
Is Kirito really that much worse than other seinen harem protagonists?

It seems like a lot of the criticism of him is political...

>asuna is better
>women should not be sexualized
>girl gamers exist, ya sexist, you don’t need to monologue
>self-insert characters are written for incels


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is that a fucking spinner

no, but he's the worst of anybody with his popularity. the extra hate is from 2 groups: casuals who just found out how shitty anime can be, and people who are fine with shit occupying a nitch but not with it gaining popularity.

Kirito is harmless for an escapism MC. People are going full on assmad because he made a lotta money like this faggot

I don't do well with "trapped in VR" plots.

Throwing in a sorta-sex-scene via the novel version was what fucked it up for me.

I'd honestly wished that the REAL Asuna was some fat fujoshi landwhale just the prove the case of how harsh reality is.

But you know. Animu. It needs to cater to the losers watching it.

Where the fuck are you reading any of that criticism? The plot has more holes in it than swiss cheese; that's why most of Yea Forums tore it apart while the first season was airing and didn't bother with the later ones. Kirito is just bland. Can you even name anything distinguishing about him? It's gotten better over time, but I'd never call it great. It's too dependent on its original shitty premise back when Kawahara was a much worse writer.

>cute little sister has a crush on her older brother
Yeah, I wish I was Kirito.

Looking objectively, its not that bad. The hate is overblown really, this doesn't mean it is free of criticism but damn it gets too much of it.

>Is Kirito really that much worse than other seinen harem protagonists
do people really care about the character of a self insert? I thought the point was for them to have as little as possible, which would make him a great example

> He actually thinks Kirito is the self insert.

the absolute literally fucking me

objectively, SAO is fucking garbage. the rest is all about having extremely low standards and/or being desperate for a self-insert, at no point can it be question of finding good points in the story, because there are none.

> Imagine thinking that taste can be objective.

You're a fucking retard user.

Compared to all the isekai that follow it, at least SAO was somewhat comfy and comical because it couldn't be taken seriously, yet tried to be a drama. The main redeeming point of SAO is some of the animation and the music is pretty good. I still don't think it's any worse than 1/2 of this isekai shit they come out with. I would watch SAO 10x before I rewatched that smartphone nonsense.

Its the low hanging fruit of the anime community, anybody can criticize and immediately look refinated for daring to shit on something popular

The problem with SAO and Kirito is that they are crappy stuff that gained too much popularity.
When something become so massively popular people start to question why. And when they don't find any good reason the bashing will start.
And this is seinen too? That's even worst. From a seinen people expect higher standards.

>From a seinen people expect higher standards.
Not sure why since seinen is just a demographic and not an indicator of quality.

Cause older audience is supposed to have higher standards.


For the same reason you can make a child laugh making fart noises with your armpits, but you need a witty well timed joke to make an adult smile.

>but you need a witty well timed joke to make an adult smile
Please. All you need is a laugh track.

Taste is not objective, but quality is.

You can enjoy eating shit all you want, but if you claimed that it's a good dish, you'd be lying.

Sitcoms and stand-up are universally considered shit-tier though. Good comedy rarely has canned laughs or rely on fart sounds.

The point still stands that adults are expected to have better taste and be more critical of their media than children when it comes to anime. Buy we're talking about the same generation that turned most of the industry into yuribait lolicon, so of course they have shit taste.

SAO is part of the reason we have so much garbage isekai in the first place. Is it fair to blame it for even lazier copy cats? Maybe not but it somehow being popular really sheds light on two different groups. The people who pump out this crap and the people who are dumb enough to buy it.

Nice trips and I agree with you completely. I just think it's worth noting that SAO at least as far as eye candy is way better than almost all those isekais and has way better music. The plot is absolute shit though nobody really denies this right?

This; it's was a bit of a perfect storm thing. It's not Kirito's "fault", but somebody had to take the blame eventually, and of course it'd be the one that got popular.

He’s not a seinen harem protagonist. He a shounen harem protagonist.
Seinen is for older mature people like us

>bending game programing by sheer willpower

Yeah. But the plot's derangement is what gives makes it so beautiful. Too many of its bog standard clones try to edgier or quasi self-aware and it doesn't work.

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I dunno, Berserk lost its balls for the most part after a while and Gantz is stupidity that transcends will powering through programming.


I preferred O MY (not) DUAL WIELD more in the dumpster fire that was Alfheim.

As much as SAO is pretty not good, the fart sniffing faggots who think they have standards will always be worse than escapism that jumped the shark.

Because most likely the commercial success of some story is also characterized by its ability to intercept people's tastes at a specific cultural moment. There may be works that are qualitatively good, but are not in tune with the public's way of thinking at their time, so they do not get the visibility they deserve.
We are in a cultural moment where SAO has intercepted what the Japanese want at the moment.

SAO showed up at the right time and right place. I personally deserves every iota of money and popularity it gets based on all the autismos who get mad about its sillyness/shallowness. Any show that can cause such absurd levels of pseudo intellectual assmad among autistic Youtubers deserves absolute victory

It absolutely doesn’t. I wish there were lots of copy cats of people doing it better though. Why does this get popular when log horizon and accel world don’t even get another season?

Log Horizon is boring beyond common sense/had a terrible season 2

Accel World runs purely on "bad popular book's movie adaptation failed catastrophically, so its perfectly fine to like it logic" like Eragon and Ready Player One. Also tryhard anti self-insert MC.


>Accel World runs purely on "bad popular book's movie adaptation failed catastrophically,

It seemed to me that people were not able to go beyond the fat protagonist. Even if it had been a masterpiece, nothing would have changed.

>Log Horizon is boring beyond
>It didn't have teh special epic sword attack main hero. It was teh gay. I didn't like the talk.


The Dark Lord who wrote SAO didn't need to make Haruyuki so tryhard. I know he wanted to avoid the sins of the Black Swordsman, but Japanese Rob Liefeld went way too far and ended up with a 7/10 show held back by a Cartman caricature.

Log Horizon's politics are as aimless as Overlord's politics, but less masturbatory power fantasy wank. Even .hack and its slow moments had a planned endgame. SAO, as much as its not good at least has ending points you can vacate and forget the show

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This js why we can't have nice things. A smart support MC is too gay for people. It doesn't have epic sword battles and waifus that literally suck the MCs cock.
They don't like the TALK

Gigachad here, take notes.
I dropped the entirety of this franchise after the titans hand encounter.

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Log Horizon's issues stem from being aimless and no real stakes. DEEN season 2 doesn't help either.

.hack was smart and had stakes (Dumb MMBN final boss tier stakes near the end, but it felt like it had goals)

>Not the Sachi episode
>Or episode 1 because no sane company would give VR helmets that can fry brains

You have yet to learn the true art of SAO being bad.

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Yeah what's the point in watching attack on titan without titans

Holy kek, I thought the "everyone who doesn't agree with me is an SJW" thing only applied to political ideas, but now you faggots are actually trying to justify your shit taste in anime with it

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>good taste

Just as bad as the escapist MMO trainwreck.

Your reminder that badly written irredeemable filth that justifies murdering (and maybe fucking the corpse of the hack author) like SAO won over things like Log Horizon and Accel World is because the former has no actual goal in sight and the latter crippled itself by going full retard with the anti self-insert.

If you're going to "respect the intelligence" of your braindead subhuman audience, have a reasonably achievable goal in your story or don't write try hard trash like Haruyuki.

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>Log Horizon's issues stem from being aimless and no real stakes

I didn't realize the complete downfall of society and the psychological effects of a constantly suffering an inescapable deathless world where low stakes. Oh wait I guess stakes just mean body count. Ennui? That ain't no thing.

Hating moe is like hating anime and whole Japanese popculture. All moe haters are equally retarded.

Funny how most time I see somebody talk how OP mary sue he is they bring moment when he tanked some useless scrub PKers

Hahaha you have no idea. Have you actually seen a manga magazine for young adults? They're full of random smut or edgelord crap.

Among many, many others in a universe of ever changing rules.

Shame things had to end up this way

seethe more log horizon fag
>boring characters, forgettable ost, forgettable storyline
>i-it gets better i promise
>s2 is all of the above except it's even more shit because who cares about shitty world politics in this kind of show

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>>i-it gets better i promise

Vs what

>I..ignore part 2.

The second season was actually better because it had the raids where he died in that raid and then they won afterwards. That’s when log horizon peaked


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Y'all ready for 20 episodes of his distressed groaning?

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>objectively, SAO is fucking garbage
objectively, you are a faggot and your opinions are shit

He has character development at least in the first half, and the trust issues he has during that arc are decent.

Honestly SAO isn't as bad as people say it is. It's a 5/10 at worst and a 6/10 at best. It's no worse than any other mediocre anime.

SAO is older than spinners


He's more like a symptom of bland LN protagonists in general. If it wasn't him, it'd be someone else.

I mean there's plenty of justification in the series for viewing it as an exploration of mind-body duality, there's a ton of great sakuga, a catchy OST, a cool aesthetic, recognisable character designs, a smooth fast pace (at least for the Aincrad arc) etc. so I don't think that's a fair assessment.
The problem with the series, and the reason why most people dislike it beyond the surface level of it having fanservice, is that it overdoes the exoneration of the protagonists at every opportunity - Sachi had the foresight to tell Kirito it's not his fault, the villains are comically evil (barring Kayaba), the background characters are all 100% dependent on their success, and so on. If that doesn't bother someone much then it may well be a legitimately great series for them.