Good Aqua!
(I say "good Aqua" instead of "good morning" because Aqua is good!)
Good Aqua!
(I say "good Aqua" instead of "good morning" because Aqua is good!)
Wouldn't that make it Good good?
>(I say "good Aqua" instead of "good morning" because Aqua is good!)
So what you meant to say is "Good good" or "Aqua morning"?
Either way, you are being stupid. Like Aqua.
Reminder that Aqua will win Konosuba because Megumin blew her load (meaning her relationship status) too early with the story far from being over.
Also because Aqua and Kazuma's love for each other is not borne out of blushing, awkwardness, and romance cliches, but of familiarity and reliability with one another.
do you fall in love with all your friends? are you gay
Wouldn't it make more sense to say "aqua morning"?
you aren't very smart.
>As dumb as Aqua
imagine how mad megumincels would be if she got cucked
good, good, good. Gut, gut.
Good Aqua!
>aqua centered movie/ova
>directed in the style of H.O.T.D.
how do we meme this into reality?
>this is what aqua believes
>love = sexual desire
That's naive. If anything, it just means Kazuma's love and appreciation for Aqua transcends that of carnal. He's aware she's pretty and attractive the moment they met, but because they've spent their afterlives together for quite some time, he's actually grown to respect her as a partner.
Also, can you imagine the repercussions once their party finally manages to get to the Demon King? The drama that will ensue once they realize they'll be going their separate ways after they defeat him. Would they even go through with it, after being aware of that fact?
Daily reminder that Aqua will end up as the next and last Demon King, to rule over them all with an iron fist, happily ever after.
no no guys, I think this makes sense
Where's frog poster?
Based and aqua pilled
Good aqua!
lmao I don't even watch the show, just came here to laugh at retardo OP
I demand you stop this calling Kazuma konosuba meme
You bitch!
Are you happy now!
Look at what your Turn Undead spell has done!!!
The most beautiful Konosuba girl!
I blame the booze.
Praise aqua!
in the BUTT!
very good Ass_