked it.
god i wish someone was my friend or even just kind to me in my chuuni years which were also my formative years. if i had a friend or even an ally in that time instead of a bunch of bullies and enemies and people who hated me maybe i wouldn't have turned out so fucked up
now its cool to be a dorky anime loving chuuni and people aren't ostracized for liking games and anime in schools anymore. i was born in the wrong era and i bear all the scars from that time.
kinda like being born a girl in china in those weird times where people wouldn't give a shit about you or even try to get rid of you or give you a late abortion vs being born a girl in china after that time had passed.
>Have ever spent time with some autistic delusional faggot
user where do you thing you are?
Because they're designed to be taken advantage of.
the fact that you place all the blame on everyone else, even now that you presumably outgrown that behavior, just highlights why chuunis are so irritating to be around.
you guys are so narcissistic and you build your entire personalities out of your interests, and yet you wonder why you're unable to relate to anyone outside of them.
Not to defend chuunis, but people who simply fit in are the literal definition of subhumans. They absorb the ideology transcribed into them by the central authority, receive their rewards and live in illusions of either physical pleasure or ideological "justice". Such beings are contemptible beasts of burden, and their off spring too will be nothing but vessels for other men's words which dictate their every action.
Truly horrific.
but i can get along with people of the same interests
But Ranko is literally a copy of Rikka
What color does she wear?!
Because they need to grow up and sometimes making them requires force.
black because she wants to be more of an adult
I'm pretty sure weird kids still get the shit bullied out of them in school. You'd still be the weird one in the class and you'd probably be even weirder now if you didn't get the crap bullied out of you. Also stop thinking like a japanese person and move on. You spend a few years in school but you spend decades being an adult. There's always time to reinvent yourself.
stop acting like it's a dichotomy, user.
It's not a choice between narcissistic chuuni and NPC, it's the knowledge that, if you want to have friends, you have to be able to engage with others on their level as well as yours.
I wonder how often that sad former chuuni tried to talk to someone about books, or sports, or anything else not directly related to themselves and their own interests.
Its hard work to fit in with people who don't have the same interests as you. See I'm even making an effort to engage with you even though you're spewing out some blatant misanthropy.
>Yea Forums - Armchair psychology
>Confusing misanthropy for modern information control
It would disingenuous to attribute people a "self" when they don't even know the source of the ethics they live by, and by when that source is in turn a simple output of powerful forces and their will. Because schools don't particularly teach the whole enchilada of western thought, and usually only a small subset that is acceptable for neoliberal materialism, most people aren't even aware of their options nor can they make a choice on them and thus they fail a sort of human Turing test. A person needs to understand the why and how of what they think, and most don't and thus most fail to actualize a self.
I never asserted as such, and of course compromise is important and a part of growing up but it must be done knowledgeably and not out of some simple stimuli-response to get a reward.
sure it's difficult, but you can't simply place any blame for failure on others, when relationships require the effort of all parties.
If you put as much effort into getting to know and understand other people as you want them to do for you, it's almost impossible to not make friends.
the key is to actually be interested in other people.
you're just making noise, user.
what you're saying has very little to do with any other conversation taking place.
I know. Thats the point I was making. Its hard work to do those things though. Engaging exclusively in things that interest you is much easier than having to talk to people about things outside your comfort zone. I'm making the point that its hard to do which is why a lot of people don't bother. Basically the sour grapes fallacy.
No it very much has a lot to do with it. Why does the chuuni act out? A lack of guidance from peers or parents causes them to engage in goofy asocial behavior? Why does the normalfag "correct" the chuuni? Because they are conditioned to do so by their peers and environment. Neither position of normalfag or chuuni is correct, and although asocial and uncooperative, at least a Chuuni is exploring something while a normalfag becomes a hollowman, and output of their environment a failed embryonic being.
Both must understand and overcome their environment or risk being the playthings of other thinkers and people.
So basically its not that you have a disdain for people because they don't even count as people in your eyes because there not as smart as you? That's a great way of shifting the blame to everyone else.
No, it's because how can you call something a person with a straight face who doesn't even understand why they think what they do? You clearly can't. People are put into an information smog that is a arbitrary output of shakers and movers and they makes some arbitrary choice of "left or right" or "religious or non religous" or "i consume this product over this other one" and this is an illusory self. To call it a self would be ridiculous because it is a selection of choices from a menu assembled by a bunch of bureaucrats. Until people understand this and then engage in thinking for themselves and reading material that spans the whole human experience they are slaves to ideology, their responses are simply a little bit of scripting, of code made by some writer likely from the 20th century.
Why would a chuuni need such a fat round butt?
So you can have a reason to introduce her to a chuuni ritual where you inject your "white hot energy" inside her.
So you think parroting off sentiments that other people are NPC's makes you an enlightened modern day independent thinker? Funny stuff.
ah, I see.
my mistake.
No problem. I can see how my statement was open to interpretation if you didn't know my stance on the issue.
>Identify influence and influencer in the environment
>Take broad view of human knowledge/history and the choice of thought systems
>Divorce ones self from the influences of ones own age and make a true choice about how to live and why
My friend, I'm sorry but it seems you have some work to do to untangle yourself from ideology. Get off the dopamine treadmill, open a book. Your appeals to an egalitarian tabula rasa, too, are someone else's thoughts controlling your own, and you don't even know their name.
>People don't think for themselves unless they do this thing I tell them and read what other people wrote
That's dogmatic and hypocritical.
I think I’m starting to understand footfags
ho boy. You think you have an IQ of 200, don't you?
theres nothing wrong with having an iq of 200
There is nothing wrong with electing to be a leftist, or rightist, or theist, or anything else, but for god's sakes at least understand where it came from. At least understand why it was presented to you by the people around you and how it developed into the dichotomy of the age you inhabit.
Can you prove the alternative, that people think for themselves with only the information presented to them in their environment?
No, I'm just tired of listening to people repeat the same phrases and slogans ad naseum from thinkers the've never read, whose names they don't know, for a reason they don't understand, and then claim to be a human being deserving of respect.
>Can you prove the alternative, that people think for themselves with only the information presented to them in their environment?
I don't have to. I'd say that'd be a pretty bad world to live in, too. What's wrong with believing the things you're told?
Believing what you are told without understanding it, is letting some other person in the world, either in their own delusion, or conciously to pen something down for their own interest that then defines who you are and how you act.
Some people are perfectly happy with this, but I say there is no dignity in doing such a thing and especially if it leads to grotesque behavior. If we for say, take a man living in the 13th century who rats out a woman he believes a witch and then she is brutally tortured and executed, is he evil? Well clearly under what you say, he is just a victim of doing what he is told, he just believed the witch was evil. And so when the people telling you what to do are moral things are fine, when they are not we've got a problem. And since it is usually the latter I would caution against it.
You're vastly underestimating how much a person can be. Even if a person adopts a belief, that does not define them, only a very small part of them. People seldom dedicate their entire being to any one idea, but coming to a complete understanding of a field takes a good chunk of time, thought, and effort. It's convenient to accept that something irrelevant is right or wrong without thinking about it, and it costs a person much less than actually researching the entire history of the thing.
Oh for sure, and why don't they have time to do their due diligence? Because the sovereign designates they do this or that task, but in most wealthy countries if you really put your mind to it you could get away with bumming, very rarely will the state let you starve to death. But we live in an age of charlatans and snake oil salesmen so basically you always end up as someone's bottom bitch if you take their word for it. I don't like it either but technology has made it so these producers of information can make men into puppets very easily and I think it is a project of any modern person to spend a lot of time disentangling themselves from the dozens of people fighting for their soul.
>Oh for sure, and why don't they have time to do their due diligence?
Because time and life are finite, and it's silly to blow them on things you don't really care about. You could certainly pour over books and lectures on why arson, murder, and jaywalking are wrong, or you could just accept it and spend that time doing something you enjoy.
What you want isn't always what you need.
hopefully never
life takes to starnge places kid, I wasn't bullied in school and I'm still coming here, just because it's fun
You are literally stringing together words that you don't even understand, to attempt to sound smart or "woke" to a bunch of random people on an anime board that couldn't care less if you lived or died. You are the living definition of pity.
All chuuni girls have big butts.
Nah, Ranko is actually funny.
Do chuunis cause big butts or do big butts cause chuunis?
I'm talking about IRL not shitposting also most of Yea Forums would be the autistic delusional faggot so it'd be the tard wranglers who deal with them who know what I mean.
>Misuse the word pity which is the act of feeling sad upon seeing unfortunate circumstances of another person. If i was the definition of pity, I would be a person who constantly felt sad upon seeing unfortunate circumstances, the word you were looking for is pitiful, which would mean i was pathetic and worthy of pity
Lmaoing at your life. Just admit it, i pinned you down as some cumbrain whose mind is rented out to some random shit put there by a state actor which is why you are so angry at someone not engaging in rubish witticisms over fapping to anime butts, and can't speak English.
god this is so true, even in my country. had a weeaboo classmate that was easily the chuuniest in my middle school (she became a typical sex slut in high school) and she had a really big ass. and not because she was fat either, she had a slim upper body and thin cute face but her ass was just... too big for her frame. in high school her boobs began filling out as well and she just became this hypersexual titty ass monster.
needless to say she basically stopped being openly nerdy and just went to shitty high school house parties to fuck. i remember when the guys used to make fun of her big butt, but that ridicule quickly turned to lust in high school.
Nice blog.
were you turned on, user? are you imagining what she looks like with her big ass and titties but slim waist and face? are you imagining all the sexual pounding she got as a teenager by horny teenbros?
I'm not even the person you were responding to orginally. You lead a sad life, I hope you can find some joy in it eventually.
to vanishmento your chinpo
Not that user, but, yes to all charges.
Go on.
She doesn't wear any
You could probably fit one in your mouth
Because they're so damn cute.
Imagine the taste
I wore a star wars shirt to football practice once in the 6th grade. I was called star wars at every single football practice for the rest of my life, including the coaches. Man even a ref I'd never met before in my life told me "stay onsides, star wars" in the middle of a game.
It was a different time. Zoomers don't understand.
You sound like a regular faggot instead
stfu star wars
You're a nice bloke,star wars. Glad you're here.
au au au au au au au
mein gott in himmel i really really wish i had my own personal cute chuuni girl with a big butt to bully relentlessly and she just fucking takes it like she's already my bottom bitch despite us not being in a close relationship and we're barely even friends
Everyone gets the hots for rikka/shinka, but its dekomoron for me
does she make that sound when he pounds her cerivix too?
deko with her hair down is 10/10
but i like it when people bully and tease me because i get to do it back to them, its a fun dynamic
Imagine it would hard to hear in-between moans
>tfw no Yuuta bf
My childhood was great. It was my teenage years that sucked ass.
You have to move on Satone
they're just kinda standing there
All their nutrients growing up went to their body instead of their brain.
Dai no Daibouken thread
Might makes right. Pussy.
t. bully
Social norms exist for a reason, autismo
Back in college, I bullied some chuuni nerds, even though I'm a chuuni myself whenever I'm alone.
Best post itt
How to ruin things.
And why should they dictate the way you live your life?
If nobody ever decided to defy those norms then we would still be living in a feudal society.
Kek you were just like that kid we all bullied for larping as a Jedi in the playground in year 7 through till our final year in year 11 in secondary
Muh individualism.
That’s exactly why we’re so fractured as a society to the point where there’s no longer a center, just far left and far right and escalating violence. Because fuck social cohesion.
Because they deserve it.
You realise there are a multitude of factors that affect social cohesion not inherent to behaviour or personality right?
If you really believe that being bullied into conforming with society is somehow an innate positive then why does it result in higher rates of things like school shootings and suicide?
Because the weak should fear the strong.
post that vanilla greentext about user and a retard girl
Correction: stop being the lame kind of different. There are cool kinds of different that you are encouraged to be.
Cause the logic applies in anime
>that hairclip
Wait, that's illegal.
I want to marry a chuuni.