Scanlation Thread

How do I download form 2ch share?

Attached: 1440261108030.png (300x295, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:!X5EgHYhA!HK33eLCf0Ms9M18Zn3LDVw

you don't

Share EX2?

by downloading the program and using it

Hello friends
I am looking to release a translated version of this doujin, but I lack any image editing skills and think it would be better if someone who actually knows what they're doing helps me out with that part of the process
Bascally I'll provide a .txt saying what text goes where and then editor-san just needs to put stuff in place.
For reference, I was the one who translated this

I figured this might be a good place to ask for help on. Please send me an email at [email protected] if you want to help.

I wrote a guide here.

Is it really useful though? I never find the raws that I want.

I wish nips would use something simple like torrents, all this Share stuff sounds like rocket science to me.
Will this even work on Windows Sandbox or other VM?

Were you a time traveler? These day people just buy their own digital raw or ask the chinese

People arrested and sentenced in connection with haruka-yumenoato raw site

はるか夢の犯行グループの址 Ver3.0

・和宇慶真(わうけ・まこと)(22) 大阪府堺市堺区田出井町、主任、近畿大院生逮捕で無職
懲役3年6カ月の実刑判決 New!

・成合太彰(なりあい・たかあき)(23) 大阪府豊中市北条町3、IT関連会社代表、naritaka
懲役3年6カ月の実刑判決 New!

・吉井雄一(よしい・ゆういち)(37) 愛媛県松山市谷町、無職豚 丼?
懲役2年4カ月の実刑判決 New!

・山本匠(やまもと・たくみ)(35) 神奈川県、無職、ネカマ(キユキ)

・平谷充(24) 岡山県岡山市北区、会社員 Jそん
・時吉翔(23) 香川県高松市宮脇町、香川大学教育学部4年生
・熊谷祥一(55) 新潟県新発田市天王、無職
・原川俊史(40) 千葉県浦安市の無職男
・奥野智史(43) 和歌山市の無職
・大家洋介(42) 札幌市西区の無職

It's getting flagged by windows as a trojan.

Yes, it works on VMs. You need to set another port forwarding on the VM though.
The only hard thing is port forwarding. You would have to do it manually as well if the torrent clients didn't come with UPnP by default.

If you want chapter raws, there is a major uploader called やる気なし臨時FJ1SJO6883 that posts chapter raws from almost all magazines, even non-digital ones like Harta, 月刊アクション , ヤングキングアワーズGH, etc. I agree it sucks for tank raws, but you might be able to find an old obscure series that's not on usuall DDL blogs. Years ago Share used to be the main source of raws.

It injects code to patch Windows 8 compatibility, so no wonder.

wasn't this raid happened 2 years ago?

Takes time to go through the seized evidence and sentence people.

>Yes, it works on VMs. You need to set another port forwarding on the VM though.
>The only hard thing is port forwarding. You would have to do it manually as well if the torrent clients didn't come with UPnP by default.
Yeah, just tried it in Windows Sandbox, launches and works fine with that loader, even searches nodes and I get some file results but in the end log file throws a "disconnected due to port error" message. UPnP plugin threw "device not found" error and manual port forward on router also didn't seem to work so I gave up.
Not like I need it that much, was just curious how this thing works.

Anyone has font packs to share? My old HDD died wiping all my fonts.

How much are you paying?

lmao just add a white border to sfx senpai

What fonts do you guys use for doujin moans?

Ports depend on your router and ISP. In many cases the ISP doesn't even give you an external IP unless you ask them. You could also try a VPN.

Here you fucking go. Take it. Take it all!!X5EgHYhA!HK33eLCf0Ms9M18Zn3LDVw

Attached: scanlation crimes.png (424x288, 62K)

Could be ISP but I doubt it.
Might be my router is bugging out, dunno.
I'm too lazy to do a direct PC connection without router.

How do you guys export to png on Ps, most guides I found online say to use save for web but it seems to be ancient advice, is this still the best method?


Mouthbreather and A Little Pot

Yes, just do it onc and then set an actions, that or use image processor

>image processor
You mean external software?
Any recommendations?

I think it is. I wrote a script for it that quickly lets me do it in batches, and every time I've tried any of the png cruncher programs afterwards they barely shaved off a few kB.

The Image Processor is a PS script you can find in File->Scripts.

If there is a team out there looking for something to scanlate, WSC has a very interesting new series called 娑婆王: The King of Gladiators.

Attached: i-019.jpg (835x1200, 265K)

Is jcafe ever coming back?

juliet 116 when

I'm trying to translate something and I'm kinda confused to what this is suppose to mean. Any thoughts?

Some context would help.

as soon as confused wakes up, should be

felt and trashhand

dont they do this regularly the site owner forgets he has a website to pay for and it goes off line for a while until he remembers

First day at school and no panties

wearing no panties when you just showed up (as in new arrival at somewhere like class) is...
ganbatte tomodati, you will understand japanese if u read more and watch 10k hours of subbed anime

It used to be that the owner went backpacking during the summer or some shit and the site came back occassionally, this year it's down constantly since May

Make a bounty with pandabuxs.

Don't you just hate it when the two pages don't line up?

Attached: REEEE.jpg (2700x1920, 1.17M)

What's a good place to get fonts? I don't just to use Wild Words all the time

The mega that was just posted has literally two thousand files and I already feel like I made a mistake installing all of them at once

>I already feel like I made a mistake installing all of them at once

I'd be lying if I said it was any less shallow than having to type an extra character to get to Wild Words

For starters, when would anyone ever need 2000 fonts?
You probably start getting into the weeds by 20, let alone 200.

>categorize your fonts in groups or folders (main fonts/shouts/sfx/narration... etc)
>decide on a specific setup for each project before you start it
Having many fonts is important if you don't want all your projects to look and feel the same, especially since different genres need different fonts. That should help you not be overwhelmed with fonts while typesetting. I could give some recommended fonts for each category if you don't have much experience with them.

Yeah, but CAF is like 95% accurate in these situations as long as you add the correct number of pixels in between the pages, which isn't that difficult to figure out.

As far as I know, Windows becomes slower with too many fonts installed (I've noticed it too, but it could've been placebo). To avoid this, put the ones you will use only in Photoshop in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Fonts folder and Photoshop will load them at the start.

Also, as points out, it's better to organize the fonts. From CC 2015.5 onwards, you can use the font favorite option inside PS too.

Felt is trash
Mouth breather is trash

>Felt is trash
it's great for small text outside panels (like sfx explanations) though. But yeah, I wouldn't use it or Mouthbreather for the sfx themselves

Jesus user thanks a bunch.

>Windows becomes slower with too many fonts installed
I had heard that before, and that's why I asked. I was concerned it was going to fuck my computer if I were to install all of those fonts.

>put the ones you will use only in Photoshop in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Fonts folder
Thank you for the tip. I'll try this.

>when PS context aware fill fixes missing screentone from spilled text cleanup

Attached: 1565551012174.webm (1280x720, 238K)

Healing brush is fucking great for cleaning. The AI is the reason why no PS alternative is ever going to be better for scanlation.

I scanned an artbook. I think I might focus on artbooks for a while, I've scanned enough manga that'll sit by the wayside for now.

Wild Words has always seemed like a weird default choice; it's so wide that it doesn't fit in the bubbles as well as some of the narrower CC fonts

Has anyone ever encountered a thing where someone's default version of a font isn't compatible with your default version of the same font?

I'm trying to work on something in Photoshop using files sent to me by my typesetter and if I try to click on any of his text layers, I get this. If I okay it, the text completely reformats to my default without me even changing a letter.
The two of us have confirmed that we have absolutely identical settings in Photoshop. But his version of the font will have things like 103% of the vertical scale of mine, his 100% vertical tracking is 83.76% vertical tracking for me, so on. But this doesn't apply anywhere else in our text settings; they are perfectly identical for everything else and I can edit everything except for instances of this one particular font. What could the problem be?

Attached: message.png (494x182, 18K)

Yeah, we've had that problem once where I had newer versions of fonts installed and QC older ones. Fonts having the same name doesn't mean they're from the exact same file. We solved it by collecting all the font files from my Windows font folder that caused problems and him reinstalling those.

>We solved it by collecting all the font files from my Windows font folder that caused problems and him reinstalling those.
Not that user but I had the same problem, did exactly this (twice, even) and the problem persists. Could it be because I use CS6 and he CC 2019?

what should be the default choice?

don't listen to him, while there is no such thing as "default font" some fonts work better in certain manga than others. Blambot Classic will look good in Fire Punch but will just look silly in something like Kaguya. Wild Words is just the most "basic" font that ticks all the boxes for the average manga font, and fits any mood, that's why it's used so frequently.

I won't say it's impossible. I only have CC2015 installed, so it's not as if I could test it. We did both switch to the same PS version because of another issue. I think it was that CS6 can't display multiple layer outlines even in if you save the file with maximum compatibility. Newer versions also allow you to do some neat things with fonts, so it's possible the new version is saving additional information for text layers that the older version doesn't know what to do with.

>I think it was that CS6 can't display multiple layer outlines even in if you save the file with maximum compatibility
Yeah, we also had the same issue, so I told him to use my method.

>Newer versions also allow you to do some neat things with fonts, so it's possible the new version is saving additional information for text layers that the older version doesn't know what to do with.
Might be. Well, it's not like I'm going to test it out. Don't plan to update any soon. I've got another typesetter who uses CS6, will probably check with him instead.

When is the flood of C96 doujins likely to start? I know a few have already arrived onto the panda but I'm wondering how long the ones I'm interested in will take.

people have to drive home, i guess.
maybe when doujin shops get them,

Go to exhentai, search for the book from the circle form the previous comiket, see how much it took. You can't 100% predict anything when it comes to non-digital media with no dedicated release groups, not something as niche as doujinshi.

Something narrower.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-11 at 1.32.14 PM.png (697x265, 137K)

I shilled it on r*ddit a few days ago, but got 0 comment/upoboat

Try again, mayhaps? There can't be any hurt in it.

This thing looks too promising to be picked up late.

Attached: i-055.jpg (835x1200, 361K)

Maybe you can try it

I already have three series.

Great. My post got instantly deleted because I mentioned other site even though it's ontopic. Now I'm just waiting for the inevitable warn and vacation.

Attached: 1524691352362.png (565x541, 157K)

Very bizarre. I wonder if they actually read the post.