Now, who knows what of our future. We can all try to change the past. But only Isayama will know if our ship will become canon.
Shingeki No Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
Wtf is this canon? :O
Cute and canon
WTF did Eren rape Ymir Fritz in front of Zeke?
No, that's the baby Eren will have with Historia
But Historia fucked a farmer. The rest is just a crack theory by EHtists.
JM is cute and canon.
>Get away from my husband, stinky bitch
Annie doesn't like Armin
Not the user, but i think she like him a litle bit.
They had a good interaction during FT arc (the one before she shift)
Yeah sure
I can't wait when EH cucks learn that the farmer actually fucked historia
This, AA ship has more hints than EH will ever have. Just accept Farmer fucked Historia EHtists and stop polluting the threads
This can't be happening bros. Mikasa is supposed to be Eren's Carla after Historia died from childbirth.
>EHfags and EMfags are into incest
Explains a lot
>you can listen a plane
>AM will escape and have a child in another country
Mikasa is girly!
The perfect man for Armin!
N-not canon!
>Bonus novel compilation includes a story about Erwin writing a love letter to Marie
Mikasa doesn't like Armong.
Cute parents watching over their child.
I love how it's the same outfit with reversed colors.
This is too good to be true.
Damn, Isayama must really hate the ErwLfujos.
>I got Mikasa's name from the old Japanese navy's battleship “Mikasa.
>ships + ocean
Only Armin can make Mikasa float. It was there all the time we were so blind
Isayama is killing the ErwLfujos. Holy shit.
ZL is the true winner.
Armin's like: "wow, I've always wanted a bloodthirsty wife"
You opened my eyes, my friend.
She hesitated with BR though, she was just angry
>Make up interviews back in 2016 to help its ship popularity
>doesn't work
>comes back 3 years later and do the same
I'm sure the person who wrote pic related got bullied by a person like Jean.
YArmong is cute and canon, you can't avoid it
No one likes Armong
Kek I remember this. Especially the Jean part reminnded me of this
Apples drop besides the Tree,
Old man please,
Remember me
That first fake question would have made Armin more interesting but I guess Isayama didn't want him to say something bad about the most popular character
>I do
Shitnnie was just happy someone didn't hate her sinning ass. She didn't like him.
You are so stupid that you though a shitpost was real. I mean look at it, it's obviously meant to be taken as a joke.
kek did Jeanbo bully you?
>Annie just liked him, that doesn't mean she liked him
ok retard
Mikasa is jealous of Historia!
MIKASA is a whore(like erehis)
Why is he such a retard?
This was before EL DIABLO took control of his actions
>didn't hate
Dumb AAwhale
But it's really unneeded since Eren likes her and not Shitstoria
Zeke: "But... I'm in charge here!"
Eren: "Do you feel in charge, brother?"
she tries so hard, it's kind of sad!
>same color design too
This shit reeks of Oedipus complex.
Armin didn't hate her, which in turn made Annie like Armin(i'm not saying romantic, she obviously liked him as a friend at the very least). What is so hard to understand.
>tfw ErwLfujos get utterly BTFO
>same color design
>shows different color design
>That Jean
>Implying he won't masturbate anyways
>controlfags still trying so hard
I'd almost feel sorry for you if you weren't such hopeless retards.
God Carla is so cute bros
Ay mio peruanus
Right is obviously not colored since it's a manga panel but was it really hard to remember the pink/green color scheme of Historia's orphanage clothes?
El Bertolt alien, ay dios mio
Here's your pic btw, fucking goldfish.
This is autism. Isayama doesn't give a fuck about fucking clothes.
Still different
>EHcucks are brainlets
Nothing new
Holy shit Arminfags are pathetic.
Ahahaha fucking based
>pink and green is different from pink and green
When did he become so based?
When did he taste the royal pussy
God, this art is fucking terrible.
Eren will kill the manlet.
Is this on purpose or is Isayama just reusing dialogues? Falco's and Eren's (on the next page) blushing faces are almost identical too.
Red and turquoise is different from light pink and very light green
I know this is autism. But what was Isayama thinking when he painted Grisha in Eren’s shirt?
SnK comrades, do you have magnificent EH art, where Eren, as Atlas, holds the world on himself, and Historia sits beside him?
So terrible that it shouldn't even be called "art", user
>red and turquoise
This is really poor attempt at ignoring the similarities in the colors, user.
Shit user, i'm comparing the pictures you give me. It's not my fault that you first picked the most different ones you could find.
This one actually looks similar unlike the others. Are you happy now?
Here is trying to give us a hint. See .
*he is
Nothing, i don't understand the autism people have with the clothes in this board
You can't convince me BAsp**s aren't autistic 14yo girls after this
>Historia incapable of defending herself
>Eren presented as a macho man who unironically saves the world
EHtists are brainlets
Dumb LHfag samefagging
t. erehis(whore begging for money)
But that's a valid point. Imagine you draw a manga. Now you have to come up with clothes for the characters.
Will you just copy a design that already exists or will you draw something new?
There must be a reason he gave Carla and Grisha the same clothes like Eren and Historia. If it happened once it's laziness, twice it's intentional.
EHtists are indeed brainlets but Eren is unironically a dude with a 10 pack who walks around shirtless, if that isn't macho I don't know what is. The Atlas symbolism has been around since the Trost arc.
I don't even ship LH, but I love seeing ErwLfujos getting crushed.
>phoneposting again
Poor LHfag at it again
LHfags are not the only people who hate you, degenerate.
>ever crushed by bait
Mikasa transforms into Frieda?
>If it happened once it's laziness
In the cases of Grisha, it was once
>RHfags still exist
RH is the real endgame. Hope Reiner doesn't mind raising someone else's kid.
Reiner is a faggot so it's not a problem
What bait? Isayama has again confirmed Erwin as straight.
I'm not seeing any reaction to the news anywere.
Where are the japanese fujos sperging?
I want to be Eren's sex slave.
It's because it's bait
Does anyone know if the short stories in the new volume are written by Isayama? Or are they just more smartpass shit?
But Reiner already has his own child.
Oh well.
So fujos are still winning?
The love letter is real.
>This art
I'm so glad Cuckco is dead
I really hope Ymir won’t be the final big bad and that the source of the Titans is not Ayylmaos.
Marcel Berthold Eren Braun Galliard would have been a good boy
They are too busy drawing ZombieErwin eating Levi.
I do remember some -maybe smartpass- letter to Marie? Quite some time ago.
Am I misremembering?
Why are Reinerfags so salty?
I don't think Porco would name his son Eren.
But Reinerfags are Porcofags user
I don't know, I would imagine quite the uproar for it.
The volume has been out for a couple of days yet I see nothing.
Was EH really the whole point of the AU?
Just an EHtistic delusion mostly
Grim reminder
Cringe and EHtistic
The love letter is certainly real. How they're going to react is up to them. They might simply ignore it.
>tfw trying to figure out if Zeke is playing Eren or if Eren is playing Zeke
Kill yourself AApedo. That dumb BAfag is 24 yo (10 yo mentally)
What the fuck
its a bit of both
>love letter
Won't it be a letter written in his cadet years? Writting a love to a married woman is quite distasteful, unless is one of those that are never sent. But even then.
I fucking hate tumblr
That's actually true. Fujos have been losing their minds over the last FP.
He doesn't even fucking remember Historia's real name.
I just realised that EHtist is the contraction of EH and Elitist, wow EHbros we really are chads.
Were Erwin and manlet actually friends? Like did they hang out outside of work? Does manlet have any friends apart from Hange?
RH >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FH >>>>>>> EH
Zombie AU > some fanfic written by an autist
Couldn't give less of a shit about LH happening, I'm just glad to see your kind have your delusions shattered.
>Erwin’s “love letter” to Marie
This. Reiner and Hanji is endgame.
The fuck is wrong with Levi pedos?
>Won't it be a letter written in his cadet years?
Obviously. The point is, the fujos are once again reminded that Erwin likes pussy.
OH NOOOO! Titanbros, what happened?
>Can't tell "autist" and "elitist" apart
Everyone likes to experiment once in a while, user.
A callback to Eren's own clothing that reinforces the idea that they are indeed father and son. Now you can make what you want of the fact that Carla's clothes are the same as Historia's in Uprising.
>believing a fake
You are this naive user
Yes, I am now satisfied. Have a good day.
>Like did they hang out outside of work?
Isayama said Erwin, Manlet and Hange liked going drinking together, pic related (ignore the cuck thing).
>Does manlet have any friends apart from Hange?
I really don't think so, he had Farlan and Isabel but they're, you know, dead.
shitren uchiha
Fujo, Erwin loving Marie is canon in the main story, you know? And the fanfics in question are approved by Isayama.
Then I'm not worried
>what happened
One volume, brainlet.
Do you have a source on that first part? Because Isayama also said manlet doesn't drink
Still can't accept reality?
Isn't that just that only one volume has been counted while other titles have released at least two?
This is one thing I will never get, people bickering over ships or characters, that kind of makes sense. But actually feeling the need to argue over two completely different series as if they're football teams? How does one become so autistic?
Wait, didn't Carla wear these clothes before?
But he doesn't love her. That was a long time ago and he chose the titans.
Shitren Uchiha killed the hype.
Do you think Erwin made manlet suck his dick if he ever went against orders?
while I hate One Piece and OPfags It's obvious that this is a false flag.
You are probably the same HxH fag go die.
>Ever against Erwin's orders
Pls, even Petra says that he never disobeys Erwin.
Seems like the ErwLfujo is butthurt.
It was a tough week for her.
Fujos are all happy with the Zombie mop to the face though.
Still can't believe Isayama did that cover. He just loves torturing his fans.
>cute zombie AU
>crack cover
I'm glad Isayama did this. You ahve to be mentally ill to ship ZL in any case.
this means one-sided, right?
Not any of them but looks like the one namefagging was one ErwLfujo and not the AAfag like many were saying here
Like I like LH, I don't think it will happen just like ErwL was always friendship. I'm not going to get mad. Also I don't think spying EHfags from tumblr will change Eren impregnated Historia and you the only one obsessed with them so dont try to pin your shit onto LHfags now
Choosing his duty over his love doesn't negate said love, come on now.
Yeah and let's be honest Jean has had a hard on for Eren since they were trainees.
Did you seriously just quote Silvers theme from Sonic 06?
Based and canonpilled
and then you ask why I will never finish the ErwLH veteran fanart
Yes it does. Stop being retarded.
You should draw ZL
Seems about the kind of 13 year old philosophy you would expect from an AMfag.
>Eren impregnated Historia
EHtists are LHfags confirmed
I love how Eren doesn't give a shit about Levi.
You know it's funny ZL received more fanservice than ErwL. He always sounded kind of annoyed with them
Enjoy your last chapter before she gets chicken nuggeted by best girl Mikasa.
Nobody thinks they're gonna get canon anything with their ships (maybe EH's and EM's do but whatever)
You should kill yourself :)
>ErwLmod/EMcuck it's here
Hope you change your mind user
He never really did. Manlet is like the security guard or janitor at the school. Eren gets along with him but he's not important to Eren like the 104th are.
post yfw this
Fuck off attention whore, do it or don't, we are not gonna beg you
I won't.
Pretty sure the only info we have about Manlet drinking comes from that one Manlet-focused interview from a women's mag released in 2014. And it suggests he does drink too.
>muh projection
If anything she should thank them for buying his shit and making him a millionaire. You autists wouldn't shit over your benefactors.
Isayama is rich though, trolling becomes the priority once you are rich
I wouldn’t say he never did. He just lost respect for him as he grew up. Their conflict during the serumbowl might have also affected his opinion of him.
No it fucking doesn't. Stop being a raging autist who views the world in black and white.
There's an interview where Isayama says that manlet doesn't really drink because as an Ackerman he cannot get inebriated. But maybe he just goes along with ErwH and buys a drink to feel part of the group.
Not him but respect doesn't necessarily translate into care or emotional attachment, which is what Eren has for AMJC/Historia but not necessarily for his superiors.
I'm not talking about respect, manlet embodies the survey corps so of course Eren as survey corps fanboy used to greatly respect him. I'm talking about actually liking or caring for him. People speak as if the two were father and son but they were never that close. Eren is always much closer with MAJSC and manlet is just antisocial
So what about that new ball jointed Erwin doll?
No it doesn't. Erwin moved on. Shocking I know.
Is that Mikasa or Eren?
Who else laughed when Cuckco died? I did.
What's your problem with Porky, my friend?
Wow. No wonder Mikasa is so screwed up.
Eren. Mikasa is not that beautiful.
Nevermind I just figured out it's the YHfag who's mad that Porco killed Ymir.
>placeholder for a dyke
>fucking retard
>serves no purpose to the story
>baits regular spergs like sneed shitting the thread up
>PP = EH of Marley
Glad he died
t. Warriorcuck
I love her
>>placeholder for a dyke
And that's a good thing.
I would rather they have kept Ymiru
RH is endgame.
Hetero Jaws > Dyke Jaws
I want big Eren to breed me so I can give birth to Erenlets
Sorry, but I'm glad she died. Her story was over. She would feel out of place in the current plot.
Oh good, he's so beautiful.
Pls respond, I'm genuinely curious if this could be on purpose or if Isayamais just hacking again.
She should have never left Paradis.
Isayama clearly doesn't give a shit about Ymir. He didn't even drew her in the newest au, he probably forgot about her.
But Reiner and Hanji are far away user
Why would he draw her hurting Hisu? She would never do that
>low bait
Why is my autocorrect an atheist?
Reiner will find his one true love Historia and marry her.
Stuff like this is usually on purpose. That's why both EM and EH shippers are using it to validate their ship.
Not that user but move on just like Isayama. Even Boruto was mention here...
He forgot her true name and that she existed
Damn, Eren tapped THIS?!
Isayama hasn't moved on: AMJC are still alive and he doesn't know what to do with them
Because God is dead and we have killed him
Isayama's autistic so you can bet a lot of the shit that seems to parallel something drawn earlier was on purpose.
I think the primary purpose of that parallel though is not the shipping but to show how Eren and Falco are similar and hence why Eren cares about Falco and Falco doesn't hate Eren. I say this as one of those obnoxious shippers.
He doesn't need to draw her attacking Hisu or as an zombie. He even drew onion coupon but forgot Ymir.
They are still alive no matter how irrelevant they are.
Just your delusions, you fucking pathetic cuckren self-inserter.
Unironically dykeJaw was more useful than porcuck:
>chad yumiru(fake): saved all her """"""friends"""",defeathed alone like 20 mindless titans, saved erwin's life, partially obstacolated BR plan to kidnapping eren and allowed historia to became a good character.
>virgin pig: jobbed literally 3 times against eren (4 if we count the fight in liberio even if eren got helped by SCs), unable to kill eren with a surprise attack, only useful as nutcracker but for the enemy side and his only good action was sacrifice himself to save Reiner and probably gift the Jaw titan to a better shifter (CHADco)
What would she do if she stayed? Historia couldn't go through her development in Uprising if Ymir was still around.
Or imagine Ymir in RtS. After 90% of them died they finally reach the basement to find out something Ymir already knew. That would be awkward.
Even the current pregnancy plot would never work with Ymir.
She had to go in order for the story to progress in a certain direction.
>EHtism is simply posting a bunch of unrelated pages and claim your ship is canon
Lose weight
He did and he's very lucky.
>Seething Benmed
He still dreams about her, soon he will come and save her.
Check your blood pressure, man. You're not gonna last until next month if you keep screeching so much.
>He even drew onion coupon
Porco as well
>source: my ass
Or he just doesn't like AU Ymir. Understandable, I don't like that version either. Would have worked better as the bad girl type.
Based CHADco
Either they begin to trust Eren again or they don't.
He only dreamt about Bort though and didn't even give her a special mention here.
he was never told
To be fair he doesn't seem to give a fuck nor focus on most of the AU characters aside from a select few (Manlet in the beginning, EMA, Historia, can't think of anyone else).
>EHtist making retarded collages telling others to check their blood pressure
Hope the hanging won't be too painful once your delusions are crushed.
>Just your delusions, you fucking pathetic cuckren self-inserter.
>getting this riddled up for typical response to a fanart
Now I know why EHfags say you're obssesed.
Eren's female prize looks like THIS
To be honest a lot of the AU types get on my nerves. Jean and Reiner are the only ones that make sense. If the story does have an actual high school AU ending I hope it's the original one and not the game preview one.
He read her name in Ymir's letter and should have heard it during YH's talk
jeanchads assemble
How can Mankasa ever compete?
He was overseeing Ymir writing her letter and I'm pretty sure she spoke Historia's name out loud while the SC were chasing after them near the end of Clash. Maybe he simply cared too little to remember or was too used to Krista?
Don't worry, he will be disgusted when he learns Historia fucks farmer dick left and right
Wouldn't pre-timeskip historia have abs? Everyone in the SL, even Armin, had them.
Same. Even in normal movies or series I find HS settings boring as fuck
>"waaah muh EHtist this EHtist that!!"
Get a hobby, user. It's just getting sad at this point.
>Wanting Armin to be a moralfag
What's wrong with you
seriously tho, what happened? did she just take a bunch of t between the timeskip?
In the official art she didn't have abs. She barley made it into top 10 I don't think she worked out a lot.
cringe, flatstoria is flat
>EHtist making retarded collages tells others to get a hobby
So is Hisu Carla's or Dina's lost daughter? Decide already.
God no, don't mistake me for that fujoshit, i just respect Yumiru(fake) as character and i just exposed why jobco was a shitter Jaw titan then her
Yes she would, if Armin had you can bet Historia also did
With the way Isayama trolls everyone recently. I think he just wanted to hurt Araki.
It's fucking creepy and expensive as fuck.
But I love it and want one
>Ymir was a dyke
>Porco was a faggot
I don't get why are you fighting, Ymir died loving Historia and Porco died loving Reiner. Reiner is gay too
Why not both?
The evidence his right there, user.
Beautiful LGBT alliance.
They don't want to accept Eren always found Mikasa annoying. We can see Eren being Eren in the paths
Carla and Dina are Hisu's mom!
>non EHtists
Alma is Hisu's mom
I thought that Mikasa was Eren's mom. Or was that Hanjo?
Anatomically correct
>at least one more chapter of EZ in the paths guaranteed
I'm so happy!
Erwin said he likes Marie. That's it.
>Araki fanfiction
>Porco died loving Reiner
t. nobody
I just noticed Hisu is Carla's clothes but with Diana's palette of colors
Why not?
I don't know, I think the AU is pretty fun for the most part, and AM are unironically more enjoyable there than in the main story, mostly because exaggeration of existing traits can be done to entertain the readers without risk of hurting the story. I also kinda like Isayama's take on the Queen Bee/Stacy archetype since Historia's character lends itself well to the exercise when you modify her background, as well as Eren's and the fact that he's pretty much an eternally bored loser devoid of goals and ambitions without his freedomfaggotry.
Carla is Eren's mother. Mikasa is Eren's nagging wife. Hange is his weird aunt.
>This is the mind of a EHtist
I want to bully Baby Eren.
Not only that, Erwin wanted to have children when everything was over and even the volume 28 said they were friends
Officially Isayama requested more Petra scenes actually, and Levi's sword has Petras emblem on one part of the exhibition (need to find the photo).
Historia is Dina and Carla in one package. How can any other girl even compete?
Baby Ereh is for loving cuddles and showering with kisses. No bully
Hers are probbably least defined though.
Where the fuck was I talking about EH? I was talking about Historia's design
What even happened to her killing autism? It used to be worse than Eren's
>starts repeating himself like a broken record and becomes unable to come up with his own reply when called out on his crippling autism
You really do need to get help.
>the shingeki no kyojin was inside you all along eren
and gigcuck said it the best manga/anime unironically
>need to find the photo
Retconned so she can adapt to Armong. Armong was a mistake, Erwin should have lived
Porco was gay
Just leave it alone. It's been sperging for hours and it will most likely keep doing so until it goes to sleep.
She stopped being 15 years old, not everyone gets stuck in a chuuni phase
Yeah, he seemed very controlled this chapter indeed.
I do enjoy the AU and I know it's just for fun but imo the characters are very different to how they would actually behave. Mikasa is only an emo because of her trauma, before that she was a normal girl, she wouldn't be a goth. Armin is a nerd but I see him as a science freak much more than an otaku. Eren would absolutely be a bored loser in the real world but he's way too vanilla. In reality he would constantly be skipping lessons and hopping over the school wall to go explore an abandoned building or doing some rebel without a cause shit. Historia as the beautiful blonde fits the queen bee role well but ultimately I don't think she would turn out so heartless to others.
Why do Jeanfags and Arminfags fight so much over which character gers to be a silver medal?
Only EHtists analyze the clothes the characters wear, because that's the only way they can validate their ship.
Erwin and manlet were close comrades but his romantic feelings for Petra were never confirmed. Cope.
To show that Grisha is an important part of Eren's life?
ÂżPorque no los dos?
>I don't think she would turn out so heartless to others.
It's kinda believable.
Don't hide behind LH now ErwLmod
Why does Eren love Hisu so much?
>Eren pimped Shitstoria out to get revenge for her shitting on Armin
Absolutely based.
>Hope Reiner doesn't mind raising someone else's kid.
He already raises Falco and Gabi
I know we make fun of Mikasa but i really can't blame her for wanting to fuck with Ereh.
Just be thankful that it wasn't manlet
I mean, she still technically made it above Armin and dozens of other trainees, which is nothing to scoff at. Unless of course she was just really that low and Ymir had to do more than just slack off to get her into the top 10.
But this is the same Historia who spends all her time looking after orphans. She's not perfect but she doesn't treat people like ants the way bitchstoria does.
>ctrl+f ehtist
>16 results
You're fucking mentally ill.
Shut the fuck up fujo. You clearly don't understand how normal relationship between men work.
Dumb fujo, leave LHbros out of this
Yes, being attracted to women is what straight means
>Erwin and manlet were only close comrades and I ship LH
>Sneed + ErwLmod
Sweet lord
AU Eren has no drive to do something like that.
What are bi's?
Make Historial all about Eren
Know Historia is a character of her own
Icecream with Annie!
>He insulted me, he must be mentally ill
EHtists everyone
She had Ymir to help her at any step.
>tfw you realize his death will be overshadowed by Eren's "death"
>Episode 22 (Big Brothers and Little Brothers) - Chapter 118 (Page 09 on), 119
Feels bad.
Drive isn't want pushes people to do that, boredom does.
Fuck off fujowhale
>the icecream is Annie's impaled body
Hisu loves ants. Looking at them makes her feel calm.
Not for me, I will always remember our heroes Porco and Colt.
Eren is the kind of neet that would prefer to lie down on his bed rather than go outside and do things.
Porco's death scene was the best in the series after Hannes' desu
Gabi and Eren have multiple parallels so far
Too obvious.
>>He insulted me, he must be mentally ill
No you colossal mongoloid, you're mentally ill because you made more than 15 posts arguing on vietnamese bakery forum about fictional ship.
>alinajames (whore) is here
You couldn't be more wrong. Go re-read the whole manga.
This ant bit her on the head.
Stop hiding behind LH LPfag
Porco is my favorite gay character
He is, Porcofag
He is a big ant.
Maybe it's her image, but she was never drawn with abs before. She was supposed to be the cute waifu/yuri bait after all.
>burgers hours is literally falseflaggers baiting other falseflaggers
So she kills herself to save Falco and Reiner later?
Hisu is like a mix of Dina and Carla.
So do you, but for some reason that doesn't make you mentally ill
Show me proof Porco was ever interested in men you dumb gopnik
Jokes on you I'm baiting behind 5 fags :}
But I'm a yuro.
Eren's is more shocking but Porco went out like a boss. He will be remembered
Pieck is my 7th favourite straight character.
Calling it now lads. The next chapter title will be "Father".
Eren was a neet before Armin shared his dream with him. Without a big purpose Eren doesn't know what to do.
Porco was Reiner's tragic lover, makes sense
>Cute and canon
We are seeing Grisha's memories.
Why the fuck would we get anything about Eren's?
Historia is a pretty self-focused individual at heart though, and her motivation to help others which she found in the cave mostly stemmed from her own personal experience as an unloved child and her wish to prevent more children like her from having to deal with the same shit she dealt with.
There's no real telling how an Historia who got pampered since childhood or grew up in a high class and/or sheltered environment would act, and I think Stacystoria is one of the plausible routes her character could have taken in those circumstances. She'd be Historia still bit the self-centerdness would take precedence over the rest since her identity/abandonment issues and the resulting need to brandish a facade to be appreciated by others would have no reason to exist, and she'd be fully aware of the power and agency she has over her schoolmates.
He killed himself to save Reiner(his lover)
Too bad Sneed made a lot dislike that character. He was too bland too
>Why the fuck would we get anything about Eren's?
When did I say that we are going to see Eren's memories?
Explain Isayama giving Grisha the same shirt as Eren.
Well that's one big fucking ant. Is Stacysu into insectophilia by any chance?
>alinajames (whore) sucks at trolling
Who is this beautiful girl?
This one is going to destroy minds if it gets confirmed
It would be nice but I don't think Isayama has the balls
AU Armin, Mikasa, manlet and Hisu are pretty decent
>doesn't deny that he's mentally ill
Now we know who we are dealing with EHbros.
Also the post I called you mentally ill was my first post in this thread, but whatever floats your boat.
Helping or not won't suddenly make you better than every other fellow trainee bar the top 9, though. Either she already had what it took to get there with some help, either Ymir did some non-catholic things to get her there.
>Petras emblem
What the fuck is even that?
Porco loved Reiner.
Eren's purpose has always been to be free. That's why you thinking he would be content to sit idly at home all day is completely wrong. It's always his destiny to try and go where he is told not to go or to change the status quo. Seeking freedom is just who Eren is.
Willy Tybur (16)
Brainlet here, what did she mean by this?
Not him but Eren would have been that neet without Armin awakening his freedom boner. Both main and AU Eren needed a trigger, but in the AU he hasn't found one yet (or at least none that wasn't a ridiculous dream).
Stop telling yourself that fujo. He didn't and they didn't spend that much time together.
This, fuck off. This kind of baiting stinks of female, too. Your art isn’t even that good.
This, RP and PP are both headcanons. They were only friends
every single post with "EHtist" or "EHtism" was made by the same person
Here. He will survive.
Making fun of Mikasa. Imagine Mikasa's rage if Eren is actually the father.
The freedom boner is always with Eren. Killing titans or seeing the ocean are just specific goals to justify the need for freedom but whether or not he met Armin, Eren would always seek freedom.
The only canon gay character is Zeke.
shes telling Mikasa to back off from her man
Asking why Mikasa showed Eren parts of her body that she hasn't shown anyone else.
Making fun of what exactly?
Now that Mikasa lost the Erenbowl what will happen to her
Grisha's memories will just give Zeke more fuel if they go all the way to the end of his life and stop there. We already knew he was a good father to Eren until he dumped everything onto him, but Eren making the best of that burden and walking his own path while finding renewed faith in the inherent value of existence is something only he would only be able to convey through is own memories.
>Eren's purpose has always been to be free.
Incorrect, he was just a bored kid before Armin told him about the land outside the walls
LGBTards ruin every fandom they touch
I wonder how Mikasa would react towards Historia if EH happened. Would she accept it? call her a bitch for stealing Ereh? Or just become depressed?
Basically this, we know Grisha will kill the Reiss and we know he will use his own kid without telling him anything. Sorry but Uncle Zeke soon
If EH was real there's no way Historia would behave like this
Her crush on Eren and being an autist.
Incorrect, Eren has always wanted to be free. If it weren't Armin's books, something else would have made Eren join the survey corps and go beyond the walls. Eren even says in 84 that he forgot about Armin's dream a long time ago.
You can't argue with those quints, EH is over bros
I think she would be relieved? To know she can move on. Though EH didn't need to happen to see Mikasa never had a chance
She may never find out if Eren died.
and Reiner.
You know what, nevermind. I'm going to ask again in non-burger hours.
Who knows. She wasn't strong but she was fast and agile at least.
EH is real exactly because she behaves like that.
>oh Mikasa you are the person i trust most!
>secret meetings with Eren literally confirmed.
Eren wasn't seeking freedom until he realised he was actually living in a cage, which is what Armin showing him the wonders of the outside world achieved. I don't know what you get from denying what he stated himself very clearly in chapter 73. Without that drive he's empty, and the AU is just a reflection of such a scenario.
>Eren has always wanted to be free
Because you keep repeating it won't make it true, the fact remains that before Eren met Armin he didn't care about freedom.
>Armin is a nerd but I see him as a science freak much more than an otaku
Armin has never been shown to being very interested in scientific stuff like how titans work or developing new weapons like Hanji has. His biggest motivation was going to the outside world and escaping from his sad life of getting bullied all the time, so escaping to animu and video games irl makes sense for him.
As for Mikasa we barely know anything about her from before the Ackerhax fucked her brain other than she used to like nature. I guess the gothkasa thing is just a way to make her a funny stalker.
>quads of death
EHtists btfo
user, I literally have you the straight up answer. Historia is teasing Mikasa because she showed Eren the tattoo and no one else, so she's implying Mikasa has special feelings for Eren. It's really fucking obvious. Don't you ever imply I'm a burger again.
Looks like EH won't happen after 120.
She was trying to bond with Mikasa but the latter's autism led to everyone and their mom interpreting the scene as Historia teasing her about her crush, because Mikasa's character is just that limited to her lust for Eren.
>arguing with quints
>Episode 22
Would 119 happen that late in S4? With that kind of pacing the manga should be over with volume 31
And shipperfaggots, and characterfags, and poltards, and baiters and- oh wait that's everyone already
Hannes death scene was overshadowed by Mikasa being a thirsty slut before Dina even finished eating him.
The best death scene of the series was unironically Armong's and he didn't even die.
We're getting to the climax. It will probably be over with volume 31.
Lets be serious for a second. I feel like EM will never happen even without EH. The entire Hizuru plotline is to give Mikasa a place as her endgame without Eren.
Fucking hell read the manga.
>Eren tricks Zeke
>Zeke out smarts Eren
>Eren is playing 4D chess
She'll fuck Eren Jr.
Reminder that Hisu is older than Eren
>canon gay
fuck are you smoking?
What I keep trying to explain to you is that Eren has always been the type of person to seek freedom and defy the status quo. That he was made aware of the ocean and the titans is just how things turned out, but he would have gone beyond the walls inevitably one way or the other.
There are still way too many loose ends to resolve in 6 chapters.
>I saw the look in your eyes
He's not wrong. What motivated Eren was being a freedomfag, not an oceanfag.
What is Armin's endgame?
I was actually making fun of you for repeating the same thing over and over again to try and make it true.
2d girls
Some rock or something idk
Bros, how do i get myself an Armin son
She used to be a normal girl, happy too. That's what we know about her.
Being overshadowed by the Yeagerbros
This. All of this. The AU is fun, but the characters definitely don't feel like they have much connection to their canon selves, more like there was a checklist of HS stereotypes that needed to be filled.
Becoming a victim of his own ARF
Impregnate a pig.
I included the bottom panels for a reason. If you don't want to be accused of being a burger, don't act likeone.
You don't need to be a rocket scientist or an EHfag to realise that EM was pretty much dead in a ditch the moment Isayama decided to write an entire arc Eren would spend bonding with an ex-supporting female character right after giving EM the one single memorable moment their relationship ever had, a moment which was incidentally never adressed again nor portrayed as relevant to Eren's character beyond the fact that he managed to unlock the Coordinate at that time.
I almost feel sad for the people still clinging to this ship when the narrative has neglected them for dozens and dozens of chapters and pretty much buried them and spat on their graves last december.
>the characters definitely don't feel like they have much connection to their canon selves
Because in the canon they all have autism, pstd, fear, etc unlike the high school verse where they all don't live in fear and tragedy.
Achieve world peace through dialogue and diplomacy after killing Eren "El diablo" Yeager
>r*ddit humor
Why do people even like EM? It's literally unhealthy for Mikasa, she only likes Eren due to her Ackerautism.
Not funny.
Didn't laugh.
>she only likes Eren due to her Ackerautism.
>no full zombie OVA starring EMARHS
Even ledditors can tell how useless Armin has become
I never said that the ocean was his motivation. The original argument was that Eren in the AU is OOC because he wouldn't sit on his ass doing nothing when the whole point of his AU self is to be devoid of drive for freedom that pushed him forward, which was triggered by Armin's book of wonders in canon, and wasn't triggered at all or at least not yet in the AU.
Taking the High School AU seriously is like getting upset over that story about Batman ending up in Feudal Japan.
Cope. If it wasn't for Armin in ch 119 Eren would've died without connecting with Zeke.
Goths aren't emos and emos aren't traumatized kids. Is just a "cool" aesthetic combined with teenager angst and the need to fit in something.
I think a lot of anons here were to young to be in HS or MS during the emo/scene kids times.
She has lived with Eren for ten years. Even without Ackerautism she has more reasons to be in love with him at this point than Armong does for Annie or Falco does for Gabo.
*If it wasn't for Onyankopon
Isayama said that he wanted to implement it into the story in some way and the past chapter confirmed the AU exists in canon
>gopnikslut is here
If it wasn't for Onyakopon's mother giving birth to him*
Not even an EMfag, but why is enjoying a ship that isn't canon such an unheard concept in these threads? There's still tons of content created by fans and you're still able to enjoy possibilities between two characters. Once the manga ends, that's all we will have left anyway. I unironically don't get it.
He wasn't the one fighting.
Riding Yeager cock
Get ready for die.
>Is just a "cool" aesthetic
It's music reeeeeeeee
Well yeah but Eren doesn't feel the same for Mikasa
Many people here are very insecure.
That would be like winning the child lottery
I don't think that Zeke wants to fuck Armin
You mean like that one crying EHtist everytime EH is mentioned?
And Historia
Is someone here who like EM who can explain the appeal to it? I personally never liked it even before EH was a thing(I used to like EA) I also never liked YH.
I think that user mostly refers to EMfags who were convinced it will be canon. And come on, they were very rude and arrogant for years attacking everyone who doesn't agree with them.
>everytime EH is mentioned
When's the time EH isn't mentioned?
EM is unironically depressing to watch, just a girl with autism begging to be noticed by a guy who ignores her. Even fujo fanarts are less cringe than EM
>shares the same gay birthday (Reiner's)
>afraid of vaginas
>waaaaa m-muh daddy issues!
stop being so deluded, faggot-kun
Don't put words in my mouth, please. I never said EMfags shouldn't enjoy their ship just because it's dead, it'd be like claiming people shouldn't create content for crackships just because it'll never happen (and we know that hasn't stopped anyone before considering the amount of fujo art the fans pump out every hour). It's just that given the turn the story has taken since chapter 51 onwards, I'm feeling bad for those who like it and have to deal with the author's neglect and seemingly intentional bashing.
Use google.
I don't think Armin has a say-in here
Is there anyone who can explain why the anime pushed so much for EM besides
>muh delusions
>muh Isayama was forced
Araki is a EM fag
What do you mean?
Pierrot shilled the fuck out of IchiRuki and still didn't happened.
>ctrl+f EHtist
>22 fucking results
I an genuinely concerned about the mental health of some of the posters here. We will soon go back to 60-120 deleted posts per thread?
It's always Araki...
>EHtists flipping about being called out
We need an accurate label for you retards
And how did it felt in the anime? Out of nowhere?
>She has lived with Eren for ten years
If anything she should see him as a brother, then. And that only explains her obsession with Eren (without really making a case against its unhealthiness), it doesn't explain what makes the ship as a whole appealing.
he's an autist not fag.
Most of the WIT staff were EMfags, but it's pretty clear that Isayama isn't.
Mikasa saw her parents killed in front of her and second mother a year later. No shit she's been overprotective of the only family she had left. Though gradually she's learned to rely on others to protect the ones she loves and open up to more people. And Eren learned to respect and apreciate Mikasa more too.
Not him but pic related was definitely oit of nowhere, as well as quite a few additions and straight up deletions that only ended up hurting Mikasa's character.
That's still
>muh delusions
I meant if EH becomes canon in the anime.
So basically Mikasa was obsessed but then became a little less obsessed and Eren stopped calling her a pain in the ass every other minute after he sorted out his own issues in Uprising? That's cool I guess.
I have no idea what you even mean by "muh delusions".
I don't even like it very much but it isn't very hard to find the appeal for it
>long running unrequited crush getting acknowledged
>childhood friends growing into something more
>muscle girl fetish
>overpowered character showing soft side when next to the person they love
It's honestly has got more going on for it than EA which has reeked of side pairing that never goes anywhere ever since the start.
As for YH it had "babby's first yuri romance" going on for it and did have a lot of shipbait until Ymir killed herself.
Yes but you're strawmaning
Calling professional anime staff who likes EM delusional. Simple as that.
I'm just wondering why would Isayama approve of any of this if he had planned a differend thing entirely.
I like YH for the tragedy. Two people promised each other to live for themselves only to fail part ways.
I didn't call the staff delusional though. But whatever preference of pairing they might have doesn't reflect in the manga one bit. Now if you want to take said preferences as a proof or evidence that EM is canon or happening over what's in the actual manga, feel free.
I get what you're saying but at least adress the other points I made.
>the ErwLfag being a EMfag wasn't a joke