He looks far too masculine. He's skinny but his face is masculine
Why didn't they make him a trap
traps are a meme
because he is the mad scientist lanky guy.
Why didn't they make him a little girl?
There are few things as satisfying as a cute little girl smug because she knows something you don't, even if it's just how she got her hair to look like spring onions.
I'd let him fuck my ass if it weren't for that retarded onion hair.
Maybe he'll be more cute if he faces despair. Maybe that'll make him cute
That would be cute but he's fine the way he is.
Is this anime Rick?
Because most anime girls don't like science and even when they do, they're not fond of applied science. Only pure science. Wouldn't work.
Okay he looks very cute in that.
Just shop an onion on her head and you are good to go.
No need to be alarmed, you'll get a cute and very useful little girl in 2 weeks
That body is too small
traps make the best girls
Traps are joke characters, the only time they'll ever be MC is if that's the entire point of the show.
There's a doujin about this?
No this is cannon
>anime Rick?
More like anime Professor from Gilligan's Island.
Loli Senku would have a harem the size of the entire planet and that would be amazing.
No one could stop loli Senkuu, aliens would come to Earth and ask that loli Senkuu spits on them.
Too OP, he needed a nerf
>activate sister/brother instinct in kohaku/tsukasa
>charm gen with how cute she is
>cuter suika interactions
>age-gap yuri wedding with ruri
>loli torture with hyouga
There's no downside to this.
Gilligan's Island anime would work
>activate sister instinct in tsukasa
Yeah I think if Senku was a little girl then Tsukasa would not go commie
I wish I was a trap.
I wish you knew what communism was
Well sometimes it’s not too late but considering that you typed this I bet you didn’t have a chance. I’m sorry
you really don't want to be, it's a meme
I can't see him murdering Senku if she was a loli. Maybe just forcibly keeping her under house arrest or something.
>ywn see loli Senku be daily prison raped by Tsukasa's girthy cock
Friendly reminder Suika in 2 weeks
>Gilliam’s Island anime
Just realized how anime as fuck Gilligan’s island is already
What if he has onion pubes.
THe smell
Why isn't he an old dude who burps all the time?
Would be infinitely funnier than just this "le anime hair" man.