Best isekai coming through

Best isekai coming through

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>average height of adult males was 140 cm
Sasuga rice-based diet

cute girl

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Time Slip is not isekai
it's not Jin

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I want her to hook up with Nobunaga

>last chapter was 28 days ago

then why's nobody translate it?

So what's the source?

>speaking a barbaric language
It's already fully translated in French. Get lost with your cringey feminist mary sue.

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did he go back to the present time?


yes, well he sort of split himself and lives in Modern Era with a whole life memory of Meiji Era

Remember about the foetus tumoare from the first chapter ? He extacted it from someone found in the street. This person claimed he was also Jin Minataka. This Jin got to do another time travel to go back in the future to look for medecine and more instruments and he had his timoare removed. When he came back he married Saki and founded his University of Medecine. However the Jin who stayed here in the present and was supposed to travel back in time at the beginning of the manga actually stayed there in the present. All the memories of the time traveling Jin came back to him, as if he lived two lives.

Remember Nokazé ? The Yoshimara first class courtesan ? She married a French named Lelong and had a child. Later in the Modern Era, Jin meet he descendant, a French female doctor. It is implied that they are going to get along and the manga end there.

Jin didn't really impacted the future desptite spreading the use of penicilin and germ theory worldwide, or at least they don't show it. What's the most infuriating is that despite having a whole institute named "Jin" supposingly teaching both western and oriental traditional medecine we don't see how the latter is used. In fact we didn't saw a single use of oriental traditional medecine in the manga

Feel free to ask any question. My apologies in advance for my english.

What about Cuisine ?

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Thanks for reminding me. Didn't expect an update from 5 days ago.

Sengoku Komachi ...

he's using her and isn't shy to admit it to himself and probably to others

Weird. I read some spoilers last year claiming that his meddling had saved the Shogunate and thus created a wholly different timeline. The other user must have been bullshitting then.

I may have speadread but it was very clear that Ueno war happened, the imperial power was restored and the shogun partisan fled north. Well, this is all according to my own limited knowledge of Japan History. If the author chose to make minor changes in History to save hundreds of lives in a battle without altering the historical outcome there is no way I could know

It is far more disturbing that his medical achievments had no visible effect on History

But if you read and finished Zipang, you know what to expect from time traveling manga. Maybe that in the end, the real One Piece was the journey we made through History and not the real outcome of this journey.

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>local publisher dropped this for more shoujo series
kill me

why would I want to read that when I can read about a flatchested girl instead

Because Sengoku Komachi is a shounon, while Jin is a seinen. You will never see your flatchested girl naked but you can see doctor Jin Minataka making breast examination on the finest Yoshiwara courteseans.