The african warlord priestess performs her countries native rain dance

>the african warlord priestess performs her countries native rain dance

Attached: 1564344029411.gif (500x282, 2.55M)

mayb i raep
t.general butt naked

General Butt Naked has found Jesus and regrets all his war crimes these days.

well that's good to hear

Isn't she closer to South Asian or South East Asian?

I'm pretty sure she's Polynesian or islander of sort.

Pretty sure that's a mating dance.

for whom?

omae wa da

Attached: bigtu guyto.jpg (900x599, 83K)

Attached: brown sugar.jpg (370x511, 96K)

Attached: brown sugar 2.jpg (960x540, 49K)

hmm, choco loli

Attached: 4fc17fa021179f04edc4cb78a3a9ed271321041200_full.jpg (354x341, 27K)


Azu-tan tiem

Attached: __nakano_azusa_kore_ga_watashi_no_goshujin_sama_and_etc_drawn_by_kenken__79b8ae07e3fbee44b9f16a03401 (757x1300, 565K)

She cute


I find this cringy especially considering that good animation and design was wasted on meaningless shit that supposesd to be cute.

I'm sorry for your gay.

stop insulting the gays user. not even gays would stoop to such level of faggotry.

Let me show you the dance of my people.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Net-juu no Susume - 09 [1080p]2.webm (1920x1080, 2.01M)

and a damn sexy one

b-but all brown people are niggers???

He's right, it's looks shitty and meaningless
Atleast waste the animation budget on hot fan service of her instead of monkey moves.


>A giant peach floats down the river

Attached: floating peach.gif (640x360, 463K)

t. libtard

How come you taste so good?

>good design
I fail to see it. Looks like your typical kyoani design to me. Brown girls should look more like pic related.

Attached: 04.jpg (982x1420, 268K)

That looks delicious.

R... Rukia?

This is traditional Japanese """dancing""" and yes it's fucking stupid. Imagine being such a soulless people.

It’s no wonder wonder they borrow so much from the west when this is the crap they originally have.