ITT: Anime noone should watch

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every show relying solely on this character design

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The Future Arc killed whatever hope Reborn had of being at least a mediocre battle shonen.

Dr. Reddit

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i liked it a lot

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Currently on episode 90 or whatever of KHR. It is actually worse than Boruto. It's not even funny how god awful this show is.

i hope you plan on dropping it soon. nothing good will come out of watching it to the end.

I want to finish every long running shounen but I think this is the first one I actually drop. It's jusat absolutely god awful.


Why bother watching something without an end?

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>I want to finish every long running shounen but I think this is the first one I actually drop
Some kind of attempt to suicide by braindeath?

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Nein, I like anime fights a lot.

Read the manga instead

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Stfu kid. It was good back in the days.

it ended when gon found his dad
everything else is just extra

"It was good back in the days". So you're implying that it is no longer good?

Hey, at least it gave us a Toshihiko Sahashi ost.

The manga is shit too.

The Varia Arc was good.

Toshihiko is a genius, wish they got him doing more stuff

The best thing to come out of SEED was his work.

So fucking good, shame it's attached to such mediocrity.

I liked a certain point

And who are you to tell me what do I have to watch?

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Finish your thread OP
>ITT: Anime noone should watch but watched it anyways.

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Great music though, I still listen to the OP/ED compilations